Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Alwilan, I am envious of your double pink bump!!! I'd love to have twins! Massive congrats! xx
Congrats Aliwan!!:) and Amanda yay!! I am currently visiting t's family have my baby shower Sunday and home Monday! I am so jet lagged and my bellybutton has popped! Sorry for short post will reply longer soon!! Luv to all ladies xox
TMI warning...I was greeted this morning by part of my mucous plug on my liner! I wiped and more of it was there! In my logical brain I know this means I could still have days or weeks to go, but I have never just gone into labor on my own.

Aliwan, when I was induced with Luc at 41w2d she forced me to a 1cm dilated and broke my water, so no sweeping. I dont think its done as often here, but I have heard of people getting it done.

I'm so excited!
Amanda not TMI, but very exciting!!! I know it can go a while before but you never know x :happydance:
Wow Amanda - there is no way you're going to need to be induced!! I hope you have that hospital bag packed!
Thanks, ladies! I do have a bag packed and also packed on for Luc since it doesnt look like my Mom will make it here in time. I have a back up plan for him to stay with friends. I am hoping for a couple of days still. Every time I pee there is more!
I'm just feeling really sad and tearful today. :cry: I think the last few days (since I found out it was a partial molar pregnancy) have been so busy with phone calls/blood test etc that's it's only now really beginning to sink in. I'd only just got my head around having a missed miscarriage and everything that that entails and I feel like my grieving has begun all again. I'm waiting for my 'sample kit' to arrive from Sheffield - I think I just want a second set of results on my HCG level so I know they are definitely falling. I know I'm waffling but places like these forums are a godsend - just writing my thoughts down helps. It's the thought of having to wait so long to TTC agian that's hard too. I think I've decided I'm going to go back to work (a primary school teacher) just one day a week in September - my eldest starts school then so it will be my other two that will go to nursery but I think it will be good to have a distraction and different focus and will probably make the time go quicker -'Oh, it's Friday again - time to go to work -another week gone by.' that sort of thing! I think it's hard aswell because generally people haven't heard of a molar pregnancy before so it's difficult for them to understand. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Hi im Newby (stacey ) my story is probably at the begining of the thread and if you can read them its such a help - I am 40 and have not had kids so this for me was unbearable , I was lucky in the fact that my levels went straight to zero and i now have to do wee samples every month till october so nearly there, this site was a godsend like you said and i will keep looking and reading all their stories although sometimes its a little confusing as to who has what but im so glad they helped me -:winkwink: I cannot wait to start trying again and the time for me has gone quickly i think , you are rather lucky to have some children already, i have just met my partner and this would have been our first but hey ho we are possitive and moving along nicely

Lots of love to you
Pink :pink::pink:

I am in such a state of shock, I didn't really expect 1 girl never mind 2.

Blown away, was upset at first which was stupid as I remember being gutted when I was pregnant 1st time and found out I was having a boy because I really wanted a girl.

All that really matters to me is healthy babies which they were today, I think I'm over the moon they are girls :happydance: just so shocked after being surrounded by boys for so long!

It was a private gender scan so I will check in 3.5 weeks when I have my NHS scan she was 99.9% sure with twin2 but only 95% with twin 1. To be honest I'm still in shock I'm having twins never mind girls :dohh:

Oh my goodness, two girls! How exciting! You totally deserve two very girly girls to fill your house up! How are the boys feeling about it? And how is Daddy feeling about having to protect two girls? I'm sure his mind has already gone to two teenagers!

Congratulations! I am so very excited for you! Not for your pocket book as there are SO many cute things for girls, but how exciting!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

congrats to you and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, x
Hello Ladies
Sorry have missed quite a bit on here, and so am trying to read your news so sorry if i dont reply to all of you - most of the news seems to be good and happy and thats fantastic especially to ailwilan with the twins.

I am still ok and my wee samples have all been negative and according to London i should be all clear in October so not to long now - they have told me to wait till December but i feel thats a long time since i had my op in april and its meant to be 6months so seeing as all the levels are zero and i feel quite healthy then October is the month for me - Brett and I can't wait it has gone so quick but am not wishing the time away - I am getting a little quiet and i feel this is because i would be sorting out my mat leave and due date would be next month too so thats quite hard but am not dwelling to much -

Wishing you all lots of love and happy babies xxx
Hello Ladies
Sorry have missed quite a bit on here, and so am trying to read your news so sorry if i dont reply to all of you - most of the news seems to be good and happy and thats fantastic especially to ailwilan with the twins.

