Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

So happy to be able to bring some more good news to the thread:) had our scan and was told we have a beautiful baby that is developing perfectly! in the words of the sonographer everything looks 'fantastic'.:happydance:

cant believe this is real....i can relax, breathe, enjoy now...:cloud9: I might actually be bringing this baby home:cry: happy tears:)


Congratulations, Kate! That is such great news:thumbup:, I know you are so relieved! Wasnt it amazing? Was s/he moving around a lot? Of course you will bring this baby home! YAY!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thankyou!:) oh Amanda, talk about active! I shouldn't of bothered drinking any fluids coz the same thing happened that always does! Lol the Sonographer asked me to go and empty my bladder as soon as he put the Doppler on my belly! Lol and I even had drunk a bottle of oj like u recommended, they told me it was a very active baby it wouldn't sit still n kept curling up in my hip area hiding it's face! Was a very naughty bubba:haha:But yes was amazing:) I asked if they think I needed to go to dr for results (after dr said I didn't need to as sonigraphers would let me no if all was ok) & they said as far as they were concerned everthing looks 'fantastic'. Still in two minds as to whether to make an earlier appointment with dr at clinic or not as my next antenatal appointment isn't for another 3 weeks. .
Congratulations Kate, I'm glad your scan went so well.

I too will post some good news, I had my scan yesterday, and both babies were still there :happydance: the 2nd one is still measuring 3 days smaller and still has a smaller gestational sac, but it has grown in line with the baby and the sonographer thinks we will still have twins when I go for my 12 week scan in 2 weeks today!
I was a complete wreck beforehand, Nick my hubby had just started a new job last week, and already has the date off for the 12 week scan so he couldn't make it, and my Mum came and looked after my other boys. I went in on my own and was in floods of tears expecting the worst I'd convinced myself not only had the little one not made it but I'd lost the other one too.
I got to see both babies move and the bigger twin was moving his little hands and feet kicking and somersaulting, only disappointning thing is she didn't give me a picture, and I was so overwhelmed I didn't ask. I know I will get some in 2 weeks but would have liked Nick to see them.
Alwilan, I am so, so happy for you and your family! How exciting to see both babies moving all around! And how horrible for you to have gone through that by yourself. I know how easy it is for us to convince ourselves that we are going to get the worst news possible. I am so glad you had worked yourself up for nothing. I cant wait to hear how it goes in two weeks and I hope you get lots of pictures!

Kate, sorry about the juice advice! At least they were able to get the shots they needed! You'll probably be ok to wait for the next appt. Seems they would have been upfront with you if there was an issue. When the nurse practitioner went over my results after my US she was reading directly from a report written by the tech who performed the ultrasound. I almost believe the ones who do the ultrasounds and see many, many babies on them know what they are looking for just as well as your Dr, you know?

I know both of you ladies are so relieved and I couldnt be happier for you!

I am 30 weeks along today, only 10 more weeks, 70 days to go! My LO is moving pretty much nonstop these days and I am loving every minute of it!
:happydance:Aliwan that is amazing news so very happy for you and your family!:hugs: you poor thing being so upset going into ur scan, it is terrible trying to publicly fight back tears and some ppl look at you like you have 2 heads!! This has happened alot with me and this pregnancy and it is awful, but I am sooo pleased your little twinnies are hanging in there they are tough little things just keep the faith that they are in there for good, mama!:happydance:

Oh my gosh Amanda 30 weeks! That is wonderful, i bet you are counting down the days! Oh and dont be sorry about the juice advice! lol it enabled for a good laugh or two at our cheeky baby as it frustrated the sonographer! And who knows, that might just be our baby, and nothing to do with the juice:haha: I bet little Luc is getting excited about meeting his little sibling:thumbup:

I am having a horrible cramp/stitch like pain in my right hip area this afternoon, has anyone had this? Trumaine and I went for a lovely stroll around the Marina earlier this morning and I planned to do birthday shopping for Trumaine this arv but put it off until tomorrow now as I didnt feel confident going to the shops alone with this pain, Im guessing its nothing too serious but its damn painful! Always something Im complaining about:dohh: sorry ladies!:haha:
Aliwan YAY for the scan going well and your twinnies been okay! I'm so pleased!

Amanda I'm so glad things are going well for you too - 30 weeks - wow!

