Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

RachieRoo :shock: at your cousin!!!! I have to admit I had a bit of a giggle imagining that :haha:

We were both set against finding out the sex, until the day before the scan, haha!! So we found out, but we told everyone else that we didn't know and hadn't found out. It worked pretty well for us and it was lovely having a little secret just for me and my OH. I think if we have another we'll find out and tell everyone. I'd really want to get organised so I'd need to know :haha:
Amanda, did Noah stay back to back, or eventually turn?

Love reading all the birth stories! x
Mummy2corban iv got to wait til Jan 18th!! im sending urine off every 4 weeks so provided my levels stay low i can start ttc in Jan. Thing is im ready now, but i dont want to push it, id rather wait til they say ots ok!

Sarah i know it is hilarious, the baby that fell down the loo was called Lilly so we can her Lilly loo loo :D Her first was breach and she delivered her in 1hour and with no drugs at all! the word bucket comes to mind lol (jokes) xxx
Tee hee! Bucket! Naughty!! Some babies do seem to just fall out of some ladies. He he! It doesnt seem possible when we all had to push so long. When corban came out he had a very beautiful cone head were he would come all the way done then go back! Wonder if my next one Will fall out after that? January really isnt to far. Just gotta get Christmas done and your there fingers crossed for you. I hope after treatment Im allowed to try a little quicker than a year just a few months earlier would be great. Aslong as its safe to of course. All these pictures of gorgeous babies and bumps on here make me super broody xxx
Sarah, that is too funny!

We are home and things are going well. Breastfeeding has been challenging since my milk has come in and they are quite full. The first night was horrible, we tried to get him latched on for 3 hours and I finally gave up, pumped and fed him with a syringe. I have somewhat flat nipples, which wasn't a problem at all when he was just getting the colostrum and they were still pretty soft. Now I am having a difficult time extending the nipple enough for him. I also pumped for a minute to pull it out and he still wouldn't latch on. He is having some jaundice issues, so I bought a nipple shield yesterday and he is latching on to that with no problem now. I plan on using it to get for now and working with a lactation consultant to get off it shortly. Last night was so much better with it. I had to use one with Luc as well and never got off of it, so I wanted to avoid it if possible. No such luck.
i love birth stories...
I started having contractions at about 12pm and went i to hospital at half 4, when they checked me i was 0cm's lol, just 100% effaced so they kept me in cause my contractions were so close and intense.Then by 8pm i was 6cm's. I used gas and air the entire way as the anaesthetists were in theatre and i beat them to it, lol at 12am i started pushing and she was born at 3.00am! I lost lots of blood though, so had to stay in 2 nights and had 4 units of blood (eugh), i didnt tear or anything though, i think i was just a bleeder lol!
I cant wait to do it all again, i think im crazy!!

And talking about short labours, my cousin didnt have time to get to the hospital on her second, and she delivered her while going for a wee and she fell down the loo haha, and her third baby was crowning when she woke up in the morning, and she took her knickers off and the baby actually fell out lol! xx

Oh my gosh, I wish my labor was as easy as your cousin's! Did she even know she was in labor?

I enjoy birth stories as well! I have noticed that I am bleeding a lot less this time than I did with Luc. I am having a lot more cramping when nursing and am only bleeding at that time as well. Kind of odd compared to the last time.
Wow what a lovely labour xx

I had my 1st contraction at 8.30pm not very painful but they were regular went in about 12am ish (1st labour i panicked hehe) they sent me home as i hadnt started to dilate at that point, kept alling and they kept saying for me to stay at home by 5am had pressure in my bum so i told chris to say we are coming back!! They said they will probably have to send me home as 1st labors are long.... i was 8-9cm!!! Go me!! in the end i think i was having big gaps between so they started me on a drip to intensify them again (forget the name of the stuff) Only when they started talking about cutting and tearing i used the gas and air OUCHY!!!! 12.57pm my gorgeous boy was born!! I had to stay in and have a cathator a i couldn't good thing is i didn't have to wee on my stitches for a few days!! I cut and tore but i still think my labor was ok and would have done it all again.

Did you find out the sex of baby? What will you do next time? xx

Wow! I dont know how you managed to stay home until 8-9! I was in sheer agony at 5cm! I am very impressed with your endurance!
Amanda, did Noah stay back to back, or eventually turn?

