Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Alwilan - Congrats hun!!!! =) i'm so so happy for you!! get some rest!!
Hello again everyone - I've been browsing but not posted on here for quite a while.
Alwilan - CONGRATULATIONS! Wonderful, wonderful news.
Rachieroo - Congrats to you to - you must be over the moon!!
MrsWag -sorry you've had to experience this too but welcome - the ladies on here have been a lifeline to me - they are all wonderful, supportive people. You are not far from me - I'm in Grantham!
Mummy2Corban - glad you're on the countdown to TTC again.

Anyway, some of you may remember my last post a few months ago. My husband had told me he didn't want to try again, end of, no discussion etc. well we had a couple of weeks of what can only be described as hell - rows, tears, anger, etc etc but we've worked through it and I'm happy to say we are now TTC again! I think he had some sort of last minute panic/crisis-not sure really! I am so, so relieved! i don't officially finish follow up till end of next month but we began trying at xmas. It didn't happen this month (slightly disappointed as I'm not the most patient of people!) but I'm hopeful it will happen soon.

I remember some of you putting up a while back about facebook friends - I can't find them again but it would be great if anyone wants to add me. My name is Eleanor Roberts and my profile pic is me, hubbie and the 3 kiddies.
Best wishes xx
avgabcon5 thank you! Yay i am soo pleased for you hun!! Men are funny creatures, my OH was similar, took me a few months to convince him ttc was the best option and now look at us :) Hopefully you will catch the eggy next month and we can be bump buddies :) xxx
avgabcon5--such great news for you--good luck TTC--sending :dust: your way!!!
Congrats you must be pade up. Are you having your bloods done regularly or waiting for scan?
I have family in Narberth!
Congrats you must be pade up. Are you having your bloods done regularly or waiting for scan?:baby:
I have family in Narberth!

Yes i am but I'm quite nervous, no bloods, the last bloods I had were back in august and my results have always been normal since my d and c. I spoke to charing cross and they said ante natal care will be as normal except that i will have an early scan at about 8 weeks and then after delivery my levels will be monitored for 6 weeks!

Narberth isn't far from me :D xx
Congratulations Alwilan on the arrival of your babies. I am so happy for you
Sorry I haven't been on for ages...hope everyone is doing well.

Sorry to see so many new faces *hugs* xxx
Hello Ladies!

How are you all? Twins ok? Rachie 2 days till you book your scan! Super exciting! How are everyones levels? Ill call tommorrow for my next lot of results! Charring cross next friday so im pretty excited and hoping the scan shows everything is normal! Will mean no more visits to charring cross! Just samples for life but i feel the follow up meeting will help put a full stop on this whole molar stuff!

Hello Ladies!

How are you all? Twins ok? Rachie 2 days till you book your scan! Super exciting! How are everyones levels? Ill call tommorrow for my next lot of results! Charring cross next friday so im pretty excited and hoping the scan shows everything is normal! Will mean no more visits to charring cross! Just samples for life but i feel the follow up meeting will help put a full stop on this whole molar stuff!


Hello :)

I'm doing ok, waiting for my first set of results to come back on Friday. Feeling rather nervous about them! Find I'm finally getting my head around what's been happening to me and thinking about when we can TTC again. When this all happened DH said he didn't want to try again beacuse he didn't want to risk me going through all of this again but after talking this weekend he's decided he does want to try again :happydance:

We both really want our rainbow baby now! The next 6 months is going to seem really long but I have decided to use it to lose some weight and get fitter. xx
It must be hard for Oh's to watch all this happen so i can see why it scares them....very glad he wants to try again though. Goodluck with your results! Hopefully they are nice and low. It is very hard but specially at the beginning with the wait! I could only start my count down once treatment finished so im so pleased the WTT has officially started!!! I set myself goals too :) Wanna get fit and healthy (put some weight on cause of all the nausea ive losts tonnes of weight :( also ive already started tracking my cycles!! Im doing ovulation sticks and keeping an eye on CM too. It totally makes me feel like im doing something in the right direction. Y our gonna have your rainbow.

Won't be long mummy2corban and you will be ttc and getting your bfp so excited for you!

Well I'm gonna try and ring mw tomorrow and get my scan date cos im working all day Wed and she is difficult to get hold of! xx
Wow, Rachieroo congratulations! So, so, so very exciting and I am thrilled for you! Good luck!

Hello to all the other ladies!
Just a quickie from me! Sorry I haven't been about much!

MrsWAG you're sounding much better :hugs:

RachieRoo congrats on the BFP!

Yay for the twinnies!!!!
Hey everyone, you all ok??

Well got my scan date, its Monday, 23/1/12... its at 8:30. Im so anxious, since my mw told me, i have felt terrified, it also doesnt help that it is going to be on my angels due date... im not sure what to think of that tbh, hopefully it means that my angel will be looking over their little brother or sister? :shrug: xx
Great news on getting a scan date. Im sorry its on your due date but in a positive way your angel might not be here but he/she will be looking down on you both and making sure your both ok. Id be worried to lovely think it must be natural in this situation. Its not to far away so at least you worries will be put at rest in a few days. Sending hugs xxx
Can't wait to see your little rainbow on Monday Rachieroo--post scan pics!!
Hi ladies,

I hope you are all well.
I have just got my first set of results back from Sheffield and my levels were 2.62 - I also got a letter saying that as my levels were this high I will need to send off weekly urine samples. Is this normal? Would anyone mind sharing their first results?

Thanks :flower:
Hey hun, im unsure of sheffields procedures as im under Charring cross. Im sure one of th other ladies could help you with that. As for your result of 2.62 i thought that would be a normal result? I can give you some of my results but as i had chemo and twice weekly bloods. Mine started at 255,000 then after the d & c were 92,000...(never got the next reading) then i started chemo and they went 1,368,754,247,167,97,77,35,37,28,19,17,13,9,6,5,6,5....then since then always below 2!!! by the way i have a diary which i noted the results :) Hope this helps


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