Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Well, its my turn to complain. My left hip is KILLING me! You know, they say you need to sleep on your side, preferably your left side, well it hurts trying to do that all the time! I do alternate with my right, but my right shoulder is starting to hurt now. How the heck am I supposed to sleep? Sometimes I shove a pillow under my right side so I am in a semi back/side position and its helpful, but the nights are beginning to get very looooooong.

A cooking class sounds fun! I love to cook and even better that you can take Oliver with you. You'll have to share what yummy things you learn how to make! I joined a Mommy and Me group when Luc was 3 mo old and it was the best thing I ever did! It was such a great thing to have the support of all the other Mom's with new babies and after a while it was great for the babies as well. I found one for Luc and I as soon as we moved to California and it really helped us to meet people since we knew no one. I highly recommend them to any new Mom!
Quick update..... HCG levels as of yesterday morning 1551. That means they doubled at a rate of 31 hours since last Wednesday. My next bloods are due to be taken on Friday, I should hopefully be given my scan date then too.
I must admit I'm less apprehensive about a miscarriage now, but it's only just dawned on me that if it is a molar, I wont be able to try again for at least another 6 months as long as my levels drop.
Must try and look at it positively and belive in "what will be, will be"

I also love cooking, the classes sound great especially seeing as they have a creche attached.
I never attended baby groups with my eldest 2, but have loved them with my youngest. I have made friends for life, and I would never have continued with breastfeeding as long as I did had it not been for the support. Now I'm a say at home Mum they are the only opportunity my youngest gets to mix with other little ones, and I love having adults to talk to.
Well, its my turn to complain. My left hip is KILLING me! You know, they say you need to sleep on your side, preferably your left side, well it hurts trying to do that all the time! I do alternate with my right, but my right shoulder is starting to hurt now. How the heck am I supposed to sleep? Sometimes I shove a pillow under my right side so I am in a semi back/side position and its helpful, but the nights are beginning to get very looooooong.

A cooking class sounds fun! I love to cook and even better that you can take Oliver with you. You'll have to share what yummy things you learn how to make! I joined a Mommy and Me group when Luc was 3 mo old and it was the best thing I ever did! It was such a great thing to have the support of all the other Mom's with new babies and after a while it was great for the babies as well. I found one for Luc and I as soon as we moved to California and it really helped us to meet people since we knew no one. I highly recommend them to any new Mom!

I had back and hip problems with all my pregnancies so you have all my sympathy. I found the only comfortable position on my side but with a pillow at about hip height that I would rest my upper leg on.
Quick update..... HCG levels as of yesterday morning 1551. That means they doubled at a rate of 31 hours since last Wednesday. My next bloods are due to be taken on Friday, I should hopefully be given my scan date then too.
I must admit I'm less apprehensive about a miscarriage now, but it's only just dawned on me that if it is a molar, I wont be able to try again for at least another 6 months as long as my levels drop.
Must try and look at it positively and belive in "what will be, will be"

I also love cooking, the classes sound great especially seeing as they have a creche attached.
I never attended baby groups with my eldest 2, but have loved them with my youngest. I have made friends for life, and I would never have continued with breastfeeding as long as I did had it not been for the support. Now I'm a say at home Mum they are the only opportunity my youngest gets to mix with other little ones, and I love having adults to talk to.

Thats great news! Sounds perfectly average! Yay for good numbers! You know, as rare as MP or PMP are, having it happen more than once is like crazy, almost unheard of rare. I really believe you are good! So happy for you!

Thanks for the advice about my hip. Its been sore all day and I tried sitting on the wood floor with my little boy to do a puzzle and it was very achy. I'll try the pillow tonight.
Hey, I just noticed that in six days I will have under 100 days left! Wow, time is flying! Can't wait to meet the little boy! I must say I am enjoying him moving around in my belly. Now if he'd just turn himself around we'll be good and maybe momma can relax.
Oh, and I wanted to add one more thing. I found an awesome page on FB called Play at Home Mom. All kinds of very cool things to do with your kids. Simple stuff that they can learn through exploitative play rather than fully directed play. Luc and I will be making and playing with colored ice blocks and salt very soon!
Alwian those results sounds really great!!

Amanda I will check out that Facebook page, it sounds right up my street :thumbup: Oliver is still at the stage where if I try to do anything creative he eats whatever it is we are been creative with :haha: Our new toddler group (we just move up from baby group) has a great big sandpit type thing that they fill with Cornflakes and Oliver loves to sit in it and eat the Cornflakes :haha:

Re your hip . . . I had honestly forgot all these things about been pregnant, your posts bring it all back! I had a big bolster pillow which I put behind me so I could half lay back as it hurt to lay on my side. I had all sorts of things to try to be comfy, but I don't remember that anything really worked :dohh:

My cooking group was great! We made vegetable chilli and it was lovely, we had such a great time :) Oliver was an absolute star - they played outside quite a bit so I could see him but he didn't see me. He was soooo good, he had a great time and all the staff just loved him, when we were going home they were all telling me what a lovely little boy he was and how well behaved, I was sooooo proud :)
Sarah, its so nice when your boy is the "good" one! All I have to say is enjoy it now, you know whats coming! Glad you and Oliver had a good time. I'd love to find something like that. Adult interaction is so important for us SAHMs!

