Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Thanks for your kind words. I've been reading through all your posts, and it is encouraging to know that there are others who have been through this and that their stories have happy endings.

To answer your question, I'm in the US, in New England.

How did you all cope with the wait to try again? It feels a little like it'll be forever, just incredibly far away.

This morning has been so emotional I hate to find all you new ladies who are going through this horrible time, but am so glad you have found this board. I only found baby and bump when I fell pregnant this time as I was so worried about a repeat molar or another miscarriage. I wish I had found it during my wait as I'm sure following other ladies and making friends with people who understand would have helped the wait go quicker.

The wait does feel like forever, I see you have been told 6 months I think there is always a little room for negotiation as advice varies from state to state and country to country. I was originally told the same but then told I only had to wait 6 months from the date of my d&c that cut another month off straight away. I then fell pregnant a little before my 6 month wait - sadly this ended in miscarriage, BUT when I had told the molar specialists about it they were happy for me and not concerned in the slightest that I'd fallen pregnant just before my all clear.
The only way I got through the wait was by watching my HCG levels drop and feeling a sense of achievement I then tried to fill in the next few months doing things with my hubby that I wouldn't be able to do when I fell pregnant - like going on rollercoasters or waterskiing - I know this sounds silly but it helped and my husband and I enjoyed being a couple again. (albeit with 3 children)
Hi all - hope you all doing well. Just to let you know that i've had my second set of results from Sheffield. Two weeks ago my level was 1.04, this week they were 0.45 - normal is 0.35 so hopefully next time all will be good and I'll be able to TTC again just before xmas. Best wishes to you all x :flower:

Fantastic news !!!! :thumbup:
I am so chuffed for you - roll on Christmas x x x
another question for you ladies how long did you feel sick for after? As Im feeling really sick still x

I remember feeling violently ill afterwards, my hcg was 430,000 and I was wheeled out of hospital in a wheelchair i felt too weak to walk. This feeling lasted about a week, I ended up in ER 2 days after returning home as I was still passing placental tissue, and I think thats why I was still feeling sick. It took about 2-3 weeks to heal physically and feel healthy again, but give yourself time:hugs: as sarah said the stress of it all puts alot of strain on you and can affect you physically more then you realise. I drank alot of water, and small regular meals to get myself back to speed. wishing u gentle days:kiss:
thank you ladies its a massive help you reply. I Will read through this thread at some point soon but Im on my phone so when i make the effort to dig my laptop out ill read them. My called my doctor and he gave me something for the sickness and said he wants to see me in the next few weeks. He also printed off a leaflet to give me which the hospital never did. You are truly amazing ladies and Im am so greatful for any help or advice you can offer xx
Mummy2Corban I'm glad your GP has been helpful - I never saw mine! I just dealt with the consultant at EPU as I got the impression my GP wouldn't have a clue really :dohh:

I hope the sickness meds do the trick :hugs:

Kate how are you doing honey?

Amanda do you have a little Thomas fan in your house too? Oliver goes absolutely crazy if he sees Thomas things! He loves it! Even though he hasn't seen that much on TV he still loves it :haha:
hi sarah:flower:
im doing well, i think lol thanks for asking!! Im 25 weeks in two days..which just blows my mind!! Baby has been quiet the last few days, not as much movement, did you ever find you had quiet times with Oliver? I am starting to feel desperate to meet this baby and have him/her here and everything be okay! I think with Jamari's birthday approaching its bringing up some memories that are making me worry for this little one, I keep thinking about the birth lately and what it will be like! I just hope it goes okay and I can get baby here safely! Still tossing up names lol now that is hard! thinking Indigo if its a little girl and Lyric if its a boy! but i still want to consider other possible names too:) We leave to move back home in 12 days! I am SO excited about this, my baby shower is in 3 wks! How surreal!
How r u and little Ollie doing?:hugs:
We are great thanks :) Oliver is just a delight at the moment - he amazes me every single day :)

I was so, so afraid about the birth - to the point where I couldn't think about it or read anything about births without feeling sick and in a panic. I had to go to the hospital for a blood test at one point and almost fainted gettting myself worked up thinking about the birth :blush: However, I read a book that basically has a whole load of really positive natural birth stories, and then goes into detail about how its natural and your body is made for it etc and it changed the way I looked at things 100 per cent. I felt so positive and I would never have been so calm and delivered Oliver on just gas and air if I hadn't read that book! I will get you an Amazon link later on when I'm on my netbook (I'm posting on my phone now :))

You are going to do great :flower:

I did have days when Oliver wriggled less, esp earlier on. I think its when they are smaller they have mre room to move, and some days they are in positions when you just can't feel them as much. Still get checked out if you are worried though :) Towards the end, when Oliver was bigger, probably 30 weeks onwards, I noticed more of a pattern with the movements, and I discovered how to give him a prod and a poke and make him wiggle if I was worried :haha:
Thank you for your help ladies. I received a phone call from my GP surgery explaining that my gynaecologist wants me to go in for blood work to be done on the 1st Sept. I rang my hospital to see if this meant that they had had my results back from London, but she told me they were still waiting and that my gynaecologist had sent a letter out to me explaining what was going on, so i just gotta wait for that. I am sort of glad that i am getting some contact with the hospital, but im still feeling a pessimistic! xx
Mummy2Corbin, I really hope the sickness meds work for you. Its terrible to be feeling that way. I say try to get plenty of rest. I look forward to an update after you see your Dr.

rachieroo, it seems as if most of the UK ladies were notified by a letter, if I remember correctly. I'm glad you are feeling good about the contact with the hospital. Try to be positive!

