Mommies with style ! November/ December Babies !


Married to an amazing guy
Dec 19, 2007
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this the buddies thread where you can be bloated and puking in style :rofl:

i am Miel ! 34 years old my husband is 31 . We are expecting our little bean December 10th 2009 .

i will be a mommy with style !

First appointment with the doctor April 10th,2009 to confirm pregnancy :happydance:
i am 3 weeks and 4 days today:happydance:

Daisyduke !!! Genkimini !!! i expected you to be close to me ....:rofl:
(peeks around corner) Is it OK if I come in? I'm Tiffany, and I am due on December the 8th (according to lmp) I am almost 20 and DH is 23 this year. :)

* My MIL had calculated the EDD, but evidently it is wrong, I think I am almost 4 weeks...guess I won't know for sure until I go to the doctor :shrug:

I'm Sarah! I am 28 and DH will be 38 on Monday! (April 6th)

I am due on November 25th and this will be our first child! YAY!!! Got to see and hear the heartbeat on Wednesday (4/1/09) and I go back for my first official OB visit on the 16th! :happydance:

This is sooooo awesome!
(peeks around corner) Is it OK if I come in? I'm Tiffany, and I am due on December the 8th (according to lmp) I am almost 20 and DH is 23 this year. :)

Welcome sweetie !!!:hugs:

you see i was just telling Genkimini here i wanted some November mummies as well so they can go via child labor first i can tell us December mummies afterward how bad it is really :rofl:!!!

i am happy that we are due near holiday times ..i love holidays time !!! it's just make it extra extra special this year!!!:hugs:
:rofl: Yes, at least there is that, we will know what to expect a little more maybe! This is so cool, this will be the first baby for all of us...I have not had much appetite either, Miel, can't seem to eat that much lately, but if I don't eat every few hours I feel nauseous...Genkigemini, how has everything been for you so far? And you too Miel? :hugs::hug:
Well. I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks and mostly felt really rundown, bloated and a little nauseous. Then I was exhausted and sleeping all the time. Then the nausea got worse and today I started with real morning sickness. But, I am happy for it all. Feeling sick lets me know the baby is growing! :)

How are you feeling, hon?

Oh yeah... and how can I forget. My boobs are so sore that I wear a sports bra nearly 24-7 for over a week. LOL Actually, they hurt at like 3 weeks before I knew I was pregnant. :dohh:
I feel the same way about my symptoms-they let me know that little one is OK, and I am thankful for them! I have had some nausea, running to the bathroom all day long, lots of bloating, and sore bbs. I was thinking that the fatigue and tiredness had skipped over me, and a few days ago it bit me and ever since I yawn from the time I wake up until I lay down at night. Speaking of laying down, it has been SO hard to get comfortable lately! At night I just toss and turn all night, and then usually when I can't sleep good, I roll over on my stomach. Have woke up a couple of times and caught myself sleeping on my stomach. OOPS. Hopefully a pillow or something will stop it. :)
I'm here *waves* i'm so excited, hello everyone.......

Hi i'm 24 and my dh is 34, we have been ttc about 14 cycle's with 1 m/c, i am very excited to be here, but also very nervous due to my previous m/c i'm praying so hard our little raisin will stick, we love raisin soooooooo much already.

Anyway raisin is due about 3rd dec, i have a dr's appointment on wednesday and an early scan on 15th April, and i'm praying so hard all will be will and we will see raisins hb :cloud9:

So far i have had a constant headache and felt dizzy since a few days before my :bfp: also been very thirty, constipated (sorry tmi) which of course is bloating me out:blush: and had a few moments of feeling sick. Can't wait to feel proper pregnant :happydance: i am 5 weeks 2 days :wohoo:

Hope we all have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

I know the feeling Daisyduke, we are really hoping our bean sticks! We both have a really good feeling about it this time so we are hoping it is a good sign. I too have had the constipation, but I have also had the opposite too (TMI,sorry) with this pregnancy. I too had headaches, but lately I haven't had one. :hug: How far did you make it last time? Last time I got to 8 weeks (farthest I've gotten so far)...hoping to make it all the way this time! :) Do you think that it's a good sign that we made it farther into the pregnancy last time, or does it not really mean anything? :rofl:

Hope all of you are happy and healthy ladies :hugs:
Hi Mrsstreet i didnt make it to 5 last week so ive made im a little further, fx. I have no idea, but i sure hope all our LO stick so hard, would hate any of us to have to go thro that :hugs:
:hugs: Oh, how exciting that you're past the 5 week point now! I don't like this waiting game-until the first trimester is over I feel like I am going to be holding my breath!

