Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Lotte, a whole year already! Bless her! <3 Time has certainly flown. I look and Vince now and hardly recognize the fully fledged toddler he has suddenly become! x
Had a lovely day but very exhausting!

Spring - totally agree with dano - the time between finding out baby had died and the erpoc (or induction with my second and later loss) was absolute torture. I remember wondering how on earth i would get through it. I cant help with your question but if you are worried maybe ask your dr.

Also please never worry about feeling like your cant ask or will put a downer on things. We are all here for each other through the good and bad and although we all have slightly different stories, know the despair and devastation that losing a baby causes. I hope tuesday comes quickly.

I’d love to join this group please if I may. Bit nervous lol, I’m a social media virgin & don’t usually join forums, not on facebook etc. but I’ve been stalking (!) this forum the last few months & it’s provided me with invaluable information, comfort & reassurance since I started my pmp journey. I’d just love to connect with people who are going through / have gone through the same experience.

My story: I attended hospital in early June for my 12 week scan (I was 11+ weeks) & booking in apt. The ultrasound showed no heartbeat & baby had stopped developing at about 8 weeks. If I’m honest I had an inkling that something wasn’t quite ‘right’ with this pregnancy, apart from tiredness I’d had no other real symptoms & I already have a daughter so I’d been pregnant before. The doctor assumed it was a mmc & I had an erpc a few days later. We were so disappointed but hoped to ttc again soon. Fast forward to mid July & I was called in to meet the doc to discuss the findings of the pathology (?) report. They had found molar cells & I had my first blood draw that day. Result was 14.5 which I was informed was low. I’ve been in every week since & levels were dropping steadily until last Fri when they had risen slightly from 2.1 to 3. I was told that a slight rise can happen & it might just be a blip but I’m obviously a tad anxious. I go in again Thur & will have my result Fri. Fingers crossed!

Up to now I’ve tried to just get on with things & push the sadness of my loss to the back of my mind. My beautiful daughter was such a comfort. We went sale agreed on a house a few days before my initial hospital appt & it seemed like everything was coming together for us! After my diagnosis I turned my focus to getting ready for the move (which should have been around now) but the sale hit a stumbling block & we’ll be lucky to have it completed by Christmas. (I worry it might even fall through.) I know its not too long away but having something positive to focus on had really helped ease my impatience at not being able to ttc. I just feel in limbo now & that all the important things in my life at the moment are out of my control. My partner is wonderful but very easy going & I feel he doesn’t share my restlessness & frustration.

Thanks for reading!!
Hello everyone, I'm so glad to have found this thread as I'm feeling a little bit lost and confused right now.

I just went for my first scan today at 12 + 2 only to be told that there was no heartbeat and the baby died at around 7-8 weeks. As if that wasn't hard enough to hear, they told me that they suspect it was a partial molar pregnancy due to some suspicious looking tissue on the scan.

I have to go back on Monday for another scan to confirm this, had blood tests taken today and have surgery on Tuesday. It's my husbands birthday this Friday too which just adds to the suckiness.

I'm confused though as to what exactly a partial molar pregnancy means. Having done some googling and seeing the words "cancer" and "chemotherapy" pop up in relation, I am now feeling pretty defeated and scared. I can't stop crying and thinking how I can't even have a normal miscarriage.

Please can someone educate me on this?! Am I likely to have to wait a long long time before we can TTC again? What are the chances of it turning cancerous? I'm worried that it's already been a month since the baby died and have to wait nearly another week before having surgery to remove the tissue. Is this long enough for the bad cells to spread to other body parts/into the blood stream?

We are feeling pretty broken right now. Just yesterday everything was sunshine and roses and now we're in darkness.

Hi Spring Orchid

I see you have just recently joined this group like me. I’m so very sorry for your loss, such devastating news on what should have been the very happiest of days. Your story is very similar to my own but I’m a few months further down the road than you. Sending you hugs for Tuesday x x
Thanks you so much everyone for the support, I am soaking it up right now.

The last couple of days I've been surprised at how strong I seemed to be, as if I was breezing through it, but today I woke up crying and ended up totally crumbling my midday. Afterwards we met up with my husbands family for a BBQ which I didn't know if I could handle. I'm not normally a drinker but they gave me a couple of rum & cokes and it did the trick, made me just not care about anything.

I don't have a number for a doctor to ask questions, just a number to ring in an emergency incase I start miscarrying on my own as they said they didn't want that to happen.

Everything in life seems to be going wrong at the moment, even the little every-day things. It feels like there is nothing left to look forward to but I am just so greatful I have my husband because he is the only thing getting me through each day.

Ag Fanacht: Your story does seem very similar to mine so far - even the moving house situation. We are currently in the process of trying to get out of our flat with a very difficult neighbour above with mental problems. She screams and bangs 24/7 and right now I am feeling at the end of my tether with it. We were planning to move before the baby was born but now we obviously have more time to get that sorted.

Scan tomorrow to confirm the partial molar and then I have to sort out my car insurance and tax disc and find my stupid lost MOT certificate. Life eh?
It's good to cry & let it all out. I always feel like a weights been lifted after a good cry. Be good to yourself over the next little while. Your body, and your spirit is going through a lot. Will be thinking of you tomorrow x
Hi Ag fanacht, sorry for your loss and that you find yourself here, but welcome and :hug:

Deffo could be a blip as the numbers are so low. Will keep everything crossed for your next result. xxx
Ag I'm sorry your joining us lovely but glad you've found us at the same time. I had chemo and a cmp so a little different to your story but when my numbers got into double and single figures they jumped up a few then dropped. Think they done it a few times before falling negative so I'm hoping this is the case for you too.

