Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Dont have much time - on my lunch.

Thinking of all you lovely ladies.

Feeling quiet sad. Just read about the new Royal baby and feeling really tearful. I remember finding out about Prince George in Dec 2012 and I cried for days, it was about a month or so after I lost Rory. Of course I found out a few weeks later I was pregnant with Ella. But finding out now has bought it all back for some reason. Just sitting at my desk wanting to cry.



Feeling for you, that must be really tough. I rolled my eyes when I saw the story on the news this morning.

Just before Prince George was born and it was all on the TV was when we decided to go ahead and officially TTC. Then we had to wait 3 months after our MMR shots, then I finally got pregnant in June 2014 and now it's all over, in the early stages of the PMP road and she's having #2.

What makes it worse is having absolutely no idea how long it's going to be before we can even try again. And then it might take bloody ages to happen anyway.

I'm sorry, I know what happened to you with your Rory was a million times harder than what I've been through (I read your story and it broke my heart). Thinking of you today. I'm just going to turn the channel over/radio off every time for the next nine months.
So sorry Lotte this has bought back all those memories. Thinking of you xx

Spring, I hope you find out soon what your doctor wants to do. My doctor wanted 3 months of monthly negative blood results before we could ttc. I conceived my daughter 2 weeks short of that. We weren't trying at the time. It was a surprise as it had taken 18 months to fall with the pmp and then happened just like that. When is your appointment?
Thank you guys. Its silly in a way, i know I am very lucky.

Spring - sorry for how it made you feel too. :hugs: i hope you dont have to wait too long to ttc.

Confuzion - welcome. Sorry for your losses. :hugs:

Ag good results:thumbup:

Rachel - sounds like good news!

Becky - sounds like you have been busy. Marcy sounds like such a sweetie! Happy fathers day to your dh !

Laura - how are you doing my lovely?

Dano thinking about you. Hoping you get answers at rmc :hugs:

Lotte it's not silly! You are so lucky to have your yummy Ella but your road to get her wasn't easy. Thinking of you and Rory xxx

Spring I'm sorry you don't know your wait time. I think most PMP ladies wait 3 months from negative. Hopefully a swift BFP and your rainbow shortly after. Hugs xxx

So I had the midwife today. Asked a few homebirth questions. I'm like 80% sure I want one..... She said when labour comes I can always change my mind if I'm worried. I'm now anaemic too! Doh! Put on 5kg since booking in so I'm gaining even if it's only a small amount apart from that all is great! Xx
Thanks my lovely :hugs:

Wow a home birth! That would be amazing! How lovely will it be for Corban and Indie as well!

How is Indie doing in her big bed?

5kg is a great gain too :thumbup:

I'm hoping too but at least if labour comes and I panick I can go to the midwife led unit. I've read lots of positive stories so let's see!

Indie is doing great in her bed! She gets out on occasion but when I walk into her room she gets straight back into bed. Big girly!

At least I won't have to lose so much for holidays next year!

How's Ella?

Spring meant to say earlier i didn't have a molar pregnancy but my hcg was really strange after my mmc and i had to be referred to charing cross cause no one understood why! They think i had placenta accreta and my placenta dug into my endometrius, so never properly came away hence high hcg months after my loss.

My consultant (prof seckl) actually gave me the ok to ttc before my hcg was less than 5! But as i say no molar tissue was found in my case. I actually had to ring charing cross 2 weeks and 3 days after he gave me the ok to say i was peggers! (I ovulated the sunday after he gave me the ok on the friday!) although i had a cheeky month before where i did try.

Hopefully you will hear from cx soon :hugs:
Thats funny about Indie! I cant imaging Ella ever being so well behaved!

She is great thank you! She is really developing and is just her own little person now. When I picked her up today she had a big smile on her face and literally ran towards me! Although i think the cat trumped me, because when we got homeI got her out the car and she saw Willow(our cat) and was clapping and squealing! So funny!

She is a good girl in her bed but she can be a little madam! If she doesn't get her own way at times you know about it.

She sounds like a cheeky chops! Is she in love with your cats? Indigo loves cats!

Ag great results!

Laura, wow a homebirth. How special :) I hope it works out for you. Slowly getting there weight wise :)
Ill make you a deal, what I loose you can have! Let hope it comes off at a decent rate now and why I'm nursing as it never did with Marcy ;) but I'm half way now to what I was so maybe it will :)
Oh yes, she loves the cats!

I think one of the main reasons she loves the childminder is that she has 2 cats as well - her cats though are huge but she still loves them!

