Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Last week's hcg came in @ 50 (down from 108)--I said I would be kind of sad if it wasn't 50--so it was right on the money--This week I would LOVE to see 20--but I guess 25 would be 1/2 so that would be good too. One week at a time tho lol. Little man is still doing pretty good--he was up early this morning for some reason so hubby brought him to bed with us--I don't normally approve of that since he is a great sleeper on his own and is very squirmy when he is in our bed (normally only happens when we travel) but since he has a broken leg--I just enjoyed him being close. Can't wait to see your results tomorrow!!
Congratulations on your dropping HCG levels, they sound brilliant. So happy Blake is ok, I'm with you about co-sleeping with toddler, but it is hard when they are ill etc... not to resist. I remember William broke his leg when he was around 2, it was hard at the time, but I love looking at the photos now, he looks so cute with his little cast on his leg. PS. Rest assured, certainly with William, 6 years later the break has never affected his development or walking, and he has never broken it again.

Mummy2Corban just wanted to send you big hugs :hugs: Pregnant women really upset me, whilst waiting to TTC. It is 2-fold, 1 because you should be them and secondly because you are not even allowed to try.
You will get your rainbow baby x
Ladies the doctor just called.

1. Complete Molar Pregnancy - he said that with complete, they tend to have less complications in the future..
2. levels dropped from 125,000 to 1453 within a week - he's happy with this too. (though I'm not sure what the "norm" after a d&c should be")
3. my bleeding stopped yesterday and haven't seen anymore spotting yet.

Should I be happy with these levels? Is it a good drop?? what levels were you ladies at after d&c? Is anybody on birth control pills ? I read that birth control pills shouldn't be used after a molar pregnancy.

Tung- im not sure in all cases but im not allowed to use birth control im only allowed to use condoms. I would check with your doctor just to make sure :) Fingers crossed for no more spotting. Also glad to hear that your doctor said complete moles have less complications in the future. xxx

An update from me....i called for tuesdays results but they only received them yesterday.....upside is that last wednesdays were 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also i think im on my period!! First one since my D&C.

Mummy2Corban - You're soo close!!! I'm so happy for you!! I hope it becomes 0 very very soon!!

For me I'm hoping my levels will continue to drop and not rise... =S my doctor said he will see me after next week's blood results. *fingers crossed*
Hello all you beautiful ladies:hugs:
gosh wow i have not been on for a while and im so sorry for that with so much happening with everyone! I have been flat out moving house and being maid of honour, the wedding is now over and im hoping thngs slow down a little now ( at least until baby comes!:))
Blakesmum im so sorry to hear ur lil guy broke his ankle-altho what a brave little fella he is!:thumbup: u must be so so proud! MummytoCorban-it IS so tough, the waiting. Im sure if u read back to the beginning you will see posts of mine where i struggled and had days where i was just so desperate for my rainbow baby, or even to just be able to try again! it is such a frustrating time and i always felt as though i was being punished for something:cry: let me tell u tho, now at 8 months pregnant, I am SO :cloud9:, so very much enjoying this pregnancy because it was so wanted and lo0oking back i think wow, time does pass quickly & im proud of my oh and myself for listening to the drs and waiting, for this baby is healthy and its absolutely mindblowing to us that we will be meeting it in just over a months time!
Just wanted to say to everyone new here really, to hang in there:hugs: keep thinking positive and looking at ways to help you through the time, you will all be ttc before u know it!:) And thats FUN!:haha:
Update with me- I am 35 weeks today, at 31 weeks was told baby was breech, saw the ob yesterday and....BABY HAS TURNED:happydance: I am over the moon!!! Gestational diabetes im still managing well with diet, and hoping it stays that way! Fundal length was measured yesterday at 34+6 and i was measuring 34, to Sarah, Amanda etc do you think thats ok? did this happen to you? The dr wasnt concerned and bub is very active! + i guess its better that bubs not big with the diabetes etc!:)

big kisses to everyone!:flower:
Happy 35 weeks Jamaris Mummy!! And as for measuring... it is difficult for them to get accurate results from palpation, experience and technique is different with every doctor/midwife and the tend to get slightly different results. For example... my daughter at 35 weeks was measuring 37... they expected her to be an 8lb baby and i gave birth 2 days early and she weighed 6lb 14oz so its not always spot on, they do it just to keep an eye on growth. Your waters and baby position also affect the practitioners ability to accurately measure baby! So dont worry is what i am trying to say lol! i bet you are so excited :)

Mummytocorban fantastic results!

Blakesmom it doesnt look like it will be long until you reach 0 :)

Tung i sorry that it has been confirmed as a cm but at least now you know for certain, and that drop in levels is brilliant!

Hope everyone is doing ok, i am sending off my sample today and then hopefully only 2 or 3 more and im done yay! Also OH has decided he is ready, and we may have had an accident or 2 over the last week, but im hoping that because my cycles are all over the place its nothing to worry about... although it would be brilliant if it did happen, we are trying our best to behave and listen to the doctors :D xx
Tung :hugs: Your levels sound very promising, I'm sure they will keep dropping now :hugs:

Mummy2Corban YAY! 6! Great news! :hugs:

Kate wow, 35 weeks!!!!! You're looking amazing in your FB pics :hugs: I measured behind with Oliver, I was a few weeks behind right until the end. Even when Oliver was born at 39+2 I think I only measured about 35 - 36 weeks. I saw a consultant about something unrelated at 38+3 and asked him about my measurements because my midwife had not been concerned at all. He measured me and checked a few things out and said that he was compeltely happy with everything, he said as I was only small myself (I'm 5'2) it made sence that I was having a small baby. Oliver was small but perfect when he was born - he was on the 3rd percentile. Within a month though he was on the 75th and has stayed there ever since!!
Sometimes measuring the tummy and everything else is still not accurate. When I was carrying my son, the doctor and ultrasound reports said that he would only be a maximum of 6lbs. Which was a good size for me because I, like Sarah am very small framed. When he was born he was 7lbs 5oz. Not to worry. As long as everything else is developing normally you and the baby are fine!! Congrats!!
Jamaris mummy- yay for you!! 35 weeks! You both must be so happy your so close to holding your much deserved rainbow! I look forward to seeing pictures. Have you decided on names? I measured a few cm big towards the end but they didnt worry. I asked the midwife to estimate how big Corban would be abd she said 7 & a half to 8lbs he was a week late and weighed 8lb 2 oz.