If Oliver likes to eat your art projects, you may want to try finger painting with colored yogurt and puddings. Then he can go to town playing and eating! There are a few pictures of kids playing with these things called water beads. They were originally intended for putting into vases with flowers, but they really are a fun thing for kids to play with and I just KNOW Luc would try to eat them. Even at three!
Amanda yeah I know whats coming :rofl:

We have done some chocolate pudding painting which was SO fun (and yummy :haha:) I bought lots of 'Crayola Beginnings' stuff which washes out easily and is suitable from age one, but he ended up eating most of it and it didn't taste as good as the pudding :haha:

Here is a pic of Oliver after one of our crayola painting attempts :haha:


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Amanda yeah I know whats coming :rofl:

We have done some chocolate pudding painting which was SO fun (and yummy :haha:) I bought lots of 'Crayola Beginnings' stuff which washes out easily and is suitable from age one, but he ended up eating most of it and it didn't taste as good as the pudding :haha:

Here is a pic of Oliver after one of our crayola painting attempts :haha:

Aww, he is so cute! Such a sweet little face!
hi ladies:flower:
i havent been on in a few days! a little off subject but i found out someone used my profile pick on facebook as their own..i reported them and checked my security settings which were fine and i am actually thinking of deleting my page im so freaked out by it:/ the person comes under the name of Sarah Smith but says they are interested in men and women..its a bit freaky.!

Anyway, I am feeling a bit better thanks Sarah:) I saw the dr yesterday to have the stitches out of my shoulder and got him to check my bp, it has risen a little which is great and i havent had any more fainting spells:thumbup: the only health concern atm is trumaine has the flu, so Im hoping i dont get it:nope: I had a horrid headache last night and feel a bit funny today so im drinking lemon and honey hot water as i type:coffee::) Sarah the cooking class sounds like so much fun, it'd be great learning some new recipes! Sorry to hear about ur hip Amanda, how horrible..i have heard those pillows help! I hope it doesnt stick with you becoz even when i had my hip issue a few weeks ago that was horrible enough! I could hardly put weight on my leg and it was all so very achey!
Well Im 15 wks tomorrow! only another week and ill be past Jamari's gestation..bit :cry: as ive never been pregnant beyond 16 weeks so dont really know what to expect too much from there on in..
Trumaine is currently at a job interview and we r very stressed as he is having so much trouble finding work over here, and i havent worked yet, I transferred with my job but havent begun because of the ms, thinking i may soon..but we have decided if trumaine cant get work in the next fortnight we are moving home...we need to be saving for this baby and its so hard from going from full-time incomes to living off barely anything. Thinking positive that all is happening for a reason tho:thumbup:
Oh my gosh, Kate, you're out of the first trimester! Yay, hello second tri! I'm getting close to the third already!

My hip is feeling better today, thanks. Now I seem to not be able to sleep. It's nearly midnight here and I am usually out by 10 or 10:30! I started on some iron a few days ago as I was low when pregnant with Luc around this time and I had been super tired so, Dr said to go ahead and start it even though we hadn't checked it yet. I think its working too well and the pregnancy insomnia is setting in.

How scary that someone was using your picture! How did you find out? What did FB security say about it? Were you able to see her entire page? Weird!

Sorry about the financial situation, I know it must be hard. Fingers crossed that things work out and he gets something soon.
i know so pleased to be in 2nd tri:) cant wait til my proper bump forms im still pretty small for 15 weeks..
one of my friends on facebook told me she saw this girls profile with my profile pick and i followed the link couldnt see everything on her page tho becoz im not a friend but i reported her like 3 times (if its a her might be a he!) and i have not heard a single word from facebook!:growlmad: i blocked her too and i am soo annoyed.A guy commented on how nice her profile pik was and the reply was "oh thanks brett!" and its not even her/him/it!:nope:
Amanda i noticed your pregnancy calender on facebook too, ive been thinking about whether i should put one of my own on there as i havent announced on fb yet and dont really want to but i thought this might be a way to let ppl know without actually telling them:haha: u know? I want to do it but im a bit hesitant coz i keep thinking what if they find something wrong at my 20 wk scan? what would you do? :shrug:when did you first put yours up Amanda?

ohh i know what u mean about the insominia thing, i have been the same! not falling asleep til midnight or later! and becoz we both have the flu the sniffles coughs and sneezes keep waking each other up!:dohh:
Ugh, horrible to have the flu while you are pregnant and cant take very much. I hope you both are feeling better very soon!

So scary about the picture! You'd think her friends would know would know it wasn't her. Maybe they were being sarcastic if it is a guy. Who knows, the world sure is full of weird-os! I have never had this happen to a friend. Makes you a bit leary of posting photos.

