Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi Everyone I called the hospital today and my levels are all normal which is very quick and they just want to check my urine every 4weeks , I feel so much happier knowing that all ok and I feel happy in myself so all good - YAH
Does this mean that we should be ok to try again as they said December but that seems so far away when everything is good x

Congratulations.... I would try and wait as long as possible. I was told as long as they dropped quickly it could be 6 months from date of loss, not when they returned normal. I found the wait agonising especially when they kept coming back ok. Although it ended in a loss I did fall pregnant first time 1 month earlier than my all clear date. I'd try and wait and make sure the levels stay down and there is defo no need for follow up.
I'm glad everything is going ok for everyone. Kate I hope your 'embarassing' problem gets better. I have suffered with it in all my pregnancies made worse by the fact I'm often perscribed Iron tablets.
Update after my scan 2 weeks ago, and not another one scheduled till 12 weeks I have been pestering the hubby for a private scan. He agreed and we went along today. Baby measuring perfectly for dates, 8w3d heartbeat strong. Then the sonographer asked "is this an IVF baby?" My hubby got it straight away, I thought she was just making conversation, but there it was a 2nd baby - measures 8w1d and heartbeat strong. The gestational sac is about 1/2 the size of the 1st though. We were warned at 12 weeks they might both be ok, or one might be gone or not viable:-(. This has obviously started me worrying me even more. I have posted on the multiples board and I will phone midwife on Monday I don't know if the NHS might offer me a scan sooner than 12 weeks. Anyhow thought I best keep you all updated.
What a rollercoaster we all put ourselves on!
I'm glad everything is going ok for everyone. Kate I hope your 'embarassing' problem gets better. I have suffered with it in all my pregnancies made worse by the fact I'm often perscribed Iron tablets.
Update after my scan 2 weeks ago, and not another one scheduled till 12 weeks I have been pestering the hubby for a private scan. He agreed and we went along today. Baby measuring perfectly for dates, 8w3d heartbeat strong. Then the sonographer asked "is this an IVF baby?" My hubby got it straight away, I thought she was just making conversation, but there it was a 2nd baby - measures 8w1d and heartbeat strong. The gestational sac is about 1/2 the size of the 1st though. We were warned at 12 weeks they might both be ok, or one might be gone or not viable:-(. This has obviously started me worrying me even more. I have posted on the multiples board and I will phone midwife on Monday I don't know if the NHS might offer me a scan sooner than 12 weeks. Anyhow thought I best keep you all updated.
What a rollercoaster we all put ourselves on!

OH MY GOSH! :happydance: So you had no idea prior to this that you had more than one baby in there? Crazy! Congratulations! :hugs: Good thing you went for this private scan! Did you have IVF and if so that is insane that they didnt know there was more than one!?! What with how often they check for a baby "taking" at least they do here in the US. Oh, I really hope everything turns out ok with the second baby! It must be a good sign that it is measuring basically the same as the other one. Please let us know if people on the multiples board indicate if it is common for one sac to be smaller than the other.

I really hope they get you in sooner for another ultrasound soon. I cant bear waiting 4 more weeks to hear an update and I cant even imagine how you must feel at the prospect of waiting that long!!! Good luck!:hugs:
Congratulations Aliwan how wonderful!!

Ladies im so panicky, i just posted this in 2nd tri..anyone that could help me plz do!

Hi ladies I'm a bit panicky ATM I had blood tests done by my gp as I've been feeling so tired and they came back as high iron BUT I'm anaemic!!, I asked if this could harm baby and she said that coz I'm anaemic It means not enough red blood cells and if I'm not getting enough oxygen then baby may not be.. So so worried as I can't get an appointment with the ob til another week!!! Has anyone had this happen or can offer any advice, I'm quite desperate!
Congratulations Aliwan how wonderful!!

Ladies im so panicky, i just posted this in 2nd tri..anyone that could help me plz do!

