Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi Stacy
Geez, I am so sorry you got the run around on the Dr appt. Do you have another appt scheduled or do you have to wait for someone to call you to schedule it? I think its good news that you tested neg on the pregnancy test. Your levels are low enough that they cannot be detected and those tests are pretty sensitive. Remind me of when your D&C was? I believe if your levels drop quickly they only want to you wait 6 mo from your D&C date. 3 would be nice, huh? Did they draw blood or is that what the Dr in London will do?

I hope your follow up appt is very soon!

Hi Amanda
My d&c was on april 16th - No had no bloods done yet i think they will do that in London , I have to wait for them to send me an apointment but if havent heard within the week will call hospital to get a move on - its very frustrating having to wait its your life on hold isn't it and its so tempting to try without contraception -:growlmad: although wouldn't just in case x
Oh Stacy, I know what you mean about the wait! But the good thing is that if you only do 6 months, your wait is almost half way over! Yay! And I get the whole you life is on hold. I felt like that as well and could think of nothing else.

So, I had my glucose tolerance test today. I wont get the results for 2-3 business days (today is Thursday), so at least I dont have to stress about taking the test. Now I get to stress about how it went. I didnt have GD with Luc, but for some reason I am so worried about having it this time. The only foods I am craving are sweets and carbs! And the thought of not being able to have my morning coffee is terrifying! I really dislike artificial sweetener, so that work either. Well, I guess what is is what is and I cant do anything about it anyway. Please send low blood sugar thoughts my way! Fingers crossed! Guess I'll also be getting a rhogam shot in the rear next Dr visit as well. Wonder if that lovely strep B swab is coming my way as well. Yay.

Enjoy your weekends, ladies!
Stacey the wait is horrible:hugs: just concentrate on other things as much as you can, because when the time comes around that u can try its magic:thumbup: & i fell pregnant first go so it was definately worth the wait:flower:
Amanda did u get ur glucose results yet?
I have a bit of an embarrasing question to ask!:blush: I have been to the chemist to get something to help me 'go' as the preg hormones have been making this a tad difficult!:haha: they gave me stool softeners:blush: ive only taken 3 coz im so funny about taking pills when preg but i guess if the pharmacist said they are ok they must be..has any1 else had the same 'troubles':haha: or know if these pills would be ok? they r called coloxyl, google said they are safe also. im so embarrased:blush:
Awww Kate, don't be embarrassed! I didn't take anything like that but if everything says they are safe then go for it - lots of pregnant women have the same problem (and a lot of people who aren't pregnant too!). Also try eating lots of fruit and things with bran in, like bran flakes etc.

I hope everyone is doing well, sorry I haven't been on much!
Stacey the neg test was a great sign, and getting your period back. I was the same before I was diagnosed, on my first test my levels were still slightly raised but by the second test they were fine :thumbup:

Naomi I hope you are okay, a second D and C is quite common I think :( Hopefully though this will be it now and you'll be on the road to TTC :hugs:

Amanda I hope you're doing well :hugs:

Oliver has started walking so he's really keeping me on my toes now!!

Kate, not embarrassing to anyone who has been pregnant! Trust me, we've been through all the embarrassing things! I had that problem when pregnant with Luc. Not only is the pregnancy hormones slowing down your digestion and relaxing your intestines, it could also be your prenatals if they contain iron, which most do unless you have a problem with hemorrhoids, and you don't want to get to that point, so take the stool softener!

Like I said, I had this problem with Luc and I took it three times a day. Of course, mine was a different brand, but I looked it up and its the same ingredient. It helped so, so much! Also, as Sarah said, eat lots of fruit (NOT bananas), try to eat high fiber, drink apple (or prune if you can stomach it) juice and also drink plenty of water. Moving around helps to get things moving as well, so if you're able to, go for a short walk or two everyday. If things still arent better with the pills and changing your diet your Dr may want to change your prenatal vitamins to one that doesnt contain iron for now. Many women (myself included twice now) get iron deficient around the middle of pregnancy, so its really not the best option. I have become anemic both times even with my regular prenatals and it makes you feel so tired and run down. You'll likely have to take the pills for the duration of your pregnancy, it only gets worse.

