Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Lilylee- that's great news honey, we will be trying again in July so you never know we may bump into each other again on the pregnancy forums : ) xx

Hey fafferty xx
I have my followup appointment tomorrow for the D&C. And I had my second blood labs today, but I don't have results yet. I'm really praying that the hcg went down. Starting hcg was 1300 last week. I can't believe its been three weeks since we saw our heartbreaking ultrasound. I still cry everyday. I feel like I'm going to be sad until we get pregnant again.

I've got all sorts of crazy thoughts running through my head, like I can't believe how close it was to being perfect, I mean what are the chances two sperm enter the egg at the exact same moment? And I feel jealous of women who have normal miscarriages and get to start trying right away. And I feel so awful when my two year old points at my belly and says, "baby" and I just can't seem to tell her "not anymore," just hoping she'll forget it.

It actually seems like I was doing better a couple weeks ago when everyone was so sympathetic. But now it feels like everyone's moved on, and I am supposed to have moved on too, but instead I feel like I've just started to grieve. Like the shock is wearing off and now I'm realizing what I've lost and that it's still well over a year before I'll even have another baby.

Ug, I'm so tired of being sad. Thanks for letting me vent. I just had a beer (the perk of being not pregnant) but it apparently makes me spill my heart out on an anonymous forum!
lilylee - july isnt far plus you have a lovely holiday planned and make the most of it.Sending hugs to you xxx

Tina- Have you told your doctors yet? I have bloods tomorrow too. How are you feeling?

This cycle has been 30 days! another cycle closer to ttc though


I haven't--not sure how to LOL I'm afraid they will be worried when they see my bloodwork so I would probably be best to "warn them" but I'm afraid to call!! Feel fine, but nausea with Blake didn't hit until 8 weeks, and with the molar it was 7 weeks. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow so its probably just too early for the fun to start just yet lol

YAY for another cycle closer Laura!!!
I have my followup appointment tomorrow for the D&C. And I had my second blood labs today, but I don't have results yet. I'm really praying that the hcg went down. Starting hcg was 1300 last week. I can't believe its been three weeks since we saw our heartbreaking ultrasound. I still cry everyday. I feel like I'm going to be sad until we get pregnant again.

I've got all sorts of crazy thoughts running through my head, like I can't believe how close it was to being perfect, I mean what are the chances two sperm enter the egg at the exact same moment? And I feel jealous of women who have normal miscarriages and get to start trying right away. And I feel so awful when my two year old points at my belly and says, "baby" and I just can't seem to tell her "not anymore," just hoping she'll forget it.

It actually seems like I was doing better a couple weeks ago when everyone was so sympathetic. But now it feels like everyone's moved on, and I am supposed to have moved on too, but instead I feel like I've just started to grieve. Like the shock is wearing off and now I'm realizing what I've lost and that it's still well over a year before I'll even have another baby.

Ug, I'm so tired of being sad. Thanks for letting me vent. I just had a beer (the perk of being not pregnant) but it apparently makes me spill my heart out on an anonymous forum!

I was so sad when I told Blake my baby had died and he repeated it back in his sweet little voice--ugh! I think it is hard to watch everyone else's lives move forward and we're still grieving. A month or two after my loss my husband would "re-tell" the story of our loss to the few people that knew and he would be all nonchalant about we were sad for a little bit----OH NO I'M STILL SAD, but in the coming months it will get easier and I think it was by 4 months, the 21st of the month came and went without me realizing it had been "that day 4 months ago" since I had my D&C--it will get better. Vent all you want here--we totally understand!!
Laura - Yay for a 30day cycle and 1 cycle closer to June :happydance:

Rafferty - Vent away! I still find it so hard sometimes and it hits me in waves, I also hate feeling that everyone else has moved on and I'm the only one who misses my baby. It will get better though and we will all be here to support you.

afm I'm waiting to see if AF shows on 1st April giving me my 30day cycles back (unless our drunken mistake leads to anything :dohh: lol) just got my last set of results back and they were normal so that 3 normals in a row now :happydance:

Hows everyone else doing?
I have my followup appointment tomorrow for the D&C. And I had my second blood labs today, but I don't have results yet. I'm really praying that the hcg went down. Starting hcg was 1300 last week. I can't believe its been three weeks since we saw our heartbreaking ultrasound. I still cry everyday. I feel like I'm going to be sad until we get pregnant again.

I've got all sorts of crazy thoughts running through my head, like I can't believe how close it was to being perfect, I mean what are the chances two sperm enter the egg at the exact same moment? And I feel jealous of women who have normal miscarriages and get to start trying right away. And I feel so awful when my two year old points at my belly and says, "baby" and I just can't seem to tell her "not anymore," just hoping she'll forget it.

