Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

My doc never told me anything about my levels. He never really tells me much of anything. I never really knew what to ask. Is it normal to miss a period after a molar pregnancy? If i were to be pregnant what would that mean?

Where are you from hunny? Im a little surprised your doctor hasnt kept you up to dat with your hcg levels? Hcg levels play a massive part in a molar. It is possible you could have missed a period but you could also be pregnant. Like Blakesmom said is that if you fall pregnant they dont know if its a baby or the molar. Prehaps test and see what happens but id talk to your doctor about your hcg results.

Tina - No i dont temp ive just been keeping an eye on CM and testing with OPKs so i know what my body is up to. Loving ya new picture! I agree with Lotte, Blake is super cute!

Lotte- No i havent used clearblue fertility monitor but i think your right that it needs to learn your cycle.Let me know how it goes.

Megan - I think the same as lotte and i wouldnt say anything. Id wait it out and see what happens. Of course there is a possibility you could be but i wouldnt worry to much. Do you know roughly when AF is due? Sending hugs your way.


If it were me I would leave it and not mention anything and see what happens. When you take a pregnancy test is it negative? When I take a test there is still a very faint line which is annoying, but if yours is negative, then you will be able to see before you have tests. (Depending on when you have the next test) - When is your next blood test? It you did fertilise the egg, then it will be a week (at least) till it starts producing hcg, therefore if you have a test between now and next weekend it will not affect your results. If you have a test between next weekend and the weekend after - that is trickier because the implanted egg has begun producing hcg yet its unlikely to be picked up by a hpt. I think you may just have to wait and see what happens.......

However it is worth keeping in mind, that there has to be an egg, it has to fertilised and then successfully implant for any of thsi to be an issue and as we all know this doesn't always happen!

I hope that was somewhat useful. Hugs to you.[/QUOTE]

Megan - I think the same as lotte and i wouldnt say anything. Id wait it out and see what happens. Of course there is a possibility you could be but i wouldnt worry to much. Do you know roughly when AF is due? Sending hugs your way.


Thanks Lotte and Laura! I'm sure I'm over thinking things but it just really worried me as I don't want any set backs in getting back on track. My next test is on Weds so my results shouldn't be affcted either way and HPTs are negative when I take them atm so hopefully I'll be able to see something before the test after this one if anything has happened. AF should be due 1st-3rd April so should show before my next set of tests (after the ones on weds) I can't believe we were so silly :dohh:
Though OH did make me smile this morning when I was being sad by saying 'At least if you are pregnant and we have a baby it will be a funny and embarrasing story to tell at their 18th!' lol when he says things like this it reminds me why I fell in love with him :haha:
Mummy2corban I'm not too sure about the opk's. I think it may be a case of waiting to see when you get your period unfortunately. I hope its not too long a cycle for you. Don't worry about moaning - its what we are here for.
I hope that your cycle does sort itself out for June...

Blakesmom- love your new picture! Blake is so gorgeous. How are you feeling about this month - will you wait for af or will you test before?

Jacky - I am glad you had a nice weekend. How lovely for your friend.

I bought a ClearBlue fertility monitor? Has anyone else used one before? I am now on cd10 and am still getting lows. I think the last two cycles I ovulated around day 15 so I'm not sure when I will get highs or peaks. I hope I get some! Apparently the first cycle it may not be as good, because its gets used to your body.

Have a good Monday everyone! xx:hugs:

Still not feeling great about this month. FF adjusted my Ov day back to where I thought it should be so 10DPO today. Plan to test on Thursday. Temps have been CRAZY this month--higher coverline and a few big dips after Ov. Only time will tell I guess. Good luck with the CBFM--my close friend has one, and also a few ladies I chat with on here. First month it does spend "getting" use to you, but one of the ladies I know got a BFP while using it the first month!
Megan these things happen and ive read many stories from ladies who have fallen pregnant before there wait time is up and things have been fine. The risk of relapse is very small so even though its a worry the outcome is favourable....thats why all the research ive done we decided for the 6 month wait and not a year. It must be scary cause i think when i see a positive pregnancy test as much as ill be over the moon ill sh*t myself!!!!! Try not beat yourself up about it you had fun and got carried away it happens!

