Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Due date today... nothing yet lol!!! :haha:

I still reckon thursday might be the day :flower:
So, had my appt today. It went well, except for the scale thing. So far I'm up 16 lbs and I know that isnt a ton, but this is the time it really comes on. My Dr is happy with my gain (or lack of gaining more) so I guess I need to be. Its jsut so hard to watch the number get higher! Dr didnt check for position since he said it was too early to matter. He said by the time I got out to the car he could flip over again. I guess we'll see.

I also got my exact number of my GTT result. My OBs office uses 145 as a cut off and my blood sugar was 69. I was shocked it was SO much lower than the limit, I was so worried about it.

So, at my last appt I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. This time I am only one week ahead, so I am very happy about that! All in all a great appt. I go back in 3 weeks to get back on an even number of weeks, the every two for a couple of weeks, then once a week until my due date. So crazy how fast this time has gone by!

Dan, sorry no baby action as of yet. I hope you go soon so you can avoid your midwife "interfering"! How long will she let you go before trying to strip your membranes and are you opposed to that? Good luck!
Hello ladies, sorry to hijack the thread a little but wanting some help. Am currently pregnant following a Pmp in feb. Just wandered when I should get the all clear that this pregnancy is not a Pmp?
So far ive had urine hcg at 7dpo was 7 and 14dpo was 122, blood hcg was 67 at 11dpo and 301 at 14 dpo. A scan at 4 weeks showed thickened lining, have another at 6 weeks. When will they be able to tell me all is ok so I can relax a little?xxx
Hey Cornish! Congrats on your new pregnancy!!! At six weeks you may see a little flicker of a heat beat, which is a great sign - it looks like you are been closely monitered which is great! Its hard to say at what point they will say its absolutely not another PMP BUT just keep in mind that its so, so unusual to have another, and if your HcG is looking normal and your baby is developing well it really does look good!!!!

When I was expecting Oliver I was told at 6 weeks that it was a normal pregnancy, though I know now that sometimes it is later that these things are picked uo.

Just try to stay positive, we are all hear for you :hugs:
Dan, sorry no baby action as of yet. I hope you go soon so you can avoid your midwife "interfering"! How long will she let you go before trying to strip your membranes and are you opposed to that? Good luck!

I'm booked for it on friday, not really opposed to it, but not looking forward to it either. I often have an awkward cervix when it comes to smears etc, so I'm kinda guessing she will struggle to reach for a sweep! I'd also hate for it to break my waters by accident, hopefully that's not possible!

Oh well, got a couple of days yet.. come on baba lol!! :haha:
Hello ladies, sorry to hijack the thread a little but wanting some help. Am currently pregnant following a Pmp in feb. Just wandered when I should get the all clear that this pregnancy is not a Pmp?
So far ive had urine hcg at 7dpo was 7 and 14dpo was 122, blood hcg was 67 at 11dpo and 301 at 14 dpo. A scan at 4 weeks showed thickened lining, have another at 6 weeks. When will they be able to tell me all is ok so I can relax a little?xxx

Congrats, Cornish! How exciting, I am so happy for you!

My Dr never expressed any concern that pmp would reoccur. When I became pregnant again I asked about my risk and he said about a 4% chance of it happening again and a 96% chance that it will not. Pretty good odds, dont you thing?

Are you planning on having the NT scan? If that comes back normal, your chance of another pmp is pretty much zero, but I felt it very difficult to relax until 19 weeks, when I had my anatomy ultrasound. And then really felt better once regular movements began. Every Dr's visit (which I believe are much more frequent here in the US) I pretty much prepared myself for no HB, I was so anxious.

We got to a point that my anxiety and fears became irrational. The chances of pmp reoccurring and second trimester loss really quite rare. Once I got to that point, with the support of the ladies here, I had to make a conscious decision to stop with the constant dread and worry. I so enjoyed my pregnancy with my first child and knew I'd be so very upset with myself if I allowed this pregnancy to slip by and not enjoy it.

Fingers are crossed for you and your little one. Please keep us updated as to your progress. You are not hijacking the thread at all, we love to hear how you are doing! Good, bad or unsure you are welcome! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dan, sorry no baby action as of yet. I hope you go soon so you can avoid your midwife "interfering"! How long will she let you go before trying to strip your membranes and are you opposed to that? Good luck!

I'm booked for it on friday, not really opposed to it, but not looking forward to it either. I often have an awkward cervix when it comes to smears etc, so I'm kinda guessing she will struggle to reach for a sweep! I'd also hate for it to break my waters by accident, hopefully that's not possible!

