Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Rachieroo I think it was about six weeks post D&C that my periods came back. It was pretty heavy but not at all painful - which was unusual for me. I didn't know at that point about the PMP, and when I was tested a few weeks later I still had slightly raised levels. So its a great sign that you have your periods back, but you levels could still be a little bit raised. I hope that helps :hugs:
TryingAfterMC I'm so sorry to read your story, I'm not sure re the connection between PMP and MP but its something that is worth looking into. I'm glad you found our thread :hugs:
I am terrified that they will say we can't have anymore kids. My husband is 42 and I'm 26 I have read that a molar pregnancy has little to do with the age of the man but more with the age of the woman. I feel like my time is ticking because I'm almost 30! I've had three family members die from cancer so that terrifies me as well... I almost feel like it was selfish of me to try to give my 4 year old son another sibling while risking my own life and he may lose me.... Reading your stories on here is very reassuring but even if I do make it through this I would be so afraid of trying again. A MP is way scarier than I ever could have imagined way back in 2006 when I lightly looked over it in my baby book while carrying my healthy little boy... when you read the word RARE you never in a million years expect it to happen to you! My prayers and baby dust go out to you all and I'm sorry to the ones who are still hurting.. I'm right here with you!! [BIG HUG]~
I cant speak for all the ladies, but not TMI for me. Normal body stuff here. My period returned exactly 4 weeks after my D&C and and it was slightly heavier, but not too bad. I think it is normal for it to be heavier, though. In my case, my levels were dropped to normal (or very close to it) by that point, but I've read from other ladies that it only needs to get to a certain level to being on your period and not necessarily at "normal" non pregnant levels. Its very odd how mps and pmps dont have a typical track they follow. It seems like all of us have had at least slightly, if not significantly different symptoms. I would say that it is a very good sign that your levels are pertty low if your period has returned this quickly. How long were you free of bleeding post D&C? If it was more than two weeks, I would agree that it is your period. BTW, mine went right back to my usual 28 day cycle straight away.

And thanks, I am getting very excited! Uncomfortable as well, but super excited! Fingers crossed that he stays put until my Mom gets here 1 week before my EDD.
Oh yes, Amada reminded me, my cycle went pretty much back to normal too :thumbup:

TryingafterMC It is worrying but honestly, you'll get through this and come out of the other side :hugs: A post molar pregnancy is worrying and stressfull, but you will receive extra care and attention for your medical team which really helps. I was 28 when I had my PMP, I was 29 when Oliver was born - my OH is 12 years older than me so I understand your worry re age, but having said that, now its up to me when I TTC again I'm not nearly so worries about the age thing, IYKWIM. I know a lot of the info on MP / PMP is very worrying to read BUT the worst case senarios are SO rare. I remember breaking down to my boss shortly after I had been diagnosed and been so upset and worried that I might end up with cancer - to go from thinking I was having a baby to thinking I might get cancer - it was beyond cruel. But really, honestly, most women need no further treatment - and for those that do generally a very low level dose of Chemo is enough to get everything back on track. Its such early days for you, please know that we are all hear for you :hugs:

Mummy2Corban I'm thinking of you honey :hugs:

Amanda I LOVED your bump pics on Facebook! SO gorgeous - you're looking absolutely amazing! I can't believe you're little boy is going to be here so soon! I think it's sooner rather than later too, personally :wink:
thanks ladies! because i had a pretty severe heamorhage (not sure how to spell it lol) after delivery with DD i panic when it comes to bleeding. I stopped bleeding for about 2 1/2 weeks before my period so i am pretty confident now that it is, its calmed down and the small clots have pretty much gone so feeling happier yay lol! i was hoping this meant my levels had dropped, but it may take time, as long as i get there in the end!

TryingAfterMC, it is terrifying but you have all our support. just give yourself the time you need!! x
RachieRoo it does mean your levels are really low at least though! Which is great! :hugs:
I am terrified that they will say we can't have anymore kids. My husband is 42 and I'm 26 I have read that a molar pregnancy has little to do with the age of the man but more with the age of the woman. I feel like my time is ticking because I'm almost 30! I've had three family members die from cancer so that terrifies me as well... I almost feel like it was selfish of me to try to give my 4 year old son another sibling while risking my own life and he may lose me.... Reading your stories on here is very reassuring but even if I do make it through this I would be so afraid of trying again. A MP is way scarier than I ever could have imagined way back in 2006 when I lightly looked over it in my baby book while carrying my healthy little boy... when you read the word RARE you never in a million years expect it to happen to you! My prayers and baby dust go out to you all and I'm sorry to the ones who are still hurting.. I'm right here with you!! [BIG HUG]~

I know its hard, but try not to worry too much. I had my eldest 2 children at 20 and 23 my youngest arrived when I was 30 then whilst I was 31 I had a complete molar and 2 miscarriages - I was so paranoid that I was too old, but here I am at 32 carrying twins, conceived naturally!