Hi ladies I'm a bit panicky ATM I had blood tests done by my gp as I've been feeling so tired and they came back as high iron BUT I'm anaemic!!, I asked if this could harm baby and she said that coz I'm anaemic It means not enough red blood cells and if I'm not getting enough oxygen then baby may not be.. So so worried as I can't get an appointment with the ob til another week!!! Has anyone had this happen or can offer any advice, I'm quite desperate!

Wait, I dont understand how the results can say high iron and anemia? Anemia is low iron. Please dont worry, most pregnant women become anemic. I am and was while pregnant with Luc. Just go and get yourself some iron pills, slow release iron and begin on 1 tablet per day until you speak with your OB. Did your GP tell you how low it is and how much to take?
I am very bothered by the fact that they freaked you out like this. It really is very common. Your baby is getting what it needs, you are the one who isnt getting enough of what you need and that is why you are feeling like you are. The baby will get its nutrients and such then whatever is left goes to you.

Kate, please dont worry! Just begin supplementing and you will feel better in one day, I promise!:hugs::hugs::hugs: Remember, iron can cause constipation. Be sure you are taking your full dose of Colace, especially since you have already had issues with it.
Hi ladies, I just happened to stumble across your group while doing my nightly google on all things molar pregnancy... Here's my story. I'm 24 and have been married 2 years. My husband and I decided to start trying and bam, 2nd try we got it right. We were excited but I was really freaked out. I kept worrying that something was wrong, and refused to tell anyone until 1st trimester was over. All through my short pregnancy I had nightmares of m/c and never had any symptoms other than breast soreness. I mentioned my concerns to my boss who I had to tell about the pregnancy since I'm a teacher... She told me to stop worrying or what I kept thinking would come true. :( We had our first u/s at 6 weeks and everything looked great. We could see the fetal pole, and scheduled another u/s for after our cruise to measure the heartbeat. Two weeks later we went in and saw the sac had grown but the baby was a spec, it was slightly smaller than it had been at the last u/s and no HB. We were devastated. I immediately went back to what my boss had said thinking I'd caused it from bad vibes etc... Dr said it was a mmc and not my fault. While checking my HCG levels the next week to confirm m/c, dr said he expected about 4,000 and they came back 64,000. He then said it looked like PMP. After the DNC a week later he said there was a lot of bleeding, consistent with PMP. Now we are awaiting test results to confirm. Dr. said results could take 1 to 4 weeks. I of course made the mistake of google-ing PMP and scared myself to death. My dr only told us it was caused from 2 sperm, one egg, and that we would have to wait a year. I guess he was waiting for final test results to spill the beans about the rest. I know several ladies who have m/c but had never even heard of a PMP before all of this. I'm just having a hard time dealing. At first it was a relief, a "Wow, it wasn't my fault"... My hubby even apologized for having crazy strong sperm that all reached the egg... which made me laugh. :) But somedays I have a really hard time with it. I just don't know how to deal with all of this. This is alot harder than a mmc. A year seems so long right now. And all of this waiting for test results is driving me crazy.
thanks Amanda, but see that's the thing, dr told me to stop
Taking my prenatal vitamins as they contain iron and I have too much iron already. That's why she is (& I am!) worried becoz she doesn't understand how my bloodwork says 'anaemic' but at the same time my iron is high. I am a carrier of haemochromotosis, which is one gene of the disease and haemochromotosis means too much iron, so I don't know if that's why it is showing high iron or what..I got an appointment with specialist for next Friday and that's a whole week away and I'm concerned for baby,I went back to gp again this morning after my first appointment and explained this to her and she said yes I should be seen sooner then a week so she is calling the specialist this arv trying to get me in sooner and she said then
She will call me so I'm sitting here waiting!!! I knew something wasn't quite right becoz I'm just constantly exhausted... I hope she rings! Trying not to worry as I've been feeling baby move but I just hope they r getting enOugh oxygen in there..
Hi ladies, just popping in quickly :flower:

No sign of baby yet, but I don't mind going overdue as I'm still feeling OK :) I'll let you know once I go into labour though! :yipee:

Wow, this little group is growing! Hope I haven't missed anyone out...

