Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I'm in California, but as I'm sure you have noticed most of the ladies on this board are in the UK. It seems the treatment in everywhere other than the US is a standard 6 mo waiting period as long as levels return to normal. My Dr seems to be knowledgeable about PM and MP, but didnt advise me any wait time other than the standard 2 mo for a mc. In my case it took us 6 months in addition to the 2 months waited to conceive again. Since yours were a year apart one would assume they arent related.

I hope the specialist can offer you some relief in why this happened to you again. Not to send you somewhere else, but there is a MP/PMP support board on with A LOT of people on it. I read one story of a woman who had suffered 2 pmps there. I cant even imagine what this is like for you. Please update us when you can. Sending lots of hugs to you!
Hi Everyone, Just checking in, as there has been so little activity recently. I hope everyone is well.

I'm fine, I had my first check at the hospital with the multiples OB on Monday it was a nice suprise because I got to see the twins again :hugs: . I don't think I was meant to get a scan but she had a trainee doctor in with her. I have been told they will only let me goto 38 weeks if I haven't gone myself by then and at 37 weeks they will start sweeping. All feels so real now, and to spread the cost of having to buy stuff again we have started buying. I've already got my twin buggie.

My 23 month old was moved into a bed a week ago, so his cot could be re-used. The first few nights were hell, but he has settled down. He looks so grown up though in a proper bedroom. He has been poorly the last few days, he has had a bad bum and I had been applying nappy cream all the time, but his bottom was getting redder and sorer, I've never had nappy rash last more than a day. So I took him the Dr, expecting them to look at me and think I was a bad mum and tell me to change him more regularly and apply cream, but I was told he had thrush! I've never had any of them have this before, but he was percribed a cream and am applying that daily, so hopefully will settle down, but if it has not cleared up any by tomorrow I'm taking him back to Dr and see if he can have medicine to help clear infection. It breaks my heart as every time I clean him he screams in pain until his new nappy is on.

My eldest two go back to school next week, I can't believe the 6 week summer holiday has gone so fast, but it will nice to be just Lando and I again and a bit of peace and quiet.

I am really starting to show now, which is lovely. Annoyingly I still check at least once daily that I'm not bleeding, but I suppose after what we have all been through thats natural.

Hope everyone is keeping well, Debs x
Hey everyone! Hope you are all well - we have been on holiday so sorry for not been around! We had a great time, Oliver had an absolute ball :)

Aliwan its great that your twins are doing so well!

Love to you all :hugs:
Aliwan, I am SO happy to hear your OB appt went well. How exciting to get to see them again!

I know what you mean about your little one looking so grown up in the big bed. Luc loved his crib and we didnt need it yet, so he wasnt moved until very close to 3. The transition went well for us, but he looked so little in the bed! And sorry your son has a sore bottom! We've fought a few really bad diaper rashes as well. The most recent was when he was on antibiotics, which caused a very bad case of diarrhea. I felt so bad every time I had to change him, which was at least a couple of times and hour. I'm so glad you brought him in and he started treatment. Good thing you trusted your instinct! Have you tried giving him any medication for the pain? I know you have different named for it, but acetaminophen and especially ibuprofen really do help with the sting. It should clear up quickly with the prescription cream you were given.

I had my 34 week appt yesterday with the nurse practitioner. I have felt baby if in the same position now for several weeks, maybe a couple of months, and I feel him so high in my ribs that I was worried about him being head up. The nurse was getting heart tones up above my belly button and even asked if they are always located this high, which they are. I asked her to feel for position (my Dr will not check me until 36 weeks and I was dying to know). Well, she was feeling for the head and tried and tried and after saying four times that she didnt feel a head down there we went into the other room to check on ultrasound. We happily got a surprise when we saw rump up high and a head down low! I was so happy I got tears in my eyes!

I also found out that the new hospital in my area finally has a contract with my health insurance, effective on August 15th. We really dont have good hospitals in this area, so I really was hoping to deliver at the new one. I was so disappointed when we toured it and found out that a contract didn't yet exist, but that doesnt matter now. All in all a very happy day for me!

Sarah, glad to hear you had a fun holiday!

Kate, I assume you've gotten those hgb results. I hope your levels are high enough not to worry about the anemia. How are you feeling these days?

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Amanda, yes am using ibuprofen and it certainly takes some of the pain away. Fantastic news about your bump being head down, must be such a relief I know you were worrying. Also I'm glad you will be able to give birth in the hospital you want :thumbup: we don't really have this problem in the UK.
We were told our local hospital should be able to take the twins if I go into labour post 34 weeks, but sadly before 34 weeks we will need to go to a hospital about 40 mins drive away, but at least it is not that bad.
Oh good, I'm glad Lando is able to get some relief through the medicine.

I really was stressing about the babys position a great deal. Its crazy how high he is sitting! I have a very hard time bending and get winded so quickly. He's pushing up on my diaphragm so much I get out of breath even when reading a book to Luc before bedtime!

