Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Lotte i usually get it when i done breast feeding. Usually a few months after but with one it was thenext month and the next month after that found out i was preg again. Baby was 4 months old.

Been trying to give her formula at night but she wont drink it.

Hey laura!

We are good thank you. Been so busy but in a good way. We tried ella on a sippy cup with her milk yesterday morning. It did not go well! She cried and refused it! So we gave her a bottle. Oh well onwards and upwards!

She is fab though! This picture is from the weekend! In her water proofs!

How are you and your three bubs?



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Lotte she's super cute! Bless her! I've not even tried indie with a sippy cup! She's too independent so if I tried help she would probably throw it! Haha!

We are all good thank you lovely xxx
Hi gals! I'm terrible about posting because I rarely have anything to share, but I do check frequently! Don't want to miss out on any BFPs or births!!!

AFM- We are pretty set on TTC Nov/Dec which is exciting but...of all things suddenly my period has gone totally out of whack. The last 2 months I started early and then this cycle I started 9 days late!!! It is sort of worrying me, like my fertility is in question...makes me think we need to TTC ASAP. grrrr, so torn...I feel like all this could just be stress as I've gotten myself way over my head too busy and there's no letting up till next spring. I feel stressed just typing about it!
Hi ladies :) glad u are all well!

Nothing new here really, just getting bigger!

Raff - I hope your cycles sort out before you start TTC!
Raff I'm sure all is well. Are you doing opks?

Jess bump picture tomorrow??

I will definitely post a picture :) can't believe how quick the last week went!
AF is in full force for me. Sad in a way as its my first bfn cycle since having Vincent, but it was a bloody awful cycle, so it's nice to have a fresh start, hope things are back to normal this month!

Glad everyone else is well! Lol @ the sippy cup dramas, Vince was opposite, wanted one as soon as he could hold it and always refused a bottle completely! He won't drink milk from it tho, I've tried everything. Only water or juice! He's also super independant, Won't tolerate me doing anything for him :haha:
Raff I'm sure all is well. Are you doing opks?

Jess bump picture tomorrow??


Yes, thankfully I did my first opks last month, so I at least had the reassurance that I ovulated, otherwise I probably gone off the deep end as AF got later and later! I did end up taking 2 pregnancy tests too even though it was nearly impossible I could have be pregnant!
Wow I keep missing heaps. I do check but it seems that everytime i get to post, im needed.

Raff, i hope your cycles sort themselves out in the next few months

Dano, sorry you are having a bad cycle. when do you get the results of the genetic testing? Part of our problems turned out to be something genetic too that was causing a toxic environment for bubs. I hope your outcome and solution is as straight forward as mine was (additional supplement to balance out the issue) xx

Lotte, good luck with the sippy cup. we gave up and still give Marcy her bottle of milk in the morning and at night. I figure I will approach that again once we get more consistent sleeps in the single bed and toilet training is going well.

Oh wow Laura and Jess. The time is flying by. you both will be having bubs before we know it!

Spring, good luck with your tests xx

As for me, Raph is a month old and hitting his first wonder week (just when we get the colic sorted). He is going well but been super needy today so I have a very upset toddler... bring on 5pm when dad gets home! Discovered I cant eat dairy as it really affects Raph :( counting down until he is 4 months and I can try to introduce it again. I miss my chocolate and icecream! Apart from today's challenges we are going well. Our routine is sorted and we seem to be getting some more sleep (only one feed last night :)).
finally on the computer (only took a month...)... as promised!
Belly bump the morning I had Raph, first cuddles in hospital (sorry same pic as fb), my little girl and Raph 3 weeks old (he has grown heaps!)


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Absolutely beautiful Becky!

Glad you are going well and getting into a routine. Yay for more sleep!

Dano - sorry af is in full force. Is today your appt? I had 24th in my mind? If so I hoep it goes well.

Raff - sorry for wacky cycles. Glad you are ovulating though. How excitingabout ttc #3!

Jess - wow 21 weeks already!

Spring - thank you! Have you heard from cx with your last bloods?

Laura - does Indie use a bottle? Glad you are ok. The weeks are really flying by!

The weird thing with the sippy cup is that she loves it during the day drinks water from it at meals, snacks and we normally leave it on the side for her to get when she wants. She even drank milk from it when she had a cold and I wanted to give her a warm drink in the afternoon. But morning and night she is not having any of it! I'm not massively bothered tbh. She doesn't really have teeth (2 have broken through but are still very short) and its only twice a day.

Its funny how all our babies are different. Ella refuses to hold the bottle. I think she sees it as snuggle time with mummy. She goes to grab it and puts it in her mouth then lets go. It is nice though having suggle time in the morning and night! But she holds the cup and drinks from it independantly!

Love the pics Becky!!

Here is my bump today......don't see much change from last week.
He's stunning jackyb!! They both are :cloud9: can't believe a month had passed by already!
Vince couldn't tolerate any dairy, projectile vom or colitis if I had any! Eggs weren't great either, so I was vegan for almost a year! (I don't eat meat either)
He's ok with a little cheese now and an occasional fromage frais or hidden dairy (weigh or skimmed milk powder in stuff etc) but no milk butter yogurt. We use koko milk on cereal in tea, cake recipes and soya milk to make white sauce, soya yoghurts, tofu, vitalite spread in everything. You can still get your protein and calcium no probs :)

jbaby, very cute bump coming along there!! Over halfway done, wow!!

Lotte it's friday, time is dragging as I want to know if this affects my kids asap!!!! Plus I'm very impatient lol!
Beautiful bump jess!

Lotte, just saw pic of Ella... She is too gorgeous :)

Wow Dano, you were limited! You forget that you have to limit things after having them. Vegan would have been hard! I'm so glad I eat meat these days (was veg for 10 years until my late 20s). Ill try some of the substitutes you mentioned. We have always used veg oil spread instead of butter so I've started using this is cooking aswell. Its hard in our house with food as Marcy and I are gluten free, Rich and Marcy are allergic to egg so its gluten, egg and dairy free... So everything tastes like cardboard so lots of fresh foods instead.
Dano sorry to hear AF is in full force! Not nice. Hopefully onto a better cycle this time round. Friday will soon be hear and fingers crossed you get that much needed information. Hopefully it's something similar to Becky that they can manage for you. Wonder if it's 2nd children that are independent? Indigo want to do it all herself and if you try help she has a paddy. Corban was soooooooo chilled out in comparison! Haha!

Raff I'd defo keep up with your opks. I was always regular until after the molar and my cycles varied each month from 26-34 days but because I done opks I realised my LP was always 12 days I think! I fell with the early mc and indie with dodgy cycles so I'm sure it won't affect things. Maybe just a bit of added stress has confused things! Anyway I'm super excited you'll be ttc soon! Yay!

Becky your babies are just beautiful! Super cute! I cannot believe Raph is a month old! So pleased you have a routine going and that your getting that much needed sleep! Boo to no chocolate..... Not sure I'd survive to long without chocolate! Haha! Even though I've only really started eating it again after the ms!

Lotte indie has milk in a bottle morning and night but has juice in a juice bottle thingy (brains gone blank) hehe! I think she sounds like she's doing super!

Jess your looking mega! Bump is def appearing! Won't be long till it proper pops out! Awesome your over half way now!

New ladies how are you all getting on? What are your recent levels?

So I'm 33 weeks today! It's crazy! I'll be meeting my bubba in 7,8 or 9 weeks time! I'm thinking closer to 9 weeks though unless it totally surprises me and comes early!?!? Doubt it though! Got midwife Monday and health visitor Tuesday!


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