I was the same as you when they told me it was a molar pregnancy I could remember the page in my baby book that I used to skim read. Alot of what you read in books and the internet though make molar pregnancies and the aftermath alot worse, NOT that they aren't terrible - they are, but even if chemo is needed which is even rarer I believe it is 100% curable, and as you are being monitored wont spread or break off. I think the big C would have been more common as a consequence years ago.

Are you in the UK? If so you should be placed under 1/3 centres and I wouldn't be afraid of calling up and asking them all your questions, the people in Dundee were brilliant for me and new exactly what they were talking about.

When I read your story about being scared it brings back the complete fear I had, I also worried I was being selfish to my now 2 year old. I said I was giving it until the end of 2011 to try and get pregnant and if I didn't I was going to call it quits as it was ruining my life, but I was lucky enough to already have 3 children.

Try and keep your strength up and take each day as it comes, you should hopefully get some results soon, which helps because it maps out any following treatments or follow ups.

Don't get down about your age you are not old! They have found no link between molar pregnancies and anything really yet - which is a pain, but you can see from this board it hits lots of us, whether we are older or younger had children or not. Hopefully in 10 years there will be more research and knowledge into this subject.

Tae Care of yourself x
I am terrified that they will say we can't have anymore kids. My husband is 42 and I'm 26 I have read that a molar pregnancy has little to do with the age of the man but more with the age of the woman. I feel like my time is ticking because I'm almost 30! I've had three family members die from cancer so that terrifies me as well... I almost feel like it was selfish of me to try to give my 4 year old son another sibling while risking my own life and he may lose me.... Reading your stories on here is very reassuring but even if I do make it through this I would be so afraid of trying again. A MP is way scarier than I ever could have imagined way back in 2006 when I lightly looked over it in my baby book while carrying my healthy little boy... when you read the word RARE you never in a million years expect it to happen to you! My prayers and baby dust go out to you all and I'm sorry to the ones who are still hurting.. I'm right here with you!! [BIG HUG]~

:hug: So sorry for your losses hun. I hope your wait is a short one, I'm sure you will be fine to TTC again before you know it. :hugs:
Please dont worry about your age! I had my PMP & chemo at 31/32, another MC at 33 and my baby boy at 34.. still plenty of time! xx
Pink :pink::pink:

I am in such a state of shock, I didn't really expect 1 girl never mind 2.

Blown away, was upset at first which was stupid as I remember being gutted when I was pregnant 1st time and found out I was having a boy because I really wanted a girl.

All that really matters to me is healthy babies which they were today, I think I'm over the moon they are girls :happydance: just so shocked after being surrounded by boys for so long!

It was a private gender scan so I will check in 3.5 weeks when I have my NHS scan she was 99.9% sure with twin2 but only 95% with twin 1. To be honest I'm still in shock I'm having twins never mind girls :dohh:
Oh wow!!! Two girlies!!! How exciting! Gosh it will be a whole new world!! And girlie toys! And little dresses! Ahhhh you lucky lady! :haha:

I always though I wanted a girl, then when I was pregnant with Oliver I just new he was a boy, I just knew it! From about 5 weeks I just couldn't imagine I was having a girl, I just knew I was having a boy!
I am terrified that they will say we can't have anymore kids. My husband is 42 and I'm 26 I have read that a molar pregnancy has little to do with the age of the man but more with the age of the woman. I feel like my time is ticking because I'm almost 30! I've had three family members die from cancer so that terrifies me as well... I almost feel like it was selfish of me to try to give my 4 year old son another sibling while risking my own life and he may lose me.... Reading your stories on here is very reassuring but even if I do make it through this I would be so afraid of trying again. A MP is way scarier than I ever could have imagined way back in 2006 when I lightly looked over it in my baby book while carrying my healthy little boy... when you read the word RARE you never in a million years expect it to happen to you! My prayers and baby dust go out to you all and I'm sorry to the ones who are still hurting.. I'm right here with you!! [BIG HUG]~

TryingAfterMC, you are most definitely NOT too old! I had my first child at 33, my pmp at 35 and conceived and will give birth to this baby at 36. And guess what? I still plan on one more! Many, many women have babies this late in age and yes, it can be more difficult to get pregnant, but certainly not out of the realm of possibility to conceive without intervention or help. When I conceived Luc at 33 I became pregnant the very first month we tried. Every subsequent pregnancy took longer, but the one I am currently carrying only took 6 months. So, please don't be worried about your age. You are very young still.

