Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

So Great Rachieroo--What does that put your EDD @??

They didnt give me one today, they will at the scan in two weeks i think, but she said im about where i thought i was, i thought i was 6+4 so im sticking to that atm lol! I am just so relieved! I cant wait for you ladies to be here, i really cant, all i can say is the light at the end is so bright you'll need sunglasses :haha: xx
Ooops just saw September 12th in your siggy--I'm super observant LOL
So Great Rachieroo--What does that put your EDD @??

They didnt give me one today, they will at the scan in two weeks i think, but she said im about where i thought i was, i thought i was 6+4 so im sticking to that atm lol! I am just so relieved! I cant wait for you ladies to be here, i really cant, all i can say is the light at the end is so bright you'll need sunglasses :haha: xx

OOOO best i get my sunglasses ready for when we start ttc! :thumbup::happydance:
Thanks Mummy2Corban and blakesmom :flower:

At sheffield they don't do bloods apparently, just urine tests so the first sample I sent off to get that result was a urine one and was taken 8 days post D&C and showed the 2.62. The letter said that a result of 0.35 or less was normal. Sent another sample off today and they have said they will call me with results.

Just very confused at the moment :shrug: Hoping everything works out ok though and trying not to overthink things!

I *think* that Sheffield use a different measurement or something - I've seen this before Im sure. Its more or less like your levels are 262, and normal is under 3.5, to compare to the other girls. Does that make sence? Either way thats a really good result! They are probably happy to go with the urine tests because your levels have dropped so well! I was under Sheffield and I also saw a consultant at my local hospital (not that she really knew much about molar etc). Sheffield requested bloods when I was first diagnosed, and then every so often if I had an appointment with my consultant she would do bloods and send the results to Sheffield, but I think that was something she wanted to do rather than Sheffield requesting it.

If you're not sure or confused please just give Sheffield a ring - or email them. The lady was called Jan when I was under them, she was lovely and I would email her if I had any questions. She was always helpful :)


Thanks Sarahwoo, I got my second set of results back today and my numbers have halved to 1.31 they seemed pleased with this and said they think they will keep going down on their own so I'm really happy. They also gave me their mobile number so I can call them any time if I need to ask anything or if I'm worried so I feel reassured that I have that.

rachieroo - so pleased your scan went well! :flower:
MrsWag - glad things are heading in the right direction for you - great news x
Mrswag thats a great drop! Hopefully they will continue to drop at that rate. You will be back to normal in no time.

Rachieroo i am so glad that the scan went well. It must be such a relief.

I hope everyone is ok.

Lots of love
Lotte x x
Hi girls

Can I come in please? Hi I am Rachel and I normally live in the miscarriage section. I just had the results of my fifth miscarriage and it was a complete molar. The tissue was benign thank god but I now have to send urine and bloods to Charing Cross and no TTC for 6 months xx
Hi girls

Can I come in please? Hi I am Rachel and I normally live in the miscarriage section. I just had the results of my fifth miscarriage and it was a complete molar. The tissue was benign thank god but I now have to send urine and bloods to Charing Cross and no TTC for 6 months xx

Hi Rachel,

You are very welcome here, I've not been here long myself but the ladies here are fantastic support and a fountain of knowlege if you have any questions. I'm registered a Sheffield myself but I think the process is pretty similar, not looking forward to the 6 months wait.

Hope your doing ok :flower:
Hi girls

Can I come in please? Hi I am Rachel and I normally live in the miscarriage section. I just had the results of my fifth miscarriage and it was a complete molar. The tissue was benign thank god but I now have to send urine and bloods to Charing Cross and no TTC for 6 months xx

Hey lovely, im glad you found us but sorry you had to search us out. Im sorry to hear of your previous loss too :hugs: There are lady here at all stages and all different stories so we can all offer you some kinda support. I too am registered with charring cross (the ladies in the mole office are lovely) Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:
Welcome Rachel--sorry for ALL of your losses. Welcome to our thread hun--so sorry any of us have had to go thru this. I had a partial molar and am in month 4 of my 6 month wait currently.
Ladies i have my follow up with charring cross tomorrow along with a a little scared they might find something wrong but with everything crossed im a little excited as it should be my last visit there!

