Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Mummy2Corban I am so sorry you are going through all of this. You certainly don't need to apologise to us! At least you are going to CharringX who are the specialists and you will be getting the best possible care. Take Care of yourself and keep us updated.
Thinking of you x x x
Hi all - just had my next set of results from Sheffield - my third lot. Normal is 0.35 and mine have been 1.04 and 0.45. Today they were 0.36 - I'm so disappointed as if they were 'normal' today I'd have made it in the 56 days post-op window. I can't bear the thought of having to wait over 6 months from now to TTC so I'm thinking if I'm normal next time that this one was so, so very close that I might consider it as normal with regards TTC again 6 months post op. Do you think this is foolish? It's so frustrating when the timescale keeps shifting further and further away. When I had my op it was thought to be a missed MC so I'd consoled myself with TTC again straight away and then that became 6 months at least and now it could be next Easter before I'm officially clear and I'll be 38 by then (yikes!). Sorry for ranting.

Jamarismummy - sorry to hear about your diabetes. Hope everything goes smoothly over the next few weeks for you.
Hope everyone else is ok x
Well, looks like I'm borderline/have gestational diabetes:( see ob and midwife tomorrow morning so will know more then. No sweets at all for the next 14 weeks! Means no cake at my brothers wedding I'm guessing. This news has shook me
Around a bit, why can't things ever be easy for me? Why can't I just have a normal pregnancy and not have to worry so much? Oh well, guess I'll just have to put my chin up and get on with things, just wanna keep my little bubba as healthy as I can. About to go to the gym, gotta watch my weight too. Last time I weighed I was 61kg, which is good apparently I'd only put on 7 kg by 23 wks, see how
Much more I have gained tomorrow!

Kate, sorry to hear it. GD is a pain, but most people do quite well and if you are just borderline than controlling it with diet should be enough. I hope the Dr and midwife give you some reassurance. Watch those fruits and carbs as well. I believe Clo had GD as well, you may want to email her if you need any advice on diet and such. Try not to worry, baby will do great!:hugs:
scan said there was something remaining but charring cross didnt want them to do another d&c as its too aggressive so they need me to go down today for 6 nights for probably medical management. I started bleeding again last night so we went back to hospital and i was passing big clots and tissue after pulling bits out luckily the bleeding eased as they said they would have no choice but to give me a d&c luckily it eased off. Right now Im having a blood transfusion and Will be taken by ambulance to charring cross just encase i bleed again. Im missing but boyfriend and LO so much they Will come to charring cross and stay with relatives. How is everyone else? At some point i Will read this whole thread but with all the hospital visits i havent had time. I hope you dont think Im rude cause all i do is ask questions. I really do thank you all very much for takin0t reply and be caring. Thank you xxxxx

Oh my goodness! In no way does anyone think you are rude! Those of us who have been through this remain here to support those who are just beginning their journey and have lots of questions. Please dont feel like any of us are offended in any way!

I am so, so sorry you are going through this medical issue! It must be scary, but I am very glad you went back to the Dr when suspected something may be wrong. You really do have to trust your instincts!

Please try to relax and update us when you can. Big, huge hugs to you!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi all - just had my next set of results from Sheffield - my third lot. Normal is 0.35 and mine have been 1.04 and 0.45. Today they were 0.36 - I'm so disappointed as if they were 'normal' today I'd have made it in the 56 days post-op window. I can't bear the thought of having to wait over 6 months from now to TTC so I'm thinking if I'm normal next time that this one was so, so very close that I might consider it as normal with regards TTC again 6 months post op. Do you think this is foolish? It's so frustrating when the timescale keeps shifting further and further away. When I had my op it was thought to be a missed MC so I'd consoled myself with TTC again straight away and then that became 6 months at least and now it could be next Easter before I'm officially clear and I'll be 38 by then (yikes!). Sorry for ranting.