Jamarismummy- hope they can sort this out for you asap hun, I'd be anxious too :hugs:

Amandalucsmom- wow how did you get to 3rd tri already? The time has flown over these last couple of months!!! Hope all is going well with you xx

Jamie - so sorry to read about your loss hun, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. :hugs:

Alwilan - Amazing news you have double blessings, I'll be keeping your babies in my thoughts. I got early scans on the NHS, I just had to pester for them, hope you get another glimpse soon xx

Lyo- fab news on your scan hun, so pleased for you!! :yipee:

Newby - That's amazing news hun, really chuffed for you. Makes life so much easier when the levels sort themselves out! Won't be long now until you can start trying again!!!

Sarawoo- :hi:

Clo - Hope you and your LO are doing well, hope to join you in the baby section of the forum soon :wohoo:

Well my dr rang, and she said she never heard back from the specialist at the hospital-she had gone home!!:growlmad: so she called an obstetrician she knew and talked to him about my results and asked his professional opinion, to which he said, from an obstetric point of view baby should be fine, but to keep my appointment next friday to see my ob at the antenatal clinic, he also recommended i see a haemotologist, regarding my significant drop in haemoglobin. My dr then rang the haemotologist and he said the whole thing could just be from the pregnancy, but he reccomends I get more blood tests to rule out any blood disorders I may have, there is one where the body attacks the red blood cells its producing and that is what they are testing for. So I am doing my bloods monday ..and get the results hopefully 2 days later, then see the antenatal clinic next friday.
:cry:the nightmare continues.. why cant I just have an easy pregnancy? Im young, fit, look after myself and baby as best I can, and still these things happen to me, one thing after another.
On a happier note my parents are coming to visit tomorrow, thank god, I am so on edge and worried about bubby:nope:
Hi ladies, I just happened to stumble across your group while doing my nightly google on all things molar pregnancy... Here's my story. I'm 24 and have been married 2 years. My husband and I decided to start trying and bam, 2nd try we got it right. We were excited but I was really freaked out. I kept worrying that something was wrong, and refused to tell anyone until 1st trimester was over. All through my short pregnancy I had nightmares of m/c and never had any symptoms other than breast soreness. I mentioned my concerns to my boss who I had to tell about the pregnancy since I'm a teacher... She told me to stop worrying or what I kept thinking would come true. :( We had our first u/s at 6 weeks and everything looked great. We could see the fetal pole, and scheduled another u/s for after our cruise to measure the heartbeat. Two weeks later we went in and saw the sac had grown but the baby was a spec, it was slightly smaller than it had been at the last u/s and no HB. We were devastated. I immediately went back to what my boss had said thinking I'd caused it from bad vibes etc... Dr said it was a mmc and not my fault. While checking my HCG levels the next week to confirm m/c, dr said he expected about 4,000 and they came back 64,000. He then said it looked like PMP. After the DNC a week later he said there was a lot of bleeding, consistent with PMP. Now we are awaiting test results to confirm. Dr. said results could take 1 to 4 weeks. I of course made the mistake of google-ing PMP and scared myself to death. My dr only told us it was caused from 2 sperm, one egg, and that we would have to wait a year. I guess he was waiting for final test results to spill the beans about the rest. I know several ladies who have m/c but had never even heard of a PMP before all of this. I'm just having a hard time dealing. At first it was a relief, a "Wow, it wasn't my fault"... My hubby even apologized for having crazy strong sperm that all reached the egg... which made me laugh. :) But somedays I have a really hard time with it. I just don't know how to deal with all of this. This is alot harder than a mmc. A year seems so long right now. And all of this waiting for test results is driving me crazy.

