Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi all - I've just had my first results back from Sheffield. Iam 5 weeks post ERPC and my urine level was 1.04 which they said was slightly elevated. They said normal was 0.35 or below but the lovely lady Sarah said it was still early days after my op. Do you think there's a chance I will be 'normal' by 8 weeks post ERPC? I don't know how much they have fallen down as my last test was blood 2 weeks ago and that level was 231. How do the two results compare? I forgot to ask whilst on the phone. I know there's a thread on here somewhere about levels - or it might be another forum so I'm off to search now but any help would be appreciated. x
Hi all - I've just had my first results back from Sheffield. Iam 5 weeks post ERPC and my urine level was 1.04 which they said was slightly elevated. They said normal was 0.35 or below but the lovely lady Sarah said it was still early days after my op. Do you think there's a chance I will be 'normal' by 8 weeks post ERPC? I don't know how much they have fallen down as my last test was blood 2 weeks ago and that level was 231. How do the two results compare? I forgot to ask whilst on the phone. I know there's a thread on here somewhere about levels - or it might be another forum so I'm off to search now but any help would be appreciated. x

Hi, I'm not sure I was alaways given my HCG levels as 150 or 48 even when they were urine tests, if 1.04 equates to 104 I think thats really good. I wouldn't be afraid of calling back and just asking for a bit of clarification. I became on first name terms with the lady at Dundee who was looking after me. If they are 104 I think you stand a very good chance of being 'normal' 8 weeks post op. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Hi, I had my 12 week scan yesterday. Both twins are now the same size, so I am officially coming out to the world, as pregnant, with twins - woo hoo. Thanks for all the support you guys have given me over the last 8 weeks, I just can't believe how lucky I am, was convinced after the molar and my miscarriages I was never going to be pregnant again. Fingers crossed for the next 28 weeks x

That is amazing news, i'm'm looking for support and i found this website..........
MissKane, I saw your other post and I am so, so sorry you have had to go through two pmp. Please know that all of us are here for you. How long ago was your last pmp and how far apart were they? You are the first person I have been in contact with who has had more than one and I my heart really goes out to you.
MissKane, I saw your other post and I am so, so sorry you have had to go through two pmp. Please know that all of us are here for you. How long ago was your last pmp and how far apart were they? You are the first person I have been in contact with who has had more than one and I my heart really goes out to you.

Thank you so much, im at such a loss so its nice to know i can share with someone who has some understanding of it. You are very kind....
MissKane, I saw your other post and I am so, so sorry you have had to go through two pmp. Please know that all of us are here for you. How long ago was your last pmp and how far apart were they? You are the first person I have been in contact with who has had more than one and I my heart really goes out to you.

Thank you so much, im at such a loss so its nice to know i can share with someone who has some understanding of it. You are very kind....

sorry i didnt mean to submit, they were almost exactly a year apart,

July 16 2010 first one (found out heart no longer beating, D& C followed a few days later, and July 21 diagnosed this time and d & C next day----
Drs. kept saying its rare and its an extreme case of bad luck, im changing drs. and praying praying for the strength to get through and the chance to becoming a mom......
MissKane, I saw your other post and I am so, so sorry you have had to go through two pmp. Please know that all of us are here for you. How long ago was your last pmp and how far apart were they? You are the first person I have been in contact with who has had more than one and I my heart really goes out to you.

Thank you so much, im at such a loss so its nice to know i can share with someone who has some understanding of it. You are very kind....

sorry i didnt mean to submit, they were almost exactly a year apart,

July 16 2010 first one (found out heart no longer beating, D& C followed a few days later, and July 21 diagnosed this time and d & C next day----
Drs. kept saying its rare and its an extreme case of bad luck, im changing drs. and praying praying for the strength to get through and the chance to becoming a mom......

