Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Thanks mummy2, so sorry you had to go through that. I'll keep you posted! X
Happy New Year lovely ladies! I hope 2012 brings lots of rainbow babies and that all your wishes come true :hugs:

Rachieroo try not to worry honey, if there was anything not right I'm sure they would have said :hugs: Your natural levels can be up to 5, and urine tests are never as accurate as blood. It might even be that because 5 and under is normal they just record it as 5 when its 'normal'. I always found that the person on the phone never really understood the results. Maybe send an email to put your mind at rest? Just remember that its almost unheard of for levels to go back up when they have been normal for so long :hugs:

Filipenko32 I'm sorry to hear your scan didn't go well :hugs: When do you have your second scan? PMP / MP can explain high hcg levels, but other things can too. Just remember we are all here if you need us :hugs:
Thanks Sarah, do you think they could have detected a molar on the scan or is that impossible?
Thanks Sarah, do you think they could have detected a molar on the scan or is that impossible?

Quite often a full molar can be seen on a scan - they look different to a 'normal' pregnancy. A partial molar pregnancy often isn't diagnosed on a scan though because there is a foetus, just quite often one that isn't growing. It could be a partial. How sure are you of your dates? How long until your next scan? X
I'm positive of my dates, I'm 7 weeks today. I was 6.4 when I was scanned. I have 27 day cycles and use all sorts of tests to detect the lh surge at ov. How hard is it to ge rid of a partial molar? Will the miscarriage tablets work ok with it?
They usually only make a 'proper' diagnosis for pmp after they have tested the foetus. If they suspect pmp they may prefer you to have an ERPC to make sure all the tissue is removed (I had a ERPC and is wasn't so bad).

I see that you have previous losses too, I'm so sorry :hugs:
Thanks sarah, yeah I had an erpc to test my last pregnancy which was chromosomally 'normal'! How high were your hormone levels at the time? Not sure 37,000 is that high for over six weeks but last time my levels were only 3000 ish and there was a baby there with a heartbeat so very strange!
Hi guys,
So i have not posted here for quite a while. This is because i didn't think i belonged here. The last time i posted the histology from my two erpocs was being sent to cx. They suspected a partial molar, since my hcg was coming down so so slowly. The results from cx however came back negative. There was no evidence of a partial molar pregnancy. Addenbrooks (my local hospital) howver wanted to follow my hcg back to negative. My hcg continued to drop (albeit it very slowly) and 12 weeks after the erpoc was at 79. My hcg then stopped droping and after three more tests of it staying in the 70s and 80s, i went to cx. My appointment with prof seckl was the 19th dec. My hcg measured at cx was 76. I was given three boxes to take to Addenbrooks for the next three mondays. Last weeks result was 89, so a small rise. My next blood test will be tomorrow and my last will be next monday, before i am due to see prof seckl on the 13th.

My hcg has not dropped since the beginning of dec. It looks likely that i will need treatment. I don't really understand any of this though. I mean the pregancy was not molar. Why did my levels drop only to stop. What will treatment be like. What is cx like as an inpatient. Will i have to stay in a hospital gown in bed all day. I am so scared, but the worst thing is the waiting. I mean there has been no drop, is there any chance my hcg will suddenly start to drop? what is causing this? It was suggested that this could be a placental site tumour, but they are very rare. Prof Seckl said it could just be a sticky piece of placenta. Is there any thing i can do in the meanwhile. I'm concerned for my mental health, i just don't know whether i can cope any more. I have been going through this for over 4months, and it seems like it is never ending. A

I must seem really selfish to suddenly post now, but i didn't want to post previously once it was confirmed i was not a molar.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Lotte x x
Lotte I'm sorry you've had to go through all that and for your loss :hugs: I know nothing about molars but I have an empty 6 weeks ish sac with a 37,000 hcg level so I'm hoping for advice myself. Did you have an empty sac and what was your hcg level before they started falling. Sorry I can't be any help to you.
Actually lotte thinking about it, i wonder if you just have some retained tissue leftover? Some people I know, have to even have a repeat erpc. It seems way too harsh to have chemo when the level is so low even though it is plateauing. I understand cx to be chemo??
No it's Cytogenics isn't it? :dohh: so how would they treat you then?
Thanks sarah, yeah I had an erpc to test my last pregnancy which was chromosomally 'normal'! How high were your hormone levels at the time? Not sure 37,000 is that high for over six weeks but last time my levels were only 3000 ish and there was a baby there with a heartbeat so very strange!

