Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Tung those results are great x, mummy2corban, glad your 6 was a glitch, I'm surprised they want them lower as i thought even when not pregnant you could have levels upto 5

Tung and blakesmom my levels really slowed down after 25, which dundee my clinic, considered normal. The lowest i ever got was 9, and that was about 3 months after they'd got to 25.
Alwilan, so you never got down below 5?

I'm glad my levels are still dropping.. I hope they continue to drop. Earlier this week i got a lot of cervical mucus (sorry tmi). It felt like I was about to ovulate again. Usually when i get the mucus, my period shows up 2 weeks later. Hopefully I will get my period...
Tung - Those levels are great! Shouldnt be long before your back to normal. Im not sure if mine is because of treatment but ive been getting mucus on and off for a while and twinges in my ovary area and i had what i think was my period at the weekend! Im appy about that.

Alwilan - They call below 5 as normal! Just wanna hear 4 or below then i know im on the home straight...gonna call tomorrow for wednesdays results. Thing is 5 or 6 might be my normal but i guess we will see. How are the twins? You ok?

My Dr. told me I need to be under 3 to be considered "Normal"--Had a draw tonight--probably wont get results until Monday...
Good luck to mummy2corbon and Blakesmom!! hope the levels reach normal soon!!

As for me.. today I'm waiting for the doctor to call me. Last week he said he would book me in to see him after this weeks results. Probably have to talk about methods of contraceptives. I really don't want to take in anymore hormones.. i might just choose to use condoms..

What is everybody else on? Condoms? injections? pills?
Ladies, i hope those levels drop lower for you! That message is beautiful and has so much meaning to it for so many of us!

Tung, im on the pill, simply because it will help get my cycles back to normal (hopefully anyway) so that in Jan we can jumps straight in lol. and it also reduces the chances of us giving in too early lol!

I had my results back today and they were normal again, thats my third in a row :D xx
Hi everyone,

I am new here. Honestly, I am hesitant about doing this forum thing - I've never done it before but I'm just looking for an outlet, I guess. Several of your stories are all very encouraging and I am really sorry that we've all had to go through these weird pregnancy issues. People who haven't had a miscarriage truly don't understand the feelings. In my case, my own mom has had a difficult time relating to what I've been going through and I feel pretty confused/lost. I start therapy at the end of the month - not only to work through this loss, but some additional pregnancy losses I've experienced in my past.

My husband and I found out we were pregnant in June 2011. I had terrible all day sickness - you know, the usual. Then in August - I had this feeling something wasn't right so I insisted on an appointment and found there was no heartbeat.

I had to wait two weeks to see if the fetus would pass on its own, but it didn't. So I opted for the D&C and then a week after the D&C I started bleeding heavy clots and having intense cramping. I went into my crappy doctor and she confirmed a partial mole. I went to a specialist a week later - and he confirmed a partial twin mole. Meaning we had one viable fetus and one PMP fetus. I guess when my awesome doctor did the D&C she missed the second one. Why don't they always do ultrasound guided D&C? Really upset about that.

My levels dropped quickly - and were never really high. I am a lucky one, I know. I was so relieved I wouldn't have to have chemo - that honestly, I wasn't as hurt about the loss of the baby(ies) because I was so terrified. Now that things are settling down, the babies have crept back into my thoughts and I am just straight up sad. I feel pretty alone in my feelings. Even though my husband is sad to an extent - it just hard for him to relate.

To add onto the drama - everyone around me is pregnant. My best friend, my husband's best friend's wife, my younger brother's girlfriend, cousins, friends, - it just seems like everyone. And we both feel so alone in our sadness. And at the same time, we're happy for everyone. It's just hard. Sounds selfish, right?

I was told to wait 6 months before giving it the old college try again. However, with my levels as low as they were to begin with, I am comfortable with not waiting the recommended time. We're thinking Dec, which puts us 4 months out - and it usually takes 3-6 months to get those two lines.

Anyone on here have a twin mole before? Is it difficult to get pregnant after a PMP? Just wondering.

Thanks for any replies.

Rachieroo - Awesome to hear that it's 3 weeks in a row!!! *fingers crossed for you*!!

