Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi, my name is Brea. I was told about this group by one of the ladies in miscarriage support, and was wondering if it would be okay to join you? I got my bfp in the end of march, when i was almost 6 weeks pregnant. I was scared at first, since I am only 20 and this was entirely unplanned, however we quickly knew that it was not unwanted. I lost my baby at 13 weeks on May 24. It had died only a few days before. They said it might take weeks to miscarry naturally so I had a D&C and asked that they take tissue samples so I could know why this happened. Then I was told by the doctor this past Thursday that the reason for it was because my pregnancy was a partial molar. I didn't understand what this meant, so I looked it up and was really overwhelmed by all the information I found. I don't understand still how something like this could have happened. I had 3 ultrasounds and multiple check ups before this happened, never once did they suspect a thing until days before my child died, and they just said then that the heartbeat had dropped too low and it probably would not make it. But they never saw any moles or abnormal growths on the ultrasound. They look just like a normal sonogram would. I don't understand. I have an appointment on Monday to have my blood tested. I imagine they wont find anything good, as I am still getting strong positives on hpts. :(
Hello Brea, of course you may join us. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is to lose a baby and even harder to try and wrap your head around something like this. Its so hard when you see your baby develop and then something happens when you think you are close to begin out of the woods.

You are very smart to request tissue samples and for me personally, it helped to have a reason why the loss happened. So many miscarriages are never found to have a reason. I found comfort in the fact that I knew could get pregnant and also the very low reoccurring rate of pmp. In my case, I still tested positive for pregnancy at my 2 week post op appt, but my levels were dropping. My period returned exactly 4 weeks after my D&C. I hope your body gets back on track quickly as well.

You'll find lots of support here, all the ladies have been or are currently standing in your shoes. We all are at various stages in our mp or pmp journeys. If you take the time to read through the thread you'll read about how different all of our stories are, that our losses happened at all different stages in pregnancy and that we are all making it through the difficulties. There are plenty of women here who have gone on to not only get pregnant again, but a few have already had babies. We also have a couple of recently diagnosed women such as yourself.

I am sending lots of calming thoughts your way. Again, I am so sorry this has happened to you and I hope you find peace quickly. Big hugs to you, as well!
Kate, I saw your post! I was very happy for you! I hope you are feeling some relief in sharing. I know what you mean about finding something at the big ultrasound. I was very nervous and even half expected to not even see a heartbeat. Yes, birth defects can be found, but I think its important to take that leap of faith and allow others to shoulder some of the burden with you. Most of the time only healthy babies are found! I truly believe this is your time to have a healthy little bundle in your arms. :hugs:

I hope Trumaine is feeling better soon and am very happy you arent too bad off!:thumbup:

When is Dan? Has she had the baby yet? Must be close now, cant wait to hear!

:hugs:again Amanda, i have found some relief in sharing, i have been feeling as though i have to keep baby secret but really, i cant do that forever! This week is strange for me, knowing this was the gestation, the last week i was pregnant with little Jamari..its like delving into the unknown, and is a bit sad at the same time, like Im really leaving him behind or something:shrug::cry: but this little ray of sunshine inside me is so much more special becoz its Jamari's little brother and sister:cloud9:, everytime i think about that it just blows me away..what a journey a pmp takes you on, and how it changes the way u think about life and the important parts of it, sometimes I feel like an old woman, like Ive lived a thousand lives, i definately feel older then my age after what we have been through. Im sure anybody who experiences something like this may agree. My poor Trumaine is sounding awful with a nasty cough and squeaky nose:nope: he never complains tho, unlike me:haha: i feel worse off today in my head, a head cold, doing all the right things tho so hoping it leaves us both alone soon. I said to trumaine I hope this cold doesnt harm the baby, and he said "the baby only takes what it needs from you, Im sure it doesnt need a cold!":dohh: Yes i have been wondering about Dan too! Dan if your out there stop in when u can, we miss you! and want to hear how everythings going:thumbup:
Amanda thats so interesting about the weather, I find it amazing that you guys have Christmas in winter! That must be beautiful. It is summer here at Xmas time, and it will be the 2nd day of summer when this baby is due, so so hot!
Hi, my name is Brea. I was told about this group by one of the ladies in miscarriage support, and was wondering if it would be okay to join you? I got my bfp in the end of march, when i was almost 6 weeks pregnant. I was scared at first, since I am only 20 and this was entirely unplanned, however we quickly knew that it was not unwanted. I lost my baby at 13 weeks on May 24. It had died only a few days before. They said it might take weeks to miscarry naturally so I had a D&C and asked that they take tissue samples so I could know why this happened. Then I was told by the doctor this past Thursday that the reason for it was because my pregnancy was a partial molar. I didn't understand what this meant, so I looked it up and was really overwhelmed by all the information I found. I don't understand still how something like this could have happened. I had 3 ultrasounds and multiple check ups before this happened, never once did they suspect a thing until days before my child died, and they just said then that the heartbeat had dropped too low and it probably would not make it. But they never saw any moles or abnormal growths on the ultrasound. They look just like a normal sonogram would. I don't understand. I have an appointment on Monday to have my blood tested. I imagine they wont find anything good, as I am still getting strong positives on hpts. :(