It actually seems like I was doing better a couple weeks ago when everyone was so sympathetic. But now it feels like everyone's moved on, and I am supposed to have moved on too, but instead I feel like I've just started to grieve. Like the shock is wearing off and now I'm realizing what I've lost and that it's still well over a year before I'll even have another baby.

Ug, I'm so tired of being sad. Thanks for letting me vent. I just had a beer (the perk of being not pregnant) but it apparently makes me spill my heart out on an anonymous forum!

It's okay to vent. I'm jealous of pregnant women and women who get to try again right away too. what also makes me sad is when friends ask me when we're going to start trying for another because my son is almost 3. They say it's about time. Little do they know that I've miscarried once and had a molar once.

it takes time to heal and I don't think you should push yourself to get over it. It won't happen in a day, a week, or a month. It will take longer and it is totally okay.

Mrs. Wag - congrats on the 3 months in a row!! levels look good!! I think that if the levels are normal 3 months in a row, the chances of the molar coming back are very slim!

How long did the doctor recommend blood tests for? 6 months or 1 year?
Mrs. Wag - congrats on the 3 months in a row!! levels look good!! I think that if the levels are normal 3 months in a row, the chances of the molar coming back are very slim!

How long did the doctor recommend blood tests for? 6 months or 1 year?

Thanks hun :flower:

I do my tests every 2 weeks, so 6 weeks being normal :happydance:

My doctor recommended 6months, I'm getting all normal results now and I got my first normal within 8weeks so keeping my fingers crossed that it doesnt come back!

How are things with you?
Hi Everyone,

My computer is finally fixed. It had poorly RAM and is now working a treat!

I'm OK, I got my last blood tests results today, and it is dropped from 28 to 19. I'm happy with the drop, although I think my results last time were artificially high and the drop is actually more modest. They say I can go to monthlies if I want its up to me. My next blood test is due on my due date, so I'm not planning on going. I will probably go in three or four weeks time.

I want to start taking evening primrose oil and folic acid to start preparing for ttc in June. I don't want it to affect my hcg levels though. What does anyone think about this?

I am going to catch up with all your lovely posts now :flower:

Laura - Yay for a 30day cycle and 1 cycle closer to June :happydance:

Rafferty - Vent away! I still find it so hard sometimes and it hits me in waves, I also hate feeling that everyone else has moved on and I'm the only one who misses my baby. It will get better though and we will all be here to support you.

afm I'm waiting to see if AF shows on 1st April giving me my 30day cycles back (unless our drunken mistake leads to anything :dohh: lol) just got my last set of results back and they were normal so that 3 normals in a row now :happydance:

Hows everyone else doing?

Yay for the third negative result. That's great news! :hugs:
lilylee - july isnt far plus you have a lovely holiday planned and make the most of it.Sending hugs to you xxx

Tina- Have you told your doctors yet? I have bloods tomorrow too. How are you feeling?

This cycle has been 30 days! another cycle closer to ttc though


I haven't--not sure how to LOL I'm afraid they will be worried when they see my bloodwork so I would probably be best to "warn them" but I'm afraid to call!! Feel fine, but nausea with Blake didn't hit until 8 weeks, and with the molar it was 7 weeks. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow so its probably just too early for the fun to start just yet lol

YAY for another cycle closer Laura!!!

When do you get your blood results back?
I have my followup appointment tomorrow for the D&C. And I had my second blood labs today, but I don't have results yet. I'm really praying that the hcg went down. Starting hcg was 1300 last week. I can't believe its been three weeks since we saw our heartbreaking ultrasound. I still cry everyday. I feel like I'm going to be sad until we get pregnant again.

I've got all sorts of crazy thoughts running through my head, like I can't believe how close it was to being perfect, I mean what are the chances two sperm enter the egg at the exact same moment? And I feel jealous of women who have normal miscarriages and get to start trying right away. And I feel so awful when my two year old points at my belly and says, "baby" and I just can't seem to tell her "not anymore," just hoping she'll forget it.

It actually seems like I was doing better a couple weeks ago when everyone was so sympathetic. But now it feels like everyone's moved on, and I am supposed to have moved on too, but instead I feel like I've just started to grieve. Like the shock is wearing off and now I'm realizing what I've lost and that it's still well over a year before I'll even have another baby.

Ug, I'm so tired of being sad. Thanks for letting me vent. I just had a beer (the perk of being not pregnant) but it apparently makes me spill my heart out on an anonymous forum!

Hey Rafferty.

Lovely to meet you (although I'm sorry you are here)
1,300 is a fairly good level to start from,I pray it falls nicely for you.