Oh well, got a couple of days yet.. come on baba lol!! :haha:

Well, good luck! I hope its not painful and gets things going for you! I was never even offered it with Luc, but was induced a week past due. I know most people are very much opposed to induction, but I had a wonderful experience!

Come on, little one!
Hello ladies, sorry to hijack the thread a little but wanting some help. Am currently pregnant following a Pmp in feb. Just wandered when I should get the all clear that this pregnancy is not a Pmp?
So far ive had urine hcg at 7dpo was 7 and 14dpo was 122, blood hcg was 67 at 11dpo and 301 at 14 dpo. A scan at 4 weeks showed thickened lining, have another at 6 weeks. When will they be able to tell me all is ok so I can relax a little?xxx

Hi Cornish, Glad you found your way over here. The other ladies are probably better at re-assuring as I did not have a PMP but a complete mole. I feel your anxiety. My 6 week scan was very re-assuring and now I am trying to remain calm between appointments. My intial worries are settling down. Having had babies before, I always knew something wasn't quite right when I had a molar pregnancy. The chances of re-accurance are extremely low, I think the biggest problem we all have, is that the odds of having a molar pregnancy in the first place are so small, so we (me certainly) end up thinking we are going to be one of the unlucky few who this happens to twice. One of the girls here also said take each little milestone as a positive step towards a healthy pregnancy, eg. each week that goes by, what the scans show. I started posting on here when I was 4 weeks and now I am 9 weeks along. Although I still do worry, and check toilet tissue for blood, it is happening less and less and I am starting to look forward to the next 6/7 months.
I'm booked for it on friday, not really opposed to it, but not looking forward to it either. I often have an awkward cervix when it comes to smears etc, so I'm kinda guessing she will struggle to reach for a sweep! I'd also hate for it to break my waters by accident, hopefully that's not possible!

Oh well, got a couple of days yet.. come on baba lol!! :haha:

Good Luck, my second sweep with my littlest one worked a treat. So fingers crossed for you. I think alot more pressure is needed to break your waters so try not to worry too much. Hope little one gets here fast for you.:flower:
So, had my appt today. It went well, except for the scale thing. So far I'm up 16 lbs and I know that isnt a ton, but this is the time it really comes on. My Dr is happy with my gain (or lack of gaining more) so I guess I need to be. Its jsut so hard to watch the number get higher! Dr didnt check for position since he said it was too early to matter. He said by the time I got out to the car he could flip over again. I guess we'll see.

I also got my exact number of my GTT result. My OBs office uses 145 as a cut off and my blood sugar was 69. I was shocked it was SO much lower than the limit, I was so worried about it.

So, at my last appt I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. This time I am only one week ahead, so I am very happy about that! All in all a great appt. I go back in 3 weeks to get back on an even number of weeks, the every two for a couple of weeks, then once a week until my due date. So crazy how fast this time has gone by!

Dan, sorry no baby action as of yet. I hope you go soon so you can avoid your midwife "interfering"! How long will she let you go before trying to strip your membranes and are you opposed to that? Good luck!

Sounds like everything is going fine. Lando my littlest one kept turning in there until about 36 weeks, I think my other ones had loosened it so much he had loads of room.

I hate the weight gain too, but this time I'm trying to relax, especially if my twins make it! Also though I just want a happy healthy baby, last time I got myself quite depressed about my weight gain, and found peoples comments so upsetting, eg "are you sure you are not having twins".
3 babies later I have still managed to lose the baby weight, taking a little longer each time and I didn't quite get to my pre-pregnancy weight before this pregancny but I was only 6lbs away. I sobbed at my booking in appointment when she said she wanted to weigh me as I think it's a private thing, but here in the uk she said they wont weigh again unless they suspect a problem - that probably also changes with twins:shrug:
Sounds like everything is going fine. Lando my littlest one kept turning in there until about 36 weeks, I think my other ones had loosened it so much he had loads of room.

I hate the weight gain too, but this time I'm trying to relax, especially if my twins make it! Also though I just want a happy healthy baby, last time I got myself quite depressed about my weight gain, and found peoples comments so upsetting, eg "are you sure you are not having twins".
3 babies later I have still managed to lose the baby weight, taking a little longer each time and I didn't quite get to my pre-pregnancy weight before this pregancny but I was only 6lbs away. I sobbed at my booking in appointment when she said she wanted to weigh me as I think it's a private thing, but here in the uk she said they wont weigh again unless they suspect a problem - that probably also changes with twins:shrug:

Nice, I'd love to not be weighed each and every time! Although, one reason I am happy my appts are more frequent now is that less time between weigh ins to gain!