Very bad luck, indeed. Just curious where you are located. I am in the US and my Dr didnt advise a long waiting period to try again. I cant imagine it happening that far apart. My Dr gave me odds of 7% chance of it happening again. A third must be nearly zero, no? I pray you get your chance as soon as possible.:hugs:
Avgabcon- im not too sure about urine levels:shrug: they dont do that in Australia, just the hcg.. and if your hcg was 231 two weeks ago i think its very possible you could be back to normal very soon:happydance: and that is great news:thumbup:
Aliwan wow its amazing how you pointed out you, amanda and I's 10 wk difference! How special!:cloud9: so exciting about those little twinnies! Just think there are lots of success stories with twins, one of my besties had twin boys 3 yrs ago they made it just before term and weighed just under 6 pound, they are beautiful little men:) I bet you are looking forward to finding out the sexes!!:happydance:
Amanda thats great that your baby is in the normal growth range, and a woman of your strength im sure you will have no troubles getting that baba out! Gosh I cant believe you only have weeks to go:happydance: I cant wait to hear your birth story and what you named your little man. The bedding in the pic is just adorable! I have my baby shower in 4 weeks, ill be 27 weeks, bit apprehensive i feel maybe thats too early to have it but its just worked out the best time to do it, so im a bit excited about that:happydance:
Im hanging out for my next ob appointment, next friday. Going for more bloods to check these iron levels and see what they're up to! Hopefully my haemoglobin is above 80!:thumbup: if not i will need to be thouroughly investigated, so thats our next little hurdle to jump! Just wanted to ask if anyone has experienced a crampy like feeling when you exercise? Just when i go for a walk the past few days I get quite crampy! OH said maybe Im not walking enough, getting enough exercise, buts its been so wet over here with storms all week i cant get out. I also get extra discharge that I notice more when I exercise:blush: I have had to buy panty liners and OH said to me with the most confused look on his face "why do you need them?":haha: I said to him some ladies need them in pregnancy lol i still dont think he understands! as he relates them to periods etc:dohh:
Anyway enough of my lovely subject, lol, hope your all well!:hugs:
That is amazing news, i'm'm looking for support and i found this website..........

Hi Miss Kane, I'm glad you have found this support group. I am so sorry for your losses and how horrible it must have been to suffer 2 PMP. Please feel free to come here and unload anytime you want. I'm sure you will become a Mum, don't lose hope of that. Best Wishes x
Avgabcon- im not too sure about urine levels:shrug: they dont do that in Australia, just the hcg.. and if your hcg was 231 two weeks ago i think its very possible you could be back to normal very soon:happydance: and that is great news:thumbup:
Aliwan wow its amazing how you pointed out you, amanda and I's 10 wk difference! How special!:cloud9: so exciting about those little twinnies! Just think there are lots of success stories with twins, one of my besties had twin boys 3 yrs ago they made it just before term and weighed just under 6 pound, they are beautiful little men:) I bet you are looking forward to finding out the sexes!!:happydance:
Amanda thats great that your baby is in the normal growth range, and a woman of your strength im sure you will have no troubles getting that baba out! Gosh I cant believe you only have weeks to go:happydance: I cant wait to hear your birth story and what you named your little man. The bedding in the pic is just adorable! I have my baby shower in 4 weeks, ill be 27 weeks, bit apprehensive i feel maybe thats too early to have it but its just worked out the best time to do it, so im a bit excited about that:happydance:
Im hanging out for my next ob appointment, next friday. Going for more bloods to check these iron levels and see what they're up to! Hopefully my haemoglobin is above 80!:thumbup: if not i will need to be thouroughly investigated, so thats our next little hurdle to jump! Just wanted to ask if anyone has experienced a crampy like feeling when you exercise? Just when i go for a walk the past few days I get quite crampy! OH said maybe Im not walking enough, getting enough exercise, buts its been so wet over here with storms all week i cant get out. I also get extra discharge that I notice more when I exercise:blush: I have had to buy panty liners and OH said to me with the most confused look on his face "why do you need them?":haha: I said to him some ladies need them in pregnancy lol i still dont think he understands! as he relates them to periods etc:dohh:
Anyway enough of my lovely subject, lol, hope your all well!:hugs:

To be honest I can't remember getting crampy feelings when exercising, but I do remember simple walking became more and more akward the later on I got. You have my utter sympathy with the discharge :blush:. Never really noticed it before with my pregnancies but since the start of this one I've had loads, I was hoping it would end at the end of the first trimester, but no luck so far.
Our OH's make me laugh they really don't get female anatomy all that well :dohh:
Kate, you may be starting to have braxton hicks contractions/tightening. They really are harmless and just your uterus practicing and shouldnt really hurt. Make sure you are staying hydrated and try to rest after exercising. Moderate walking should be fine. I was so good about exercising when pregnant with Luc, I walked 2 miles everyday up until the say I delivered at 41.5 weeks. This time? Not so much. I just dont have the energy or motivation!