Everyone ok?

MummytoCorban--Fingers crossed you get a GREAT report tomorrow--don't forget to update us!! Is this the appointment you are going to discuss when you can TTC officially??
Welcome Rachel - I am sorry for what you are going for but glad you have found this group. As I said earlier the girls here are wonderful and have kept me going in my darkest hour.

mummy2corban - I hope your scan went well today and you get more news on when you can ttc.

I am doing ok. Levels are slowly dropping at the moment - blood is now at 54, but my urine is normal!! which is fab. Cx still want weekly tests which is frustrating because it is dropping like 5 a week. I'm due to have an mri in mid feb then see Prof Seckl toward the end of the month. Fingers crossed my levels continue to fall.

I hope you all have a graet weekend. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and am going bowling in the evening. Does anyone have any plans?

Have a good one you all! :hugs:
Lotte xx
Hello ladies!

Scan went great! They said everything is as it should be :happydance: ladies usually have a mass of dead cells left which you eventually pass but i had none so im super happy :happydance: I said about the 6 month wait and the doctor said they advise a years wait as even though the chance of relapse is small its most likely to happen in the first year hence the years wait! I said id done lots of research....and i mean lots (they were very pleased and impressed at what i knew :thumbup:) and that even after only a 6 month wait it seems as though you have a favourable outcome....they werent angry or never made me feel like i shouldnt do it either. They said when it gets close to june im more than welcome to call, email or make another appointment if i have anymore questions! They will be happy for me when i fall preggo so 6 months it is.....roll on June :thumbup: They did say though if anything did happen (relapse) then i would get all the care and support i need. I know the risks involved so im happy.

Healthy and happy pregnancies for us all please :hugs:
Lotte- Great news on your levels going down! I know it must be hard that there creeping but there going the right way. Plus with an mri you will know more. Charring cross have been amazing!

So great everything was good for your appointment today mummytocorban. I got my blood drawn for this month today---3rd time I've had the same phlebotomist since September and what was her first question??? "How many weeks are you??"----Every time she asks me that--grrrr, but at least she makes it not hurt and is quick--but really lady?? I wish she could make a mental note or something! Should have results back by early next week.

As for weekend plans, going out with a good friend to hear her friends band play tonight, and then Blake and I have a Birthday party to attend on Saturday afternoon and then my sister inlaw has requested a girls night so I will be with "the girls" on Saturday night, and then Sunday will be recovery and cleaning day lol--what about everyone else??
Lotte - Good news on your levels going down!

mummy2corban - So glad your scan went well :thumbup: if my levels keep dropping as they should I will be TTC again in June as well

blakesmom - Hope your results come back good. Really annoying that she asks you the same thing everytime, I get the same thing when I go to my EPU - you have to sign in at the main maternity reception and the receptionist always askes me 'so when are you due then?' aarrgg!

This weekend is a busy but fun one for me, I dance in a Ladies North West Morris side :)haha:) and we have a dance out today so will be getting dressed up and headin off to that shorty and then having a Burn's night supper at the in-laws this evening. Tomorrow we are going to buy a new rabbit hutch, then meeting my sister for lunch and then seeing a friend so i can get my hair cut.

Hope you all have a fab weekendtoo!
Yesterday, 23:34 PM * #3
Mum (Mom)
New BnB member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 1
Partial molar
Hi there let me just say I'm very sorry for what you have to go through. I don't believe the loss of a child should ever be brought upon anyone. I had a partial molar pregnancy in June 2011. Let me start off saying I do have a beautiful two and a half year old daughter with my boyfriend and I'm grateful and thank god everyday for her.

