Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Thank you everyone. I'm currently in day surgery. Just been told it's gonna be a while until I go down now at least this afternoon. Every Dr that has looked at the scan seem to agree it's pmp. It looks like a bunch of grapes. I'm trying my hardest to be strong but I am so angry! My way of coping is through laughter and even that is a struggle but my beautiful girls are keeping me up. They were fantastically behaved yesterday and even ate all their dinner which lol. I can't remember what I did to move on last time either. Thank you for your support again, you were amazing last time so I know this will be helpful This time :) xxx
I hope everyone is ok and jess I hope your beautiful baby is doing well. Dan o please take it easy, this baby is gonna turn out to be a trouble maker when it grows up ;) xxx
Oh rachie I'm hoping that it's not a PMP and there wrong. I can't imagine how your feeling but you were strong enough with the first that you'll be the same if it is this time. Just look at your beautiful girls and they will make you see that it's worth while. They are your driving force and they will keep you going. Sending you and giant squeeze. Be gentle on yourself lovely xxxxxxx
Thinking of you Rach. So hope they're wrong and its not a pmp. Hope your surgery went well. Sending massive hugs xx
Dano how are things with you?

Rachie how are you feeling today?

Ladies and babies are you all doing ok?

I've just got over my mastitis! It creeps up so fast it's scary. Xxx
Rachie how you doing?

Afm alana is really sick been running fever and just wants to either cuddle with only me or no one at all. This mprning it was 104. And i get nervous when it 102. Ya she is ome but she only weighs 14lbs size of a 3 month old. But taller. Got her fever down to 101 but tylenol just grazes the fever. So since i slept an hour last night i going to try to set up dr apt for this afternoon and try to sleep this morning.

Rachel I am so sorry. :hugs:

I havn't been here in so long, but I saw your facebook status and I came here.

Sending all my love to you and praying its not a pmp. Life is just so cruel sometimes.

Just read a few pages back, and I have missed so much. I have very little time to come here and post butI think about all you ladies all the time.

I will try and visit later (I am almost finishng work for the day). I know I need to make time to come here.

Lotte!!!!! Soooooo lovely to hear from you! How are you? How's your lovely little lady doing? Xxx

I am good thank you! Life is pretty hectic although I am feeling better now spring is approaching. The winter was hard - we have been ill pretty solidly since the end of october with colds, tummy bugs, flus - you name it! I was warned the first winter in childcare would be hard. So looking forward to longer days and some sunshine!

My little lady is wonderful - she is 18 mnths tomorrow! She is starting to talk more and more and is just so funny! I love her so so much - she is amazing.

How are you doing? How are your littlies? Cant believe Iya is 3 months already! hope you are all well.

Right so a little caught up now!

Dano - i hope you are ok - that sounds extremely scary - i am thinking about you

Kris - congratutations - when are you due? I love seeing pictures of your two on facebook - they crack me up!

Becky - how are your little ones? Hope all is well.

Vicki- hope Alana is feeling better.

Rachel - thinking about you :hugs:

I can't wait for those days too! To be able to have the patio doors open and let the littlies come and go! The bugs are the worst! Sorry you've been so poorly..... At home we have had a few coughs and colds but indie always comes off worse.

18 months! She's coming up to such a lovely age! Starting to chat is a lovely time. Have you thought anymore about another bubs?

My littlies are all doing great thank you. Corban starts school in September which slightly breaks my heart a little when I think about it! His going to be a proper big boy. Indie wants to potty train which is a bit crazy right now! She has mastered counting to 10 which she is well impressed with! Iya is just yummy! At that gorgeous stage were she has started giggling! She's doing great!

You need to post a picture of Ella! She must have changed so much xxx
Lana has left ear inf. Plus virus that 2 boys had...

Also i think i am in my 2ww. I pretty sure i might have ovulated. We will see.

Thinking of your rach, hope everything went as gently as possible and you are home again safe and sound. Can't beleive they think another pmp as well as having to deal with another loss, you poor thing. Still hoping histology proves the scan wrong and you don't have all that hassle on top on your grief. Sending huge :hug: :hugs: xxx

Lotte lovely to hear from you, was thinking of you the other day x

M2c sorry you've had mastitis, how awful for you. I never realised how bad it it until I got it myself a few years back. Ugh wouldn't wish that on anyone!! Glad you are feeling better now <3

Ihave, sorry your little ones are poorly. We've had a run of it too :( poor little things :hugs: roll on spring!!

Still cooking here, bleeding is managable. It's actually gone darker in the last 3 days as well, hoping that means the bleed itself is trying to heal. Baby is still alive, I can feel him right now hiccuping. x
Rachel - I haven't been on here for so long but I saw your facebook post and thought I'd pop on here, hoping I was wrong. I am so sorry. Sorry for your loss and also sorry that you might have to go through all the molar crap again. Thinking of you - take care xx
Beautiful laura! They have grown so much! I can imagine It is emotional with Corban going to school. I found ellas first birthday hard enough! Indie is so clever and so exciting about potty training! I cant wait for Ella to be out of nappies. Iya is beautiful

I will try and dig out a picture of Ella. She has grown alot - she is a proper litle girl now!

We are talking about another baby - not sure what we will do still. In many ways I would like another so Ella has a sibling, but I am not sure how I feel about risking another loss. I kinda feel like we have our amazing Ella and do I risk it? But then if I had felt like that then I would never of risked trying again after Rory and we did and I am so glad we did. I think we would regret it if we didnt try, so I do think we will, not quite yet though.

Dano - glad you are still cooking. Are you are home or in hospital?

Vicki - sounds tough with the illness - wishing you all get well soon

Rach- thinking of you. Hope you get some answers soon. :hugs:

M2C- Ahhh, your children are so beautiful!!!

Lotte- I'm due Aug. 24. Almost 15 weeks, clothes are getting tight! Well, I personally think you should DEFINITELY go for #2!!! Watching Glo and Emsley together is such a source of joy. There's nothing like it, and I love knowing that when DH and I are long gone they'll have each other.
I agree. Plus when you see siblings looking at each other you can see the love for the other pouring out. Even now iya watches Corban and indie and when they look at her she's smiling and laughing. Melts the heart!

I say do it too! You know Ella was worth risking it again. Look how much happiness she has bought after all the pain.

Rachie I'm hoping your resting. Always thinking of you lovely xx

Vicki hope your little miss gets better soon!

Raff how are you feeling? What do the girls think?

Jess how are you and Layla doing? Well I hope?!

Dano did you say your scan is this coming week? I'm hoping that the change in blood colour is a good thing. You have a strong bubs fighting away in there. Have you thought of any names for him yet?



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