Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

So last night i thought i was having symptoms of maybe starting my period again, a little crampy with the feeling i have to pee constitantly, sore back feet hurt from work, moods past couple days just felt like i wanted to cry and fiesty last night, and past couple days just extra tired. I then took an opk and it is bright enough to be positive. How can that be when i felt this way?

Oh well.

However still feeling like i need to pee constantly. Oh and last night felt bloated too.

However still feeling like i need to pee constantly. Oh and last night felt bloated too.


Couldn't be signs of a urine infection could it? I used to be prone to them a lot and the symptoms sound similar. Hope not.

Very pleased for you Ag! Great news.
Hi ladies :hi:.

Hope it's ok if I join in on the chatter? I've been TTC #1 since March of last year (so a year and a half). I've had 4 losses within that time. My fourth loss, we found out today, was a partial molar pregnancy.

So of course I'm worried and don't know what to expect from here. They ordered an hcg test for me and I'm seeing my recurrent pregnancy loss specialist this upcoming Tuesday and hopefully he will clarify things for me.

I took a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and it was negative (6 weeks or so post D&C). Does that mean that everything will probably be ok? Or do I have reason to worry still? I would love any insight you ladies could give me! This journey has really thrashed me around and I just don't understand why any of it is happening!

Sorry to see you here hun, but welcome :hugs:

If your bfn then that's really good news! Hope you get some answers at your appt. I have my first recurrent pregnancy loss clinic appt this month too :flower:

(Ps. Not sure if I said before, but my chemo was only because I didn't get to bfn and my levels were rising)
Ag, sorry you are poorly hun, not nice on top of everything else :( xx did you have bloods done today?

Spring, glad things are settling a little :hugs:

Ihave5, time to break open a test hun!!
I twsted tuesday and it was neg. But i honestly dont feel like i am ovulating.

Have you had a period yet Vicki? Maybe your body is just still gearing up? Xx
Nope no period. I usually dont start till a couple months after i done nursing. However onve i started the next month and ovulted and baby was 3 months old and that is how i ended up with them being 1 year 1 day apart. I will see what other opk say in next few days.

Thanks for responding m2c. No they haven't tested my hcg at all. I haven't had any follow up since my D&C in July really. My FIL was diagnosed with lymphoma and I got kind of caught up in that and ignored my own situation for a while. Plus it took an extremely long time to get the results from the karyotype on the pregnancy tissue (doc suspected molar but wasn't sure. Said it was unlikely).

Did you ladies ovulate regularly after having D&C's to remove the molar tissue? My awful pregnancy symptoms all went away within days of the D&C and then I got my period a month later. It seemed all to be going so normally I was starting to finally move on from it. Then the diagnosis came today and I've been thrown for a loop.

Hi Confuzion

I'm new here too. Very very sorry about your losses & your pmp diagnosis. I remember only too well how I felt to be slowly overcoming a miscarriage & just about feeling back to myself & optimistic about the future when I received mine. It throws everything back up in the air.

I got my first period about 4 1/2 weeks after my ERPC & my next 28 days later which was my 'normal'. Not exactly definitive after only 2 cycles (!) but I'm hopeful that it hasn't been hugely affected by all that's happened over the last few months. I'm not at negative yet so not ttc at the mo unfortunately but it's reassuring to have everything else carrying on as it should for when I can try again I guess.

I hope your doctor can answer all of your questions & concerns on Tuesday. Best of luck x

:hi: ag. Seems we're at a similar stage right now. So will you start trying again when you're officially at negative? Or does your doctor want you to wait several months?

Wow confuzion I didn't know your latest loss was a partial mole! Sorry to hear!

Thanks jbaby :hugs:. Happy to see all is well with your little one :) gives me hope.

Hi ladies :hi:.

Hope it's ok if I join in on the chatter? I've been TTC #1 since March of last year (so a year and a half). I've had 4 losses within that time. My fourth loss, we found out today, was a partial molar pregnancy.

So of course I'm worried and don't know what to expect from here. They ordered an hcg test for me and I'm seeing my recurrent pregnancy loss specialist this upcoming Tuesday and hopefully he will clarify things for me.

I took a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and it was negative (6 weeks or so post D&C). Does that mean that everything will probably be ok? Or do I have reason to worry still? I would love any insight you ladies could give me! This journey has really thrashed me around and I just don't understand why any of it is happening!

Sorry to see you here hun, but welcome :hugs:

If your bfn then that's really good news! Hope you get some answers at your appt. I have my first recurrent pregnancy loss clinic appt this month too :flower:

(Ps. Not sure if I said before, but my chemo was only because I didn't get to bfn and my levels were rising)

I hope your RPL appointment proves useful dan-o. So far, no revelatory information has been found for me :sad1:. Thank you hon.