Homegrown - Welcome to this thread. The women on here are very lovely and very supportive. I didnt have a twin mole. However, I did suffer to m/c in a row. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Nobody deserves it. I think that if you and your partner are ready and the doctor says it's okay to try again then go for it. Anytime you need to talk and express your feelings, just write it here. It really does help. We all share our experiences and knowledge with each other.
Blakesmom - Fingers crossed for monday. Did you have your ultrasound today? xx

Tung - couldnt get my results as the machine was down! Boo! As for contraception im only allowed to use condoms with my chemo as i think the hormones can encourage the mole to grow again. Once treatment has finished im keen on staying with condoms as i want my body as ready as possible! Fingers crossed for a regular cycle. Im gonna start Ovulation tests soon so i can work out ovulation days ready for ttc.

Rachieroo - So happy for you! Yay for 3 results in a row! Mine were 5 monday so im hoping monday ill get wednesdays results and its the start of my normal results!!

Homegrown - Im so sorry you have had to find us. Please feel free to ask us anything or even if you just want support we are all here for you. We are all at different stages so we can all help you in a different way. For me i had a complete mole so i havent had to grieve for a baby just a lost pregnancy. Its a very strange feeling. I too feel awful seeing pregnant ladies and baby its not selfish we just want what they have. I too am happy for them but i get upset over it. Its all so normal as all the ladies will tell you. As for waiting times if you are happy to start then go for it! Ive done lots of research about it and looked on many forums and many ladies try early with great results. I think once my treatment has finished and everything stays good we will try earlier than the year we were told. (Also charring cross said they would be happy if i fell pregnant before a year) Some of the ladies have there rainbows or are pregnant with them or ladies like us waiting for our rainbow!

Thanks Tung!! I'm hoping to get Thursday night's results on Monday. DH and I are using Condoms, as it took me 8 months coming off the pill to get a BFP with Blake, and it was 11months from having my IUD removed before I fell pregnant with my PMP--so hopefully when we get the OK nothing artificial will be in our way.

Yay RachieRoo!! I think 3 in a row will be all I look for before we may take a NTNP approach but we will see--I see so many mixed results about people who TTC and fall pregnant prior to the recommended 6 or 1 year waits. Very exciting results--Keep them coming!!

MummytoCorban--yep it was this morning and was easy-peasy--I was stressing over nothing and Blake was so well behaved in his Stroller I forgot he was even in the room a few times!!

Homegrown--welcome to the thread!! It has been great finding this one since so few people seem to know nothing about CMP or PMP--these ladies are so great and have helped me tons!! I have also found a few great pages on Facebook that have been very helpful. My PMP was found on Sept. 16th 2011 and there are several ladies right around the same time frame on there AND here which is helpful. Have you reached zero for you hCG levels?? If so congrats!! I'm still working towards that. I was 27 last week and will probably get last nights results back on Monday. As far as I know I only had 1 baby, but had to have an internal ultrasound today to recheck the cysts on my right ovary they were concerned about when I had the ultrasound when they discovered baby was gone (I would have been 11 weeks 6 days)---and they spent a good amount of time on my uterus. When the ultrasound tech said she was all done she had me change and wait a few minutes to have the Dr. review the results and then she had me go back in and she took more images of my uterus, so I wonder if SOMETHING was left behind--another baby (tho it appeared small??) or retained product I don't know--but she also mentioned I had a tilted uterus so I wonder if something could have been in there that wasn't seen at my last ultrasound.....I guess I should know by early next week. I also agree--everyone seems to be pregnant right now. My cousin and also a good friend and I were all within a few weeks, but then I lost mine--now I have a co-worker and another good friend and another cousin that are all due in June--hopefully when they are all sleep deprived with newborns I will be the glowing pregnant one lol. Welcome again!!!