Sarah, oh yes, Luc loves Thomas, Jame, Percy and all the engines! We keep out train tracks in a big bin and he actually builds the tracks himself now. He would love to go to a Thomas shop! I relaly need to get him to a railway museum. Maybe when my Mom arrives if the baby hasnt come yet.

Kate, I am so happy for you that your move home will be coming soon! And very exciting to have your baby shower right around the corner! Around 24-27 weeks is exactly a time when movement appeard to have slowed down for me. My Dr explained that before 28 weeks movement is so erratic that you cant really monitor it at all. I still worried and (like a bad girl) Googled and was happily relieved when I read that lots of women experience this. It really seems like they have a day or two where they are super active, then they rest for a day or two. And I aslo agree with Sarah, the baby is still pretty small so s/he has lots of room to move around without you really feeling it all the time. While I love feeling this boy move in my belly, it is beginning to hurt a bit and sometimes I wish he would relax more.
Thanks alot Sarah I look forward to the link:flower::flower: I bet Oliver is just gorgeous, at a great age!
Amanda I was soo glad to hear about ur movement between 24-27 weeks, i truly feel this is the case. I get a poke or kick now and again to let me know little ones still in there but definately has slowed a little, I think baby might be right up against my back or something as the kicks feel different too! I think its curled up somewhere where I cant feel it too much! at 20 weeks scan he/she was backed into my hip:haha: but i dont feel it down there now so im guessing it has grown and found itself another little hot spot lol...
Thanks alot Sarah I look forward to the link:flower::flower: I bet Oliver is just gorgeous, at a great age!
Amanda I was soo glad to hear about ur movement between 24-27 weeks, i truly feel this is the case. I get a poke or kick now and again to let me know little ones still in there but definately has slowed a little, I think baby might be right up against my back or something as the kicks feel different too! I think its curled up somewhere where I cant feel it too much! at 20 weeks scan he/she was backed into my hip:haha: but i dont feel it down there now so im guessing it has grown and found itself another little hot spot lol...

You know I have read that even in the womb they find a favorite position to sleep in and frequently get into it. I have been getting lots of crazy nudges in my right hip. It insane to feel like he can totally push on my hip bone! I have a feeling he is big though, so I know he is super squished in there!

I was totally a poker at the point where you are, possibly a touch later. :haha: If he didnt move much I could give the side of my belly a poke, poke, poke and it would usually get him moving (not always though, so please dont worry if not). JP used to always tell me not to poke at him and to leave him alone. He thought it was mean. I loved the interaction and aside from it being reassuring, I feel like its a bonding thing to be able to interact with them that early, you know? Now all I have to do is lightly rub my belly and he will move a bit. Its so crazy, I can totally feel body parts and when he kicks the side of my belly I can tell the difference in feet and hands. Or at least I think I can. Such a lovely, magical time. I cant wait for you to get here, Kate!:hugs:
Oh that made me so excited Amanda I cant wait for that:happydance:
GUESS WHAT! I went for my gestational diabetes test this morning, and had to stop it halfway through as I threw up!! I got halfway through the drink and started feeling dizzy, that soon passed and I quickly finished the drink off, the 2nd half of it was disgusting:nope: then i went and sat in the waiting room and the pathology lady said she would come back and get me in an hr for the 2nd blood test, I was sitting there feeling soooo sick:cry: I held on for nearly an hr, and my mouth starting feeling really dry so thought I would have a tiny sip of water, seconds after I did, I threw up! Good thing I had my disposable spew bag with me from wen i had morning sickness lol, i would not have made it to the bathroom as every time I moved I wanted to be sick!! So the lovely ladies asked me did I want to talk to my dr about it or just rebook so i just rebooked for monday and now Im all nervous and scared to go through that again:cry: I feel just like I did when I had horrifc ms, this all happened at 8:15 this morning its now 2pm and I still feel yukky:wacko: I wonder if i didnt have that sip of water how much longer I could have lasted. see the thing is, my dr said to get it done when I get back home, but my appointment back home isnt until the end of september and ill be 30 wks, so i thought id get it done here and get the results sent back. But i just couldnt hold it down, and Im hoping its okay to try it again, i feel silly for asking this but it couldnt possibly hurt baby me doing it again could it? Im not sure wether to go ahead and get it done monday, or wait until i see my ob next friday, tell her what happened, and risk getting it done back home once we are there at 30 wks+..hmmm..any suggestions?:shrug:
It won't hurt baby hun :hugs: its just crappy for mummy :haha: Does everyone have the GD test over there or is there a reason you're having it? I can't remember how many weeks I was when I had it (we have diabetes in the family) but I think it was about 30 weeks. I think if the drs say you're okay to wait a while, then wait and get it done at home :hugs: You get a longer break to 'recover' then and you might feel better. It is horrid though - I felt okayish when I was having the test but I felt really awful afterwards. My test was neg though :) x
No, it wont hurt the baby, but if you had gone that close to an hour I dont see why they didnt just take your blood anyway. Your body should have absorbed pretty much as much of the sugar as it would have if you hadnt thrown up and it had been a few minutes later. No water, mint, gum no anything. They should have told you not to drink any water as it can skew the results. We are also told to sit and not get up or move around much as that can alter the results as well. Did you eat prior to the test? If not, that may help you next time.

