Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a fabulous day. Love to you all xx
Hi ladies,

First of all, happy belated Christmas to all of you. Hope you had great time with your loved ones.

Jacky - What a great Christmas gift! Huge congrats. I have huge age gaps with my two brothers and always dreamt of having one closer to me. Marcy and the LO will be so lucky to have each other!

Aimze - March is just around the corner! You must be very excited..

AFM - We had a scare last Saturday evening when I had some brown spotting. Not too much but enough to freak me out of course. We went to the ER and they did an US and also the NST and said everything looked fine.

But I couldn't just let go (since I still can not feel LO move alot {damn you anterior placenta!}); so went to see my OB on Wednesday. He did a looong US, checked cervix, and even did a 4D US and concluded the same: nothing seems wrong!

So I let myself relax and bubs started moving more after that! I guess she is already playing tricks on us :)

This made me realize how much scared I am of losing her, and decided against amnio and such (in unison with hubby of course). I still fear all kinds of disabilities etc but am hoping and praying everything will be fine...
Ece I'm sorry you had a scare. At about 39 weeks I had a very very quiet day of movements so went to hospital to get checked out and they put the monitor on me and she wouldn't stop kicking it. I think any worry is worth getting checked out. I think we all have a worry about disability but I'm sure all will be fine. Can't believe you are 21 weeks.... Just amazing.

Becky have you done anymore tests??? I think we may try again soon!!! I'm currently on the mini pill as we aren't fans of condoms and I'm coming to the end of my pack so I may stop then to see if the witch had returned. We also talked today about trying sooner encase of another molar/mc. Plus I want all my babies to be fairly close in age..... Soooooooo depending on the witch I may be joining you sooner rather than later!

Ladies how was Christmas? Rainbows all doing ok?

Ece, any concerns, get them checked out if only to put your mind at ease! Sorry you had a scare. Over halfway there! Hope seeing your little girl helped :) xx

Laura, oooh exciting! I so want 3. Fingers crossed it happens quickly ;)
Of course I have he he he - every day! So dark now, the bfp line comes up even before the liquid gets to the control line! Over 5 weeks now! Under 3 weeks to scan now! Ill ring up Monday for results of bloods but must be normal as haven't heard yet. She said she would contact me if she was concerned with levels.

We have Marcy's first birthday party tomorrow. We are also doing a christening as her god parents are only here for a week. Bit excited but sad because my baby is growing up and she is a big girl! Well at least ill get a new baby in 2014 (thinking positive!)
Becky I'm not feeding at night and she has 3 meals so I'm hoping the witch will show her face once I'm off the pill. Fingers crossed. Great news on your tests!!! Wooo! I'm sure all is well. Wow can't believe Marcy will be one. It's sad but they have such personalities it's so much fun! They say and do such amazing things. Xxx
They do :) just love them!

Fingers crossed af shows up. I didn't get mind back until after I stopped feeding but then I had the chemical before af showed up. Hope you had have to wait until then. I have heard that the mini pill does help it turn up. I took vitex which I think helped it come back quicker but now have to work out with the doctor abourt weaning off of it as cold turkey stopping can cause mc in high risk. But I'm due to start progestin at 6 weeks so should be able to simply swap them over. I'm working on trying to be positive and excited this time. It just seems right. Oh and the Chinese gender chart says boy ... Kinda would like another girl but healthy bub is most important!
AF showed up will feeding with Corban so hopefully be the same. She is starting to bite my nipple..... She has no teeth but it hurts bad. I'll probably introduce formula in the next month or so. I'm sure all will be well but I guess it's natural to have some worries. I don't mind what we have next but I would like another girl.... Gotta love pink!!!!!! I'm excited to try again but I think I'll still need to get the 12 week scan out the way so I'll worry a little less. Excited to know what they think your due date will be.... My birthday is the 23rd august!

Dano how are you feeling?

Fine! Well, a little delicate and got that bloated/grumpy feeling... but otherwise fine! Starting to feel a little impatient.. 9 sleeps til scan!...

Just been stalking as nothing much to write really!

Hope you all had a fab Xmas!
Ps. I'm still feeding Vin, and never had an AF (caught first egg!) so you never know m2c!
9 days till scan! Awesome!! Fingers crossed for you. Im hoping I fall quickly! I guess we will see what the next month or so brings. Dunno if I wanna do opks yet? Xxx
I never bothered doing any of that this time.. just didn't prevent and took a hpt when I felt like I was pregnant (which I was!) lol! Fingers crossed for you xxx
I think I'll leaves opks. They helped me after the molar as I felt I was doing something to track my cycles. I think I'll leave it for a few months and see how I feel..... But saying that it's a stick to pee on!! Haha!!!!

Dano out of curiosity how often are you still feeding vinny? Indigo is on 3 meals a day and sleeps through so I think she feeds 4-5 times a day?

M2C- You crack me up!!! Your ticker says 8 months till TTC, but looks like it's going to be VERY soon for you :) I really shouldn't read this thread anymore, it makes me feel like I need to get pregnant! But I'm pretty determined to wait, my two girlies are wearing me out, I think a 3rd right now might make me a basket case!
Raff I know I'm terrible! Oh said your saying September but it's gonna be sooner I know it! Haha! I'm gonna come off the pill and see what happens!!!!

Laura, Raff is right - I'm cracking up too. Marcy used to bite me terribly especially when teething. I think the final straw was when she drew blood. I thought 9.5 months for a good start for her with all my mastitis and biting. The worst is the bites in public!

Based on af my date is 27th but scan may change it. I expect to go a couple of weeks early so you never know... Ill try for the 23rd :)

Counting down for you Dano. First egg is what everyone dreams of. I guess I have been lucky only 1 af but then I did have chemical before it. Nice to know our bodies work :)

Well siting in the bathroom this morning checking this as Marcy has kicked me out of my bed... Got to love teething!
9.5 months breastfeeding is awesome! I'm only doing until I can.... After a few more nips earlier I'm not sure how long it will be! You guys think it's funny.... Poor chris! Hehe! Luckily he knows how much I love those babies his ok with me changing my mind! Xz

Children bring so much love. The more the merrier. If only I can convince Rich that more than 2 is good :)
Vicki how are things now?

Ece good news on your scan. Over 13 weeks.... Amazing. How are you feeling?

Raff how did things go?

Dano how are you? How are your boys?

Becky omg!!!! I so hope this is a new pregnancy! I'm sure it's not molar but I understand your worry. Have you got a picture of your test? I felt sick very early on and was so much worse than what I had/felt with the molar. Hugs for you lovely.

Vegas and bev how are you ladies? Bumps must be coming on now!

Lotte how are you my dear? Ella ok?

If your still about Tina hope you and your boys are well.

As for me we are still busy busy with the house! We nearly have the bathroom finished! Very excited about that. We put indie in her own room which makes me sad but it might help wean her off a night feed which I'll start doing soon once I have doe early nights and I not so tired. Corban starts playgroup tomorrow just two mornings a week I'll miss him lots but his soooo ready for it.


Just now to November posts--sorry I'm so far behind ladies!!

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