Becky great going on the weight loss - it will begone in no time!

Great that Indies is good in the bug girl bed. Marcy has reverted back to cot only now. I'm letting her go so she decides but would be great if she would pick bed!
Becky sounds like your doing great with the weight loss already! Go you! I'm hoping I don't put to much on in the last weeks! Hehe! Are you having any after pains? While feeding? I think they are worse than labour!!!!!! Yes I'm hoping homebirth but we will see.

Lotte indigo has loadsa cat toys. Her Jess the cat gets pushed about all the time in her pushchair. I love cats so maybe that's my influence???? Hehe!

Lotte - I'm sorry the royal pregnancy brought back sad memories :-( sending hugs!!

Laura - wow a home birth would be amazing.....not sure if I would be game enough to try especially being my first! I don't think they allow them here anyway?!

Becky - well done on the weight loss!! :)

Afm - had another killer headache this morning......gosh they are horrible and make it hard to sleep! On a positive though.....2 sleeps til my scan :-D can't wait!!!!!
Jackie: It's reassuring that it didn't take you long to conceive the second time around. This has really been playing on my mind and making me anxious so with any luck maybe it won't take us so long this time either.

I don't have any appointments booked at the moment, the hospital I had my ERPC done at just told me to call in 3 weeks and they'll tell me what to do from there when they hear back from Charing X.

M2C: "Hopefully a swift BFP and your rainbow shortly after. Hugs xxx" - Just reading this put a big smile on my face, thank you :) Also love the idea of a home birth.

Lotte: I've heard good things about Prof S from my googling sessions! I like the sound of him. Amazing you got pregnant two days after being given the ok! Wow.
Spring I know it is a difficult time, and patience is unfortunately needed. I had a pmp in July 2011 and was given the 6 month wait so wasn't meant to start ttc until 18th Jan 2012. we were a little naughty though and I came off my pill just before xmas and I am sure I conceived on xmas day lol. I ended up ringing cx on the 18th to tell them I was pregnant (expecting a telling off) and they were thrilled.

Lotte so sorry the royal baby news affected you today, hugs.

Laura you are braver than me going for a home birth, it sounds wonderful!!

Jess are you finding out baby's sex at scan??

Becky, well done on weight loss!!

AFM. sorry about the dramatic wait hahaha I really didn't have time to post all this lol. Went for gynae appointment on Sat. It was for abdominal pain I have been having for over a year and have only just been seen for as our waiting list is HUGE! Ayway, all scans, swabs and smears have come back clear and he couldn't find or see anything unusual (cringe) so there is no problem, and as the pain is easing he is not worried at all. Anyway..... He suggested that changing contraception may help but I told him that we were considering ttc if he thought it was safe to and convinced DH which he did!!! His words were 'go for it' he explained that my blood loss was significantly less with Carys which may show that I may lose less next time or may not even have a pph at all. He also told DH that as they will know my history and that I am a bleeder they will be super prepared and jump on it lol. Just want you all to know I took my last pill Sat night!!!!!
I understand this may not be as exciting as I thin it is but trying to get DH to even consider any more children has been a battle since Carys was born. He wants a huge fmily but is too scared of losing me. So for him to be this enthusiastic is absolutely heart warming :) Sorry for the essay ladies, just haven't told anyone else and I'm sooo excited :) xxx
Rach - yay congrats on having your last pill :) fx it's not a long TTC process for you and all goes well this time!! Definitely understandable that your hubby is feeling so hesitant tho!

From the beginning we said we weren't going to find out and I am still pretty set on that but DH had changed his mind and wants to know which is making me waiver a bit :-S someone suggested getting it written and put in an envelope to open if I want later but I am worried that will be too much temptation!!
I didn't find out with with either of my girls. We already know so much about pregnancy that it's nice to have something as a surprise. I like the idea of an envelope mind, you could get OH to hide it so you would have to ask him for it if you get tempted and it may put you off... Either way you will be excited. :)

When do you think I'm likely to ov from stopping pill on Sat, It's one week into the packet, I know I should have finished it but I just couldn't wait any longer lol x
Yer I love the idea of a surprise so that is keeping me going!

You may not ovulate this cycle cos of the pill? Are you going to start temping or using opk's to see?
I don't think so, I did none of that before, I fell pregnant on third month with Meghan and the first month with my pmp and Carys. Honestly its just a good excuse for dtd lol. We just enjoy and try not to think about it and it works well for us lol. xxx

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