Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Thanks, at day surgery now waiting to go in. Just been told I'm bottom of the list, yikes! Got to take Sidney to his allergy clinic appointment at 2.30, hope I'm done by then!!! Good job its in the same hospital! Things we do as parents lol!! :haha:
Bottom? Hopefully time will pass quickly, lots of hugs.

Beck I'm the same, not very good at actually being pregnant either but I find I miss it once it's over.
Hope you get in quickly Dano and make the allergy appointment. Massive hugs. All the best xx

You know Rach, I'm the same - I kind of miss it when its over.
Home now, it went fine and they have sent the baby off for karotyping. (Plus pathology for molar cells obviously)

Made it to Sidney's allergy testing appt ok, was a bit woozy tho! Unfortunately he did test very allergic to peanuts and now has epi pens. Scarey! Hoping preschool know all about them already!
Glad you are home now. I hope you get some answers from the karotyping.

Did Sidney have symptoms of having allergies?

Yes we had an incident when he ate nut roast age 18m, kinda like bad hay fever. Then I somehow got some peanut butter on him when I was eating it before Xmas and his eyes swelled up, nose streaming, hives and a massive welt where it touched his skin, had to rush him to doctors.
We weren't sure if it was coincidence at the time. The allergy clinic referral took 9 months, but I'm so glad we went, today's reaction was a big welt to a microscopic pin prick test, so he's properly allergic. Anaphylactic if he ate some. More worry lol! Kids eh? Sent to test us!!
Dano I hope you've had some rest today. How scary he could go into anaphylactic shock. I guess once you kno how to deal with it, it might ease the worry a little. Corban has a boy at playgroup with a nut allergy so no peanut butter or Nutella in there lunch.

So I threw up earlier.... But just the once. Even if it's once a day now that's an improvement!

Glad the day surgery went well dano and hope you get some answers from the testing!!
Wow that's pretty scary! Gosh I hope My child doesn't have peanut allergies cos I love peanuts and peanut butter!
Glad it went well Dano. Hope you get some answers now. Sorry that Sidney has such a severe allergy.

Woke up with a bad headache today after sleeping the best I have in months last night. Hope its not bp starting to play up. Feeling pretty awful the last few days so hopefully means its almost done. Yesterday I did an ocd clean of the kitchen including all cupboards, pantry, fridge, freezer... Nesting is in full force!
Alana is 8 months. I nursed Nora for 18 months. She was the longest. But i am not sure how long i am gonna nurse her. I am going to try to not nurse her for atleast 6 hours at night and see if that help. I read it does. I want at least one more. (thinking if my body could handle it twins would be nice so i can get an extra in.) i need to learn before i have the next one to shut off my baby hunger cause it keeps coming sooner and sooner. I am going to start taking folic acid cause that can help too. Other wise i doing opks. And i only had one that might have looked positive and that was 10 days ago and of course i have tested and so far neg.

Becky hope it's not the rise of you bp. When's your next midwife appointment. I done a top to bottom on the kitchen the other day too! Hehe!

Vicki my periods returned soon after not feeding at night. I wonder if the want for more babies will ever turn off! 4 is our limit because of space and money. But I worry I'll still have a need for more! Argh!

Don't see my doctor until Thursday night. I rang the midwife at the hospital who wants me to lay down with no noise after taking panadol for an hour and see if improves. If not I need go in to check bp and bubs. The lack of noise is actually really nice! Hopefully works. May have over done it with ocd cleaning...

Hopefully its the start of your ms disappearing Laura.

Vicki, my cycle only came back after Marcy stopped feeding altogether. She had been only feeding first thing in the morning and bedtime for several months and nothing. Once I stopped I ovulated 2-3 weeks later.
Jacky it could also mean something may be happening!! I got a bad head before delivering both my boys!! Have you got a home bp monitor to double check how that's going?
Hope ur ok Becky!!

Omg I just bought some maternity idea EVER!!!! I feel so much better wearing them <3 worth every cent!
Becky at least your midwife is on it. Hope the rest makes you feel better. Or like Dano said maybe it's the beginning of something!!!

Dano how's you today lovely?

Jess glad to hear your enjoying you jeans. Hehe!!! How's bump coming along?

Lotte you ok?

Feel fine actually. Not bleeding at the mo, so kinda waiting with trepidation for that to start and make it a bit more real. My new RMC appointment came in the post this morning, which was an unexpected surprise. Now I have the 26th September to work towards. Hope my hcg drops nicely this time, so there are no delays with these tests!

Busy day again today, and hubby at work until 10pm. No rest for the wicked!
Becky hope you are ok

Dano how are you feeling? Hopefully Sidney won't need the epi pen although its good to be prepared

Laura hopefully the sickness will be on the way out. The last few days sound more positive.

Jess - i loved my maternity jeans. I remember someone saying that you will wear them for months after too. Although i put mine on the day after i got out of hospital and they fell down! :haha: how are you feeling?

Vicki not much advice on af returning. I went on the pill about 8 weeks after finishing bf and i still hadn't had a period although i didn't bf for as long as others.

I'm ok. Following from what i said the other night, i think the main reason i will have a 2nd if i decide to, will be so Ella has a sibling. I'm not sure i want her to be an only child. I know its early days though for that and there is no rush.

I have been offered another job at the company i work for. Slightly more money and looks very interesting. I have been feeling quite unmotivated by what i have been doing, so thought i would apply. I signed the contracts yesterday and start on 1st sept.

Ella is doing ok. Having fun at the childminders and with my mum. Getting funnier every day.

Dano i think we cross posted! Glad you are feeling ok, and least the wait at the rmc is not too long. Did you have any blood taken yesterday?

Dan o I'm glad your feeling ok.

Lotte congrats on the job, sometimes a nice change is all we need.

Jess I love my maternity jeans and I actually wear them now and again because they are so comfy haha, when is your next scan?

Becky it may be the start of something. I remember feeling yucky just before having Carys.

Afm I may be convincing dh slowly. He is a little worried because our local health board are being tools and have closed our scbu and stopped consultant led care in our hospital and moved it 30+ miles away so will have to keep convincing lol xxx

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