Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Lotte plenty of time for you to have another. I think I've just gone baby mad. Great news on your new job! Massive congratulations! A change is good I think! Yay! Super that Ella is getting on so well. Has she got back on with her walking?

Rachie keep on persuading! Hehe! Bit rubbish they've moved consultant care though! Does that mean you would have to deliver at that hospital too?

Dano I'm glad your feeling ok at the mo. I hope if you do start bleeding it's not to heavy and doesn't take it out of you. All crossed that your levels drop quickly so they don't interfere with your rmc testing. Good you have a date to aim for.... Not that it makes any of this easier. My DH has been working till 10pm every night so I feel your pain!

Becky how are you feeling? Any better?

Congratulations on the new job Lotte! It has to help make things more interesting :)

Dano, hope everything drops quickly. Glad you have another appointment. I hope you get some answers xx

Jess, love love love my maternity jeans. I have worn them so much this time too. I even wore them for months after as it covered my belly when bf out places and meant I didn't have to expose ny belly or wear another layer. So so comfy!

I hope its the start of something. The rest helped a little but I found I feel better being up. I remember I felt yucky before Marcy too but hope its not weeks like it was with her. I'm going to request a stretch and sweep on Thursday. Will only help if bubs is ready but hoping my doctor will do it. I completely forgot what this bit was like. Ive been so scared about labour I forgot about the lead up... Oh well. Hopefully have some news for you all sooner rather than later :)
Rach, let me know what you get to worth when you convince your husband... I will need to use it to convince mine another baby is a good idea. Not liking my chances for a while though!

They closed down deliveries at a lot of the hospitals near us to. We are 2 mins from the only one that will deliver in the whole region (covers up to 3 hrs highway drive away so 300km). Was sad that they closed down thr hospital I was born in. It definitely makes it harder when the care isn't there. What impact will the changes make if you were to have another one?
Haha glad everyone loves their maternity jeans as much as me then :p
My mum thought I was hilarious when I told her!

I will take a pic of my "bump" when I get up and get ready :) I definitely think a little something has popped out now!

Lotte - that's great about the new job! Congrats! More money is always a winner!!

Becky - hopefully they will do the stretch and sweep and you aren't feeling yucky for too long!!

Rach - haha hopefully you can convince DH another baby is a good idea :) I'm sure he will come around :p
Physically same as the January erpc, just spotting, night sweats and horrible bloating. My breasts are really sore again too, damn hormones!

Had a few tequilas last night while catching up on a few episodes of true blood I had recorded, and have spent half of today throwing up as a result lol. I shouldn't drink with pregnancy hormones still high, it doesn't agree with me AT ALL :haha:
True blood! Can you believe it's the last series? Not so good about to many tequilas! Hoping your hcg falls quick. When's your next test?

Thanks Everyone. :) I am quite excited.

Laura - Ella's walking is ok. She takes a few steps but she is still pretty inconsitent with it. She can now stand up by herself (i.e. from sitting without pulling herself up) How are you doing? Is the sickness still there? How are you littlies?

How is everyone else doing?

Sounds like Ella is getting there with her walking. Great that she is standing from sitting on her own :)

I'm doing ok. Spent the morning at the doctors as I woke up very very swollen and sick. Turns out I have a uti again. Bp ok and protein levels are good so not getting pe this time yet. Pressure and niggles are from bubs but headache, swelling and sick is from uti. Started antibiotics so will see how going at Thursday's appointment. Bubs decided to go to sleep when they put the trace on so had very worried nurses as we couldn't get it to move for most of the time. Not long now hopefully.
But one plus - neg for group b so no need for antibiotics during labour! Yay. I can move around this time!
Dano I hope you are feeling better today. Thinking of you xx
How many weeks are you now Becky?

Hope you are feeling better soon :thumbup:

Just wanted to say "hi" to everyone! I still peak in often...hoping to see if Becky has had that baby yet! So curious if it's a boy or girl!!

Dan-o, thinking of you often, hope you start feeling back to normal :hugs:

AFM- baby fever is getting worse every day!!! I've started looking up what my due date might be if I were to get pregnant each cycle...Thinking of doing OPKs to see if I can figure out what day I ovulate for a few cycles... Bah, I think we just have had a lot of free time lately, makes me think I need another one!
Ella sounds like she's doing great! Bless her! I've pretty much halfed my meal sizes which seems to be helping. I think my stomach hasn't been full for so long it's shrunk. I wasn't sick today! Yes! Threw up once yesterday so it's def improving. My littlies are doing super thank you! Just enjoying the sunny days in the garden.

Oh Becky how rubbish! Hope the uti clears and your feeling better. Are you still gonna ask for a sweep on Thursday?

Raff it's soooooo hard when your so broody. I wanted to wait till indie was a year before we tried again but I couldn't handle it. I think opks can help pass the time! See what's going on! Hehe! How are your girlies?

Dano hugs xx
Oh and I'm in double figures! Well I think I'll go over but for now I'm going by my ticker...... 99 days!

Yay, it will fly Laura!

Raff, have another one ;) great idea to pass a few months though until you are seriously trying :)

I'm 37 weeks today. Still will ask for s & s tomorrow night at my appointment. If bubs is ready, it might help it along. Hopefully she agrees. She did one in the late afternoon at 37+1 with Marcy so fingers crossed. She was born 37+4. It almost done. I do have a massive list to get through so a few more days sill be good. Marcy is spending the day ag my parents so I will hopefully cross off a few things :)
Speaking of which... My cue to start the day. Only bad side to a big girl bed is you can't just leave them for too long once they are awake as they can escape. Cots are wonderful!
Becky, I hope the Uti clears up quickly for you! Not what you want at the end of your pregnancy when you are already feeling kinda fed up!

Laura wow double figures!!! It's seems to be going so quick!! You will be 30 weeks in no time!

AFM - 14 weeks today woohoo! The last few weeks have gone so quick :-D
Booked my anatomy scan for 11th September and I'll be 19w1d, can't wait!! 5 weeks to go lol.
Becky it's so crazy your 37 weeks! Yay! Do you expect bubba to come soon? Hope they give you a sweep and labour starts soon! A little excited for you right now!!!!!! Eek!

Jess happy 2nd tri! How good does it feel to move over?

I'm so pleased I'll be in the 3rd tri by next week! Things start feeling safer and safer! I want indigo in a big girl bed but maybe once bubs is here.

Dano hope things aren't to bad still. Have you spoken to charring cross?


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