I had lots of discharge with Luc, but this pregnancy have the opposite. Just wait until you need to wear the panty liners due to leaking pee when you laugh, sneeze or cough! I had to start wearing them as well, but due to just being sweaty in that general area. Eww! Yesterday I was worried I was starting to come down with a yeast infection, so I am changing them constantly and eating lots of yogurt! The nurse doenst want me to begin any medication until we know for sure. Its difficult because I am not prone to getting them and have only had one or two in my life.

Enjoy your baby shower! I loved mine the first time around and am kind of sad not to be having one this time. We have everythign we need, so its not the gifts I am missing, just the celebrating the new baby. If we weren't living so far from family we'd do a meet the new baby party after he comes, but we dont have too many people to invite here. Maybe we'll still do something small.

Take care, ladies!
Hi ladies, sorry I'm not on here much these days, Connor is keeping me busy!

I hope you are all doing well :) Thinking of you as always xxx
Kate, you may be starting to have braxton hicks contractions/tightening. They really are harmless and just your uterus practicing and shouldnt really hurt. Make sure you are staying hydrated and try to rest after exercising. Moderate walking should be fine. I was so good about exercising when pregnant with Luc, I walked 2 miles everyday up until the say I delivered at 41.5 weeks. This time? Not so much. I just dont have the energy or motivation!

I had lots of discharge with Luc, but this pregnancy have the opposite. Just wait until you need to wear the panty liners due to leaking pee when you laugh, sneeze or cough! I had to start wearing them as well, but due to just being sweaty in that general area. Eww! Yesterday I was worried I was starting to come down with a yeast infection, so I am changing them constantly and eating lots of yogurt! The nurse doenst want me to begin any medication until we know for sure. Its difficult because I am not prone to getting them and have only had one or two in my life.

Enjoy your baby shower! I loved mine the first time around and am kind of sad not to be having one this time. We have everythign we need, so its not the gifts I am missing, just the celebrating the new baby. If we weren't living so far from family we'd do a meet the new baby party after he comes, but we dont have too many people to invite here. Maybe we'll still do something small.

Take care, ladies!

Another lady suggested it might be braxton hicks too! Can you describe to me how they feel? Im having the same thing again today, I just went and booked in with my gp for tomorrow to ask her as I dont see my ob til friday and want to know! its quite achey a really strange pain and it takes my breath away sometimes its been happening today when I walk and also get lower back ache. Im just resting this arv as im not game to go anywhere by myself in case something happens:dohh: and i even keep checking for blood! hoping its just round ligament pain or the braxton hicks I didnt realise you could get them so early on tho? I havent exercised for over a week and feel worse off for it! the weather is horrid. And yes the discharge- oh the discharge:dohh: its so much fun lol its scary sometimes tho im like omg what if its my waters or blood..the worry never ends I just want this baby here I wish it was december already:wacko:
Hi ladies, sorry I'm not on here much these days, Connor is keeping me busy!

I hope you are all doing well :) Thinking of you as always xxx

While we all miss you, Clo, we completely understand! New babies are so much work! Glad everything is going well and you are enjoying your little man!
Kate, you may be starting to have braxton hicks contractions/tightening. They really are harmless and just your uterus practicing and shouldnt really hurt. Make sure you are staying hydrated and try to rest after exercising. Moderate walking should be fine. I was so good about exercising when pregnant with Luc, I walked 2 miles everyday up until the say I delivered at 41.5 weeks. This time? Not so much. I just dont have the energy or motivation!

I had lots of discharge with Luc, but this pregnancy have the opposite. Just wait until you need to wear the panty liners due to leaking pee when you laugh, sneeze or cough! I had to start wearing them as well, but due to just being sweaty in that general area. Eww! Yesterday I was worried I was starting to come down with a yeast infection, so I am changing them constantly and eating lots of yogurt! The nurse doenst want me to begin any medication until we know for sure. Its difficult because I am not prone to getting them and have only had one or two in my life.

Enjoy your baby shower! I loved mine the first time around and am kind of sad not to be having one this time. We have everythign we need, so its not the gifts I am missing, just the celebrating the new baby. If we weren't living so far from family we'd do a meet the new baby party after he comes, but we dont have too many people to invite here. Maybe we'll still do something small.

Take care, ladies!

