Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi everyone

Lotte, glad you're feeling better in yourself now, we all have triggers that make us blue from time to time, I know I do.

Rach...fantastic news & so exciting for you! Sending you baby dust! :dust:

JBaby...congrats on the scan!

Hope all the rest of you are doing well!

AFM......I'm in a bit of a daze the last few days. Feel wrong even posting here now. Got a call from the midwife totally outta the blue the other day. More intensive testing on my placenta from my erpc came back & I didn't have a molar afterall. I was originally told the initial testing indicated a possible/probable pmp & just cant believe that after three months of testing, worrying etc that now this whole experience is over just like that. It was 'just' a missed miscarriage afterall. No more testing & free to ttc whenever we choose. It's such a relief but I'm also scared stiff. Had stopped taking folic acid a few months ago, it was a daily reminder of not being able to I started taking it again yesterday. Not gonna rush into anything just yet but delighted this experience is behind me now.
Oh my god Ag that's fantastic news!!! What a huge relief that must be!

Good luck with trying again. I know it must feel scary but now at least you have a chance to move on from this nightmare and with any luck you'll end up with your much deserved rainbow.

I'm enjoying reading all the bump updates and stories of your LO's. Gives me hope!
Thanks a million Spring! I don't think the news has totally registered yet!

How are things with you now? Still waiting to hear from Charing Cross? I hope your levels will be good and low and it wont be long until you get some good news too.

Ag thats great news! Dont feel wrong posting here, as i said earlier i never had a molar either, but did get 'treatment' at charing x and had weekly blood tests for months and months.

Spring - how are you doing? Hope you are feeling ok :hugs:

Becky - love Marcy's reaction to Raph! I am the same height as you too! I think of myself as short but actually seem to be fairly average. I think Ella must be on a similar centile as well to Marcy! She was n 73cm at 12 month check so between 25th and 50th.

Jess - glad scan went well. It sounds amazing!

Laura glad you are feeling better today. Hormones and tiredness are a lethal combination.

Afm, ella has a cold and i think some teeth coming from. The bottom left is definitely coming and i think the top left is coming too by the looks of it! She doesn't let me look or feel much mind! Had to get her early today from childcare because she was poorly, although seemed ok at home although snotty and red faced. We put her down at 7 and she fell asleep, then woke crying and went back to sleep. Has just cried again but seems to have fallen asleep.

My bubba may finally be getting teeth!

Ag, that's great news. So glad that this is over for you. I'm glad you have the all clear. I hope it happens quickly for you xx

Lotte, Ella does sounds very similar to Marcy height wise. Its been nice to get wear out of clothes :)
I hope she feels better. Sounds like teething! We used to give Marcy pain relief before bed to help her settle. Must be painful for them. I just imagine how painful a toothache is. I hope they come up quickly. She might get lots quickly now (a friends little boy got first tooth at 14months old and by 16 months had 8 teeth!). Good luck with them xx
Ag what great news! Not that you went through all of the testing though. Feel free to stick around though! Hope when you do decide to jump back on ttc you fall and get your rainbow.

Spring how are things with you?

Lotte eek! Sounds like your little miss might be getting some toothy pegs! Bless her! The thought of teething sounds painful. Indie just got 4 molars at once! Ouch. I usually give calpol before bed if I think she's troubled or teething crystals. Hope she sleeps ok tonight.

Af that's fantastic. What a relief. As Laura said stick around as much as you like :) xxx
I'm ok thanks, feeling a bit more emotionally stable the last couple of days. Bad day on Monday but now I seem to be shifting into a mode that makes things easier to deal with.

Ps. I love calpol. Wish adults could have it!
Ag - that's great news that it wasn't a molar and you can TTC again, what a relief!!

Lotte - hope Ella gets better soon xx
I'm in love already!!
Wow Jess thats an amazing scan, no wonder your in love :) x
Fantastic scan pics JBaby!

Thanks everyone for your good wishes! Taking every day as it comes for now & gonna try shift a few pounds (!) & build myself up with good food & Vitamins for the next little while. Pg I'll have some happy news to report in a few months! I know I'll be a nervous wreck but reading all the good news stories on here gives me reason for optimism.
Jess how gorgeous! My guess right now is boy! Love the picture of bubbas leg! Amazing.

Ag you'll get there lovely! What a roller coaster!

Thanks guys :) my feeling is boy too!

Ag - great to stay optimistic......good things come to those that wait! And after what you have been through when it does happen it is so much more special and you appreciate EVERY part so much more! That's how I've felt anyway :) xxx
Stunning scan pics jbabay xxxx

Ag, that's fab news hun, what a relief :hugs:

I should have done my first post miscarriage charing cross follow up yesterday but forgot lol. Will do it on monday, its only pee :flower:
I agree with Jess that after loss and a struggle it makes it all more worth it. I wouldn't change my molar as I wouldn't have indie or this baby so for that I'm great full xxx
Doh! I try leave my charring cross boxes where I can see them cause otherwise I always forget! Hehe! When's your appointment Hun? It's this month isn't it? Hope your ok?

Yep a week on Friday. :flower:

Should be ok for this one at long last. No sign of pregnancy and this cycles mega weird, so probably anovulatory! I've not been given any results from the placenta testing or genetic testing yet, maybe I will ring on Monday.nCould have been another pmp for all I know! Yikes lol! (I'm sure it wasn't and even if it was I'm bfn now, so no worries!)
That's great news your appointment is soon. Hopefully they can give you some much needed answers Hun. I think you should call Monday and see if you can get those results. Even if it just eases your mind that it wasn't molar.

How are the boys? Xx

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