Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

To all the new ladies I am so very sorry for what you are going through! It may not seem like it now but things will get easier. you have found the best forum for support, the women here are fantastic and i dont know how i wouldve managed without their support! I hope we can help you the same way! xxx
MrsWag I'm sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: Because you saw a heartbeat it will be a partial molar - with a full molar there is no heartbeat or foetus. Would you like me to run through what usually happens now for you? :hugs:
Hi Ladies I was wondering if I could join you?

Here is my story; On 19th November I got my BFP at 10:44pm - I was so excited and so was OH I had just know our lille one was growing inside me. Everything was going fine but on the 3/4th Dec I had some bleeding and decided to call the OOH doctors for advice they asked me to come in and I was seen by a doctor who booked me a scan for the 6th, though he though everything was ok he just wanted to check. On the 6th Dec I would have been 6+6 and went in for my scan, my bean had what the sonographer said looked like a heart beat and we could see it moving away on the screen :cloud9: but they said my sac looked abmormal and I would blood tests and another scan in a week. So I had my blood tests and my hgc went from 9750 to 13800 in 48hrs. Went back for a scan on 13th December and there was no heartbeat and my sac looked very wrong. They said I was going to miscarry and I choose to go home and wait for it to happen naturally but with a re scan booked for the 28th Dec. I went home and tryed to enjoy christmas as much as I could, but the 28th I'd had hardly any bleeding. At my scan things did not look good, my sac had grown but there was no baby visible and I was booked in for a D&C the next day due to a suspected molar pregnancy. I had my D&C on the 29th Dec and have been feeling pretty low since.

I had a call today from the hospital to say that it was a molar pregnancy (they did not say if complete or partial) and I have to and see my consultant tomorrow to find out more and then I will be registered at a centre in Sheffield. I'm so scared and not sure what to expect. I feel like everytime I try and pick myself up something else is thrown at me. :cry:
hey honey, Im so sorry to hear about your lose. Its a scary time as its all an unknown and you have many questions to ask. There are ladies here who are all different stages so we can all try answer questions you have. Im registered with charring cross so Im not sure on how sheffield works. Like Sarah said it Sounds kid a partial as you said about a fetus. I had a complete which involved no fetus. Please ask any questions you need and we are all here to support you xxx
my good news is Im on my period! He he! Ive had 3 so far and they have all been 34 day cycles! I know a period is pretty rubbish but Im more than happy Ive been regular. Gotta be a good sign? Xxx
Rachieroo---Any testing yet??

MrgWag--So very sorry for your loss. Have they done anymore testing of your hCG levels?? I had a partial molar diagnosed after D&C on September 21, 2011--I'm in the states so my care has been different than a lot of the ladies, but I'm more than happy to help with anything I can.
Mrgwag: I'm sorry for what you are going through. All the ladies here are very supportive.

Just a fyi for all the ladies here. Today my doctor called and told me my levels are 1. Now I can do monthly's. He said that I should do monthly's for 12 months. I asked him if it was recommended to do 6 months and then try instead. He said he would check all the latest reports and call me back. He called again this afternoon and said according to the latest medical reports and research 6 months is the new recommendation before trying in a complete molar pregnancy (where the levels are dropping).

To all the new members of this thread, I know this seems like a long horrible situation. Rest assured that there is light at the end of the tunnel. all the ladies here are at different stages. A few are pregnant or have recently given birth. We will all get there. I'm sure of it!
Rachieroo---Any testing yet??

MrgWag--So very sorry for your loss. Have they done anymore testing of your hCG levels?? I had a partial molar diagnosed after D&C on September 21, 2011--I'm in the states so my care has been different than a lot of the ladies, but I'm more than happy to help with anything I can.

Actually yes, against DH's suggestions i tested yesterday afternoon. Bfn! Af not due till today and it werent fmu but cant help but feel pessimistic. Af still not arrived and iv got a few symptoms like backache, peeing alot, fatigue, heartburn, and mild cramping which has been going on since Monday lunchtime, normally i have intense cramping about an hour before I see af but still nothing, if I dont see af by Fri I'm gonna test!

Mummy2corban... strangely congratulations on your period lol!

Tung I am so pleased for you :) I had to wait 6 months and it has flown... im officially kicked out of follow up 2 weeks today (provided a final normal result) Xxx
Rachel - How exciting! Its always a little upsetting when its a negative but at least your ttc and doing all you can. Fingers crossed for friday!!! And thank you! I know its a bit strange but im totally happy im regular xx

Tung - good news on your 1!! And good news about the 6 months wait. Ill be asking about my wait when i go for my follow up appiontment at the end of the month. xx
Thank you ladies - I'm so glad I found this group!

I saw the consultant today at my local hospital so they could refer me to sheffield. She said I've had a full molar, so not sure what it was that they saw on the first scan.

Sarah - If you could run through what happens now that would be great, they didn't have much info at the hospital and just said I would get a letter from Sheffield soon so any info you have I would love to know!

