Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Gorgeous Laura! Exciting, not long now at all! Are Indie and Corban getting excited?

We are going well thanks Lotte. I measured Raph's length again - hr has grown again. He is now 60cm long! That's 11cm in 2 months! He's the size Marcy was at 6 months (but she was very little). Strange to have them at the opposite ends of the scale!

How are you all? Hows Ella?

Have a fabulous holiday Jess! Will this be your babymoon? I traveled to Thailand when I was 12weeks and even ate food from street stalls and market but my sister in law was recommending places and eating it too and 7 months pregnant :) just be a bit careful. If it doesn't look clean or fresh don't eat it. Glad your bag turned up :)

Dano, have you hear back on any results? How are you going?
Holiday is going good so far......after the mishap with our bags we finally got them 24 hours after arriving! No I'm not calling it our babymoon cos we are going away for a couple of nights in December just the two of us so that will be our "babymoon" :)
Lovely to hear everyone's ticking along nicely :)

I keep checking in to see if m2c has popped yet!

No test results yet, they said 6-8weeks, so another 2-4 to wait! Charing Cross all good on 6w and 10w post loss. On to 6 monthly samples for life now (or until the next pregnancy!)
Hey everyone! Glad to see you're all well. No news here, just busy with work. Did have my MRI for my fibroid yesterday but won't get those results for a couple of weeks.

Wish I was in Thailand! We honeymooned there, loved it.
Finally hit negative today! 7 weeks post D&C. Got to have a final check in 4 weeks time and that will be follow-up over with.

Can't really TTC again though until I have the results from my MRI incase my fibroid needs surgery, although really hoping I won't.

Good luck with the midwife M2C! What are you expecting her to say?
How was midwife Laura? Cant believe you ar almost 38 weeks!

Glad you are all ok Becky.

Jess thailand looked lush! I hope you had a good time

Spring - Great news on the negative!

Dano - hope the next 2-4 weeks goes quickly. I wanted to say your boys are beautiful.

Afm, not much going on. Ella had her jabs today.she cried when she had them, but seemed ok after. She is fast asleep now. Hopefully she will not have a reaction to them. She has been super clingy with me lately. So funny, yesterday Dh gave me a cuddle and she walks up to me, puts her hands round my leg and then pushes kris away!

We are back from Thailand and had a great time!!
Been crampy the last couple of days and had a midwife appt yesterday and she said I had some blood in my urine so thinks I might have a UTI?

spring - that's great you are at negative now!! fx no surgery is needed!!
Congratulations Spring on negative! Hope no surgery is needed and you get the all clear soon. When do you get results? X
Did she give you anything jess? If the cramping gets worse go straight to your doctors. Hope it goes quickly x

Just spent the last 2 days in bed with bad case if mastitis... Rather labour than that anyday especially looking after a toddler as well as baby. Rich stayed home today so I could just rest. So glad he did. I saw my chiro Friday as I was retaining fluid again as out of whack and my carpel tunnels were blocked (bad this time and had been burning my fingers as couldn't feel anything). Sunday night fluid gone but extra into milk so blam mastitis. Starting to feel better now though :)
Oh Spring that's fab news, so glad it went down fairly quickly. Hope you can get the all clear to TTC soon :hugs:

Jababy, sounds awful, hope it clears quickly. Get on the diluted cranberry juice!!

M2c how did you get on?

Jacky, you poor thing, mastitis is truly awful. I was hallucinating when I had it and I quite literally couldn't move! Antibiotics sorted it quite fast though. I did actually lose a little breast tissue on that side because of it, but it never affected my supply when bfing #2. Hopefully yours goes asap!

Lotte vincent is exactly the same, takes me about half an hour to unclamp from my leg at toddler group!! Hope she's ok with the jabs.

We have a poorly baby here at the mo, vincent has a nasty chesty virus which left him unable to breathe properly yesterday. He had to go on a nebuliser yesterday tea time and is now on a course of steroids to get him through it, poor thing :(
She just told me to take a couple of pain killers and rest. I feel a lot better now so I think it was definitely dehydration!

Becky you poor thing, I've heard mastitis is the worst!! Glad you are starting to feel better!