Kate it could be round ligament pain? There is SO much stretching etc going on, I'm sure it'll be something like that, esp if you did quite a bit of walking earlier :)
I agree with Sarah, round ligament pain. Sometimes it is so bad it takes my breath away. I hat is quite a bit early on, then it seemed shortly into the second tri, then the other day I was putting underwear on and got zapped with it. my current issue involves pain in my hip when I stand up from going to the bathroom, which is still 3-4 times a night. I absolutely dread it! Its lovely the things that happen to us when pregnant. I feel so old this time!

Speaking of underwear, I have a vent...I seem to have outgrown my regular undies and figured it was time to buy some maternity ones. I bought two different styles in the same size I normally wear in this certain maternity store and both styles sag in the bottom! Ugh, its so annoying! I am currently trying to shrink them in the washer and I guess I'll be looking for more today, but for now I am still stuck with underwear that are too small. I never had this problem when pregnant with Luc, just wore my regular underwear throughout.

Sarah, hows you little sweetie doing?
Hi ladies, just popping in to announce our new arrival! I've not had time yet!

I very unexpectedly got taken into hopital with pre eclampsia on friday when a routine MW appt flagged up dangerously high BP (160/110!) I had no symptoms either! I was 40+3.

They got me stabilised & I was given a pessary the next day to soften my cervix, ready for induction on Sunday. However, this was not needed as I went into labour myself after taking a long walk in the hosptal grounds on Saturday night ;)
Baby was back to back presentation (hence my smaller bump!), so a long labour was expected.. but our boy had other ideas and arrived just a couple of hours after the contractions became intense enough to need the G&A!!!! My second stage of labour was just 10 minutes lol!!(thank you RLT!) My MW said it was her fastest delivery to date :haha:

I had just a couple of internal stitches for a small 2nd degree internal tear which didn't want to stop bleeding because of my high BP, but apart from that everything was perfect and on the outside I just had grazing. So lucky!

It was all such an amazing experince, the contractions were very intense for the last 2 hours of my labour, but it was all forgotten instantly as soon as I had pushed him out! I was even able to walk back to the ward with my baby after delivery!

Our little boy is just the most perfect thing I have ever seen! Healthy, happy and feeding very well on the breast, especially now my milk has come in! :cloud9::cloud9:

I will do my birth story properly at some point & and add my labour & birth pics as soon as I get the chance! :flower:
Oh my goodness, he is gorgeous and what an exciting entrance he made! Congratulations, Dan! What is his name? I'm so glad you didnt agonize for many, many hours. Thanks for the update, I know you must be so busy!
Oh wow Dan-O he's absolutely gorgeous and you did so well!! HUGE congratulations! He really is absolutely stunning, how much did he weigh?
Thanks ladies! :cloud9:

Yes he was definitely worth the wait! I never imagined when I was having chemo this time in 2009 that exactly 2 years later I would be holding my own baby!

He was only little in the end, a few grams short of 7lb :flower:

We've called him Sidney Michael (surname Jordan) :D
Hi all - I've just come across this thread after posting elsewhere but this is obviously the more relavant one. On 20th June I had my 1st scan (by my dates 1 day off 13 weeks) - I had a big bump, had put on over a stone and was feeling sick 24/7. I'd also got a rash on my chest that i've had with my 3 previous pregnancies so I was very excited to finally be seeing my baby. So I was incredibly shocked to be told there was just an empty sac. Anyway to get to the point, I had an ERPC on the 23rd. I'm desperate to be pregnant again so was doing a HPT each week so I could get some idea of when my cycle would start again. This morning (3weeks after op) it was a very quick, strong positive still so just for piece of mind I phoned the hoppital. They seemed a bit concerned and phoned me back once they'd located my notes and said that from the tissue analysis we requested, I'd had a partial molar and they gave me a number of a lady to phone. By this time I was really worried thinking cancer etc etc and not only am I dealing with a miscarriage but now this so i was in a bit of a state. anyway, thankfully it's not cancerous and I've got to go and get my bloods taken tomorrow and then weekly tests.
I'm 37 and this baby was going to complete my family so now I'm worried that having to wait at least 6 months might be too late and I really wanted to be pregnant by the time this one was due (Boxing Day, also my son's 2nd birthday which will be quite emotional I think now - well mixed emotions).
Just wonderred other people's experiences and how quickly your levels went down etc. Any sort of feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Dan, your baby boy is so beautiful, no wonder you are over the moon. Congratulations to you and all your family and well done for the breastfeeding.