Welcome, Jamie. I am so sorry for your loss and that you had a need to seek out our group. We all know how difficult and confusing the early weeks are and are here for you.

After you get your complete results you may want to ask your Dr why he/she advises waiting a full year. Usually that recommendation is for a complete mp, not partial. I didnt find this board until after I was pregnant again after my pmp. I had no idea that it is common practice in other countries to wait 6 months to try to conceive again, my Dr only advised us to wait 2 cycles which he asks anyone woman who has a mc, regardless of the cause.

After some time, I felt fortunate to know why we lost our baby and I found great comfort in knowing that it is highly unlikely to happen again. Most people never get an answer.

What is it exactly that is scaring you so much about pmp? I think a lot of what you may find online are extreme bits of information. I have been all through Google and know as well as anyone that Google is not our friend! If you haven't already, please take the time to read through our stories. There really is a light at the end of your tunnel. Please try to stay positive and feel free to lean on us! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Well my dr rang, and she said she never heard back from the specialist at the hospital-she had gone home!!:growlmad: so she called an obstetrician she knew and talked to him about my results and asked his professional opinion, to which he said, from an obstetric point of view baby should be fine, but to keep my appointment next friday to see my ob at the antenatal clinic, he also recommended i see a haemotologist, regarding my significant drop in haemoglobin. My dr then rang the haemotologist and he said the whole thing could just be from the pregnancy, but he reccomends I get more blood tests to rule out any blood disorders I may have, there is one where the body attacks the red blood cells its producing and that is what they are testing for. So I am doing my bloods monday ..and get the results hopefully 2 days later, then see the antenatal clinic next friday.
:cry:the nightmare continues.. why cant I just have an easy pregnancy? Im young, fit, look after myself and baby as best I can, and still these things happen to me, one thing after another.
On a happier note my parents are coming to visit tomorrow, thank god, I am so on edge and worried about bubby:nope:

Wow, this totally blows my mind! I had no idea you can have high iron and still be anemic. Obviously, anemia has much more to do with than iron. I had just assumed there was no way you heard correctly, but I am so sorry.

It sounds like your Dr is going above and beyond to advocate for you and figure out what is going on and that is wonderful! Its rare to find a Dr who is willing to admit they dont know about something.

I hope you are able to get more answers after you get the next round of blood work done. Very glad you have a distraction this weekend!

BTW, awesome news that you are feeling the little one move! How exciting! Please try to remain calm and positive, Kate!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Good luck with going into labor, Dan! We cant wait to hear about how it goes! And two thumbs up on being able to reach so many in one post. How did you possibly remember what you wanted to say to who? Especially with pregnancy brain! I am so flighty lately!
Well my dr rang, and she said she never heard back from the specialist at the hospital-she had gone home!!:growlmad: so she called an obstetrician she knew and talked to him about my results and asked his professional opinion, to which he said, from an obstetric point of view baby should be fine, but to keep my appointment next friday to see my ob at the antenatal clinic, he also recommended i see a haemotologist, regarding my significant drop in haemoglobin. My dr then rang the haemotologist and he said the whole thing could just be from the pregnancy, but he reccomends I get more blood tests to rule out any blood disorders I may have, there is one where the body attacks the red blood cells its producing and that is what they are testing for. So I am doing my bloods monday ..and get the results hopefully 2 days later, then see the antenatal clinic next friday.
:cry:the nightmare continues.. why cant I just have an easy pregnancy? Im young, fit, look after myself and baby as best I can, and still these things happen to me, one thing after another.
On a happier note my parents are coming to visit tomorrow, thank god, I am so on edge and worried about bubby:nope:

I know an easy pregnancy would be a dream. It sounds like your healthcare professionals are taking good care of you. At least with something happening monday and wednesday, friday should be there in no time. I must admit I've never heard of having high iron levels and anemia and it would have freaked me out too. The website family doctor says there are other causes for anemia not just low iron - I never knew this. Good Luck sure it will all be fine x
OH MY GOSH! :happydance: So you had no idea prior to this that you had more than one baby in there? Crazy! Congratulations! :hugs: Good thing you went for this private scan! Did you have IVF and if so that is insane that they didnt know there was more than one!?! What with how often they check for a baby "taking" at least they do here in the US. Oh, I really hope everything turns out ok with the second baby! It must be a good sign that it is measuring basically the same as the other one. Please let us know if people on the multiples board indicate if it is common for one sac to be smaller than the other.