Rachiroo- Fingers crossed your finished soon. Ill be sending in samples for life!! It must be hard to behave! Teehee! I have been researching about trying early and it all seems ok but us ladies do have a 1-2% higher chance of having another compared to others. Cant wait to hear some good news from you soon! Not long to wait even if you do chose to wait. Were you regular before all this? Im now having my 1st period and im wondering if ill be regular again.

Got my results for Tuesday and there now 5 so 1 more and ill be on the 6 weeks count down to no more treatment! Gonna call monday for yesterdays results.

Has anyone got much planned for the weekend??

Wow mummy2corban, thats brilliant. I will keep taking my pill until Jan, but because my levels were always very low, and they 'think' it was pmp i am starting to believe that it was a mmc rather than pmp, i suppose im just living in hope. They wouldnt have put me through this for nothing surely? And yes, regular as clockwork before, every 28 days without fail... its frustrating now. were you regular?? xxx
Had my 4th blood draw today and Blake got his Cast put on. They had to do a long cast because of where is break is and the risk of another fracture at the top of the cast if they went with a short one as he is so active despite having been in a splint all week. We picked orange so it matches his Tiger Halloween Costume : )


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before i had corban i was 27 days like clockwork too! Between corban and this pregnancy (or whatever you call it?!) i only had one period. Im hoping ill be regular but i dont hold out hope but i guess we Will see. Im not gonna go back on the pill as we Will just use condoms i wanna makesure Im ready as i can be when the time comes for ttc! Plus i can do ovulation tests while i wait. Not long for you though is it chick? Soon be baby making time. Blake is so cute and well done him for engor so well with a full cast! Xxx
Aw thankyou to everyone:flower: yes we are:flower: both sooo excited for our little one! And thanks to everyones input re: measurements. Sarah sorry to be :dohh: but what does the percentile thing mean?? we dont really hear of that word here in Australia? i am also small framed, 163cm but im not sure what that converts to in feet. MummytoCorban yes we have a few names...but havent decided for sure yet! My fiance Trumaine, wants to see baby first then name him/her. We want something different!
I must say i feel a lil anxious about the labour, mainly becoz i had to deliver Jamari and i keep thinking bad thoughts like what if this baby goes into distress or i cant push him/her out fast enough etc!:dohh:
Well i think i just need to take my own advice and think positive!!:thumbup:
o honey try not worry about the birth. My midwifes were amazing and as i was rushing for so long the doctors alert coming in a checking but it all work out fine in the end. Even though my poor lady bits might not agree. My mumma is just over 5ft and she managed to push me out at 10lb 9oz! He he! I got to the point at the end were i was desperate to meet baby! Its all so exciting. So excited for you xxx
Jamaris Mummy - don't worry hun. you and baby will be monitored closely. I was in labour for a total of 36 hours...It was strong heavy labour for 10 hours..

near the end I was so tired that they had me push and they had to use the "vacuum" and i got cut - sorry tmi - But I had no choice because I couldn't push anymore... I was exhausted. The doctors and nurses were wonderful though. They were very supportive.

I"m so happy to hear stories about women who had molar pregnancies and carried on to have healthy babies.. =)
before i had corban i was 27 days like clockwork too! Between corban and this pregnancy (or whatever you call it?!) i only had one period. Im hoping ill be regular but i dont hold out hope but i guess we Will see. Im not gonna go back on the pill as we Will just use condoms i wanna makesure Im ready as i can be when the time comes for ttc! Plus i can do ovulation tests while i wait. Not long for you though is it chick? Soon be baby making time. Blake is so cute and well done him for engor so well with a full cast! Xxx

I also declined birth control pills since it took me 8 months coming off of the pill before Blake to get pregnant with him--I'm 5ft even so I think having such a small frame drugs linger in my system longer...I don't know, but we're going the condom route too.
Awwwww Blake looks pretty proud of his cast, bless him! How long does he have to have it on for?

Kate the percentile thing . . . I'm think they use it over there too? I hadn't heard of it until I had Oliver :haha: I found this link to an Aussie site which explains in pretty well, ironic its a Aussie site :haha:
This is the basic explanation though:If a baby is on the 5th percentile for height and weight, it means that 95% of babies are taller and heavier than she is. A baby on the 90th percentile for height and weight is taller and heavier than 90% of other babies.

Does that make sence?
Blake looks gorgeous, and proud as could be of his cast.

We did condoms, but after a few months that led to a few accidents in the heat of the momemt. Bless him, i think he has forgotten how we make babies, carrying twins certainly kills your sex life!

Kate, I can only imagine your mixed feelings towards labour, but try not to worry, when it starts I'm sure all thoughts will turn to getting your baby out quick and safe, and hopefully give you some better memories for the future, never forgetting x:hugs:
Mummy2corban, well done on your results x so glad the end is in sight x

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