I had mine done at 27 weeks and they do it between 26-28 weeks for everyone here. I'm so sorry it is difficult for you to stomach the Glucola. I didn't find it too horrible, but for me it was best to just drink it down quickly. It did make me feel sick though, I guess having all that sugar in your system at once. I also got very tired after (I assume my body crashed from all that sugar) then a headache. When you do it again, bring a snack so you can eat something just after having your blood drawn. Personally, I'd want to just get it done and over with ASAP, but if your Dr feels its ok to wait until your 30 weeks,, then it really shouldn't be any problem.
Thanks for your help ladies!:hugs: and yes Sarah everyone over here has to have it.. I have decided to just go through with it monday, and if it doesnt work again, have a chat to a dr about it. Amanda your right they should have told me I couldnt have any water, I had to fast so no food or drink from 10pm the night before, apart from water. I just guessed could still drink water during the test as they didnt tell me otherwise. I wont be this time tho thats for sure!:haha: ive got myself quite worked up about it, as i feel its sooo much sugar and i know its gonna make me feel awful again, but I tried soo hard the other day to keep it down, for bubs sake. Im taking trumaine with me monday for support, just a hand to squeeze and someone to remind me I can do it!:thumbup: I was really shocked how difficult it was for me, I thought it would be a piece of cake! The drink wasnt all that bad, the 2nd half was a struggle, it was just afterwards in the waiting room:wacko: well ill update on monday and let you know how I go, again...:blush:
Fingers crossed that you keep it down this time! I think its good that you are bring Trumaine with you. It will help to distract you, maybe you guys could bring a deck of cards or something to do rather than just sit and wait.

I didnt have to fast, but i know some ladies in my birth club have been told to. Dont they realize how cruel that is for a pregnant lady? I am starving when I get up in the morning! I didnt have to make an appt, just head to the lab when I was ready.

Just curious...which flavor did you get? When I did it with Luc I got the red one, it was fruit punch and not bad at all. This time I had orange and as soon as I say it I was dreading it. Now I like orange juice, but cant stand anything orange flavored. Of course, it may not be the same stuff exactly, but here it seems like everyone, even in different states, gets the very same stuff.
I am so happy to report I successfully did the test!!!:happydance:It was soo hard to keep that drink down but I managed I'm so proud of myself lol. AND I didn't take trumaine with me coz he was exhausted and I told him to stay in bed! I just got home and having some breaky, then we r going out for lunch!:) Amanda I'm not really sure what the flavour is, it tastes like an extra extra sweet lemonade and is thick!! I love lemonade but this drink is disgusting! My mum had to do the test last yr and warned me I might find it difficult, having had the drink herself. She said it was all she could do to keep it down and she wasn't pregnant! I'd imagine orange would t be a very nice flavor either:( and yes fasting for pregnant women shouldn't be allowed! I'm also starving when I wake up and to go in on a empty stomach then try to keep that down is well torture! Should have the results in 2 wks, hoping for the best but the way it made me feel I'm not sure what the result will be!:/
Yay, I'm so glad you kept it down! Two weeks?!? Ugh, that is a long time! And it must be something different, mine wasn't thick at all. Now I am really impressed you kept it down, yuck! When is the next appt?

I go on Wednesday for my group B strep test and probably an internal exam to check my cervix. I've been bouncing on the birthing ball to try to get baby to drop and engage his head. His bottom is wedged so high up into my boobs I am SO uncomfortable!
I know so pleased:happydance:lah:wacko: uhuh i think coz the drinks thick it makes it twice as hard to stomach! b 2 weeks is a bit of a wait isnt it, its going to take longer coz they have to be posted to the other side of the country as we move in a week:) Next appointment is this friday! YAY! hoping to get this iron business sorted! and going to ask to hear bubs heartbeat/have a mini ultrasound coz after that my next appnt wont be until the end of september if all is fine with gt results. Ohh i havent heard about the strep b test how does that work? ohh we have one of those bouncy ball things in the gym here i really want to get one for later on they are fun:haha: heres hoping little man moves for mummy!:thumbup:
Urgh - a thick drick? :sick: No wonder you struggled! My drink was like a really sweet non fizzy lemonade type thing, it wasn't thick! Urgh!!

Isn't it funny how different countries work? I called on the afternoon of my test and got the results over the phone.

Kate we don't get the strep B test as standard over here, you can have it done privately I think, or if you're at risk. There is some campaigning to make it standard like in the states but at the moment very few women in the UK get the test.

How are all the other ladies doing? :hugs: for you all xx

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