Thanks for the support. I was so good when I was pregnant with Luc. I had just lost 50 lbs before getting pregnant and kept up with my walking regimen the entire pregnancy, up until the day I was induced. In fact, i think I increased my walking to try to get things moving.

This time all bets are are off since I have a three year old I am cashing around all day and it is so, so hot here. We have temps right around 100 F and all I wasnt to do is sit.

I gained a total of 23 lbs with Luc and most of it was gone by the time I came home from the hospital. Amazing how that works!
Hello Ladies Newby just catching up with the news and OMG yes we do put ourselves through so much and its such a hard thing being this incubater for a new life. I am happy to hear your news all of you and dont think that i am not interested in you all but theres just so much to take in that i get confused and it doesn't take much.
well I feel very lucky that i didn't have any high levels and feel like a cheat really compared to some of the news.
am still getting on with work and life and Brett and I have a busy july so that will pass quick enough and roll on December -its hard to try and not wish the time away but when your waiting like this ..........
well will check in later with you all and wish everyone lots of love and best wishes for the new arrivals coming soon xx
lots of love Newby x
Good to hear from you Newby! Glad you are keeping busy, it'll be here before you know it!
Wow! It was so great to catch up on all the new posts Ive been missing out on! I have had my parents stay for a week, took them to the airport this morning to fly home, we have been soo busy exploring Western Australia Ive barely had time to be on the computer.
Dan-O- Is that precious baby here yet? Thinking of you!:hugs:
Aliwan, congratulations on your twins:happydance: I hope all continues to go well and you can keep us updated on your progress, what an exciting time, and just think, you have been through a molar pregnancy-you can handle anything! (Meaning you will have a few little ones running around together soon!:hugs:) You will do a fantastic job and we are cheering for you:happydance:
Cornish, so sorry to hear of ur pmp, & congratulations on ur new pregnancy. Early on its so nerve racking, and I was just the same as you, wondering when I would be told if this new pregnancy was a pmp or not..I was so sick with ms at one stage I convinced myself it must be another pmp:wacko: went into the er when I thought I was about 8 weeks, and dr scanned me, found a little baby and heartbeat and assurred me it was not another pmp, but the baby was measuring 6 weeks. I walked away from that scan still thinking it was pmp, because the baby was measuring behind. But I am now 19 weeks and know this is a normal pregnancy. I may have measured small due to ovulation etc, and I guess the time I was able to really get a sense of relief was after the 12 week NT scan results showed low risk. I have my anatomy scan next Monday, & I know if I get good results from that, I will be able to settle & enjoy the second half of the pregnancy, and I must admit, I am STILL a little anxious about this babys health, and nervous about Monday:dohh:I think thats only natural though after what we've been through.
Amanda & Sarah, I had an early appointment today at the antenatal clinic, about those funny blood results!:wacko: Obstetrician was very thorough, and isnt concerned about them, he explained that the tests were showing high iron count even though my iron isnt actually that high, due to it being stored in my bone marrow, and the anaemia comes in because my body thinks it isnt getting enough iron, and shows that in the tests, but thats because my bone marrow is trying to store this iron for me, because the demands of the baby are taking alot of it..anyway that probably doesnt make sense its hard to explain but my oh and mum came with me and its all looking good, I just have to get tested again in a month, and if my haemoglobin levels drop below 80 thats a cause for concern, they are currently 96 so all is ok at the moment:thumbup: we also got to hear our lo's heartbeat for the first time today:happydance: it is usually around the 140 mark but today was 160, & the midwife explained that some babies get excited by the ultrasound and jump around and that appears to be what ours was doing! She was also able to tell the baby had a little hiccup:haha:
As I said above i have the anatomy scan on monday coming, feeling a little nervous..but excited to see baby now it will be so much bigger from the 12 week scan.. so thats my little update..Im so sorry if i have missed anyone, our little group is growing and its hard to keep up at times!:haha: So happy to have checked in here again:hugs:
Oh! I almost forgot!:dohh: Amanda! Congrats on a great appointment! I bet you couldnt be happier with those results:happydance: and dont worry, you still have plenty of time for baba to turn around and head south! Lets hope he does so you can relax and not have that worry on you:)
Kate...Oh, I am so, so glad today's appt went well. Sounds like a big old circle with the iron stored in the marrow and the test results. You're right, it is confusing! I think I understand though. The disease you have (or are a carrier for) causes you to have false results? In any case, I am so glad you have a Dr who knows about it and is able to take some of that worry off your mind.