I know I can't belive I'm lucky enough to be pregnant it felt so dark when I was going through the molar, so I can only imagine how perfect it feels to be holding a baby.

Congratulations again x x x
Hi all - I've just come across this thread after posting elsewhere but this is obviously the more relavant one. On 20th June I had my 1st scan (by my dates 1 day off 13 weeks) - I had a big bump, had put on over a stone and was feeling sick 24/7. I'd also got a rash on my chest that i've had with my 3 previous pregnancies so I was very excited to finally be seeing my baby. So I was incredibly shocked to be told there was just an empty sac. Anyway to get to the point, I had an ERPC on the 23rd. I'm desperate to be pregnant again so was doing a HPT each week so I could get some idea of when my cycle would start again. This morning (3weeks after op) it was a very quick, strong positive still so just for piece of mind I phoned the hoppital. They seemed a bit concerned and phoned me back once they'd located my notes and said that from the tissue analysis we requested, I'd had a partial molar and they gave me a number of a lady to phone. By this time I was really worried thinking cancer etc etc and not only am I dealing with a miscarriage but now this so i was in a bit of a state. anyway, thankfully it's not cancerous and I've got to go and get my bloods taken tomorrow and then weekly tests.
I'm 37 and this baby was going to complete my family so now I'm worried that having to wait at least 6 months might be too late and I really wanted to be pregnant by the time this one was due (Boxing Day, also my son's 2nd birthday which will be quite emotional I think now - well mixed emotions).
Just wonderred other people's experiences and how quickly your levels went down etc. Any sort of feedback would be appreciated. Thanks

Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. You will feel worse right now, I was unconsolable, and have only recently found this support group. I had a complete mole, so it is slightly different although I know alot of the girls had partials like yourself. My HCG dropped quickly and I was given the ok <25 by 6 weeks after the op. I was told I could start trying 6 months after the ERPC, I know this wait will feel like forever, but you will be pregnant before you know it. I can understand wanting to be pregnant by the time your baby would be due, and it may be worth a word with the molar centre looking after you to see if they'd be happy for you to at least start trying in November? I built up a strong relationship with the lady in Dundee who used to give me all my HCG results. This baby was going to be our last baby too, and I'd been trying for a year to get pregnant. Joining this forum has been so good for me, and please talk about all your thoughts - they're not stupid or irrational, we have all felt the same way. The other nice thing about this group is there are ladies at every stage, pregnant, waiting to conceive and those who have successfully had a baby after a molar.
Once you get your hcg results back you should have a better idea of what is going on, I wish I could give you more re-assurance. Take Care x
Hi all - I've just come across this thread after posting elsewhere but this is obviously the more relavant one. On 20th June I had my 1st scan (by my dates 1 day off 13 weeks) - I had a big bump, had put on over a stone and was feeling sick 24/7. I'd also got a rash on my chest that i've had with my 3 previous pregnancies so I was very excited to finally be seeing my baby. So I was incredibly shocked to be told there was just an empty sac. Anyway to get to the point, I had an ERPC on the 23rd. I'm desperate to be pregnant again so was doing a HPT each week so I could get some idea of when my cycle would start again. This morning (3weeks after op) it was a very quick, strong positive still so just for piece of mind I phoned the hoppital. They seemed a bit concerned and phoned me back once they'd located my notes and said that from the tissue analysis we requested, I'd had a partial molar and they gave me a number of a lady to phone. By this time I was really worried thinking cancer etc etc and not only am I dealing with a miscarriage but now this so i was in a bit of a state. anyway, thankfully it's not cancerous and I've got to go and get my bloods taken tomorrow and then weekly tests.
I'm 37 and this baby was going to complete my family so now I'm worried that having to wait at least 6 months might be too late and I really wanted to be pregnant by the time this one was due (Boxing Day, also my son's 2nd birthday which will be quite emotional I think now - well mixed emotions).
Just wonderred other people's experiences and how quickly your levels went down etc. Any sort of feedback would be appreciated. Thanks

Hi avgabcon, welcome to our little group. I am so sorry for your loss and need to find us. I have been where you are. I was 35 when I miscarried. I too went in for an ultrasound and saw noting inside the sac. My Dr made me come back a a fee more times a week apart since the sac kept growing and we began to see something inside. I assume he did this just in case I was wrong about my dates, but I was using an OPK and had a very regular cycle, so I knew I was not off on dates. He finally offered me a D&C and I was very happy to get off that roller coaster. I was also worried about my age and very much wanted to be pregnant again before what would have been the baby's due date. My Dr only advised us to wait two cycles (as he does with any m/c) and it took us 6 months to conceive again, on the last month possible for me to get a positive on HPT before the due date. I still tested pos on pregnancy test at the Dr 2 weeks post-op, but my period returned 4 weeks to the day from my D&C. My levels were tested to zero by that time, but I would have only been 10 weeks along when I had my D&C done.