Jamarismummy - sorry to hear about your diabetes. Hope everything goes smoothly over the next few weeks for you.
Hope everyone else is ok x

I don't think you are foolish at all, and if your results are under next time and you were advised if below 35 this time you could have waited 56 days, damn right I'd only wait 56 days. If you are unsure call Sheffield, but I'm sure they would be understanding to your situation :flower:
Hi all - just had my next set of results from Sheffield - my third lot. Normal is 0.35 and mine have been 1.04 and 0.45. Today they were 0.36 - I'm so disappointed as if they were 'normal' today I'd have made it in the 56 days post-op window. I can't bear the thought of having to wait over 6 months from now to TTC so I'm thinking if I'm normal next time that this one was so, so very close that I might consider it as normal with regards TTC again 6 months post op. Do you think this is foolish? It's so frustrating when the timescale keeps shifting further and further away. When I had my op it was thought to be a missed MC so I'd consoled myself with TTC again straight away and then that became 6 months at least and now it could be next Easter before I'm officially clear and I'll be 38 by then (yikes!). Sorry for ranting.

Jamarismummy - sorry to hear about your diabetes. Hope everything goes smoothly over the next few weeks for you.
Hope everyone else is ok x

I really don't think its foolish at all. Math was never my strong subject in school, but are we talking about 1/100 of a point? I know you must be SO frustrated! :hugs:
So, I had my 36 week appt yesterday and guess what? I am 1 cm dilated (and oh my gosh, that check HURT so badly)! I know you can walk around dilated much further, but for me this is huge. With Luc my cervix stayed very closed until I was induced past 41 weeks.

I am also having some crazy lower back spasms, twinges, zaps...not sure what to call them, but it feels as if someone has electrodes attached to my back and is zapping me over and over. It is pretty painful, enough that I have to breathe through them or I tense my entire body up and they hurt more. A week or so ago I was only getting maybe one a day, later in the day. Now I have had a few already this morning and am up to maybe 5 or 6 a day. I forgot to mention it to my Dr. I am pretty sure baby is face down, so I'm not really what it is all about, but I am keeping an eye on them.

It has been super hot here and I am retaining water. My feet are swollen at night now and I am up a total of 23 lbs. With still 4 weeks left to go I really didnt want to be up that much, but it seems the more I try to exercise and walk the more water I retain. Oh well, what can I do?
thanks for your responses. Im now at charring x and am more than likely to start on a course of medication tomorrow. Gotta have scans but the doctor thinks i gotta have the chemo. 8 days on 6 days off until my levels drop. Feel like a pin cushion with the amount of blood they keep taking! The worst news for me is no trying for a baby for a year until the all clear. Sob sob xxxxx
thanks for your responses. Im now at charring x and am more than likely to start on a course of medication tomorrow. Gotta have scans but the doctor thinks i gotta have the chemo. 8 days on 6 days off until my levels drop. Feel like a pin cushion with the amount of blood they keep taking! The worst news for me is no trying for a baby for a year until the all clear. Sob sob xxxxx

Oh my gosh, Mummy2Corbin, I am so, so sorry to hear this. Huge hugs to you. Have you been admitted to the hospital?:hugs:
Mummy2corban I am so sorry that this is happening!! You are in the best possible place right now so you should feel better soon!! I hope the next week or so goes as well as it can for you!! xxx
Mummy2Corban I am so sorry, but you will get your baby. Just take care of yourself in the short term, Dan-O story seems quite similar and has a very happy ending, and I am sure you will get yours. Thinking of you x
thanks for your responses. Im now at charring x and am more than likely to start on a course of medication tomorrow. Gotta have scans but the doctor thinks i gotta have the chemo. 8 days on 6 days off until my levels drop. Feel like a pin cushion with the amount of blood they keep taking! The worst news for me is no trying for a baby for a year until the all clear. Sob sob xxxxx

:hugs:you poor thing having to go through this, what an emotional ride for you. Hopefully your levels will drop nice and quickly so you dont have to endure too much chemo, but it sounds as tho you are in great hands there hun. A year must seem like a long time to wait til you can ttc right now, I know i felt like 6 months would feel like forever, but its amazing how quickly time passes, and you will have your rainbow soon. Hang in there lovely:hugs: thinking of you
So, I had my 36 week appt yesterday and guess what? I am 1 cm dilated (and oh my gosh, that check HURT so badly)! I know you can walk around dilated much further, but for me this is huge. With Luc my cervix stayed very closed until I was induced past 41 weeks.