So this question is for all of you ladies. How soon usually to try again? Will I still need weekly then monthly hcg draws even if I'm already at negative?

I had my first draw yesterday morning. First official follow-up appointment on Tuesday. I'm hoping to hear good news for once.

Before we knew the diagnosis, we were NTNP. We managed to do the deed the morning before getting the phone call about the molar. I ovulated the next day. I'm doubtful that we caught the egg but how awful would it be if we did? I don't really know what would happen just that I'm not supposed to get pregnant yet.
I was given the ok to TTC about 3 months after my pmp!
I had a cmp with chemo so my wait time was 1 year from finish of treatment. We decided to start trying at 6 months. We fell pregnant but I mc 5/6 weeks took a month out as we got married then fell with indigo at 9 months after finishing treatment.

I think most PMP ladies without chemo have a 3 month wait from negative..... Could be wrong.

How are you all?

:hi: ag. Seems we're at a similar stage right now. So will you start trying again when you're officially at negative? Or does your doctor want you to wait several months?

Hi Confuzion

Yea I had my erpc in mid June so I'm just a couple of weeks longer on this road than you. Honestly I have no clue how things are gonna pan out re ttc if I'm honest, thats half the reason I joined this group, to see what others ahead of me have done.

I heard about the pmp at a follow up meeting with the consultant in mid July. To be honest my head was reeling & I dont know how much of the conversation I actually registered! She mentioned waiting to ttc for 'a while' & explained the reasons why & when I queried 'what's a while' she said about 6 months. I didn't understand the whole issue enough at the time to clarify did she mean 6 months from the erpc or 6 months from when I reached negative. I didn't even ask at the time what negative WAS, I presumed it was 0 & it was only from reading forums that I discovered that different hospitals regard different levels as negative. I haven't seen a doctor since just been dealing with a midwife who rings me with my results each week. Found out a few weeks ago my hospital regard 1 or less as negative which is a tad frustrating as I've read of places regarding 5 or less as negative. As of last Thur I'm at 1.8 so nearly there I guess (!) but the longer this goes on the harder I'm finding it to stay patient.

I hope to see the consultant again in a few weeks when I do hit below 1 & I really hope I'll get the all clear to ttc within a few months at the most. I've kinda already decided though that I'm not prepared to wait tooo much longer so have Nov or (more likely) Dec in mind as reasonable times to begin ttc again, that'd be 6 months from the erpc. Gonna play things by ear nearer to the time & also factor in what the doc does actually say when I see her again.

I really feel for you having so many losses already & now this pmp on top of everything else. I count myself so lucky to have my beautiful daughter. She cheered me up on the dark days. Really hope your appointment Tuesday gives you some clarity & maybe even a poss timeframe - important to have something to look towards. Will be thinking of you x
Mine was a 6 month wait from negative. All I have time to post so will catch up tomorrow. Got some news ;) hope everyone is good ��
Wow I have .missed heaps in the last few days.

Sorry to see new ladies. Sorry for your losses. Welcome and hope you find the support you need here xx thinking of you all xx

Rach, you can't make us wait til tomorrow!

Sorry I have been absent, its got a bit busy here. Raph still has his cold so hasn't been sleep well so running on empty as he is not feeding well with a blocked nose so feeding every 1-2hrs all night. Marcy is as busy as ever which is so hard on no sleep. Things are improving now. We had fathers day here yesterday so spent the day doing things as a family and enjoying the sun. Was so nice. Marcy and I are planting some flowers and herbs today for spring. I'm hoping she will enjoy watering them :)
My good friend who was due on the same day had a little boy - okbig boy 10 pound 4. He is bigger than Raph already! Its lovely she had a boy. Our girls are 2 days apart andboys 2 weeks so will be nice to watch them grow up together.
Ok have to run and stop mayhem happening. Photos to come still. Sorry been hard to get onthe computer.

Hope you all are well xx (ill catch up properly when I have some more time) xx love to you all xx
....your appointment sat?

Becky sounds like you've had your hands full! Busy busy! Sounds like your doing great though! Still can't wait to see some pictures of your beautiful two!

Dont have much time - on my lunch.

Thinking of all you lovely ladies.

Feeling quiet sad. Just read about the new Royal baby and feeling really tearful. I remember finding out about Prince George in Dec 2012 and I cried for days, it was about a month or so after I lost Rory. Of course I found out a few weeks later I was pregnant with Ella. But finding out now has bought it all back for some reason. Just sitting at my desk wanting to cry.


Oh lotte my lovely. Sending you massive massive hugs. We all have triggers that remind us of things. I'm sorry your at work in need of a cry. It was so hard for you my lovely. Your beautiful Rory xxxx

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