Love reading all the birth stories! x

Dan, he turned during labor, thankfully or I would have never been able to push him out. I actually felt him turning and as he turned my catheter was visibly moving. The nurse was shocked! I went from pain in my pubic bone, to my left hip and left side of my vagina only to pressure in my bottom. It was kind of strange.
they would let me go back in! They said its a first labor so there usually long. Said to have a bath and a sleep but how could i sleep when it hurt!! I told them i was coming in cause i knew the pressure in my bum wasnt good. Ouch! Felt as though i couldnt sit down. He he xxx
The bum pressure is awful :haha: I initially went in at 4am because my waters had gone, they stuck me on a monitor and said I could stay or go, it was up to me. Well we only live five mins from the hospital so we went home. Almost as soon as we got back I was sick and had the bum pressure - I stuck it out until 7am when I started getting worried about something been wrong so we went back in. The whole time we were at home I was sat on the bathroom floor getting annoyed at Steve for not timing my contractions properly :haha:

Mummy2Corban when do you get your next results?

Amanda keep going with the breastfeeding! I used nipple shields for a few days just to give myself a break from the ouchiness! I found them a bit of a faff though so I was glad to get rid :haha: I hope the LC can help :thumbup:

RachieRoo wow January! That's not so long! It was 100 days until Christmas the other day and by Christmas you'll be almost there!!!
ill get Thursdays results on Monday. Then i have blood tests Monday and Wednesday so can get the results Friday. Fingers crossed! Xxx
they would let me go back in! They said its a first labor so there usually long. Said to have a bath and a sleep but how could i sleep when it hurt!! I told them i was coming in cause i knew the pressure in my bum wasnt good. Ouch! Felt as though i couldnt sit down. He he xxx

I cannot imagine how badly it hurt! And how scary, especially with it being a first labor. I'm glad you even made it there!
Hi everyone -
have enjoyed reading the labour/birth stories on here. I've had three emergency c-sections mine are a bit different! Long post tho!
No 1: Ava (7lb) waters broke early hours of the morning, (two weeks early) a few minutes later had contractions which quickly became intense and every 2 minutes or so. Called midwife out (I had planned at having her at our local hospital in a just midwife led unit) but ended up being sent to a hospital 40 minutes away as labour wasn't progressing properly. I remember lying on the bed with my feet in stirrups as they wanted to examine me internally. I had chronic cramp in both legs which was so painful, contractions were thick and furious and when she put hand in me the pain was so intense, like a kitchen knife being stuck up there, I SCREAMED and almost leapt off the bed! Anyway, Ava's heartbeat kept dipping and they made the decision for an emergency c-section (this was 14 hours of contractions later!). I remember signing the consent form with shaking hands and crying 'I didn't want it to be this way'.
Anyway, turns out she was 'back to back' and 'brow presentation' so had got stuck! Her head was very squashed when she came out and the next day, one of the consultants told me they thought she was downs so we had a worrying few hours until a senior consultant came and examined her and said he didn't think she had after all but they'd keep an eye on her. She just had a squashed head and slight epicanthic folds on her eyes (or so they thought). Also, a few weeks later when the health visitor came to the house she arranged for us to go to hospital because she thought she had slight jaundice - turns out she'd sent us because she suspected downs!! we ended up having ahving the chromosome tests which all came back totally normal. ( I also remember the first night in the hospital after being awake for over 24 hours, Ava just wouldn't settle. as soon as I got her to sleep another baby on the ward would start crying and wake her up. leaning over to pick her up was so so painful after the op and I was worried about dropping off to sleep while holdinhg her as I was sooo tired that I buzzed to get some help to get her off to sleep and one of the nurses said 'You've got to get used to doing it you know'...thanks!

No 2: Gabriella (6lb 4)-Had planned on a normal birth - contractions started early hours again, went to hospital, ended up having waters broken for me as labour wasn't happening (despite really intense contractions every minute or so). Heart rate kept dipping and then they lost it for a bit. 12 or so hours later another emergency c-section - the cord was wrapped around her.