I just called for my results and am waiting to hear back. The tech who drew my blood said it takes 2-3 business days to get results back. Part of me just wanted to wait and if I didn't hear they it must be ok, but I just couldn't! Fingers crossed!
Thanks ladies with ur help regarding my 'issue':dohh: the lady at the chemist said it was very common in pregnancy, so that made me feel a little better!:thumbup: i had to tell trumaine coz i needed to get some money out to pay for the pills i was so embarrased but he was like 'dont be embarrased its okay!' I guess it is but i just feel very unsexy!:haha: i told my mum too coz i was so worried about the pills and she said they wouldnt have given them to me if they werent safe, but ppl get things wrong, right?:dohh: i took 2 more yesterday and lets just say they are quite effective:thumbup: lol im trying the natural remdies tho like the fibre, all bran for breaky and a cup of hot water at night with lemon, im making myself go for a walk today ive just been feeling so exhausted trying to get over this virus im more then happy to :sleep: all day! OMG Sarah your little Oliver is walking!!!:happydance: what a happy time for you hes not so much a :baby: anymore! i bet its the sweetest thing watching him toddle around, he'll be into everything now keeping mummy very busy!:haha: and amanda thats FANTASTIC you passed ur glucose test, i know you were quite worried about that so thats amazing news you must be very relieved!:flower:
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on much, Connor is keeping me busy these days! I hope you are all well.

I'm a bit worried, I had to do a follow up test for Sheffield 6 weeks after having Connor and it came back saying that my levels haven't gone back down to 0 yet...not sure why that would be!?! I've got to send away another sample this week anyway...

Sarah, was yours ok after having Oliver? Xxx
Hi Clo!

I wouldn't worry honey :hugs:

It was quite a bit after I had Oliver that emailed and they sent me test pots :haha: They sent me weekly pots for about 6 weeks though, I thought they were a mistake but maybe my levels were raised? They didn't say they were but I guess it would make sense?

There is so much going on hormone-wise when you have had a baby, esp when you are breastfeeding too. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :hugs:
Clo, I was going to say the same thing about your levels. Possibly they are a bit high due to breastfeeding. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

SARAH! I missed the part about Oliver walking, congratualtions! What a huge milestone and how exciting! Oh boy, you are in for it now, he has a whole other world to explore! Time to REALLY childproof!

Kate, hooray for the pills working! I know it is such a simple bodily function, but you feel so bad inside when it isnt functioning properly. Be careful you dont overdo it as you are getting over the virus. You dont want to get sick again. If your body wants to rest, then rest.
As always its great to get the replies about stuff happening I have got so fed up with the hospital that i emailed the molar hosp in london and they have sent me my blood testing kit and i go tommorow to have them done so fingers crossed the results will be good.

am feeling sorry for you having problems going - i have that problem without being pregnant and had it twice as bad when I was but it didn't seem to matter what i ate or took - i ended up with lactulose liquid which helped me -

I am dreding having a toddler(when finally have one ) as our house is so NOT child friendly but am looking forward to all the changes coming a new venture eh

be happy people speak soon x
Hi Stacy, glad to hear you got your blood kit FINALLY. Do you know how long it will take to get results back? At least more time has gone by for your levels to go down more. Fingers crossed for good results!
Stacey I don't think there is such a thing as a toddler proof house :haha: Our house was soooo not baby friendly, but we made a few changes and as Oliver is doing more and more we find more things we need to change!!!
Hope everyone is well. Meant to update you lovely ladies on my scan last week. I didn't actually get a proper scan which I was annoyed about at the time but I am over it now. Cos I had the all clear at the 10+3 scan they just did a quick scan with a crap scanner in the docs room.