Well, I do hope they go past 34 weeks. We dont have a neonatal intensive care unit local if this baby were to come early either. Thankfully, every day gets me closer to not needing to worry about it.

Love the new profile pic! Your babies look snug in there!
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this board-- I found out in mid-out June at what would have been a 12 week appointment that our baby didn't have a heartbeat and was measuring 9 weeks. I had a D&C, and then about a month later found out that it was a partial molar pregnancy. I've been having weekly blood tests and my numbers are very, very slowly going down, but it's been a tough few months for me. I'm still heartbroken about my loss, and frustrated and sad about the wait to try to conceive again (my doctor tells me I need to wait six months after my numbers get below 5).

I don't know if any of you know your numbers, but I was at 20 three weeks ago, then 15.5 last week, then 9.4 this week.

I'd love any support you have to offer, because I'm feeling kind of down about this whole thing.

Welcome SourLemon, I am so sorry you had a need to find us, but happy you did. You have found a very supportive group of ladies who have felt exactly what you are feeling. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

My loss occurred very early in the first trimester so my levels dropped pretty quickly after my D&C. I went though three weeks of hell after first discovering there was not a viable pregnancy, then waiting a week to recheck, then another week to recheck. It was torture, but I guess the Drs just wanted to be absolutely sure I wasnt just off on my dates. I knew I wasnt since we were TTC and I had used an OPK. The first Dr I saw never even bothered to get blood drawn on my, so I dont know how high my levels were then. But a week later when I saw a second Dr and he ordered two draws 48 hours apart they were beginning to drop from about 27,000 to 22,000 in that time period. 2 weeks post D&C I was still testing positive for pregnancy at the Dr office, but my period returned exactly 4 weeks after my D&C and another week later I was under 5. It sounds like yours will be there after another week

If you havent already please take time to read through our stories. I think you'll find it encouraging as there are several success stories of babies born after a mp or pmp. My Dr seems to be the odd one out as he didnt suggest I wait more than two cycles to try again. It may be due to my age (I'm 36) because he actually urged us to try again sooner rather than later if we intended to try again. Most ladies here coped pretty well with the wait period and took that time to get in touch with their cycles.

I know the first several months following this kind of loss can be very confusing and heartbreaking. I hope you are able to find peace. Big hugs to you and if you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask.
SourLemon I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: Welcome to our little group, I hope you find it helpful :hugs:

Your levels sound like they are coming down nicely! Are you in the UK?

We really do know how you are feeling, its so, so hard but you will come out of the other side, and we are all here for you along the journey :hugs: :hugs:
Hi all - hope you all doing well. Just to let you know that i've had my second set of results from Sheffield. Two weeks ago my level was 1.04, this week they were 0.45 - normal is 0.35 so hopefully next time all will be good and I'll be able to TTC again just before xmas. Best wishes to you all x :flower:
Hi all - hope you all doing well. Just to let you know that i've had my second set of results from Sheffield. Two weeks ago my level was 1.04, this week they were 0.45 - normal is 0.35 so hopefully next time all will be good and I'll be able to TTC again just before xmas. Best wishes to you all x :flower:

Great update! I'm so glad your levels are dropping as they should. :thumbup: Gorgeous children in your picture, btw!
Thanks for your kind words. I've been reading through all your posts, and it is encouraging to know that there are others who have been through this and that their stories have happy endings.

To answer your question, I'm in the US, in New England.

How did you all cope with the wait to try again? It feels a little like it'll be forever, just incredibly far away.
hey ladies, i had a scan Wednesday only to find no baby but dark circles. After a mri today the think more than likely i have a molar pregnancy. Im having a d&c tomorrow so they can send a sample to be tested. Im sorry this message is short but Im on my phone and its difficult to write a lot. Im so upset to think i Cant try again for a while. Any advice or support would be great right now. Thank you xx
SourLemon the wait is hard, but thinking about it is the worst bit. It feels like the worst thing when you have just lost a baby and you just want to try again and be pregnant again. I tried to keep really positive during my followup. I did thinks to keep me busy but also to proactive / positive about any future pregnancy. So, for example, on the physical side I joined a gym, and read up on fertility etc (Zita West books were great) so when we came to ttc I knew my cycle etc. My husband stopped smoking and also joined the gym, and we both took vitamins (his and hers pre natal ones). On the practical side I had a huge de clutter and sold absolutely loads of stuff on ebay, and put the money into a savings account which came in soooo useful when Oliver came along. We also did lots of things that are difficult to do with a baby, so we took a few weekend city breaks and made sure we always had something fun planned to look forward to.

I also kept a journal which was amazingly therapeutic. I didn't write in it all the time - but it really helped me through. I wish I had had a group like this little one when I found out etc. My journal was great though - I could read back and see that I really was doing well and that things really were getting easier. I wish I had kept a journal when I fell pregnant and had Oliver too.