So, anatomy ultrasound Monday, huh? YAY! I cant wait to hear how it goes. If I remember correctly you're going to keep us all in suspense and not find out the sex, right? Totally your choice, but I vote for lets hear it! Joking aside, I am sure all will go well and hooray for getting to see a very in depth look at your little one. I bet your parents wish they were here for just one more weekend so they could see it!

Glad you had a good visit! Looking forward to hearing from you on Monday!
Kate...Oh, I am so, so glad today's appt went well. Sounds like a big old circle with the iron stored in the marrow and the test results. You're right, it is confusing! I think I understand though. The disease you have (or are a carrier for) causes you to have false results? In any case, I am so glad you have a Dr who knows about it and is able to take some of that worry off your mind.

So, anatomy ultrasound Monday, huh? YAY! I cant wait to hear how it goes. If I remember correctly you're going to keep us all in suspense and not find out the sex, right? Totally your choice, but I vote for lets hear it! Joking aside, I am sure all will go well and hooray for getting to see a very in depth look at your little one. I bet your parents wish they were here for just one more weekend so they could see it!

Glad you had a good visit! Looking forward to hearing from you on Monday!

Thanks Amanda! Yes it was soo confusing but good to know dr seems to know what he is talking about! Yes anatomy scan coming up in less then 48 hrs! & ur right lol we aren't finding out the sex! I'm 50/50, would like to find out but would like a surprise too, whereas Trumaine really really wants a surprise! So I've decided to stay team yellow, I gues we can always find out with the next one! Hoping baby doesn't 'expose' to us it's gender lol can I ask, did u have an appointment with dr after ur 20 wk scan for the results? The ob I saw yesterday said I don't need to have an appointment for the results, as the Sonographer will say whether everything is ok or not, but I'm feeling a little unsure about that, like maybe I should be seeing a doc for results? Did ur Sonographer let u in on how baby was? Yes my mum was sooo disappointed she couldn't stay longer to come to the scan, she so wanted to! But I promised lots of pics afterwards. Do u have any advice fOr me regarding the scan? Eek so nervous! I will report back in Monday with results, wish us luck! Xo
My only advice is to go in with a full bladder and ask to go to the bathroom after they get all the lower shots (cervix and such). There is no reason to be uncomfortable the entire time. Also, wear something that you can pull down very far. Even though my bump was much higher, I had to have my pants down very low, half my bottom was out, so she could get the shots of my cervix and ovaries. Also, drink a glass of OJ just before you go so baby isnt sleeping. I had to go back a second time for a look at his spine because he just wouldnt budge.

Things may be different there than here, but our sonographer wouldnt tell us a thing. Sometimes we could see what she was typing on the screen (there was a TV screen in front of us in addition to the one on her machine) and sometimes we couldnt. It made me nervous.

The day I went happened to be the day I was due to see my Dr so I did have an appt, but my Dr got called away for a surgery. I ended up seeing a nurse practitioner (maybe your equivalent of a midwife, but she doesn't do any deliveries). She did go over the results with us, but I also got a call with results a couple of days later after a Dr had reviewed them. I didnt have an appt after my second L2 US and also got a call a few days later.

While I am dying to know what you are having, I do understand the surprise thing. It is kind of nice and part of me wishes we had done it with Luc. This time, in the beginning, I really had my heart set on and had a strong feeling it was a girl, so I had to find out. Now I am super happy to be having a boy and I seriously doubt I would have been disappointed at the birth when I found out he was a boy, but we have all boy stuff and I would have needed to be ready for a girl.

I'm sure as soon as you sit down she/he will ask if you would like to know the sex and they will be careful not to allow you to see it. There may be a point when they need to look at the gender to make sure all is well (maybe a pic for your file), but they will tell you to look away if they do that. Most people who I have heard are on the fence about finding out go in kind of hoping the tech slips and allows them to see, but I have never, ever heard of it happening. Usually they take all kinds of pictures of things you cant recognize at all at first, then get to the fun stuff such as arms, legs and such.

Its going to be so much fun! Enjoy it, its amazing!
So happy to be able to bring some more good news to the thread:) had our scan and was told we have a beautiful baby that is developing perfectly! in the words of the sonographer everything looks 'fantastic'.:happydance:

cant believe this is real....i can relax, breathe, enjoy now...:cloud9: I might actually be bringing this baby home:cry: happy tears:)


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