I set my pregnancy calendar up somewhere between my NT scan and 19 week ultrasound. I did worry that if something was wrong every knew and how horrible it would be to have to tell people. While I understand your fears completely (you and the other ladies here know how paranoid I have been more than anyone else), your chances of a mid-term loss are quite small. I felt that if I did lose the baby that late in pregnancy I would need a lot of support and most of my friends would find out. I had even decided that if something horrible was going on I would have my sister go onto my page and make an announcement for me.

I think posting one would be a great way to let people know if you are afraid to "speak the words yourself" so to speak. But if you are more comfortable waiting until after your anatomy ultrasound think of it this way, its only 4 more weeks. I think that's totally understandable given what you've been through.
Hi All
just to say I love all your news and when we finally do have a child the websites and all your info will come in handy. getting a bit aprehensive about getting my results but hope my hcg level isn't to high so it wont be long before we can try again x

Any tips on getting rid of the bump/belly I seem to be eating right and exercising but cannot get rid of belly and trousers still tight and top button still open ! haha:winkwink:
Thanks Amanda,im not feeling as bad as Trumaine sounds i feel so sorry for him! & its sooo windy and cold outside i feel l will stay in bed most of the day:haha: yes its so scary about the picture, i said the same thing about the persons friends, and thats why i think its dodgy, because someone wouldnt post a pic that wasnt them if they knew their friends would notice, right? thats what freaks me out!
ur advice about the pregnancy calender helped alot:flower: i just find myself having these horrible thoughts like what if they tell me at 20 wk scan that baby hasnt developed correctly, or something major is wrong like another fatal condition that wasnt picked up? But u are right, and ppl would probably find out anyway. It was hard after i had Jamari ppl didnt know and kept asking how the pregnancy was going..I guess this time if anything happens i will post an announcement...
What season is it in the U.S? Its Winter here and freeezzziinggg:wacko: not a fan of the cold!
Hi All
just to say I love all your news and when we finally do have a child the websites and all your info will come in handy. getting a bit aprehensive about getting my results but hope my hcg level isn't to high so it wont be long before we can try again x

Any tips on getting rid of the bump/belly I seem to be eating right and exercising but cannot get rid of belly and trousers still tight and top button still open ! haha:winkwink:

goodluck with ur results newby i hope all goes well:hugs:
i had the same probs with the belly, just exercised and ate right but it never really went so i kinda gave up on it coz i knew i would be pregnant again soon anyway!:blush:
Hi All
just to say I love all your news and when we finally do have a child the websites and all your info will come in handy. getting a bit aprehensive about getting my results but hope my hcg level isn't to high so it wont be long before we can try again x

Any tips on getting rid of the bump/belly I seem to be eating right and exercising but cannot get rid of belly and trousers still tight and top button still open ! haha:winkwink:

Hi Newby, its good to hear from you! Thanks and I am glad you like reading the updates. You will be updating like that very soon! Good luck with the results. I look forward to hearing what the levels are. :hugs::hugs:

As for the belly, well I have no help to offer. I lost a bunch of weight before getting pregnant with Luc (most of it in the belly) and after having him, well lets just say things will never be the same. I lost all the pregnancy weight (23 lbs) very quickly naturally, but everything is just lower. And I mean everything! I know some people bounce back, but surgery is the only thing that will bounce me back, even if I was at my goal weight. I've learned to love my belly and I know that isnt the answer you are looking for.

Really, there is no reason that eating right and exercising (I would say something low impact that gets your heart rate up like walking briskly, jogging or swimming laps) wouldn't get thing moving for you. It seems like the last place it goes on is the first place it leaves if that makes any sense.
Kate, I saw your post! I was very happy for you! I hope you are feeling some relief in sharing. I know what you mean about finding something at the big ultrasound. I was very nervous and even half expected to not even see a heartbeat. Yes, birth defects can be found, but I think its important to take that leap of faith and allow others to shoulder some of the burden with you. Most of the time only healthy babies are found! I truly believe this is your time to have a healthy little bundle in your arms. :hugs:

I hope Trumaine is feeling better soon and am very happy you arent too bad off!:thumbup:

When is Dan? Has she had the baby yet? Must be close now, cant wait to hear!
I forgot to answer your question about what season it is here, Kate. Its tecnically Spring still, soon to be summer. Southern California has the oddest climate, nothing like what I was used to when living in Florida or North Carolina (both on the east coast, no we're on the west). We are basically in a desert climate. It gets chilly at night and, during the summer, warms up to a very hot over 100 degrees most days. People who live here call this time of year May Gray and June Gloom, its pretty much overcast and stays chilly throughout the day. Looks like its going to rain any second, but it never does. Winter (dec, jan, feb) are the rainy months here. On the wast coast we'd get daily afternoon thunderstorms due to the heat and high humidity levels. Like I said, very different than I am used to. You really cant beat California's weather!

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