Mummy2Corban I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: What I have written to SourLemon might help you too :hugs: Do you know how quickly you will get the results?
Im unsure! One doctor said days another said weeks! Guess ill ask again tomorrow and get some answers. A little worried about the d&c as they said with molar pregnancy you have a higher risk of bleeding. X
Try not to worry :hugs: I'm sure it will be fine, my D&C wasn't nearly as scarey as I had feared, I think I was still a bit in shock about everything though. My main advice there would be to take
Slippers and a dressing gown, no one told me that :dohh:

I hope everything goes smoothly :hugs:
Im unsure! One doctor said days another said weeks! Guess ill ask again tomorrow and get some answers. A little worried about the d&c as they said with molar pregnancy you have a higher risk of bleeding. X

I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how difficult the first few days were. Big hugs to you. :hugs: I had no idea my loss was due to pmp until my 2 week post op appt, I was just told it was a missed mc. It brought me some relief to know why I had lost my baby.

My D&C wasnt nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I expected to be in a lot of pain, but really wasnt. In fact I felt so good that the day after I decided I could sweep and mop the kitchen floors and that really got me cramping. Just be kind to your body, take it easy and rest. Honestly, I was just glad it was over after.
Im unsure! One doctor said days another said weeks! Guess ill ask again tomorrow and get some answers. A little worried about the d&c as they said with molar pregnancy you have a higher risk of bleeding. X

My D&C was actually really easy (from my perspective at least). I was under general anesthesia, and my husband went with me. They didn't know it was a partial molar, and apparently I did bleed a fair amount (unusual for a "regular" D&C), but I was absolutely fine. I was really woozy from the anesthesia and bleeding afterward. The next day I felt good and like others decided I was up for walking and a day trip, which ended up making me feel kind of exhausted and worn down. Take it easy!

I had some bleeding off and on for about 10 days, and took methergine (sp?) at one point to get all the clots out.

I was worried about the pain, but there wasn't much. While I was on the methergine and when I had cramping I alternated Tylenol and Advil and used a hot water bottle and was totally okay.

I was also scared, as I had never had surgery before, but it was okay, and I started to feel less nauseous, etc, as soon as the pregnancy hormones started to drop off (so within the first week after the D&C), which helped.

In line with Sarahwoo's advice, they gave me these weird stretchy panties that were really comfortable and some industrial-strength pads and those were both nice to have.

Otherwise, thanks for your advice, Sarahwoo, it's really, really helpful to hear.
Hi ladies:flower:
sorry its been a while since ive checked in. Sorry to our two new members, that you have to go through what you are and having to find us, i hope you find plenty of comfort here as I have throughout this whole journey. Looking back i feel time has flown, i am now 24 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby after my pmp last year. But at the time, being told you have to wait to ttc, trying to grieve, and physically heal, the future seems so far away!:hugs: you will find peace again, and a rainbow after the storm, for now take each day one at a time, be easy on yourselves and gentle, things seem really scary right now but you are so much stronger then you think!!:hugs:

Amanda- my obstetrician was horrible! An awful little woman!:growlmad: she didnt have my blood results and instead of making a quick call and getting them from the lab, she sent me for a whole full blood check AGAIN! like i havent had enough damn needles!! Anyhoo, she said if there was any troubles with the results the antenatal clinic would call me. I havent heard from then but received a copy of the results in the mail. the haemoglobin is back up to 107 from 92 which is good, but my ferritin levels are still high! they should be beneath 150 and they are 187! my sis in law though is having the exact same problem with her iron levels,(shes 31 wks along) and her result was 350!! So i figure mine is ok although a little elevated! will ask again about it at my last appointment here in perth in 2 weeks. we move back home in 15 days! Im so excited to get back and get organised. We have to live with my parents until we find our own place, trumaine gets a job etc but that will be okay! my mummy will spoil me:haha: SO pleased ur baba is right way around!:happydance: woohooo!!!!
:hugs: to sarah woo hope u had a good break!:thumbup:
I am so sorry for your loss, and i completely understand how you feel, sometimes i think noone in the world understands, but that is really not true what i can say, try your best to keep your spirits up at the same time crying, screaming and doing whatever you need to do to express your self and dont apologize to it, i hope those around you are giving you 100% percent support--I always start out with i am definitely the minority--but i just suffered my 2nd partial mole, and what i can offer you about the levels i find from last time the levels drop significantly in the beginning then when they get lower for me it was truly annoying, that it would go very slow, but the good news is that its going down.
This time i went from 15000 to 4700 down to 788 and now i'm at 256, im just thankful the naseousness has pretty much completey gone away becuase its very difficult suffering through that.

As i said before in previous posts sorry to repeat i cant really keep track of the posts that i make and not sure if you would of saw but i am defitnely going to specialists and i have no children yet and it frustrates me that although they know what happens to create a molar pregnancies they dont seem to know WHY??? and i dont want to take any chances, i'm actually trying acupuncture for the first time next week too..anything ...i'm here if you have any questions.....and know that you are not alone and i'm so grateful to have found this board because there are alot of success stories and positive out comes and that will defintely be you too...:)..

silly question, what is rainbow baby mean?? and i love everyones sharing the baby stories i love babies and so happy for you all.......blessings and peace..christine..

sorry about the spelling


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