Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I'm good today. Today is my first day back at work and i feel awesome. I got a hair cut and i did my nails. I stopped spotting yesterday but it started again this morning. But I think its normal after a d&c.

How about everyone else?

Same thing happened to me--I had stopped bleeding and then went back to work and spotted for another 2 weeks or so off and on. How was your first day back??
I'm good today. Today is my first day back at work and i feel awesome. I got a hair cut and i did my nails. I stopped spotting yesterday but it started again this morning. But I think its normal after a d&c.

How about everyone else?

Same thing happened to me--I had stopped bleeding and then went back to work and spotted for another 2 weeks or so off and on. How was your first day back??

It was good. But by the end of the day I was soo tired!!

Hey how long after the d&c did you wait until you had sex? The hospital nurse said 1 week. But I read online - 2 weeks. I think it's because they dilated the cervix and if you have sex even with a condom it could cause infection?

Im not sure? We didnt for a few weeks as my bleeding was period like for a long time because of my treatment. Sorry i cant help!! xx
I was told two weeks from my Dr. And then we didn't have any condoms so it was a few days past 2 weeks lol It was a bit uncomfortable even after that long, but we did it anyways :blush:
I guess I will wait 2 weeks and if I stop bleeding then we'll give it a shot...
Blake broke his leg yesterday--didn't know if he was really hurt as no tears--he just would put pressure on his right leg or walk--took him to urgent care this morning and they confirmed a tibia fracture. I'm so ready for this year to be over!! Poor little guy is in a cast and just before halloween--also Today my close friend who started TTC in June announced her BFP on Facebook (At 12dpo)--seriously?!? Could this day get any worst?? of course I'm so happy for her but in my opinion it's a bit early to be making the news so public! Sorry for the rant ladies--I knew no one else would understand--or they would think I was crazy!!
sorry to hear about your little mans leg! How is he doing? I totally think its a bit early! Maybe close close friends and family but its a little soon. We only ever told a handful of people and Im glad we did with all this happening. Did your day get any better? Xx
Aww poor little Blake! I really hope he's getting on okay with his cast, it sounds like he is been so brave! :hugs: to you all xx

I totally know what you mean about announcing BFP's so early, a girl I used to work with told literally everyone when she was four weeks, and my cousin did the same. I guess I'm a little bit jealous that they have that naivety.
Poor Blake! get well soon Blake!

Yes I agree 12 dpo is way too early. 4 weeks is way too early. I told my immediate family that I was pregnant this time and the last time I miscarried. But no annoucing it on facebook. Sarah - I know what you mean about the naivety. The next time I get pregnant, I'm not even sure if I want to tell my immediate family. I think I kind of got my mother in law's hopes up the last 2 times. Then I kind of felt like a failure because I miscarried.

I'm getting my first round of blood tests done tomorrow. I haven't heard back from the doctor yet, which probably means the pathologist report hasn't come back. But I'm sure that he'll probably call me by the end of this week after he receives my blood test results. My breasts don't feel as heavy and large like before and I'm still spotting on and off.

How is everybody today?
Tung- i hope you hear from the doctors soon. When will you get your results of tomorrows bloods?

Blakesmum- How is your little man?

Sarah- i feel that its far too soon with the risk of just early miscarriage i think its way to soon. I think once you know all is ok then let evryone know :)

Im struggling a little today :( i cannot wait until my levels are normal and i finish chemo but im so worried about the wait ttc again. I see new babies and pregnant woman and im still finding it hard :( i also think because i was pregnant with Corban this time last year and remembering how excited i was i think adds to it. If im honest we wont wait a full year as ive been researching it and i dont think its a bad outcome to try early and with charring cross saying they would be happy then i think we will think about it. I cannot wait till the day i have my rainbow baby and corban all snuggled up in my arms. You ladies who have come through the otherside are amazing and im so greatful i found you. Also the new ladies who offer support too its extremely hard but your all here trying to help us all! Its helps in moments like this as you know exactly how im feeling and can be there.

Thank you all xxx
Mummy2Corban :hugs: :hugs: I remember days like that so well :hugs: :hugs:

I will be completely honest with you - for me the thought of waiting was far worse than the wait itself. When I first found out I was almost in a panic at the thought of not getting my baby for so long. I was quite logical about it and decided to make the most of my waiting time. I sold loads of stuff on ebay and decluttered the house and put all the money into a savings account - which was great for when Oliver arrived :) We went on holiday and did lots of non baby friendly stuff that we can't do now. Also, we agreed that although 'officially' we had to wait until June, we would only wait until April. April was six months post d&c, June was six months post first 'normal' result. When April came around we felt we could wait another two months, so we had two months ntnp before we started ttc properly.

It really helped me to do something productive with the time. it kept me busy, and I also felt like I was doing something positive by saving for our "one day baby'.

:hugs: You'll get there honey :hugs:
I know what your saying. I just worry about it :( im pretty logical too but i have days were im just like AAAARRRRRR!!! Im thinking of childminding to help pass the time? I get to stay at home with Corban then and can start saving for rainbow baby :) Just wish we didnt have to wait :( still im hoping i can start the new year with no more like a fresh start xxx
My blood results should be in by Thursday or Friday.

When I found out my pregnancy was molar - I cried even more than when I found out I had a high chance of miscarriage on this one. I was reading about molar pregnancies and when I found out that I couldn't try for at least months and how much more "rare" molars are - it made me even more sad and depressed than I was already. I agree waiting is hard... when I found out i would be miscarrying, I was sad... but I knew that after 3 months... with a normal m/c i could try again. But now it's at least 6 months...

But I will wait at least 6 months because I want to reduce the chances of molar again... as much as possible.
its very hard isnt it. Such a strange thing to get your head round. I was diagnosed in august and think my treatment Will finish around Christmas. Ill be waiting at least 6 months once treatment has finished as my want for another baby is so much Im not sure i could wait the full year. Im happy that charring cross have said my year wait is not set in stone as i now feel like its closer. Im constantly looking up stories of people trying early etc and the outcomes seem to be good. I Will talk with my doctors when i go again at the beginning of Dec. I Cant wait until us new ladies can share our bfps with you all. I know these days Will get better but its just hard. Thanks ladies xxxx
sorry to hear about your little mans leg! How is he doing? I totally think its a bit early! Maybe close close friends and family but its a little soon. We only ever told a handful of people and Im glad we did with all this happening. Did your day get any better? Xx

No I think I went to bed shortly after my rant lol. But Tomorrow afternoon I should get my next set of blood results so that is something positive to look forward too. Blake has his orthopedic appointment on Friday when I have to do my next blood draw so that might be a hard day for the two of us--but he did really great this weekend and when we saw my family this weekend at a Birthday party everyone kept saying he is so happy even though he has a broken leg--he is such a good boy--he is a blessing!!
Keep us updated on ya next results. Its a good feeling seeing them come down. Ill call thursday for todays results. He sounds super good bless him. How old is he? xxx
Keep us updated on ya next results. Its a good feeling seeing them come down. Ill call thursday for todays results. He sounds super good bless him. How old is he? xxx

I got off work and they hadn't called so I tried calling and the nurse was gone for the day--they said they would call me first thing in the morning--not like I could do anything different when I have the results--just was curious to know you know!! Blake will be 3 mid-December. Update on Thursday when you get yours--I want to see a BFZ (BIG FAT ZERO--LOL)
Its nice hearing your results though! Im always a little disapointed when i have to call the next day to get them!! Like hearing they have gone down! Fingers crossed for tomorrows result! How is Blake? xxx

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