I could barely see anything except babies head and body-barely! But she said she could see placenta and baby and sac and all looked normal. So I shouldn't complain. I just was expecting a proper scan like before with a pic.THEN they were not going to scan me again until 30 weeks as I am low risk! But I insisted on an anomaly scan at 20 weeks and they obliged so I will be scanned at about 22 weeks I think.

I thank god every day things are going ok after the last few months I have had. But I find something new to worry about every day. It is like I am afraid to even believe now that everything will work out ok.

I feel like a fraud posting on here when It ended up not being partial molar but I just wanted to update you all as you were so good to me at the time xx
Firstly, you are not a fraud at all! We welcome you here and want to know how things are going! We certainly would never fault you for NOT having a pmp!

That is great news that all went well and good for you for insisting on the 20 week scan. I am very surprised they were going to forgo it. If there is one thing I have learned its that you must stand up and advocate for yourself and your baby. This will continue after your baby is born. Sometimes its difficult to get Drs to take you seriously. Keep it up!

I look forward to seeing your next update! And you must be positive that everything WILL be ok and you will be holding your baby before you know it!
Hope everyone is well. Meant to update you lovely ladies on my scan last week. I didn't actually get a proper scan which I was annoyed about at the time but I am over it now. Cos I had the all clear at the 10+3 scan they just did a quick scan with a crap scanner in the docs room.

I could barely see anything except babies head and body-barely! But she said she could see placenta and baby and sac and all looked normal. So I shouldn't complain. I just was expecting a proper scan like before with a pic.THEN they were not going to scan me again until 30 weeks as I am low risk! But I insisted on an anomaly scan at 20 weeks and they obliged so I will be scanned at about 22 weeks I think.

I thank god every day things are going ok after the last few months I have had. But I find something new to worry about every day. It is like I am afraid to even believe now that everything will work out ok.

I feel like a fraud posting on here when It ended up not being partial molar but I just wanted to update you all as you were so good to me at the time xx

hi Lyo:flower:
glad to hear all is well:) and i know how you feel about the worry of it all! my anatomy (20 week scan) is in 2 weeks and I am pertified now about that! thinking they will tell me something is wrong with baby!:/ & as Amanda said, dont feel like a fraud we love hearing ur progress:thumbup:

I have a question..does anyone know much about early signs of gestational diabetes? I went to the dr yesterday becoz i was worried about how tired I am still feeling, and I know I am a carrier of haemochromotosis (too much iron basically) and i was thinking maybe my iron levels were wacked out and that worried me about babys health etc, dr sent me for bloods this morning and i get results on friday, he said it could have somehing to do with iron, or a post-viral thing after having that flu combined with pregnancy causes fatigue, OR it could be an early sign of GD, which now Im worried about:/ as my mum is pre-diabetic and my pop had diabetes.. hoping its not that i just feel so darn tired sometimes, like someone has drugged/sedated me!:sleep:
Hello Kate! As far as I know there are no early signs of GD, but there are precursors to it (the likelihood that you will develop it) such as family history, high BMI (which we all know you dont have) and age (over 30, you're good here too). From what I read about it (and you remember how much I was worried about it) there is no immediate threat to the baby if your sugars are kept in check, just that the baby could get larger sooner and it can also lead to high BP later in pregnancy.

Clo had GD, perhaps you can send her a message on FB. I don't thing she is on the board very often, so she may not see this for a bit.

When you say extreme fatigue I think of low iron right away, but since you have issues with high iron that shouldn't be the case. Hopefully its just due to taking some time for your body to bounce back from the virus. I hope your blood work gives you some answers and you are feeling more energetic soon!
Hi Everyone I called the hospital today and my levels are all normal which is very quick and they just want to check my urine every 4weeks , I feel so much happier knowing that all ok and I feel happy in myself so all good - YAH
Does this mean that we should be ok to try again as they said December but that seems so far away when everything is good x
Stacy, thats great news! Will you ever see a Dr? I would try to speak to a Dr and see why they are asking you to wait 6 mos from now. Seems as if your levels could have been normal for a month with as long as its taken for them to run blood work. In any case, I'm sure the wait will go by quickly. I'm so happy for you!

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