Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I've got a little tear in my eyes at the moment after reading your news but they are HAPPY tears - the birth of a baby anyway is so amazing but it's so inspiring to see that a healthy pregnancy and baby are possible after such a horrible experience and I am hopeful that in a year or so I will announcing similar news!!
Congratulations again
Eleanor xx
Congratulations Amanda and baby Noah x can't wait to see the pictures. :flower: It is fantastic news x x x :happydance:

Sarah, please pass on all my best to the whole family through facebook/text. PS Thanks for posting

Of course I will :hugs:
Hello ladies and thank you so much for you well wishes! Delivery day was long and grueling! After 2 hours of pitocin, Noah's heart rate took several dips to the point that we had to turn off the pitocin. By that point I had only gotten to 5cm. My contractions had increased from moderate pressure to extremely painful, to the point that I couldn't find a comfortable position and was begging for an epidural. It only took fully on one side, but made labor bearable. This was due to me not being able to lay on my left side as every time I did Noah would have more dips in heart rate. We think maybe his cord was being pinched. After that I progressed from 5 to 9.5 cm with only a lip of cervix on one side and I stayed tat way for a couple of hours. They restarted the pitocin and I advanced to 10, but more dips in heart rate resulted and Noah stayed at a 0 station. My pushing, although strong, wasnt enough to get him moving and my Dr had me rest for 2 more hours. Pushing wasnt really very productive again and the Dr began suggesting a c section. This kicked not only myself into high gear, but my nurses as well and we got out the squat bar and used it and other positions to get him moving. I got him down to a plus 2 station, but we still had to use the vacuum to help me get him out. Poor Noah has a pretty good ring shaped injury on his head, but it is already looking better and I am thankful that I managed to avoid the surgery. We will leave the hospital tomorrow morning.

Noah is doing well and getting the hang of nursing, which I am so very happy about! Enjoy the pictures. We are so in love with him!


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Congratulations Amanda!!! What a little poppet he is! Sorry you had a bit of a job getting him out though, you'd never guess you'd been through all that by looking at your pic, you look fab! Hope you are recovering quickly and get back home asap xxx
Gosh Amanda that sounds like hard work! He's delightful though and its great that you can come home soon too! Well done for avoiding a c section :hugs: :hugs: Congrats again! What does Luc make of his little brother?
co0ngratulations amanda!!!!:hugs:n he is just divine, I hope u r feeling well after all ur hard work:thumbup:
well done mummy:cloud9:
Amanda what a labour!! Sounds like you had everything thrown at you. You look fabulous in your picture, you'd never guess what you have just been through, and Noah is absolutly 100% gorgeous, Well Done x x x
He is beautiful! Well done you! You also look amazing for someone who just gave birth (i looked awful when i had corban hehehe) Enjoy him lots xxxxxxxxxxx

Just a little update from levels on tuesday.....247!! Yay xx
Mummy2Corban that's great news! What a drop! I'm so pleased :hugs:

I looked shocking after I gave birth too - I missed a whole nights sleep and had two hours or pushing :haha: I was quite shocked when I saw myself - Amanda looked amazing!!
Mummy2Corban you must be over the moon x well done on fantastic levels
sounds like it is defo moving in the right direction :thumbup:
I pushed for just over 4 hours so im feeling you on the tired front! Hehe! I looked yuk :) She does look real good.

Totally happy my levels are dropping so well :) fingers crossed they stay that way xxx

How are you all? xx
WOW congrstulations Amanda, he is gorgeous and you look amazing! i bet all the pushing was worth it!

I was pushing for 3 hours and lost so much blood that my lipe and face were the same coulour!!

Mummy2corban that is amazing news!! xx
I'm glad I'm not the only one who pushed for flippin ages :haha: I hear people say 'Two pushes and he was out' and I think WHAT! Two pushes!!! I kept saying to the midwife 'I'm so rubbish at pushing, you must feel so sorry for my baby, his mummy can't push' :rofl: God I loved Gas & Air :haha:
Thank you im super happy :) May it continue dropping!!

Pushing is hard work my contractions slowed and corban turned so thats why it tooks so long....little money! I take it you only used gas and air too sarah? I did at the end too! My friend has 2 babies and they both ame in 3 hours start to finish!! My labour was fairly short it just took ages with the pushing!! What an amazing experience though.....just cannot wait to do it again xxx
Yes just gas and air! My waters broke at 3am, I started having contractions right away but not regular. I started on gas and air at about 8am, started pushing at about 9am and Oliver was born at 11.14am - so pretty good! My problem was that I was getting a 2/3 min break in between contractions. it was great though, and we were home for 8pm - I was so happy that I didn't have to stay in!

It was a very positive experience!
Wow what a lovely labour xx

I had my 1st contraction at 8.30pm not very painful but they were regular went in about 12am ish (1st labour i panicked hehe) they sent me home as i hadnt started to dilate at that point, kept alling and they kept saying for me to stay at home by 5am had pressure in my bum so i told chris to say we are coming back!! They said they will probably have to send me home as 1st labors are long.... i was 8-9cm!!! Go me!! in the end i think i was having big gaps between so they started me on a drip to intensify them again (forget the name of the stuff) Only when they started talking about cutting and tearing i used the gas and air OUCHY!!!! 12.57pm my gorgeous boy was born!! I had to stay in and have a cathator a i couldn't good thing is i didn't have to wee on my stitches for a few days!! I cut and tore but i still think my labor was ok and would have done it all again.

Did you find out the sex of baby? What will you do next time? xx
i love birth stories...
I started having contractions at about 12pm and went i to hospital at half 4, when they checked me i was 0cm's lol, just 100% effaced so they kept me in cause my contractions were so close and intense.Then by 8pm i was 6cm's. I used gas and air the entire way as the anaesthetists were in theatre and i beat them to it, lol at 12am i started pushing and she was born at 3.00am! I lost lots of blood though, so had to stay in 2 nights and had 4 units of blood (eugh), i didnt tear or anything though, i think i was just a bleeder lol!
I cant wait to do it all again, i think im crazy!!

And talking about short labours, my cousin didnt have time to get to the hospital on her second, and she delivered her while going for a wee and she fell down the loo haha, and her third baby was crowning when she woke up in the morning, and she took her knickers off and the baby actually fell out lol! xx
I agree though id do it all again in an instant being pregnant and becoming a mummy is the best and most amazing thing ever! Hope my levels drop soon so my wait is as short as it can be. How long have you gotta wait rachie? OMG! Your cousin is pretty lucky it just fell out hehehehehe! I had a transfusion with this molar and it just hurt my arm...yuk!

I love listening to labor stories too! xxxxx
Thanks so much, Ladies! You guys should have seen me shortly after that picture was taken and the after delivery sweats set in. My hair was just soaked and I was so hot. JP had to put my hair up for me, which of course he has never managed a hair tie before. When I tried to remove it later to shower my hair was a dried up, sweaty, knotted mess!

Its helpful to know I was not alone in the pushing marathon and mummy2corbin, holy moly 4 hours! You must have been so exhausted after! Guess I'm the only wimp who took the epidural? I dont know how you ladies did it. My contractions were simply excruciating and I still felt them with the epi!

Mummy2corbin, great news on the levels! So happy for you!
Amanda my gas and air delivery was a complete fluke! I didn't get examined until I was fully dilated, because my waters had broken, so it was too late by then. My midwife said oohhh, you're full dilated, you can start pushing if you like, and I said what! What about my drugs? I can't be fully dilated, I've only has gas and air :rofl:

Are you home now? How are you getting on?

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