Dan-o I hope little Vincent gets well soon, must be hard seeing them so unwell!
Congratulations Spring on negative! Hope no surgery is needed and you get the all clear soon. When do you get results? X

Thank you! At the latest I'll find out 7th November but could be before then. The actual fibroid gives me no symptoms so I'd be really surprised if they didn't just leave it.

Really sorry to read you've had mastitis; I can't imagine how painful that must be. Really hope it improves soon for you...
Thanks ladies. Feeling heaps better today. May still take a few days to get back to normal and supply back so have myself and very hungry but sleepy little boy.
Jess and Spring, your right its nasty. Worse than labour in my books because the thing that helps the most is feeding and it is oh so painful! I have it heaps with Marcy so used to it. Just comes on so quickly.
Ooh Dano, must have been bad for that to happen to your tissue! I didn't get antibiotics this go? e(very surprised I didn't end up needing it). Think Raph is stronger at feeding and cleared it quicker.

I hope Vincent gets better quickly and get some relief tonight with his breathing. Poor little boy. So hard to see them so ill especially when it affects their breathing.

Spring, I'm glad you don't have any issues with it all. Hopefully they leave it and you are cleared :)

Lotte, how did the jabs go? Was Ella ok overnight?

How are you feeling Jess, Laura?
Oh Becky! I'm afraid of mastitis!!!! Don't wanna get it this time round. Make sure you get that rest. How are you gorgeous babies?

Dano that sounds painful! How's vincent? Hope his better! Poor little munchkin! Must be scary for you all specially when it comes to breathing.

Spring hope those results come back ok and you can jump onto ttc and get that rainbow of yours.

Jess glad to hear you feel better. Happy 26 weeks.

Had midwife Monday! She said I may not be able to have a waterbirth as they can't measure the amount of blood loss.... Gotta have the injection to deliver my placenta..... And may even have to go to labour and delivery! Need to call my midwife unit to see if they will take me with my anemia. Boo bloody hoo! Stupid iron! Apart from that all is ok!

Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been away for ages, again! Ekin needs me much more than I could ever imagine! She is already teething (we saw her first tooth yesterday) and that adds to her usual not sleeping-much crying self :)

It feels so difficult at times, but then I think, I waited so long to meet her, and these things shall pass before we know it! Well, we'll see :)

I haven't got much time to read through the pages and I hope everyone is OK. I see there are some newcomers, so sorry for your losses, and hope you'll get your sticky BFP's soon!

Just a quick word on mastitis.. I didn't get it.. but I had numerous episodes that I thought I would! Then I read something on the internet and decided to give it a try. I'm not sure if you could do it but once you get the hang of it, it really is not that scary. The thing is, when you have a lump that doesn't go through the day -even if you've nursed multiple times from that breast- try to look closely to your nipple. Chances are there is a tiny (I mean like real tiny) piece of milk that dried and is blocking the duct behind it. You can remove this -very carefully of course- with a sterile needle. Sometimes it bleeds very very little but generally just "pops out" and the milk gushes out! Now, that is very very strange I must admit. I usually hand pump the first bit, because it mostly is very watery. And then resume with nursing normally.

When I read your posts about mastitis, I just couldn't help sharing this. Hope you're feeling better now Becky!
Becky hope your mastis is doing better. I have never had it but however i did have a close call between nursing and dr put me on meds for other reasons it dissappeared in a day.

Got a text from my son close to school being out that he thought he broke his toe. I told him to go show his teacher and they were gone already. But it was broke.hen we came home from emergency room and he found his bird dead. So he has had a very bad efternnon. He gets to stay home from school tomorrow and we just have to have him sit as he is scaring people for halloween tomorrow night. Not fun. He has a bamdage pad seperating his toes tgen he gas it wraped with a sticky ace bandage and a flat stiff shoe with velcro that he has to wear for who knows how long. We go see his dr tomorrow to get more details. 14years 7 kids and first broken bone i think i have done good somewhere.

Hello all, quick question...
Today I've had some occasional shooting pains on the left side of my tummy that remind me of the pains I had with my partial mole. They are freaking me out a little bit! Last test came back as negative HCG and I'm waiting for my final urine test which I will send off on November 18th.

Did anyone else have these pains and know what I'm talking about? Should I be worried?
Could you possibly be ovulating and it's from that??

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