Hi everyone, sorry I've been MIA for a while - had some family stuff that took up all my time but things seem to have settled down not thankfully.

Hope you all doing ok :flower:

I have a question - OH and I went out on Saturday night and ended up having rather a lot to drink (after all the stress thats been going on the past couple of weeks we got a little carried away!) we ended up dtd but I didnt realise until I woke up on Sunday that we got carried away and didnt use a condom! Now I'm really worried, I'm not using OPK's but going by my pre MP cycles I would be around ov time. Should I tell Sheffield?? or just leave it as there is only a tiny chance I could get pregnant?
My head has been running round in circles ever since :shrug:

I would wait it out. DH and I also had an unprotected BONK on New Years Day--we didn't catch an egg but I was worried/excited/scared all during the wait for next AF--Can't un do what has been done so you just have to wait it out.
Tina - when your temping how do you know if your pregnant? does you temp go up or something? I have everything crossed for thursday. Think im gonna be testing all the time when we start TTC just because i can!
Also forgot to say i had a dream about giving birth...i never dream babies but my labour was easier than last time and i gave birth to a 6lb 9oz boy but he didnt have a name as we were convinced baby was going to be a girl?!? Made me feel good and im so excited for June xxx
It seems like on FF the charts are all so sporadic that its hard to tell, but I think in theory if temps stay elevated after Ov then that is a promising sign--there are the "fallback rises" around 2-3 DPO that are normal, implant dips around 5-10 DPO that can also be "promising" signs as well, but in all honesty I wouldn't know just by charting. Tho last cycles I had a huge dip below coverline on the same day AF started--I find it a bit stressful temping in to 2WW, so haven't been imputing my temps into FF, but taking them and inputting 4-5 at a time so I'm not so focused on what is going on EVERYDAY like I have been the past few months. But looking in the "pregnant chart" gallery charts can vary soooo much!
Also forgot to say i had a dream about giving birth...i never dream babies but my labour was easier than last time and i gave birth to a 6lb 9oz boy but he didnt have a name as we were convinced baby was going to be a girl?!? Made me feel good and im so excited for June xxx

If you get told you're having a girl when you do fall pregnant I bet this dream will linger in the back of your mind---better have a boy name ready JUST in case :winkwink:
Think im gonna focus on OPKs and keeping an eye on CM as i think ill be reading to much into temping. Maybe when we start TTC and nothing happens for a few months i may think about it.

We wont find out the sex of the baby same as we did with Corban so we wont know until baby arrives! xxx
Think im gonna focus on OPKs and keeping an eye on CM as i think ill be reading to much into temping. Maybe when we start TTC and nothing happens for a few months i may think about it.


It has been a bit stressful with the temping--I swore it would NEVER come to this, but I started in November so i would have a few months under my belt before March got here and it is helpful for me to at least confirm Ov as that was our biggest problem with conceiving in the past I think--timing it right.

We wont find out the sex of the baby same as we did with Corban so we wont know until baby arrives! xxx

You are soooo patient. I don't think I could stand waiting to find out. My cousin did. She had her little girl on Friday night--I could have been money she was going to have a boy, but she got hardly any clothes for her baby shower and I just think that is sooo sad, but I think everyone was shying away for giving clothes as the greens and yellows aren't very exciting.
we were lucky it only took 4 months ttc and well depending how you look at it we fell first month with the molar so Im hoping by just doing opks Will be enough but i guess we Will see. I found it helped not knowing in labour as by then i was desperate to know the sex. He he! I had no idea what corban was but the way i carried corban everyone said boy. I just bought a few bits and when he was born we got lotsa boy presents for him. Xxxx
Tina - I love how you put "I swore it would NEVER come to this"regarding temping. Before we started trying for a baby I thought I would fall pregnant really easily. I mean at school you are taught to always use condoms etc and yet here I am over a year after not using anything I still am not pregnant! (Lets miss out the bit in the middle where I lost baby) I never thought I would use temping as well - its funny how we do these things.