I am also having some crazy lower back spasms, twinges, zaps...not sure what to call them, but it feels as if someone has electrodes attached to my back and is zapping me over and over. It is pretty painful, enough that I have to breathe through them or I tense my entire body up and they hurt more. A week or so ago I was only getting maybe one a day, later in the day. Now I have had a few already this morning and am up to maybe 5 or 6 a day. I forgot to mention it to my Dr. I am pretty sure baby is face down, so I'm not really what it is all about, but I am keeping an eye on them.

It has been super hot here and I am retaining water. My feet are swollen at night now and I am up a total of 23 lbs. With still 4 weeks left to go I really didnt want to be up that much, but it seems the more I try to exercise and walk the more water I retain. Oh well, what can I do?

OMG Amanda wow!:happydance: 1 cm dilated!! little one is not far away how exciting! Sorry to hear about those pains u r having, they dont sound very comfortable at all! Could they be braxton hicks? Or do braxton hicks feel different to that type of feeling your having? Ohhh and the fluid, that must be a little frustrating for you too in the hot weather! I had my first small swelling in my fingers the other night, i noticed it when my engagement ring felt a bit tight and I asked trumaine if they were swollen and he said they were, I also forgot to mention this to dr today:dohh: there is so much to think of:wacko:
As for the GD, Im not borderline like the GP told me, my ob said YEP! Ive got it alright. My levels went from 4.2 before the drink to 9.5 an hr after then 9.2 after two hours. I saw a dietician and she explained a few things and gave me some paperwork, and it was all okay until I got home and decided I needed to eat something and checked my list and GAH, Im so confused now. I understand the carbs etc but dont think I can eat when Im hungry like b4, I can have 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. Its got me in a whirlwind atm but i am seeing a diabetes educator in 2 weeks when I get home so will know more then. I also have made my exercise regime a little longer and more brisk as thats supposed to help too.
Whats interesting is I read on a website that if you have previosuly had a pregnancy you had trouble carrying til full term, that can greater ur chance of having GD, which would make sense with the partial molar pregnancy and Jamari being triploidy etc. And thankyou, I will email clo now and ask her advice:) Im trying to think positive, but anything that could potentially harm baby scares the hell outta me! xo
Mummy2Corban :hugs: for you, I'm so sorry :hugs: It does sound like you are in great hands though and we are all here for you :hugs: Dan-O's story is so similar to yours, and she has her rainbow baby now, you will get there too :hugs:

Amanda gosh 1cm already! Was Luc full term? I was never examined for dilation until I was 10cm and ready to push, haha! I'm so excited for you!

Kate it does sound confusing! Dont be afraid to ask your Dr if you are unsure of anything! You'll forget all this when you're baby arrives, it will all be worth while :hugs:
OMG Amanda wow!:happydance: 1 cm dilated!! little one is not far away how exciting! Sorry to hear about those pains u r having, they dont sound very comfortable at all! Could they be braxton hicks? Or do braxton hicks feel different to that type of feeling your having? Ohhh and the fluid, that must be a little frustrating for you too in the hot weather! I had my first small swelling in my fingers the other night, i noticed it when my engagement ring felt a bit tight and I asked trumaine if they were swollen and he said they were, I also forgot to mention this to dr today:dohh: there is so much to think of:wacko:
As for the GD, Im not borderline like the GP told me, my ob said YEP! Ive got it alright. My levels went from 4.2 before the drink to 9.5 an hr after then 9.2 after two hours. I saw a dietician and she explained a few things and gave me some paperwork, and it was all okay until I got home and decided I needed to eat something and checked my list and GAH, Im so confused now. I understand the carbs etc but dont think I can eat when Im hungry like b4, I can have 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. Its got me in a whirlwind atm but i am seeing a diabetes educator in 2 weeks when I get home so will know more then. I also have made my exercise regime a little longer and more brisk as thats supposed to help too.
Whats interesting is I read on a website that if you have previosuly had a pregnancy you had trouble carrying til full term, that can greater ur chance of having GD, which would make sense with the partial molar pregnancy and Jamari being triploidy etc. And thankyou, I will email clo now and ask her advice:) Im trying to think positive, but anything that could potentially harm baby scares the hell outta me! xo