It is so normal to feel jealous of other women and please vent away. We all have moments where that is what we need. I feel like that as well. I keep thinking have I not suffered enough, was the miscarriage not enough to have to go through. What have I done to deserve this. There is a woman at work who is about 4 weeks ahead of me (currently 34 wks) and every time I look at her bump it tears my heart apart. I hope that soon we will all have our rainbow babies, although I am so fearful that that will never happen for me....

It takes time to move on and its all so recent for you. Its more difficult for us as well, because we still have things going on regarding our m/c's. Its not like we can just move on we have continual blood tests etc to think about. That's why this group is great because we all understand what its like. That's why when you do need to vent we will always listen.

lilylee - july isnt far plus you have a lovely holiday planned and make the most of it.Sending hugs to you xxx

Tina- Have you told your doctors yet? I have bloods tomorrow too. How are you feeling?

This cycle has been 30 days! another cycle closer to ttc though


Another cycle closer to ttc!!

I went to the post op for the D&C. She said my hCG went from 1345 to 196, so that was pretty good news.

The only weird thing was that she said once it hits zero in 2-3 months, that's when my 6 month wait STARTS. I thought I was waiting 6 months from the D&C, not 6 months from the zero. What do your guys doctors say?

I'm so tired of hearing bad news. I wish I could just turn off my feelings, numb would be better than sad all the time.
lilylee - july isnt far plus you have a lovely holiday planned and make the most of it.Sending hugs to you xxx

Tina- Have you told your doctors yet? I have bloods tomorrow too. How are you feeling?

This cycle has been 30 days! another cycle closer to ttc though


I haven't--not sure how to LOL I'm afraid they will be worried when they see my bloodwork so I would probably be best to "warn them" but I'm afraid to call!! Feel fine, but nausea with Blake didn't hit until 8 weeks, and with the molar it was 7 weeks. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow so its probably just too early for the fun to start just yet lol

YAY for another cycle closer Laura!!!

When do you get your blood results back?

I went today @ my lunch, so I will call tomorrow afternoon and see if they know my results.
I went to the post op for the D&C. She said my hCG went from 1345 to 196, so that was pretty good news.

The only weird thing was that she said once it hits zero in 2-3 months, that's when my 6 month wait STARTS. I thought I was waiting 6 months from the D&C, not 6 months from the zero. What do your guys doctors say?

I'm so tired of hearing bad news. I wish I could just turn off my feelings, numb would be better than sad all the time.

My Dr. originally said 1 year--then she said she might be OK with 6 months so I went 6 months from my D&C--Got my BFP a day before my 6 month "anniversary"
I went to the post op for the D&C. She said my hCG went from 1345 to 196, so that was pretty good news.

The only weird thing was that she said once it hits zero in 2-3 months, that's when my 6 month wait STARTS. I thought I was waiting 6 months from the D&C, not 6 months from the zero. What do your guys doctors say?

I'm so tired of hearing bad news. I wish I could just turn off my feelings, numb would be better than sad all the time.

That's a really good drop :)

In the UK, the protocol is if hcg gets to negative within 8 weeks, the six months starts at the date of the d and c. If it doesn't then the six months starts when it gets negative.

I feel you when you say about turning your feelings off....
I went to the post op for the D&C. She said my hCG went from 1345 to 196, so that was pretty good news.

The only weird thing was that she said once it hits zero in 2-3 months, that's when my 6 month wait STARTS. I thought I was waiting 6 months from the D&C, not 6 months from the zero. What do your guys doctors say?

I'm so tired of hearing bad news. I wish I could just turn off my feelings, numb would be better than sad all the time.

Yeah my doctor said the 6 months begins once the levels hit 0.

April will be my 4th month. But we decided we're going to try early.. The doctor isn't allowed to tell me that i could try early. All he said was that he would be very surprised if the molar came back at this point. I had my d&c in October. The levels became negative in December/January. He counted January as my first negative.
Well, I guess it's good to hear that my doctor is mostly consistent with all of yours. I think if I hit zero before 8 weeks I'm going to really consider just waiting the 6 months from D&C. It's hard because a piece of me knows the doctor would be upset if I don't wait out the whole thing, but it is still my decision, my family.

There is a part of me that thinks even this was a normal miscarriage I would wait a while. I want to feel more at peace before I start the roller coaster again.

Blakesmom- Congratulations on the BFP!!! I hope you stay on this forum so we can all be encouraged by a success story :)
Yup! my doctor has said to me though that he's read many cases where ladies have gotten pregnant before the recomendation and they're fine.

Blakesmom - let us know what the doctors say about your results! I'm so happy for you!

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