I always planned to wait till the birth to find out the sex but as Tina says I'm not sure I'm that patient!!!

Oneofthesedays- welcome honey, I was very pleased to find this group, I had my d&c end of jan, waiting for my second test results tomorrow, did you say you are taking birth control pills ? My doctor told me I couldn't x

Mrswag- on my form i have to fill in with every test it asks if I could be pregnant, 6 months is a long wait, my doctor says she knows some ladies who got pregnant before the 6 months and everything was fine... Drunken sex with the hubby, I remember those x

I know nothing about charting, I have always been very lucky and caught first time, but will not take anything for granted anymore and just before my wait is over I'll be learning about charting, having to have sex every other day just seems to much like hard work...!!

Results from test two is due tomorrow and just finished my first period since my d&c xx
Tina - I love how you put "I swore it would NEVER come to this"regarding temping. Before we started trying for a baby I thought I would fall pregnant really easily. I mean at school you are taught to always use condoms etc and yet here I am over a year after not using anything I still am not pregnant! (Lets miss out the bit in the middle where I lost baby) I never thought I would use temping as well - its funny how we do these things.

I always planned to wait till the birth to find out the sex but as Tina says I'm not sure I'm that patient!!!


Seriously--why did I put so much effort into preventing all these years?!? LOL even after I had Blake a had a Mirena IUD put in and since the molar I wonder if that was a mistake. I was just so worried about having kids too close together if only I could have seen the future--Blake is getting OLD!
Hi ladies,
Hope you don't mind me joining your special group? I had my D&C yesterday after a scan last week @ 7 weeks showed the baby wasn't developing and suggested possible molar- hcg tests since then have been rising making it very likely. The doctor who did the D&C said she thought the tissue removed looked molar, but waiting on lab results tk confirm partial or complete. The first of many follow-up blood tests is booked for this Friday.
Aside from the hurt of losing the baby (would have been our first), it's hard going thru a rare thing like molar that none of my friends/family have even heard of.

The OB at the hospital told me for a complete molar the follow-up is 6 months of -ve tests After levels have dropped below 5 ( likely a year total) but with partial, I'd be ok to try again as soon as it drops to -5, is this consistent with your follow-ups?

Personally, I'm 29 and feel that I have a fair few childbearing years left in me, but DH is 42, and although very fit & healthy, doesn't want to be a really old dad, which is why we were so keen to get started right after our wedding. Right now I'm just trying to focus on the great things wecan do together in the next 6-12 months to get through the wait.

Looking forward to getting to know you ladies who understand what I'm going through.

Hi Lee, welcome. So sorry to hear about your mole. This group of wonderful ladies are so suuportive and its nice to talk to people who understand.

I had my d&c in mid jan following scan at 15 weeks showed no heart beat. Was devastating to find out about the pmp, hard as it was meant to be our first baby and worse knowing that my mum experienced a mole too so freaked out that this could be a hereditary thing. At least she has been able to learn about what she experienced 30 years. I had my first negative last Tuesday so now on monthly tests and just waiting to be giving the ok from the specialist (next appointment end of april).

so good that you have a modern positive OB and some good doctors supporting you. I have found time going fairly quickly especially having heaps of tests weekly so hopefully you find the same thing.

Good luck for your bloods on Friday. Hope its a big drop for you xx
Welcome lilylee- I also had a part molar and had my d&c end of jan, i am 34 in July and also very concerned about my clock ticking. I was told 6 month wait even if my results are normal they have to stay down... So July is my magic month, it's also the month I turn 34. I am so sorry to hear you have also suffered. This group has been amazing and you see others who have gone on to have other children. Xx

Afm- my second results came through today and I am happy to say they are now normal. Just urine to be taken now. Will this still have to be done every two weeks ? And is it still a big no no to start trying before the 6 months? Xx

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