I know how sad you must be feeling, especially thinking you were almost out of the first tri. If you havent already, please take a look through the thread and read some of our stories. You'll find many success stories, including myself. Unfortunately, I didnt find this group until after I had already become pregnant again. I spent many months doing internet searches and coming up with all kinds of stories. The ladies here have been of so much comfort to me, the support is amazing! It feel so good to talk to people who have been there. It seems that even the medical community knows so little about this.

Good luck with your results. Fingers crossed that your levels are very close to zero and your cycles regulate very soon. Again, I'm really sorry for your loss.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi all - I've just come across this thread after posting elsewhere but this is obviously the more relavant one. On 20th June I had my 1st scan (by my dates 1 day off 13 weeks) - I had a big bump, had put on over a stone and was feeling sick 24/7. I'd also got a rash on my chest that i've had with my 3 previous pregnancies so I was very excited to finally be seeing my baby. So I was incredibly shocked to be told there was just an empty sac. Anyway to get to the point, I had an ERPC on the 23rd. I'm desperate to be pregnant again so was doing a HPT each week so I could get some idea of when my cycle would start again. This morning (3weeks after op) it was a very quick, strong positive still so just for piece of mind I phoned the hoppital. They seemed a bit concerned and phoned me back once they'd located my notes and said that from the tissue analysis we requested, I'd had a partial molar and they gave me a number of a lady to phone. By this time I was really worried thinking cancer etc etc and not only am I dealing with a miscarriage but now this so i was in a bit of a state. anyway, thankfully it's not cancerous and I've got to go and get my bloods taken tomorrow and then weekly tests.
I'm 37 and this baby was going to complete my family so now I'm worried that having to wait at least 6 months might be too late and I really wanted to be pregnant by the time this one was due (Boxing Day, also my son's 2nd birthday which will be quite emotional I think now - well mixed emotions).
Just wonderred other people's experiences and how quickly your levels went down etc. Any sort of feedback would be appreciated. Thanks

Welcome to our little group, I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs::hugs:

The other girls have given some great advice. It is so hard in those early days, the loss plus the shock of having to deal with the whole new world of molar pregnancies and having to get your head around the follow up wait etc.

It took me about 12 weeks post ERPC for my levels to drop to zero.

I felt the same about been pregnant fo my due date. When I was first diagnosed I was desperate to be pregnant again before I had been due. In the end though I wasn't - I was tempted to ttc during followup but I had a chemical pregnancy in the March and it really scared me, I think mentally waiting the full six months was right for me. So my due date was hard - but the year after I gave birth to my baby boy three days before my original due date :cloud9:

Personally, I would say wait and see how quickly your levels fall, and when they are zero see how you feel :hugs: I kept myself sane by thinking that if I really, really wanted to TTC again, we could. It might have been against medical advice but the advice differs so much from country to country, and if I had had a natural m/c no one would have known it was pmp :shrug: Thats how I justified it anyway.

I hope that we can help you along your journey - I know seeing so many ladies with their post molar babies / pregnancies must be hard but we do all know where you are now and we are here for you :hugs:
Thanks ladies! :cloud9:

Yes he was definitely worth the wait! I never imagined when I was having chemo this time in 2009 that exactly 2 years later I would be holding my own baby!

He was only little in the end, a few grams short of 7lb :flower:

We've called him Sidney Michael (surname Jordan) :D

Adorable name, Dan! You really have come a long way from two years ago! Snuggle that baby tight!:hugs:
Dan-O I love the name!! Lovely weight too - Oliver was 6lb 8oz, and be breastfed like a pro and put a pound on in his first week :haha:
you must be in heaven right now!:cloud9: huge congratulations on that magic little baby he is just beautiful! Sidney Michael wat a gorguz name and looks like it really suits him! Well done on a nice quick delivery!!:happydance: I am so, so thrilled for you, it gives me goosebumps I cant wait to be where you are-20 weeks to go:thumbup: Enjoy your little man, you deserve him so much!!!:hugs:

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