Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Vicki, some people just have opinions they should keep to themselves. Shocking!!

Had another scan today and then saw the doctors. He is about 6 1/2lb at the moment, so still in the normal range. They are still telling me to watch my weight and cut carbs more to control my levels. It's so depressing! They wanted to see me for another scan at 40 weeks but agreed I can be induced at 39 weeks :)
Vicki some people are idiots. There your babies so it's up to you. Have my fingers crossed for you.

Bev do you have an induction date??

Becky well I guess the next week or so you'll know what's going on..... Fingers crossed no witch! Little people love boxes! From our unpacking I made Corban a box house and he loved it! Haha!!!! All good fun.

10th dec, if they have room, have to call on the day!! Can't believe they agreed so easily. So three weeks to go :) xx
Omg!!!!! Crazy! 3 weeks till you meet your rainbow! Unless he decides to come early xxxx
Bev: I'm jealous, you get to go before me! 6.5lbs sounds perfect. Let's hope the next three weeks go quickly for all of us.

Vicky: how rude of that man to make such a comment! You know what is best for your family. He can make decisions for his family. How are you feeling otherwise?

M2C: anytime we have a large box we make Charlotte a house. Always more fun than whatever came in the box.

Afm: yesterday's appointment went well. I go back next Tuesday and am meeting with my old doctor (who I dislike) as my doctor will be out and I'm getting a sonogram to check my fluid levels (since they were so low with dd). Anyway, I realized that next Tuesday is one day away from when I learned of the pmp last year (it was a Tuesday appointment). The appointment was in the same office with the same sonographer and same doctor I'll be seeing this coming Tuesday. It is freaking me out. Instead of focusing on the fact that I am about to give birth all I can think about is what if they have bad news for me again. I hate to be such a pessimist, but I went into that appointment in November 2012 an optimist and came out a different person. Sorry for being such a downer.
I know people are stupid. But man i wish i had a quarter everytime asked me how i doing or if i am sure its only one and the your due anyday right. The other day the lab tech was like hope u start feeling beettter soon. Really in what world are u living in. Fist i need to have her second i need to heal from a c-setion before i start feeling better soon.... I thinking right before i go into hospital to have her i will have my husband take 1 side belly picture. Looking down or at it in a mirror it not look big but looking from the side i do look like there is 2. Good thing those kund of us mistakes arent made very ofter cause i would be in shock if i had that happen.

Vicki, sorry the man was an idiot. Definitely ignore him!

Bev, vegas, hope its not much longer xx Bev, especially if its 10th dec! And 6.5pounds is a nice size xx

Vegas, I was due with Marcy a week after we found out about the pmp 12 months on. It was so healing to hold her. I know it is hard but think positively. It is almost time to have your bub and you will be holding them soon. This is a very different appointment. Take every kick and uncomfortable poke from your bub as the reassurance that everytime is ok. Where I live we have 2 options for sonographers. I seem to get the same one each time. She was really lovely when I saw her with Marcy. She remembered me and tried hard to make it a nicer experience. Will be thinking of you xx
Vegas, jacky. I was due with this one around the same time i was with my molar. I in fact was hoping to be able to deluver inly a week early with my molar. Which is tge 13, and the first date dr gave me was the 12. But hopefully i will be delivering before or by monday....

I have to call on the day to make sure they have room, fingers crossed they do as we've arranged childcare for those few days.
Vegas - I had a scan a year to the day that I found out I had lost my first baby. I nearly cancelled it but I went and now I have something happy for that day. Not that I will ever forget.
Hi ladies, just dropping in...

I get all your updates by email an love reading!!!

So many rainbows :) vicky I can't believe you're close now, it seems only 5 mins I read about your tests!!

Ladies some exciting news over here...can you call adoptive kids rainbow babies? Well we're part way through our adoption assessment, siblings too!!

Aimze that's such amazing news. How old are they? And yes I would still say there your rainbows! A ray of light shining through. So so happy for you xxx
Aimze, wonderful news! What a great way to have your rainbows! And you get to change some little person's life for the better as well! Xx
Well my amnio cam back negative. So no baby yet. I have to repeat it in about 10days to 2 weeks. Since i diabetic i cant just have baby. I hate the tests tho. I am dissappointed i so wanted to have her tomorrow. But i want her healthy too. So she (if goes as planned) will be a dec baby and it should be tge first week which our annervasary is the 6th. My oldest sons b-day is the 26th. But just ot to find a way to stay busy and keep my mind off things. I am not as in as much pain as i was with nora and i find comfortable positions easier. But when noras came out negative i cried. This time more dissappointed then upset. But og well.

Sorry Vicki the results were not what you hoped. Hopefully very soon xx

A friend had her little boy this week by emergency c section at 26 weeks after they couldn't stop her labour. He has weight on his side 2 pounds 2 oz. From what I've heard it sounds positive. Very scary. Praying they have a quick hospital stay.

Also the witch showed up tonight. 7or 8 dpo too so even if I successfully had fertilisation, I didn't have long enough for proper implantation. Bit disappointed as I think it was looking good, even randomly vomited which is a sign for me. :( oh well at least now I know things are back functioning :)
Sending positive thoughts to your friend and her baby. Boo to the witch turning up but it's good so you know what's happening. Fingers crossed till next month.

Vicki sorry the results aren't what you hoped. Just hope she stays put till she is ready. Your so close lovely! Gonna be amazing!

Any rainbow bump pictures before your rainbows arrive ladies?
Aimze: that is wonderful news!

Vicki: I'm sorry baby isn't quite ready as I know you are. Not too much longer.

Jacky: I'll pray for your friend's baby. A woman I met on bnb had her baby at 23+5 and he is doing very well seven weeks later despite being born so soon. The miracles of modern medicine!

Sorry the witch arrived.

Afm: got my hair done last night, so baby can arrive whenever he/she likes.
I was honestly ok about her not being ready. I am not in constant pain like i was with a couple of my others. I can somewhat find a good way to lay or sit, so i took the news really good. But, (always a but) yesterday had some very watery discharge that we didnt know if it was just discharge or mixed with water. So i was in hospital for like 4 hours or so being hooked up to the machines the whole time except half hour. It took alot out of me emiotionally and physivcally since i did not sleep the night before. But i am ok. I want her home with me. I have had a 33 weeker and another in nicu amd i dont want that. And the next week and a half should go by fast with the holiday here. Kids and husband will be home extra. And i will probanly sleep most of it...

Hope you get lotsa rest before baby comes Vicki as I'm guessing looking after all your children it must be exhausting.

Gosh I'm getting broody!!!!

I am so glad someone directed me to this page. Oh wow it's so nice to have people who understand <3

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