No 3: started bleeding heavily at 20 weeks. Went into hospital and as it setteld was allowed home after a couple of days, told to take it easy. The next day lost a big clot and started bleeding heavily again - back in, to be let out 3 days later once the bleeding had settled. Ended up back in again - went to the loo in the hospital and felt something 'plop' out of me - a huge clot the size of a satsuma. Constant bleeding from then on, clots every so often. I remeber standing in my cubicle getting dressed once and it blood was running down my legs. Ended up getting my own room but they talked about transerring me as they didn't have the facilities to cope with babies born before 24 weeks. They said I'd have to go where there was a bed and it migt have to be Scotland (I was in Lincoln hospital). Anyway, end up going to Derby about an hour away, got own room with en-suite which was better than being on a ward.
Again, constant bleeding but they allowed me home on Xmas Eve as it was settled and told me to come back on Boxing Day. Had a relaxed xmas Day with the girls and hubby and my dad.
About 10pm I'd gone to bed (folloiwng orders to get plenty of rest) when my contractions started. At this point I just became numb and resigned myself to the worst case - phoned Derby and they said they'd get a bed ready. Got there and they put all the monitors on me and then wheeled in a special incubator - it was huge. They said because he'd be so small I'd probably be able to deliver vaginally despite having had 2 sections.My consultant happened to be on shift that night ( a lovely lady who I'd got to know quite well over the last few weeks) and as she was examining me, a huge bulge appeared at the side of my stomach and she said 'we need to get him out now. We can't stop him coming now but I think your uterus is going to burst'. I was sobbing uncontrollably at this point and just couldn't stop shaking.
Anyway, I remember them lifting him out and I cried 'Is he alive, is he alive?' as I couldn;'t hear anything. they said his was and whsked him in front of my husband so he could get a qucik look then they wrapped him in a plastic bag and took him away. He was 2lb 1oz but plucky little lad was off the ventilator within 48 hours and refused the c-pap so was breathing by himself. He was in hospital for 12 weeks and only had on major scare in that time. He came home on Mother's Day, 10 days before his due date weighing 5lb 2oz. He had a hernia and a PDA (heart valve not closed) but they righted themselves. He has slight sacral dimples and hypospadias which he'll need a small op on someday but apart form that he is a happy, healthy, lively toddler!! we are very very lucky. His name is Conall which means 'strong'!

There is 22 months between my first two and only 10 1/2 beween 2 and 3!

No 4: suspected missed miscarriage at 12 week scan, no pain, bleeding or symptoms - felt very pregnant. Had ERPC and 3 weeks later ffound out partial molar.
Now 'normal' - last reading was 0.15 (normal <0.35) so on the countdown to TTC again!

Thanks for reading x
Wow... they are amazing stories hun, and your youngest sounds like a fighter lol! I absolutely love birth stories lol!

Amanda, she didnt know, with the second and third baby that she was in labour, and with the second, she thought she just needed a poop and that it was giving her a bad stomach thats why she went to the toilet lol!

Yep i know, not long, a couple of months and hopefully i will be ttc, its also a busy couple of months iv got birthdays and christmas inbetween so hopefully they will take my mind off it! xx
thanks for sharing your birth stories too. Its crazy how different they can all be. Have a question for anyone who can help! I had my blood tests Tuesday and Thursday last week. I called Thursday for tuesdays results and they were 247 which is great. I called today for Thursdays but she said they had to re do them? She did say its usually because its dropped alot and they want to double check? But i Cant help worry that my levels are going up again? I have to call tomorrow afternoon :( i Cant help but feel a bit sick cause they told me two levels stay the same or go up and ill need the stronger chemo :( i hope Im worrying over nothing xxx hope everyone else is ok? Xx
thanks for sharing your birth stories too. Its crazy how different they can all be. Have a question for anyone who can help! I had my blood tests Tuesday and Thursday last week. I called Thursday for tuesdays results and they were 247 which is great. I called today for Thursdays but she said they had to re do them? She did say its usually because its dropped alot and they want to double check? But i Cant help worry that my levels are going up again? I have to call tomorrow afternoon :( i Cant help but feel a bit sick cause they told me two levels stay the same or go up and ill need the stronger chemo :( i hope Im worrying over nothing xxx hope everyone else is ok? Xx
thanks for sharing your birth stories too. Its crazy how different they can all be. Have a question for anyone who can help! I had my blood tests Tuesday and Thursday last week. I called Thursday for tuesdays results and they were 247 which is great. I called today for Thursdays but she said they had to re do them? She did say its usually because its dropped alot and they want to double check? But i Cant help worry that my levels are going up again? I have to call tomorrow afternoon :( i Cant help but feel a bit sick cause they told me two levels stay the same or go up and ill need the stronger chemo :( i hope Im worrying over nothing xxx hope everyone else is ok? Xx

Hi hun, They did this to me & it was when it dropped really fast between samples! Fingers crossed! xxx
Mummy2Corban like it happened to Dsn-o I believe they will be checking because they have dropped so quickly, I honestly don't think they would have offered that as a reason if they were concerned abiut them rising, as that would be very low and unprofessional. I can understand why you are worried though, but I'm sure it will be fine, let us know what happens when you call back :flower:

All the birth stories are amazing!! I will try and post mine soon, busy potty training Lando at the moment so my hands are quite full.

avgabcon5, Conalls birth sounds frightening, I am so glad it all worked out fine, but how scary. How many weeks were you when he was actually born?
thanks ladies! I just worried Thats all. I shall find out this afternoon. Would be so totally amazing if they had dropped right off! Will post my results later. Hope your both ok xXX

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