I didn't know it was pmp until 8 weeks after my ERPC so I didn't get my bloods done until then, by which time I think it was about 50.

Lotte bless you! You are going through it aren't you :hugs: It could be that there is a bit of placenta still there producing the hormones - maybe you'll be offered another scan? I've heard of ladies having a scan and then an erpc to remove anything. Has anyone suggested something like that? Mummy2Corban was in CX when her treatment started I think so she might be able to help you out with your questions :hugs:
Thanks for your replies guys.

Flipenko 32, i am sorry about your last scan. I can only wish you luck for your follow up scan. Cx is charing cross hospital - there are two hospitals in England that deal with molar stuff - charing cross and sheffiled. My nearest is Charing cross. The treatment they are talking about it methotrxate (spelling!). they said that would be for twelve weeks. But that would only be if my levels didn't drop.

I had two erpoc's because unfortunately the first left quite a bit. Following my second one, when my hcg was still over 700, i had a us scan which showed nothing. I then had an mri as well. Again it was completly clear. Six weeks later when i still has elevated hcg, they did another ultrasound! Again this was clear. Then when i went to cx two weeks ago, they wanted to do a scan, this time they did all sorts of fancy stuff with blood flow and everything, again the scan showed nothing. So if there is something then it is minute.

I just don't know what to do. I really can't cope. I am a complete mess which isn't helped by the hormones. I went to my gp, and he prescribed me some anti depessants, which i was reluctant to take, but have taken, and i still feel helpless, and like i am just being pushed from pillar to post. Like cx said they wouldn't start treatment until i had three blood tests which showed a static or rising hcg, but they wouldn't include the four i had previously at my local hospital which had shown a small rise!

Thanks for all your replies guys, it means so much to me
Aww lotte that is a lot to go through and so frustrating!!! I know how you feel, I'm signed off work and in counselling after being a very happy go lucky primary school teacher! Im not sure I can handle the stress of another pregnancy but I just think if we don't keep trying we are not going to get our first baby so I try to think like that. But when one pregnancy caused so many problems that is incredibly hard in its own way because you can't move on and it is definitely the moving on and getting pregnant again which always helps me. I hope this nightmare is over for you soon now and you get your 2012 baby! X x :hugs:
Hi guys,
So i have not posted here for quite a while. This is because i didn't think i belonged here. The last time i posted the histology from my two erpocs was being sent to cx. They suspected a partial molar, since my hcg was coming down so so slowly. The results from cx however came back negative. There was no evidence of a partial molar pregnancy. Addenbrooks (my local hospital) howver wanted to follow my hcg back to negative. My hcg continued to drop (albeit it very slowly) and 12 weeks after the erpoc was at 79. My hcg then stopped droping and after three more tests of it staying in the 70s and 80s, i went to cx. My appointment with prof seckl was the 19th dec. My hcg measured at cx was 76. I was given three boxes to take to Addenbrooks for the next three mondays. Last weeks result was 89, so a small rise. My next blood test will be tomorrow and my last will be next monday, before i am due to see prof seckl on the 13th.

My hcg has not dropped since the beginning of dec. It looks likely that i will need treatment. I don't really understand any of this though. I mean the pregancy was not molar. Why did my levels drop only to stop. What will treatment be like. What is cx like as an inpatient. Will i have to stay in a hospital gown in bed all day. I am so scared, but the worst thing is the waiting. I mean there has been no drop, is there any chance my hcg will suddenly start to drop? what is causing this? It was suggested that this could be a placental site tumour, but they are very rare. Prof Seckl said it could just be a sticky piece of placenta. Is there any thing i can do in the meanwhile. I'm concerned for my mental health, i just don't know whether i can cope any more. I have been going through this for over 4months, and it seems like it is never ending. A

I must seem really selfish to suddenly post now, but i didn't want to post previously once it was confirmed i was not a molar.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Lotte x x

