Hello everyone, I'm so glad to have found this thread as I'm feeling a little bit lost and confused right now.
I just went for my first scan today at 12 + 2 only to be told that there was no heartbeat and the baby died at around 7-8 weeks. As if that wasn't hard enough to hear, they told me that they suspect it was a partial molar pregnancy due to some suspicious looking tissue on the scan.
I have to go back on Monday for another scan to confirm this, had blood tests taken today and have surgery on Tuesday. It's my husbands birthday this Friday too which just adds to the suckiness.
I'm confused though as to what exactly a partial molar pregnancy means. Having done some googling and seeing the words "cancer" and "chemotherapy" pop up in relation, I am now feeling pretty defeated and scared. I can't stop crying and thinking how I can't even have a normal miscarriage.
Please can someone educate me on this?! Am I likely to have to wait a long long time before we can TTC again? What are the chances of it turning cancerous? I'm worried that it's already been a month since the baby died and have to wait nearly another week before having surgery to remove the tissue. Is this long enough for the bad cells to spread to other body parts/into the blood stream?
We are feeling pretty broken right now. Just yesterday everything was sunshine and roses and now we're in darkness.