I really hope they get you in sooner for another ultrasound soon. I cant bear waiting 4 more weeks to hear an update and I cant even imagine how you must feel at the prospect of waiting that long!!! Good luck!:hugs:

No we hadn't had IVF I think it was the sonographers little clue to what she was about to say.
On the multiples board people do talk about smaller sacs and they are still pregnant with twins at 20+ weeks. There are also stories with less positive outcomes, but the fact the baby is a good size and a strong heartbeat is all in it's favour.
I'm phoning midwives on Monday and I'm going to pester for a 10 week scan which would be week after next.
I am ecstatic, although it would be a huge shock to our home life. Hubby and I wouldn't want it any other way now - 5 children OMG and 3 under 2&1/2 OMG!!
Alwain, I have a friend who had 3 under 2!!! I have heard of people having three, trying for just one more and ending up with 5! What a gift! I'd be so excited! Two infants are difficult, but that time only lasts a short amount of time. Think of the best friend for life you are giving your children! How old are your two oldest children? I'm sure you'll have helpers!
The eldest turns 11 next week and he is already a great help and the 'current' middle one is 8, he is a help but also a bit crazy. My youngest is 2 in September.
The waiting game.................quick update spoke to the midwives. They have arranged another sacn for next Monday, and they think if the twin is still there then it should be viable. So I have my fingers toes everything crossed.
The waiting game.................quick update spoke to the midwives. They have arranged another sacn for next Monday, and they think if the twin is still there then it should be viable. So I have my fingers toes everything crossed.

Yay, only one week to wait! Cant wait to hear. And I think the ages of your older kids will fit perfectly with two babies coming, even if one is a little crazy! : ) A boy I presume?

I have my next appt tomorrow, early morning. I wish, hope, pray the baby is head down. I know I have time, but my sister had a frank breech baby and, with the help of physical therapy, has just started walking in the last couple of days and she will be 2 in six weeks. He was still head up at my last two ultra sounds at 19 and 24 weeks, so we'll see! I am also measuring big, so concerned about that. Luc was 7 lbs 7 oz a week late, so I am not too keen on pushing out a 9 lb baby! Wish me luck, ladies!:hugs:
Hi everyone!

Amanda fingers crossed your lo is head down! I was convinced that Oliver was transverse for ages but he went head down and engaged at about 37 weeks, and then came at 39+2 :thumbup:

Alwilan I have everything crossed for you and your twins too! I have a friend who uses the multiples board on here a lot, I pop in and see how she is doing sometimes and they all seem very friendly and helpful :thumbup: One of the ladies who we met at baby group had twins the same age as Oliver, and she also has a four year old. We all looked at her in amazement with how she managed but she said though it was hard, she didn't think it was as hard as it looks :haha: You will manage just fine :hugs:

Kate I hope you appointment goes well and that you find some answers, I had never heard of been anemic but having too much iron either. Try not to worry though sweetie - the good news is that they know whats wrong, so they can begin treating you etc now :hugs::hugs:

Dan-O Wow - I can't believe its your due date tomorrow!! :happydance: I hope you have a great labour and birth, can'[t wait to hear the details and see pics of your lo :baby:

Jamie I'm so sorry :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Did you get your test results yet? I know it all seems so, so scarey, we all know exactly how it feels honey :hugs: If you have any questions please ask, sometimes its better than Google :hugs:

I'm sure I've missed people out! But huge hugs to you all :hugs::hugs:

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