Blakesmom - I haven't had any hgc testing that i know the results of since my second one where my levels were 13000, I did have a test before my D&C but I never got the results. So I guess I have to wait for my ones from Sheffield.

I'm just a bit scared and worried at the moment, everything has changed so dramatically in just a couple of months I find it really hard to get my head round all of it.
it is extremely hard to get your head round honey. One minute your pregnant and excited then your not and have all this to deal with. We all understand what your going through so please come and ask questions and get our support whenever you need too. Xxx
HI Mrs Wag
I just wanted to add for what its worth that if you saw the embryo with heartbeat at 6.6 then it is a partial molar pregnancy. A partial molar is usuall 2 sperms penetrating the egg and leaving the embryo with 69 chromasomes instead of 46 (23 from each parent) These babies can unfortunately develop and I have read some poor parents who get to 23 weeks, unfortunately not one has ever lived outside the womb.
A molar pregnancy is different in that the egg is 'damaged' I believe and has no nucleus so can never produce an embryo and therefore never see a heart beat at scan.
Unfortunately outside of sheffield and the big centres who study miscarriage, smaller hospitals dont know enough about it and just say molar and of course as the placenter grew and grew by the time your little one got to the pathology section they probably just cant find feotal tissue and have given it the blanket caveat of 'molar' pregnancy.
This happened to me in that at 6.2 I saw embryo and heartbeat and at 7.5 nothing just a snowy mass, D and C then off to pathology and they say molar, I keep correcting them saying partial.
Now the positives for you, God love you its awful.
It is said that you are less likely to have another partial molar, there obviously are risks but the percentage is lower, I believe that my eggs are older so they show abnormalies now and that egg had a thinner skin and let two sperm penetrate.
Sheffield will send you an envelope to put the Date of last period on and the date of your sample you use FMU and send it off, 2 weeks later you will recieve another with the result of your last one. Once your result is below 0.15 you will be monitored for a period of time. this is determined by when you reach below 0.15. If you reach it before 56 days of your miscarriage/D & C they will monitor you for the remaining months that will make a total of 6 months from D and C, if you take longer they monitor you for 6 months after a normal result. They will advise you to use barrier contracteption till you reach normal and then you can take oral chemical contraception after that for the duration of your monitoring.
Hope that helps. I had my D & C on October 17th and returned to normal after 8 weeks, I have had 2 normal periods . And whether I am an idiot or a desperate woman I have not used contraception this year. Please anyone I do not wish to be judged and understand the risk I am putting my self under but in my mind and my age they are worth it at my age. Again please no judgements. I would not advise you to blatantly ignore this thoroughly researched advise, I just made my own decision.
I hope you heal quickly and return to normal quikly these weeks where you still feel pregnant are so cruel.
40yearoldmum... no one here will judge you, we are here for support. i definitely wouldnr as my followup doesn't end until the 18th Jan and i am ttc. Thanks for your incredibly detailed and helpful post. i hope you are ok, sorry for your loss! Xx
40 yearoldmum- no one Will judge you! I finished my chemo 9th December and ill start trying in June when Im meant to wait a year. I have my follow up appointment and scan on the 27th where ill tell them Im only waiting 6 months. Each to there own its your choice xxx
I'm going with a NTNP approach now. My D&C was September 21st and it was discovered I had a PMP. Didn't get a "normal" result until Dec 28th---but my prior reading was 1 month prior on Nov. 28th and was 7--who knows where in that month I was actually at "negative." Will start seriously TTC in March---6 months from d&c.
Omg ladies check these out...


I thought i had line eye and did this...


I cant actually believe it i am shaking!!!!

YES YES YES!!! i SAW YOUR 'happy happy' status and had to rush over to the forum to check! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pleased for you! Had a little tear for you!! Congratulations girly xxxxxxxx
Rachel, saw your facebook status, and jumped straight on here, to see if it was what i thought it was, So so happy for you x

New ladies, welcome, I've read your posts, and I'm so sorry you are all going through this. I will try and reply individually later this afternoon x take care x
Rachel, saw your facebook status, and jumped straight on here, to see if it was what i thought it was, So so happy for you x

New ladies, welcome, I've read your posts, and I'm so sorry you are all going through this. I will try and reply individually later this afternoon x take care x

Same here! Thought hang on i knew rachel was testing today....rushed ouver and YAY!

How are you Alwilan? Girls ok? xxx
I'm going with a NTNP approach now. My D&C was September 21st and it was discovered I had a PMP. Didn't get a "normal" result until Dec 28th---but my prior reading was 1 month prior on Nov. 28th and was 7--who knows where in that month I was actually at "negative." Will start seriously TTC in March---6 months from d&c.

Wont be long till we here your news then lovely lady! I cant wait to start trying! So excited for you xxx
Haha! Thanks ladies. I am so pleased but incredibly terrified! I rang my surgery today and know the receptionist, her daughter also suffered a pmp and she new all about mine and when I asked her for the mw's number she was almost screaming lol! I just hope I get monitored properly.

Alwilan how are those girls doing? i know its different cos your having twins but were you monitored more because of the molar pregnancy?


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