I am sorry that you have this to manage in the last trimester. :hugs: I know what you mean about just wanting a simple pregnancy. It sounds like you are doing the right thing, and I'm sure you'll get loads of advice from other ladies who have been through it. As I said before I can't really offer you anything other than my thoughts as so far I have never suffered from it.
Take Care, Debs x
Amanda, super news about you dilating. Don't panic too much as I know it is common in subsequent pregnancies to dilate a few cms, weeks before labour begins. With Lando I was 3 cm dialated for about a week before he arrived but I hadn't effaced, and hence why labour never began. Wow though it must be so nice to think you are getting so close to meeting your baby. x
Look after yourself , Debs x :flower:
Hi Ladies,

I know there are not many ladies who have experienced a molar or partial molar pregnancy, but there are a few of us here on Baby and Bump so I thought I would set up this group where we can go to get - or offer - support to others going through a similar experience.

Here's my story in brief . . . . or not so brief :haha: I have been through the whole long experience and I hope my story helps those not so far along the line to see that there can be a happy ending, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

In August 2008 I got my first BFP . We had been TTC for a while and we were over the moon! Everything appeared to be going fine, and we reached the 12 week milestone with no obvious problems . . I remember feeling such relief that we had reached the 'safe' stage. However at my 12 week scan we were given the devestating news that there was no heartbeat - our baby had passed away at around 8 weeks. We were told that it was a missed misscarriage, that no one could tell me why it happened, but that it was just 'one of those things'. I chose to have an ERPC, and started the very difficult process of trying to get over what had happened. I pinned all my hopes on TTC and falling pregnant again.

Then in December 2008, two days before Christmas, I received a letter from the hospital asking me to call them urgently regarding test results following my ERPC. Over the telephone the nurse explained that the results had shown that my pregnancy had been a partial molar, and they wanted me to go in immediately for blood tests. We went in and everything was explained, blood tests were taken, and obviously we then found out that TTC would have to wait - I felt like just as I was getting back on track the rug had been pulled from beneath my feet again.

My blood test results came back in January and showed that my levels were still slightly raised - another blow for me since I had thought that because my AF had returned my levels would be okay. We had been told that if my first bloods were okay, my six month followup would start from the date of my ERPC. Because my results were still out the follow up wouldn't start until I had a satisfactory result - yet another blow as this added just over two months onto my follow up time.

My first normal result came quickly after that thank goodness and my follow up with Sheffield began . . . . . and from there on things went as well as they could. I focused on doing things that would help when we could TTC (my hubby and I both started going to the gym, he stopped smoking etc). I tried to keep busy doing positive things - like selling things on ebay and putting the money in a savings account which I knew we would appreciate if we ever got another BFP. We also did lots of things as a couple - we had more citybreaks than I thought possible!

My follow up officially ended in July 2009, and we started TTC right away. . . . though the first month we didn't hold out much hope as I was convinced we had missed the crutial days lol! We went on holiday and planned to start TTC properly in September 09.

