Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Feeling terribly guilty after calling in sick today - someone talk some sense into me!

Think I overdid it yesterday as I was very active walking around all day. I was only spotting yesterday after ERPC on Tuesday eve and then woke up bleeding heavily in the early hours of this morning.

I had intended to work today but just didn't feel up to it. I always feel like I'm making excuses or that they'll think I'm faking it, which logically I know is ridiculous.

Also just wondering... is it normal for your midwife to never contact you again after you have a miscarriage? I did send her a text the day after my dreaded 12 week scan to let her know and that it was a PMP but haven't heard a peep from her since.
Ah spring don't worry to much about calling in sick. Don't put to much pressure on yourself. Just take it easy. You've been/are going through a lot physically and emotionally. As for the midwife I never contacted mine and she never contacted me. How are you feeling about things?

So I've just dropped off Corban to playgroup. He goes 4 times a week and has lunch there..... Already miss him loads. Indigo is down for her nap too..... So I have nearly 2 hours to myself!?!?!? Erm..... What am I suppose to do?!? Hehe!

Hope you enjoyed your 2 hrs of freedom ;-) I expect you're running around again by now.

I'm feeling ok, thanks for asking. Up and down constantly. One minute I'm feeling strong, the next not so much but it's only been a little over a week so I know it's to be expected.

I'm feeling positive about the future though. I know one day, hopefully not in the too distant future we will have our first baby and this will seem like a distant nightmare. We've been together for 12 years so it's about time!
So important for you to see the end result. We all had good and bad days but on those bad days I tried remind myself that I would have another baby and it would have been worth it. To be honest I wouldn't change my journey as I wouldn't have indigo or this baby.

How's the bleeding today?

Congrats Vicki!

Spring please do not feel guilty about calling in sick. I heard from my midwife following my later loss but not my 12 week one. You should feel positive about the future - it doesn't as such feel like a distant memory for me, but it feels like everything had to happen in the way it did to be where i am now. I hope that makes sense.

I met kris (my dh) in 2000, ella was born in 2013! we got there!

We are here for you. :hugs: hope bleeding is ok today

Laura hope you enjoyed your 2 hours!

Hi ladies :hi:.

Hope it's ok if I join in on the chatter? I've been TTC #1 since March of last year (so a year and a half). I've had 4 losses within that time. My fourth loss, we found out today, was a partial molar pregnancy.

So of course I'm worried and don't know what to expect from here. They ordered an hcg test for me and I'm seeing my recurrent pregnancy loss specialist this upcoming Tuesday and hopefully he will clarify things for me.

I took a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and it was negative (6 weeks or so post D&C). Does that mean that everything will probably be ok? Or do I have reason to worry still? I would love any insight you ladies could give me! This journey has really thrashed me around and I just don't understand why any of it is happening!
Hey lovely, sorry to hear of your losses and sorry to hear your most recent was a PMP. Molars are a long road with many questions. Us ladies are all here to support you and answer questions as best we can. I had a cmp and chemo 3 years ago. Sounds good your test was negative..... Unlikely for the mole to regrow once your negative. Have you had any hcg tests in these last few weeks? Good you have an appointment to talk things through.

Lotte I was a little lost! I guess I should make the most of it before baby arrives! Xxx
Thanks for responding m2c. No they haven't tested my hcg at all. I haven't had any follow up since my D&C in July really. My FIL was diagnosed with lymphoma and I got kind of caught up in that and ignored my own situation for a while. Plus it took an extremely long time to get the results from the karyotype on the pregnancy tissue (doc suspected molar but wasn't sure. Said it was unlikely).

Did you ladies ovulate regularly after having D&C's to remove the molar tissue? My awful pregnancy symptoms all went away within days of the D&C and then I got my period a month later. It seemed all to be going so normally I was starting to finally move on from it. Then the diagnosis came today and I've been thrown for a loop.
My periods took a few months to return due to chemo and my levels taking a while to return to normal. Once my cycles did return they were different each month. Between 26-34 but I worked out my luteal phase was about 13 days each cycle. Hopefully your cycles return to normal. Have they give. You a wait time Hun?