Another lady suggested it might be braxton hicks too! Can you describe to me how they feel? Im having the same thing again today, I just went and booked in with my gp for tomorrow to ask her as I dont see my ob til friday and want to know! its quite achey a really strange pain and it takes my breath away sometimes its been happening today when I walk and also get lower back ache. Im just resting this arv as im not game to go anywhere by myself in case something happens:dohh: and i even keep checking for blood! hoping its just round ligament pain or the braxton hicks I didnt realise you could get them so early on tho? I havent exercised for over a week and feel worse off for it! the weather is horrid. And yes the discharge- oh the discharge:dohh: its so much fun lol its scary sometimes tho im like omg what if its my waters or blood..the worry never ends I just want this baby here I wish it was december already:wacko:

I never had BH with my first (they can start as early as the beginning of your second tri), but I think I am having them this time. They are described as a tightening feeling and your belly goes very hard. I feel it in the lower portion of my uterus, more towards the end of the day/evening. They arent supposed to hurt (though some of the women on my Sept 2011 board say they do) and you shouldnt be able to time them. You arent supposed to worry unless you have more than 5 per hour. Dehydration can bring them on. It you are noticing a lot of them, sit with you feet up and drink a big glass of water to see if they stop. I dont blame you for wanting to get checked. Its so difficult for us, having lost a baby, not to obsess over every thing and worry all the time. Let us know how it goes tomorrow.

I am totally obsessing over if this baby is head down or not. My Dr wont check until 36 weeks, but I see the nurse practitioner next Tuesday and I am going to beg her to feel my belly and tell me. Towards the end with Luc I was feeling hiccups very low, like he was bumping my cervix. This time I feel them high and can watch the top of my belly move with each one. I will be so disappointed if I cant push him out!
Thanks for that Amanda. I didnt end up going to the gp becoz i called a midwife instead. she said she didnt think it would be braxton hicks coz im too early yet for those:shrug: but she didnt think it wasnt anything sinister like pre-term labour, uti etc! she also said to take it easy for the next few days and dont go walking or anything like that, and mention it to my ob on friday! thing is, i havent done anything for the past week in terms of exercise so dont think ive overdone it, must be stretching or round ligament pain i think! she didnt actually say what she thought it was! babys kicks are soo low, and when im standing it feels like the kicks are in my v! thats how low they are. so yes im just taking it easy and will be asking to get checked out friday!
oh i hope that you get your answer as to what way baby is lying Amanda:thumbup: hopefully he will turn if he needs to! i hope so!:hugs:
Huh, ok well, she certainly knows more than I to! I'll be interested to hear what the OB says on Friday. There is an awful lot of stretching nad shifting going on now. Good luck and enjoy your visit!
Thanks for that Amanda. I didnt end up going to the gp becoz i called a midwife instead. she said she didnt think it would be braxton hicks coz im too early yet for those:shrug: but she didnt think it wasnt anything sinister like pre-term labour, uti etc! she also said to take it easy for the next few days and dont go walking or anything like that, and mention it to my ob on friday! thing is, i havent done anything for the past week in terms of exercise so dont think ive overdone it, must be stretching or round ligament pain i think! she didnt actually say what she thought it was! babys kicks are soo low, and when im standing it feels like the kicks are in my v! thats how low they are. so yes im just taking it easy and will be asking to get checked out friday!
oh i hope that you get your answer as to what way baby is lying Amanda:thumbup: hopefully he will turn if he needs to! i hope so!:hugs:

I actually had braxton hicks from about 20 weeks so it still could be! Xx
MissKane, I saw your other post and I am so, so sorry you have had to go through two pmp. Please know that all of us are here for you. How long ago was your last pmp and how far apart were they? You are the first person I have been in contact with who has had more than one and I my heart really goes out to you.

Thank you so much, im at such a loss so its nice to know i can share with someone who has some understanding of it. You are very kind....

sorry i didnt mean to submit, they were almost exactly a year apart,

July 16 2010 first one (found out heart no longer beating, D& C followed a few days later, and July 21 diagnosed this time and d & C next day----
Drs. kept saying its rare and its an extreme case of bad luck, im changing drs. and praying praying for the strength to get through and the chance to becoming a mom......

Very bad luck, indeed. Just curious where you are located. I am in the US and my Dr didnt advise a long waiting period to try again. I cant imagine it happening that far apart. My Dr gave me odds of 7% chance of it happening again. A third must be nearly zero, no? I pray you get your chance as soon as possible.:hugs:

I am located in New Jersey, and i am in the process of switcthing drs, and will see a specalist as recommended by the new drs. Its so scary, i cant go through this again. Where are you located?

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