Just got last nights results and went from 27 to 16 in 6 days--missing those BIG drops, but a drop is a drop. They are moving me to every 2 weeks for the blood draws now--which I'm sad I wont know the # each week---but I'm really not fond of all the pokes--so I guess I'm fine with that.
blakesmom - I agree a drop is a drop. every drop brings you closer to 5 and below!! You're getting very close!! I'm excited for you! As for the pokes.. I always ask for the "butterfly" needle with the long very skinny tube connected to it. It's usually used for kids because of the small needle. I find it hurts less lol! I'm such a baby when it comes to needles!
blakesmom - I agree a drop is a drop. every drop brings you closer to 5 and below!! You're getting very close!! I'm excited for you! As for the pokes.. I always ask for the "butterfly" needle with the long very skinny tube connected to it. It's usually used for kids because of the small needle. I find it hurts less lol! I'm such a baby when it comes to needles!

My mom was a phlebotomist for a bit so I know about the butterfly and luckily they have used it every time without me having to request it--I'm a small framed person so I don't know if that is why they have been doing it--but since they are more expensive I know that is why they are generally reserved for kiddos. Any more news from your Doc's Tung?? How are your levels coming along??
Your getting close!! 16 is great not far to go...even though these drops are smaller your still not far! I hate all the blood tests...cant wait until mine are once every 2 weeks! I should get wednesdays results today. Fingers crossed please ladies! A lovely 4 would be AMAZING! XXX
Blakesmom - I'm was at 290 on Wednesday night. The doctor says the drops are normal and as long as they continue to drop then everything is ok.

I'm going for tests every Wednesdays... and I usually hear back from the doctor Thursday or Friday.
Thank you for all the kind replies. It's nice to talk with people in the same or similar boat.

I reached negative on (or around) Oct. 20. My levels dropped very fast. 465 to 78 to 9.5 to 0. The big drop was when I had the second miscarriage. I have heard that your levels should drop by half every ten days. Has anyone heard that?

Blakesmom, I hope your results are good! I hate that two-three day wait for the doctor to get back to you. Hang in there! One of my friends had a tilted uterus and she's got two healthy kids.

Mummy2Corban, good luck to you, too and I hope your levels continue dropping.

You all are in my thoughts.

How did your OBs handle your molar pregnancies? Mine admitted right away that she has only experienced one other in her career and that was 6 months prior to mine. When I would ask questions - she would reply (almost always) with an, "I'm sorry - I don't know." Did anyone seek specialist advice? And for those who have had children after a partial or complete, did you go with a high-risk OB?
Ladies!!! My levels are NORMAL! As of the 4th nov! I finsih chemo on the 9th Dec! I hae my finish line! I had lots of tears but im just so happy i know my treatment is gonna finish soon. Also on the good side i only have 1 blood test a week from now on 2!!!! YES!!
Homegrown - My hospital didnt really say much! When i was loosing loads of blood and passing massive (and i mean massive...yuk) clots and bits of tissue they were very dimisive! They treated me like id had a d&c for a miscarriage and not a molar. It was only on the 3rd not of heavy bleeding the doctor took me seriously!! Once transfered to charring cross they are specialists so they could answer everything. Ive been told that further pregnancies ill have early scans and after baby is here ill be monitored for 6 weeks after (even though ill be sending urine in for the rest of my life due to having the treatment) I hope we are of some help to you xxx ive found the ladies really awesome and there great at listening or a ear to moan into! hehe! How are things?

Mummy2Corban - CONGRATS! when i read your post, i instantly smiled!!! YAY!! I hope i reach the finish line soon!! though i'm sort of still in the beginning..

Homegrown - I dont know if you've heard or read anythwere but people with southeast asian decent tend to have 3 times the risk of a molar pregnancy than others. i am of southeast asisan decent and so is my doctor. So when he confirmed that I had a molar pregnancy, i asked if it was rare and how often he sees them. he told me not to worry and that they are more rare compared to a natural m/c. However, he did say that because his patients are mostly asian, he's had his fair share of molar pregnancies. He was able to answer most of my questions.

There a few women here who had a mp and are now pregnant. Awilan is now pregnant with twins. I'm not sure if they went to see a high risk ob. But I think they were probably monitored from the beginning of their pregnancy. I might be wrong though.
Thank you! Im just happy as i can properly start my count down to ttc! Yay!! xxx

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