Sorry to hear about your fil xx
Feeling terribly guilty after calling in sick today - someone talk some sense into me!

Think I overdid it yesterday as I was very active walking around all day. I was only spotting yesterday after ERPC on Tuesday eve and then woke up bleeding heavily in the early hours of this morning.

I had intended to work today but just didn't feel up to it. I always feel like I'm making excuses or that they'll think I'm faking it, which logically I know is ridiculous.

Also just wondering... is it normal for your midwife to never contact you again after you have a miscarriage? I did send her a text the day after my dreaded 12 week scan to let her know and that it was a PMP but haven't heard a peep from her since.

Hi Spring

Don't be too hard on yourself. Back in June I was given my bad news at my ultrasound on a Monday, had my ERPC on the Thursday & I didn't return to work until the following Wednesday. The fact that you are worrying about not going in shows that you're not the type of person to 'take the mick' with sick days usually. You've been through a lot emotionally as well as physically and it's important to take a few days for yourself. When you do go back to work it'll be 'life as normal' at least during working hours & I don't think I would have been able for that a day and a half after my procedure. I have no regrets about staying off until I felt I would be strong enough to deal with colleagues questions & the day to day of the job.
Thanks for responding m2c. No they haven't tested my hcg at all. I haven't had any follow up since my D&C in July really. My FIL was diagnosed with lymphoma and I got kind of caught up in that and ignored my own situation for a while. Plus it took an extremely long time to get the results from the karyotype on the pregnancy tissue (doc suspected molar but wasn't sure. Said it was unlikely).

Did you ladies ovulate regularly after having D&C's to remove the molar tissue? My awful pregnancy symptoms all went away within days of the D&C and then I got my period a month later. It seemed all to be going so normally I was starting to finally move on from it. Then the diagnosis came today and I've been thrown for a loop.

Hi Confuzion

I'm new here too. Very very sorry about your losses & your pmp diagnosis. I remember only too well how I felt to be slowly overcoming a miscarriage & just about feeling back to myself & optimistic about the future when I received mine. It throws everything back up in the air.

I got my first period about 4 1/2 weeks after my ERPC & my next 28 days later which was my 'normal'. Not exactly definitive after only 2 cycles (!) but I'm hopeful that it hasn't been hugely affected by all that's happened over the last few months. I'm not at negative yet so not ttc at the mo unfortunately but it's reassuring to have everything else carrying on as it should for when I can try again I guess.

I hope your doctor can answer all of your questions & concerns on Tuesday. Best of luck x
Hi everyone

So my baby is officially a baby no more....2 today & such a little madam! I woke up this morning feeling slightly nauseous & by lunchtime had come down with a full blown tummy bug....the joys of working with young children!! All I could do is look on from under my blanket on the couch this eve as daddy & daughter scoffed fillet steak & chunky chips for dinner followed by chocolate birthday unfair!! Dry toast for me an hour ago & off to bed now. FX for a drop in my levels tomorrow after a slight rise last week & I'll celebrate with something tasty!
Happy birthday to your little lady! Hope she's had a lovely day. Sorry to hear you've been poorly.... Not nice! Fingers crossed for a drop tomorrow! Are you stil heading to the zoo? Xxx
Thanks M2C! Time to stop feeling sorry for myself, looking forward to my brekkie tho!!

Zoo's still the plan, Saturday or Sunday, unless of course the other two come down with this in the meantime..:sick:...
Ag fanacht - Thank you for the reassurance. I am glad I didn't work today and am learning to trust my gut feeling over what I do and don't feel ready for. Rubbish that you have a sickness bug! Hope it doesn't last too long, make sure you get lots of rest. I had a 24hr sickness thing a few weeks ago and it wiped me out. Good excuse for extra time in bed. Happy birthday to your daughter! She sounds very sweet.

M2C - The bleeding has slowed down quite a bit now, I haven't even left home today so I think that helped. Plus my husband and my mum have been great doing the shopping and cleaning the kitchen for me etc. I am very lucky to have had lots of help.
Wow confuzion I didn't know your latest loss was a partial mole! Sorry to hear!
Just a quick one from me as I'm at work. My levels have -started to drop again, now at 1.8, such a relief!!

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