Last year in march I took a home pregnancy test I was ecstatic that it was positive. We have been trying to have another baby since our daughter was three months old. So you can imagine my excitement! I had two good dr appointments were good so on the third one my dr told me I had a bigger uterus and I could be carrying twins! I have always wanted twins!

In April I started having really bad cramping were my ovaries would be. The morning sickness was horrible still and I was four months pregnant. I was really hot and sweating a lot which is not normal for me and my mood swings were horrible. I told my dr at all three visits and he said I was fine that I worry for no reason. So I had my ultrasound appointment and I was in awe looking at my second baby her heart beat and her thumb in her mouth, I was more then happy she was healthy. But then the tech called in the dr and my boyfriend and I turned white. He showed us the unhealthy cystic placenta. He said that the baby seemed fine we would do an amino and I had to see a genetic counciler.

The pains got worse and worse. At a second ultra sound in June the dr and tech showed me not only a growing placenta that was full of cysts and literally squashing my daughter my baby had two leaking heart valves a cyst on the back of her lower brain and blood leaking into her abdomen and I had two ovaries the size of two of my fists one on top of the other. They said if they twisted out of position or got any bigger ( they were also m covered in cysts two centimeters in diameter) I could become infertile or very sick and have them removed. I refused to get the d and c they tried to force upon me. I kept saying if she's alive now she can feel it I don't care about what happens to me let her go when she's suppose to.

A week later I went into thyroid storm and preeclampsia. At the genetic dr appointment they found this out and forced me into being admitted. They kept telling me d and c d and c it's a medical emergency your pregnancy levels are over one hundred million it will kill you. But I'm stubborn. My daughter was with me they admitted me and my boyfriend met me at the hospital. He said to me we can have another baby but I can't have another you. That night he and our daughter went home and I was monitored closely as was my daughters heartbeat. June eighth at two thirty in the morning I started screaming for a nurse and gave birth to my daughter who was still born. Six and a half ounces and eight inches long she was a little bigger them my hands and beautiful.

Every doctor in my state was in my room that week. I had to stay four days. I finally got so sick of hearing "I'm sorry for your loss this is just very interesting to us this is very rare" that I looked at the tenth dr and said I'm so happy my dead daughter amuses you and looked out the window. The worst part of it all was my two year old knew there was no more baby she was so upset by it. I felt like I failed her and her father. And although everyone said " it's for the best." and " be thankful fur what you have." I wanted to punch them in the face. Losing my daughter was not for the best and I am more then grateful for my first daughter but she doesn't make it oh Kay for the death of my second.

We named her Declan. She was cremated and we have her in a beautiful urn that fits in the palm of our hands. She is at home with us where she belongs.

I miss her everyday. I'm thankful at the hospital I had eighteen hours to spend with her and say good bye. She wasn't a full term pregnancy but was more then half way. I know she wasn't healthy and wish everyday she was. Seeing her heart beat then having her still born was one of the worse things iv gone through. I know the pain you feel and how hard it is. My heart goes out to you and your family and I hope you the best.

My diagnosis was a partial molar pregnancy with a co existing fetus. My ovaries went back to normal size my cysts cleared the pain all went away. For six months I had blood test every week and chest x rays every two weeks. My levels are at zero and no lumps or cancer nothing growing in my uterus. Although I'm terrified to try again we will.
Blakesmom- sometime you cant believe nurses/doctors who see you regular and still ask stupid questions! Fingers crossed for your next set of results.OOO how did you girls night out go???

Mrwag - we could be ttc buddies....and maybe even bump buddies!! How did your dance off go??

taylorriry- im am so upset reading your story om so sorry you had to go through that. Im glad you got sometime with your daughter and saw how precious she was. We are all here if you ever need us. TTC is scary but we can all suppport each other in our journey so we are never alone.

Sending hugs to you all


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