Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Afm, my baby is one in 5 days time! Too scary!

We may be getting a tooth finally! Her walking is going well, she is crawling much less now and toddles round. Kris calls her a little drunk, because she walks like a drunk!

Love my baby so much!


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Becky so pleased your feeling good. Saw your picture on fb! What beautiful babies you have!

Lotte Ella is too cute! Bless her! We do baking, dancing, play outside, go for a walk, drawing etc. just depends what the weather is like. Indie is snoozing so I'm having some snuggle time with Corban!

We changed indies cot to a bed! So far so good! Eek!

Thanks guys!

Ella is snoozing now too! So I am sitting resting!

It sounds like you have fun together laura! I always worry I dont do enough things with Ella, although she seems to find random objects to play with. She loves pegs at the moment!:haha:

How ex citing that Indie is in a bed! When did you do it - yesterday? She is getting so grown up!

We done the swap on Sunday! She has got outta bed a few times but she gets straight back in when you go in her room. We got a stair gate so she can't get out of her room. So far so good!!!!!!

Sometimes I worry I don't do enough but sitting and snuggling is just perfect! They play with there toys a lot.... Indigo likes random things too!

Lotte- Aww, she is so cute!!! Her hair looks so long! the pasta table idea too. Might have to copy that one!

Well, I went to the dollar store and bought 10 opks today...hoping peeing on something will help me patiently wait a few more months before ttc. Every time I talk to my husband we bump up when to try another month. It doesn't help that half my friends are pregnant too!
Lotte she is so cute!!!

Raff - it is so hard not to TTC when all your friends are pregnant! Gives you baby fever lol!! That's good you got some opk's so atleast you can start tracking!
Becky so glad your home. I havent had much jealousy issues with any of mine. I did a little with nora being the first girl with 5 boys she was tge princess and it took a little bit for her to share that role. It was really bad when a friend of ours offered to do baby pics. Nora got it really bad because alana was getting that much arrention so we added her to a few too.

Raff i know its hard. I am ready again alana is 9 months. But i would honestly too cause i want to try to finish school and i want to apply for aug next year and i would like to have that out of my way by that time, but with nursing i still dont think i ovulaing and time is running put so we will see.

Glad everyone is ticking along nicely! :flower:

I am too in a way. It was my due date yesterday and guess who arrived instead of a nice new baby.. MY FIRST POST MC AF!!!! OMG the irony lol!!!! :haha: I'm just about BFN too which is amazingly fast for me! VERY happy about that!

I'm honestly fine though, focusing on the kids and getting fit. Running not going so well for me today, knee and ankle letting me down, bit frustrating. I'm only 37 for gods sake, what is my body like lol. I can run for 16 minutes now tho, it was 16 seconds 2 weeks ago!! :happydance: Hoping to be up to 5k by the beginning of October if I follow the plan :D
Hello everyone, I'm so glad to have found this thread as I'm feeling a little bit lost and confused right now.

I just went for my first scan today at 12 + 2 only to be told that there was no heartbeat and the baby died at around 7-8 weeks. As if that wasn't hard enough to hear, they told me that they suspect it was a partial molar pregnancy due to some suspicious looking tissue on the scan.

I have to go back on Monday for another scan to confirm this, had blood tests taken today and have surgery on Tuesday. It's my husbands birthday this Friday too which just adds to the suckiness.

I'm confused though as to what exactly a partial molar pregnancy means. Having done some googling and seeing the words "cancer" and "chemotherapy" pop up in relation, I am now feeling pretty defeated and scared. I can't stop crying and thinking how I can't even have a normal miscarriage.

Please can someone educate me on this?! Am I likely to have to wait a long long time before we can TTC again? What are the chances of it turning cancerous? I'm worried that it's already been a month since the baby died and have to wait nearly another week before having surgery to remove the tissue. Is this long enough for the bad cells to spread to other body parts/into the blood stream?

We are feeling pretty broken right now. Just yesterday everything was sunshine and roses and now we're in darkness.
Oh Hun I'm so sorry to read your post. Try not worry to much about the cancerous side of things as it's such a small percentage you would ever need chemo with a PMP. It's a tough road but all us ladies are here and will support you in every way you can. Sometimes google isn't your friend with a molar. When will you get your bood results? Where are you located too?

Sending hugs your way xxx
Thanks, it really helps to hear back from someone supportive. I'm not sure when I'll get the blood results back, possibly on monday when I have the scan but I'm just guessing.

We're not far from London, England.
So glad your have got back to bfn so quickly Dano. Great news on the running. I am at the 16 seconds if I'm lucky stage so I'm very impressed! So good to have something else to focus on. I hope you get the 5km achieved by Oct. If it makes you feel any better my knees are stuff and have been since I was 16 so its not an indicator of age but its hard to feel joints letting you down. At 31 I look like an old lady when it gets too cold if I've been lazy and haven't walked or moved lots... Ha its funny to watch!
Hi springorchid - I'm so sorry for your loss!
I too had a partial molar and felt the same, confused and scared! With my partial molar after I had the d&c I had weekly blood tests for about 3 months to check my levels went down and stayed down which they did so after that I was given the ok to TTC again. Some doctors want you to wait longer than that though so just depends on who you see! With a partial molar the risk of cancer is very low. I hope you get your results soon xx
So sorry love for your loss. Definitely don't Google as Laura said it makes this experience so much more scary. Its a very slim chance to need chemo with a partial. Its good that they are monitoring your bloods now so they will watch the levels drop from the beginning and you will be monitored the whole time. I hope that the ladies here can help you as they all did me. They are wonderful ladies!

And to give you hope that wonderful, beautiful special babies come at the other side of this experience - many of us have had our rainbows or are currently pregnant with them. My daughter was born a week before the 1 year anniversary of finding out about the mole and I have just had my second rainbow a little boy (2012 mole, 2013 dd, 2014 ds).

Thinking of you and hope you find the support here that helps you get to the otherside of this xx
Hi springorchid - I'm so sorry for your loss!
I too had a partial molar and felt the same, confused and scared! With my partial molar after I had the d&c I had weekly blood tests for about 3 months to check my levels went down and stayed down which they did so after that I was given the ok to TTC again. Some doctors want you to wait longer than that though so just depends on who you see! With a partial molar the risk of cancer is very low. I hope you get your results soon xx

Thank you for the reply, that's very reassuring and I really appreciate it.
So sorry love for your loss. Definitely don't Google as Laura said it makes this experience so much more scary. Its a very slim chance to need chemo with a partial. Its good that they are monitoring your bloods now so they will watch the levels drop from the beginning and you will be monitored the whole time. I hope that the ladies here can help you as they all did me. They are wonderful ladies!

And to give you hope that wonderful, beautiful special babies come at the other side of this experience - many of us have had our rainbows or are currently pregnant with them. My daughter was born a week before the 1 year anniversary of finding out about the mole and I have just had my second rainbow a little boy (2012 mole, 2013 dd, 2014 ds).

Thinking of you and hope you find the support here that helps you get to the otherside of this xx

You are all too kind and making me teary again! Really glad to have found this thread and very happy to hear many of you have had happy endings since. I don't feel so alone now.
Thinking of you xx

I hope the time flies by quickly for Monday xx
So sorry spring. I had a complete molar that was really uncharcteristic. June of 2012 It didnt look like one but a small section, did not have high levels hcg blood levels and it went down on its own by 3rd? Blood draw. I had my rainbow nov 2013 so i got preg about a year later. My dr wanted me to wait a year but i did not do it on purpose i tried since oct 2012.


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