On the drive home from our holiday I realised that my AF was a day late. I was quite annoyed as I had been charting to get a better understanding of my cycle and thought I had it cracked - so I was annoyed that my AF was late and that my cycle was not been as predictable as I had hoped. By the time we got home I was desperate for a wee :haha: and ran into the house as soon as the car pulled up. As I was running up the stairs I thought sod it, I know it's a BFN but at least it will stop me wondering, and grabbed a test without really thinking things through. I can't tell you how shocked I was when the BFP appeared - as quick as you like and so bright there was no mistaking it for anything but a BFP. Hubby came in and asked if I was going to help with the luggage and I said well, actually, no :haha:

So the first few weeks were very, very hard. I had a scan at 6 weeks and we saw a little blob with a tiny flicker of a heartbeat. Everything looked fine and we were told that there was no sign of another partial molar. Everything looked perfect. At nine weeks we paid for a private scan, after knowing when our first baby had passed away I was so, so scared that it would happen again. I sat in the clinic waiting room and cried my eyes out, I was so convinced that something would be wrong. But again everything was perfect - and now we had a little bean with a flutter of a heartbeat, and every now and then it wriggled :cloud9: At twelve weeks we had the normal NHS dating scan and now out little baby looked like a baby - and still no problems. It was only when I started feeling my baby move that I really calmed down and started to enjoy my pregnancy, but I really did enjoy it.

On May 8th 2010 - five days off a year after my first pregnancy due date - Oliver arrived. Wow! Boy was he worth the wait! :cloud9:

I didn't know about Baby and Bump when I had my PM. I didn't have anyone who had been through the same thing who I could talk to about what I was going through. Since joining BnB I have talked to girls going through the same thing and made a very good friend (hey Lou!!! :kiss:) and I hope I have offered that support that I would have so loved to have received.

Hopefully through this thread we can all help each other to get over what is a truely horrible and difficult experience, and come out the other side.

Please feel free to post about your experiences, your thoughts and feelings, and questions you may have, anything you like, and hopefully we can help each other through :hugs:



Well there are a few of us now! To keep track of who we all are and where abouts we are on our journeys I'm adding a list which I will keep updated :)


PMP October 2008., diagnosed December 2008. BFP September 2009, baby son Oliver born 8th May 2010! :happydance: :baby:

BFP with pmp October 2009, loss March 2010, diagnosed as pmp april 2010, BFP September 2010, due May 2011 **Rainbow Baby has now arrived safe and sound!!**

BFP Jan 2009 (PMP) lost March 2009, 2 months chemo @CXH
BFP July 2010, lost July 2010
BFP October 2010, EDD 5th July 2011

Jamaris Mummy

pmp diagnosed aug 2010, able to ttc march 2011 after 6 months waiting **BFP first cycle of TTC!**


BFP August 2010 diagnose CMP October 2010. TTC again July 2011!!


Rainbow baby on the way!

Wow I am so glad that you posted your story here!! I am dealing with a similar situation only my MMC was not diagnosed as a partial molar because it was not tested in the ER!! I am almost positive it was that in fact since I got pregnant six months later with a full molar pregnancy!! I feel so cheated that they did not test me or monitor my levels and now with this one I fear the worst. I may have had cancer this whole time and just not have known it... I am basically terrified to get the results especially since they are taking forever to get them finished... its been over a week now... I look forward to reading through this thread. Thanks again!! :hugs:
TryingAfterMC, I am so, so sorry to hear about both of your losses. I know it must be very difficult for you and can understand you feeling cheated about the first loss and not having it tested. Honestly, I'm not so sure a pmp can lead to a cmp as the two are caused by different reasons. I could be wrong though and I can totally understand you needing to make some kind of sense of it though. Please dont worry yourself with the what ifs too much and try to be positive about your current treatment. Hugs to you!

Thanks, ladies! Sarah, I never dilated at all with Luc and was induced at 41w1d. He was engaged from 36 weeks on, but was nice and comfy in there apparently. My OB forced me to 1cm to break my water when they began the induction.

Kate, I bet there is a GD group here that would have lots of options on food choices for you.
i have a tmi question, i hope you dont mind! i was just wandering about your periods (hah thats sounds awful) how soon after your d and c or mc did AF return ?? What i thought was AF came yesterday which was 5 weeks and 2 days after m d and c. I was just wandering if AF is a sign that my hCG levels have dropped.
Also it is majorly heavy, so much so that it frightened me a bit this morning, is it normal to have a heavy AF after pmp and d and c?
Sorry for all the questions lol!!
Wow Amanda, i bet you are getting excited now, not long now! xx

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