Spring how are you feeling now? If you need to cry them cry! Let it all out.

Dano how are things with you now?

Lotte glad all went well!

Becky hope everyone is settling in and your all ok.

Jess how's you and bump?

Anyone I missed hope your all well.

Feeling more like myself now M2C, thanks :flower:

Hows your sickness these days?
Ag Fanacht - I'm sorry for your loss! Glad we can be a part of your journey, these ladies have helped me so much!!

Afm - all is well for me! Scan next Thursday :) can't wait to see bub again! Felt heaps of movement today!! First time it's been really noticeable large movements/kicks!!
Happy birthday to Ella xx so exciting to be turning 1 :) hope it was a fabulous day xx

Dano, glad you are feeling more like yourself. Thinking of you x

Welcome to our new ladies. So sorry for your losses. Thinking of you both. I hope other things in your lives start to get sorted soon. Sometimes a good cry is healing. Be kind to yourselves. You are stronger than you ever could imagine. I hope you find comfort here and some understanding from others who know what you are going through.
Spring, thinking of you tomorrow x

Laura, Lotte, we are going well. Settling in well and its as though Raph has been here the whole time. Marcy is adjusting well now and loves helping with nappy changes etc. Loving having my 2 little associates around. But rather exhausting day today as my first day on my own but so rewarding :)
How are you both?

Jess, wonderful that you are feeling movement. My absolute favourite part of pregnancy. Once I had Marcy I felt phantom movement when she moved for a good month afterwards. I was a bit disappointed this time as I didn't have the phanton feelings. Enjoy everyone one xx
Oh sorry ladies, I haven't got on the computer yet (busy trying to sort our routine out so I get a bit of time a day with 2 sleeping children at the same time)- so photos are still coming.
Dano I'm pleased to hear that. Is your rmc appointment soon? Boys ok?

Jess I'm sooooo pleased your feeling bubba! It's such a lovely feeling. Best ever! I have an extremely active baby! Hehe! The busiest of them all. Great your scan is next week! Can't quite believe it's your 20 week scan.... Doesn't seem long ago you posted your tests.

Becky we understand your busy! Can't wait to see picture of your beautifuls. Love the one on fb! Yummy the pair of them. Hope the day goes ok for you lovely. Chris is only having a week off as his now self employed.

Spring how did your scan go?

AG when are your next results due?

That is all Rich had too. A week is a good amount of time though... Wow still can't believe you are almost 30 weeks! Yay 10 weeks left x

And jess sorry I missed that... Wow 20 scan! So exciting :) almost half way x
Chris has usually had two weeks off but being self employed we have to save for his time off. Plus with Christmas round the corner it's for the best. Luckily Corban will be doing afternoons at playgroup so I won't have a morning rush.

I can't believe I'm 30 weeks in Wednesday..... I still think I'll be waiting 11-12 more weeks though!

Thanks for the lovely welcome!

Hi Dan-o, thanks & hopefully you’re right. Fingers AND toes please!! &#61514;

M2C that’s reassuring thanks. I read loads when first diagnosed & I do recall some people having an unexplained rise out of the blue that turned out to be nothing. I did get a moment of panic when the midwife phoned me with the result Friday to be honest, mainly cause I’d had weeks & weeks of drops & I was so close to negative I think in my head I thought I was a foregone conclusion at this stage….. I’ve tried to push it to the back of my mind since. No point worrying until I have reason to……… I get bloods taken every Thursday & the midwife rings me Friday so not too long to wait thankfully. 30 weeks Wednesday, congrats, you’re in the home stretch now!!

Thanks Jbaby! Those kicks can knock the wind right outta you…but they’re so reassuring aren’t they. Is this your first? Enjoy your scan Thursday.

Hi Jacky b & thanks! I love the idea of your daughter helping out like that, adorable! I love the idea of my little one becoming a big sister someday, think it would be amazing, she’s just started to ‘mother’ her dolls & I could watch her all day!

Hope you doing ok Spring.

I had moments of panic but charring cross would always say this can happen and be ok but just to wait until the next results before we worry. Mine always dropped after the small rise. Hopefully this is the case for you too. I can't quite believe I'm 30 weeks! Just amazing. How old is your little lady?

She turns 2 this Thursday!! Don't quite know where the time has gone, she's a little girl now & not a baby anymore! We're gonna celebrate it on Saturday, no family near us so us three will head to the zoo hopefully....there's supposed to be a mini-heatwave on the way later in the week, one last hit of summer?!? We've done the farm to death but never been to the zoo yet so am excited to see her reaction!! Hopefully I'll be on cloud 9 after getting a nice drop again & we'll have a great day!

Scan today confirmed the partial molar (and a lovely fibroid for good measure) and so going in for surgery at 12pm tomorrow.

Bit nervous but looking forward to being in the other side now and feeling physically better again. They said my hcg was quite high, I think she said 1900 but could be wrong.

M2C - how exciting to be 30 weeks! Best thing ever!

Jacky - thanks forbyour comments, I particularly liked what you said about being stronger than we can imagine. I'm starting to find this out and it's reassuring.

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