Hello Brea, and welcome to our group, although I'm so sorry you had to find us:hugs:
Your loss was not too long ago, and I know the pain and overwhelming thoughts you must be going through.. As amanda said I feel it would help you a great deal to go all the way back to page one and read a few stories, it may bring you some of the comfort you need at this time. My pmp journey was quite similar to yours, I was 22 when I conceived, and 16 weeks when I had to say goodbye to my baby boy, although I had to make the heartbreaking decision to stop my pregnancy, as his little heart was still beating, & the drs were 100% certain it was a pmp, my baby was also triploidy, & his condition was fatal. I know exactly how you feel about questioning why it wasnt picked up sooner, this is exactly how I felt. At 13 weeks I imagine you would have just started feeling like things were 'safe' and everything was well, only for your world to be turned upside down. I wish you all the best with your hcg levels, its very scary in the beginning but please know things do get better! I had blood tests done every monday for 3 months straight, then every month for the following 3 months. They were 430,000 the day I gave birth to my little boy, so they were through the roof. They eventually returned to normal, although i felt as though my period was never going to come, it took nearly 3 months for it to return, so dont worry too much if your cycles are a little out, your body needs time to heal:hugs: I was told to wait 6 months before trying to conceive again, in the process i became engaged and altho I never imagined having children this young my pmp experience changed the way i thought about alot of things and my fiance & I started trying as soon as the wait period was over and I fell pregnant again first go. I am now 15 weeks and it has been confirmed that this is not another pmp. I guess I just want you to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you will go through so many emotions but know u can always jump on this forum & know that we are right here supporting you!
Hi, my name is Brea. I was told about this group by one of the ladies in miscarriage support, and was wondering if it would be okay to join you? I got my bfp in the end of march, when i was almost 6 weeks pregnant. I was scared at first, since I am only 20 and this was entirely unplanned, however we quickly knew that it was not unwanted. I lost my baby at 13 weeks on May 24. It had died only a few days before. They said it might take weeks to miscarry naturally so I had a D&C and asked that they take tissue samples so I could know why this happened. Then I was told by the doctor this past Thursday that the reason for it was because my pregnancy was a partial molar. I didn't understand what this meant, so I looked it up and was really overwhelmed by all the information I found. I don't understand still how something like this could have happened. I had 3 ultrasounds and multiple check ups before this happened, never once did they suspect a thing until days before my child died, and they just said then that the heartbeat had dropped too low and it probably would not make it. But they never saw any moles or abnormal growths on the ultrasound. They look just like a normal sonogram would. I don't understand. I have an appointment on Monday to have my blood tested. I imagine they wont find anything good, as I am still getting strong positives on hpts. :(

Hi Bree
I am Stacey or newby2011 and am also sad to hear your news although this site has given me a lot of comfort and more advise then any other website or hospital - I lost my baby at the 12 weeks scan in april and had no idea about molar pregnancies - I go for my test results tommorow and so may have some good news at last - it is best to start at the beginning so you can read our stories we all have different things happening. I wish you lots of luck and love and say just be strong and possitive and talk to people about it - it makes a difference xxx
Thank you ladies so much, I appreciate your kindness. I will read through all the stories, I'm sure it will help a lot. I'm really sorry you all had to go through so much too, since I can honestly say this is the hardest, most painful thing I have ever experienced.
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing very well.