Hey lovely, i had to stay at charring cross for a week but i was on bed rest due to all the bleeding i had. I doubt they will put you on bed rest as your not bleeding. I got dressed everyday but obviously stayed out in bed. I will warn you that you may be put on the cancer ward as i was :cry: its hard being put with these poorly poorly ladies. The doctors and nurses there are AMAZING and as they deal with these sorts of things so there are no if buts or maybes. I started a course of Methotrexate there which is an injection followed by a tablet 30 hours later to stop the Metho working. I had 8 days on 6 days off. For me i suffered with nausea and extreme tiredness and towrds the end of my treatment i bacame a little forgetful. I talk to another girl who was in Charring cross at the sametime as me and she had the higher chemo which was harsher but she still done ok. Just sickness and feeling extremely tired and no hairloss. Try not worry to much cause like i said they are AMAZING there. Please message if you want anymore advice. Im feeling you i started this on the 10th August at my dating scan and finished treatment 9th dec....i feel lucky that ill be having bloods and urine for life which is reasurring. Ill be thinking of you

Thanks so much mummy2corban. I suppose i have so many questions. At this point i'm trying to stay patient till next friday (when i go back to cx to see prof seckl).

Then theres the thought of trying again. A year is so so long. Idk.

The people at cx do seem lovely, i met sabrina and sinead when i went two weeks ago, and just burst into tears!

It is so horrible that something as simple as trying to have a baby leads to this. I keep thinking if only we hadn't tried that month then none of this would have happened. Not exactly a healthy thinking pattern!

I am back in work tomorrow and am dreading it! I suppose the positive is that at least it keeps me busy and not thinking about this!

Anyway, thanks so much everyone for all your feedback. It means alot xx
Thanks so much mummy2corban. I suppose i have so many questions. At this point i'm trying to stay patient till next friday (when i go back to cx to see prof seckl).

Then theres the thought of trying again. A year is so so long. Idk.

The people at cx do seem lovely, i met sabrina and sinead when i went two weeks ago, and just burst into tears!

It is so horrible that something as simple as trying to have a baby leads to this. I keep thinking if only we hadn't tried that month then none of this would have happened. Not exactly a healthy thinking pattern!

I am back in work tomorrow and am dreading it! I suppose the positive is that at least it keeps me busy and not thinking about this!

Anyway, thanks so much everyone for all your feedback. It means alot xx

Sinead is amazing! I cried when i first met them all and we all started talking. The mole office are all lovely too. I know its hard but try not worry to much. If it is the methotrexate you have its not to bad like i said....its just the appiontments you have to set up when you leave but once you get it all its fine. Always here for questions specially about metho.

It is so hard to take all this is but i keep reminding myself it is what it is and we just have to try make it as best we can (difficult) My thought now is focused on my rainbow bambino :thumbup: cause i keep telling myself it IS gonna happen :thumbup:

Takecare at work tommorrow we will all be thinking of you! And remember we are all here xxx
Hi Ladies I was wondering if I could join you?

Here is my story; On 19th November I got my BFP at 10:44pm - I was so excited and so was OH I had just know our lille one was growing inside me. Everything was going fine but on the 3/4th Dec I had some bleeding and decided to call the OOH doctors for advice they asked me to come in and I was seen by a doctor who booked me a scan for the 6th, though he though everything was ok he just wanted to check. On the 6th Dec I would have been 6+6 and went in for my scan, my bean had what the sonographer said looked like a heart beat and we could see it moving away on the screen :cloud9: but they said my sac looked abmormal and I would blood tests and another scan in a week. So I had my blood tests and my hgc went from 9750 to 13800 in 48hrs. Went back for a scan on 13th December and there was no heartbeat and my sac looked very wrong. They said I was going to miscarry and I choose to go home and wait for it to happen naturally but with a re scan booked for the 28th Dec. I went home and tryed to enjoy christmas as much as I could, but the 28th I'd had hardly any bleeding. At my scan things did not look good, my sac had grown but there was no baby visible and I was booked in for a D&C the next day due to a suspected molar pregnancy. I had my D&C on the 29th Dec and have been feeling pretty low since.

I had a call today from the hospital to say that it was a molar pregnancy (they did not say if complete or partial) and I have to and see my consultant tomorrow to find out more and then I will be registered at a centre in Sheffield. I'm so scared and not sure what to expect. I feel like everytime I try and pick myself up something else is thrown at me. :cry:

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