I can understand you fear of the what ifs of a next pregnancy. All of us who have become pregnant again have had horrible, almost crippling fears the first and and into the second trimesters. I honestly believe this is the case for ANY type of loss though. You cant allow fear to take over your life and you must follow your dream. The chances of having another mp or pmp are so, so slim. Even less than the chance of having the first one. Its still a valid fear nonetheless.

And one last thing. I think mp and pmps are more common than first though. Imagine how many people miscarry naturally and never have any testing done. And look at how many of us have found each other. I guess when you compare it to the number of m/c that occur as a whole the instances of mp and pmp are much smaller, but most m/c go by with no explanation. It also seems a good amount if the info you can find on the subject is pretty dated as well.

Good luck to you. I do believe you will conceive after this is all over and you will be able to complete your family and fulfill your heart.:hugs:
Pink :pink::pink:

I am in such a state of shock, I didn't really expect 1 girl never mind 2.

Blown away, was upset at first which was stupid as I remember being gutted when I was pregnant 1st time and found out I was having a boy because I really wanted a girl.

All that really matters to me is healthy babies which they were today, I think I'm over the moon they are girls :happydance: just so shocked after being surrounded by boys for so long!

It was a private gender scan so I will check in 3.5 weeks when I have my NHS scan she was 99.9% sure with twin2 but only 95% with twin 1. To be honest I'm still in shock I'm having twins never mind girls :dohh:

Oh my goodness, two girls! How exciting! You totally deserve two very girly girls to fill your house up! How are the boys feeling about it? And how is Daddy feeling about having to protect two girls? I'm sure his mind has already gone to two teenagers!

Congratulations! I am so very excited for you! Not for your pocket book as there are SO many cute things for girls, but how exciting!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Oh my goodness, Amanda you are so right, there are SO many lovely clothes for girls . . . with twin girls gosh I think I'd need a new room just for all their clothes, haha!
Ah wow! two girls, how exciting :)

Sorry for another periodquestion ladies, but di you pas small clots with your first AF post mc?? its probably nothing, but im worrying lol x
Ah wow! two girls, how exciting :)

Sorry for another periodquestion ladies, but di you pas small clots with your first AF post mc?? its probably nothing, but im worrying lol x

No reason to be sorry! I would say yes, small clots are normal, especially the first period after your D&C.
So...had my check up yesterday. I am now 2 cm dilated, 85% effaced (!) and baby's head is engaged! I have a horrible cold and baby wasnt moving very much yesterday, so it was a relief to have an appt. HB was strong and steady in the 130s. Unfortunately, the heat is causing me to retain lots of water and I am up3 lbs in the last week!!!!! My feet are swelling and I am getting pretty uncomfortable. My Mom doesnt arrive until 9/14, so I am hoping baby holds out until then. I am very excited that I will probably not need to be induced this time! And today I am feeling lots of movement with tons of hands and feet, so I am suspecting he is possibly in a face up position. That may be the cause of all my back spasms. I am not looking forward to back labor!

I hope everyone is doing well! Kate, are you home yet?
Amanda wow, it sounds like your little guy is getting ready!
How exciting Amanda, all sounds like it is going in the right direction :happydance: do they start sweeping you over there anytime soon, or only if you go over? My baby is 2 on the 12th, so I totally empathise with how you are feeling at this time of the year, and I certainly don't think I had it as bad as I know it wasn't too hot over here. Good Luck with your last few weeks x
Wow, looks like this will be an early baby then amandalucsmom!!

Don't worry too much, not all back labours are bad! I had OP presentation/back labour & Sid even came out the wrong way round! It was still a reallly good experience though, just meant I had to do my labour stood up or kneeling up to take the pressure off my back and pelvis. :flower: xx

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