I have a scan tomorrow week. I will be 14 weeks. I was so happy the last few weeks since the good 10 week scan and now the fear is setting in. I have this fear I will be in there and they will say oh actually we were right the first time it is partial molar. I know I am probably being silly and the fact the scan at 10+3 was so good is a really good sign but my mind is getting carried away!
Lyo, how exciting! Enjoy seeing your LO again! And your nervous, anxious fees are perfectly normal! I think its just our natural protective mechanism preparing ourselves for the worst, but hoping for the best. I even did the same going into my anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks, even though I had seen him at least three times prior. Actually, I had to have a second anatomy US due to not getting good look at certain parts and I worked myself up about it again.

Cant wait to hear how it goes! Sending peaceful, calming thoughts your way!
Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way, Lyo!

Actually thinking of all you ladies! Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Everyone, I've had some good news! I'd had my bloods taken on Friday morning, I was not wanting to wait the whole weekend for the results, so I phoned my local early pregnancy unit in the evening and asked whether they could see them on the computer. They could and had gone from 1550 mon - 7100, she then shocked me and asked would I like to go in for a scan today at 10am. I jumped at the opportunity as my doc was wanting to wait another 2 weeks! The weekend was long but I actually had a 2nd year open uni exam yesterday, so that kept my mind occupied.
Anyway we went along today at first they did a transabdominal scan could see a yolk sac but nothing else. I asked if they were sure it was a sac and not another complete mole, she asked if I'd mind a transvaginal - I agreed and saw my little flicks heart beat. This is the best feeling, still very early days they calculate I am 6 weeks, but at least not another complete mole!
My hubby and I had agreed had it been another molar we were going to call it quits and focus on our beautiful children but fingers crossed this little one will make it.
My next appointment is 8 weeks with midwife and 12 week scan like a normal mum to be.
Thank you for all the support x

PS My name is Debs by the way.
Hi, my name is Brea. I was told about this group by one of the ladies in miscarriage support, and was wondering if it would be okay to join you? I got my bfp in the end of march, when i was almost 6 weeks pregnant. I was scared at first, since I am only 20 and this was entirely unplanned, however we quickly knew that it was not unwanted. I lost my baby at 13 weeks on May 24. It had died only a few days before. They said it might take weeks to miscarry naturally so I had a D&C and asked that they take tissue samples so I could know why this happened. Then I was told by the doctor this past Thursday that the reason for it was because my pregnancy was a partial molar. I didn't understand what this meant, so I looked it up and was really overwhelmed by all the information I found. I don't understand still how something like this could have happened. I had 3 ultrasounds and multiple check ups before this happened, never once did they suspect a thing until days before my child died, and they just said then that the heartbeat had dropped too low and it probably would not make it. But they never saw any moles or abnormal growths on the ultrasound. They look just like a normal sonogram would. I don't understand. I have an appointment on Monday to have my blood tested. I imagine they wont find anything good, as I am still getting strong positives on hpts. :(

Hi Brea,
I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm slightly different as I had a complete mole, but I know how horrid those first few weeks are - desperately trying to find out information. It seems worse when half the medical profession don't seem to know much either. I freaked right out when I started self diagnosing of the internet - the only way of gathering info. Once you start being monitored things improve and you have goals from week to week.
I'm recent to this forum too, I have just conceived again and am now arround 6 weeks, but I wish I had found it sooner, as it is so reassuring.
Take Care, Debs
Deb, such great news! Congratulations! I know you must be so very relieved! Hooray! So, only two more weeks until your next appt. Just try to concentrate on the little milestones and you'll be there holding your little one before you know it. I am so happy for you and your family!
Congrats debs on ur little one that's beautiful news:)
Me I just got out of the er, this viral infection is horrid I woke up this morning and started vomiting immediately,& my oh took me straight to er I could barely walk I felt soo sick! They gave me panadol and maxalon and another nausea pill before I drank a litre of water and wheeled to ultrasound to check on bub. Bub was very active and hr was 142, tech said all looks good, so I was let out and have to take it easy for the next week, but told to see my gp in 2 days theme every 2 days after that until I'm better. Gosh i feel horrid. Off to bed now, just wanted to check in and give an update. I'm so pleased baby seems fine
Congrats debs on ur little one that's beautiful news:)
Me I just got out of the er, this viral infection is horrid I woke up this morning and started vomiting immediately,& my oh took me straight to er I could barely walk I felt soo sick! They gave me panadol and maxalon and another nausea pill before I drank a litre of water and wheeled to ultrasound to check on bub. Bub was very active and hr was 142, tech said all looks good, so I was let out and have to take it easy for the next week, but told to see my gp in 2 days theme every 2 days after that until I'm better. Gosh i feel horrid. Off to bed now, just wanted to check in and give an update. I'm so pleased baby seems fine