I am still ok and my wee samples have all been negative and according to London i should be all clear in October so not to long now - they have told me to wait till December but i feel thats a long time since i had my op in april and its meant to be 6months so seeing as all the levels are zero and i feel quite healthy then October is the month for me - Brett and I can't wait it has gone so quick but am not wishing the time away - I am getting a little quiet and i feel this is because i would be sorting out my mat leave and due date would be next month too so thats quite hard but am not dwelling to much -

Wishing you all lots of love and happy babies xxx

Hello Stacey, its so good to hear from you! How exciting that your wait is almost over! I think you are doing the right thing with TTC again in October. Fingers crossed that you get you BFP very quickly! I'm glad hte wait has gone by quickly for you. You really do seem to be at peace with it and that is the most important ting.

For me, the anniversary of my loss wasnt the difficult part, but when what should have been my due date rolled around I had a hard time. For me, the anticipation of the day was worse than the actual day itself. I had built up so my anxiety towards the day, but felt it was a very calm day after all. I'm not saying it wasnt hard, it really was, but I found I worried about it being worse. :hugs:

Again, good luck next month! I cant wait to see your post when you are pregnant again!
Stacey great news about all your results, I would be ttc in October too if I was you :wink: Fingers crossed for a nice quick BFP!

Amanda how are you doing?

Kate are you back home now? How are you coping with the GD stuff?
Mummy2Corban how are you doing hun? Thinking about you, hope you're doing well sweetie :hugs:
Doing well, Sarah, thank you! I contractions yet, but I am anxious to see how I've progressed at my next appt on Wednesday. I am hoping to convince my Dr to strip my membranes, but not sure he will at 38 weeks. I'm so uncomfortable and SO ready!
Amanda you don't need any help - baby will come along all by himself :hugs:

When I was pregnant I had a huge long list of stuff I wanted to do before I gave birth. I nested like a crazy woman :haha: On my mum's birthday (I was 39+1) I did my last jew jobs on the list, the last thing was washing and re-hanging the lounge curtains. My parents came out and took me out for tea to celebrate my mums birthday (Steve was at work) and while we were out I said well, thats all my jobs done now, I think I'll put my feet up for the next week or so now. My Dad rehung the curtains when we got home and for the first time it felt quite nice to sit and do nothing. Well I went to bed at midnight, at 3am my waters broke and contractions started, and at 11.14am Oliver was born! I'm sure something in my mind had said right, looks like we're ready then - no point waiting any longer! So if there is any last little jobs you're putting off, just get them done! :haha:
Stacey, Thanks for your lovely message.

How exciting, I would try in October, also if they are saying wait till December, you might not think about it too much and find yourself with a BFP. I will keep my fingers crossed for you x :flower:
hi ladies, just a quick message to say that i had my results today and my levels were completely normal!!! I am so pleased, it was my first set of samples too so that is amazing! we have to send urine now every month until Jan 18th and then we can start ttc! thank you all for the support you have given me, good luck to you all on your journeys and hopefully i will no longer need any more support on this topic lol! xx
Such great news rachieroo! I know you must be so relieved!

Sarah, I have everything ready! The last thing is my Mom arriving tomorrow, then I made a hair appt for Thursday. Maybe he'll decide Friday is the day!

I dont know if its my age or the fact that I have a 3 yr old, but pregnancy has been so much more difficult on me this time. I have an enormous amount of guilt for being short tempered with Luc and not being the Mommy I usually am to him. I have such little patience these days for him and JP. I am so much more tired and sore this time and the pregnancy insomnia is so much more difficult. I try to nap when Luc does, but I just cant fall asleep. At this point when I was pregnant with Luc I was napping sometimes twice a day! I;m trying to hang in there! I just hope he comes soon!
Mummy2Corban how are you doing hun? Thinking about you, hope you're doing well sweetie :hugs:

hey there, i came home on Friday which is great! Had bloods taken Monday and today so Im gonna call Friday to get both results at the same time. Last time they were 92,000 so hopefully they have dropped. Start my next 8 days chemo Friday. I really hope my levels drop quickly so i can start my year wait sooner rather than later. How are you all? Did i read a double pink bump? And another baby nearly here? O so exciting! Xxx
Mummy2Corban how are you doing hun? Thinking about you, hope you're doing well sweetie :hugs:

hey there, i came home on Friday which is great! Had bloods taken Monday and today so Im gonna call Friday to get both results at the same time. Last time they were 92,000 so hopefully they have dropped. Start my next 8 days chemo Friday. I really hope my levels drop quickly so i can start my year wait sooner rather than later. How are you all? Did i read a double pink bump? And another baby nearly here? O so exciting! Xxx

Fingers crossed that your results on Friday are good news, I'm sure they will be :hugs: Have you had some chemo already? How did you find it? :hugs: to you :hugs:

Yep Amandas baby is very keen to meet his mama!! I think he'll be here sooner rather than later!!

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