Ok so birth story for those interested
On Thursday morning I woke up about 3.30am to some contractions and cramping, I started timing and they were between 5 and 12 mins apart (I started to get excited that this was it!!
I called the hospital and they said to just keep an eye on the time between them but they weren't yet regular enough so I was best to stay home. By about lunch time I started to get disheartened because nothing more had happened and they actually started to fizzle off and get further apart. I decided to go for a walk to try kickstart things again
As the afternoon went on they began to pick up again and by 7pm I called the hospital again and they told me to come in and get checked.
2 days before at my last appt I was 1cm and 75% effaced, now I was 2cm but 100% effaced so the midwife did a stretch and sweep to get things moving and sent us home predicting I would be back early hours of next morning.......well she was wrong! Within 45mins of being home I was in agony and had to go back!
I was checked again and was 3-4cm and in active labour (contractions 2mins apart) so was admitted at about 9pm.
I was given a pethidine injection and the gas/air and labour progressed well! At 1am I was checked and was 6cm
1 hour after that I was in so much pain I asked for the epidural.......the response I got was "too late now sorry you are 10cm and on the next contraction you can start pushing......I freaked out!! But just half an hour after starting to push Layla was welcomed into the world!!
I had a little tear that I got 2 stitches for but apart from that all was fantastic!!