Take care of yourself, it sounds like you are having a horrid time! I'm glad you got another scan, I'd been reading your posts and anxiety about losing Jamaris at this time :angel:, so I hope it gave you some reassurance.
Thinking of you
Hi Girls,

I haven't written for a couple of weeks, it was so good to read all of the good news and welcome to the new girls. Maybe we need to start a TV series as it's all such drama and such suspense!

I totally understand people feeling nervous about their tests and scans, I have only known about my molar for a few weeks and I am already so worried I wont have any more babies but hearing the positive stories is so encourageing.

I had a bit of a hard time over the last two weeks. I had my D&C on 5th May and found out about my partial molar soon after, two weeks later I started to bleed - lots! Many embarrassing moments, I had lots of pain and my hCG levels went from 11000 to 16000 in a couple of days, I ended up back at my Drs who did an ultra sound and found that it (what ever it is - the tissue?) had grown back and I went straight in for another D&C (this was on Friday), I will find out my levels tomorrow and I am just so, so scared!

Naomi x
Naomi, how scary! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Huge hugs to you!
I have read several people stories about having to go back in for a second D&C. Usually, they get all the tissue that time. I know you must have been worried. Fingers crossed that levels drop and continue as they should and you dont require further treatment. You will go on to have more babies. I've yet to read about an experience where someone is unable to after mp or pmp.

Kate, oh no! You did get his sickness! I guess our OHs are so generous n that way. I hope you are feeling better now and get yourself plenty of rest. Did you have a fever? Great news to get to see the little one again and that s/he is doing very well in there. Isn't it crazy to see how active they are in there and you cant feel a thing? Let us know how it goes with the GP. Drink lots of fluids and try to eat some! Dot allow your temperature get up there. Big hugs to you as well!
Hello ladies
just to update you on my news , on monday 13th I was due to go to hospital to get some results but they basically told me that i had suffered a molar pregnancy - which was what they had told me anyway - so now I have to wait again for an appointment to see the specialist in london to get my HCG levels which i thought they were going to do on monday - what a waste of time ! now i am back to worrying again - although they did 2 urine pregnancy tests which came back as negative so does this mean that i am back to normal ? and I have also had a period so I feel I am on the road to recovery and perhaps we can start trying for a baby soon x

what do you think ?
Hi Stacy
Geez, I am so sorry you got the run around on the Dr appt. Do you have another appt scheduled or do you have to wait for someone to call you to schedule it? I think its good news that you tested neg on the pregnancy test. Your levels are low enough that they cannot be detected and those tests are pretty sensitive. Remind me of when your D&C was? I believe if your levels drop quickly they only want to you wait 6 mo from your D&C date. 3 would be nice, huh? Did they draw blood or is that what the Dr in London will do?

I hope your follow up appt is very soon!
Thanku alwilan yes today is the day I've passed Jamari's gestation, it is a strange feeling, oh and I were reflecting about it today:) the u.s did bring great comfort, surreal really!:) Amanda my temp wasnt too high although I felt as if my head was going to explode I felt so hot, but dr said that's my body's way of fighting the virus. Feeling a bit better today. Yes the ultrasounds are crazy when u can't feel baby but can see it bouncing away! Baby measured right on target too, exactly to the day! And I got a pic of baby's face and I think it has my button nose! Lol. Naiomi I'm so sorry tO hear u had to have another d and c, how scary, please let us know how ur results go, fingers and toes are crossed for u:) newby I would agree with Amanda 6 months from the date of ur d/c/loss, but of course it all depends on ur results and medical recommendations. Goodluck! I hope u r able to join the baby train soon!:) xo
Aww, I know that is tough to pass the time when you lost Jamari. That's great that the two of you were able to sit and think and it. I know you must be relieved as well. Hugs to you, Kate.

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