So, does anyone have a preference as far as boy/girl? Will you find out or be on team yellow?

DH and I will probably find out, if just for the convenience of knowing what colors to buy and how to decorate. I don't really have a preference, except that the baby be healthy. Although one of my friends who has "visions" and such, has told me she thinks I'm having twins-a boy and a girl :rofl: Don't I wish...hehehe
When we first started ttc i was desperate for a girl, but over a year later i can honestly say i would be equally as delighted with either. Obviously like anyone i just hope my raisin is healthy and we have raisin for chrsitmas, there seriously couldnt be a better present could there. If all goes to plan i can honestly say i know this will be my best christmas ever by miles :)

The 12ww is awful isnt it, i'm lucky enough to have an early scan booked, it's 1 week 4 days away, praying so hard all is well and we see a hb. If all is well we think we will book a private scan between this scan and the 12 week one, otherwise i dont know how i will cope with so much worry. XXX
i don't care either way about the sex...when you wait so long to get bean that can of stuff get out of the window so fast ...just happy to have a bean at the moment !!!

so girls i am only 4 weeks:blush:i did found early in my cycle i guess but i did have very strong BFP lines and a digital that confirm the BFP ...

i don't have many symptoms :blush:...

beside i feeling bloated and a little cramps here and there ...

my boobs do not hurt at all for now do you think that ok ?
Hey all :)
I could be due 3rd November or 5th December, I'm having a dating scan in the next couple of weeks as my LMP in February wasnt a normal one (light and short) so I could be almost 6 weeks or almost 10 lol!!

Congrats to you all!
Hi Mynx, welcome........

Miel my boobies dont hurt at all, so i dont think its anything to worry about :hugs: i found out early to at 10dpo, 11dpo tested with a digi and got the words 'pregnant' :wohoo:

I'm sure we will have loads of symptoms soon :wohoo: XXX
Hello MummytoAmber :hi:, Hello Mynx :hi:! I had the same thing Mynx, a very irregular :witch: for March, so I have not one clue how far along I am. I would be willing to bet around 4 weeks though.I had a miscarriage in February, so it's hard to tell.Miel, my bbs mostly are just sensitive, but they're not even like that all the time, so I'm sure it's fine. :hugs: Last night I had really bad cramping after walking around for about 2 hours, and that is the second time it's happened. Could I be overdoing it, or could it be just coincidence that that is when the cramps come? Every time I have them I am just so scared of losing little one, but I know I can't judge this pregnancy by past ones. Miel, I am so happy for you that you finally got your :bfp:, I had followed your story and was so hoping for you! :hug: to all!
welcome Mynx :)

hope everyone enjoy their week end !!! it's a fantastic weather in San Francisco about 70 degree today:)...we had a BBQ in our backyard ...mmm so yummy hot dogs !!!!

msstreet0417 i do have some cramping too i will not call them severe so for me just tiny ones...i have being working out times a week and i also do yoga for 1.5 hours on Saturdays ...i did read everywhere it's good to have and do some sport or little work out so i believe for you a nice walk should be fine as well...

I have a appointment with the doc on friday...i wonder what they will do ( i will be only 5 weeks then ) probably confirm pregnancy by blood test no?
welcome Mynx :)

I have a appointment with the doc on friday...i wonder what they will do ( i will be only 5 weeks then ) probably confirm pregnancy by blood test no?

I dont know what it's like in the US but here in the UK they dont seem to confirm with blood tests anymore. My MW said that the home pg tests are now so accurate that if you've had a few :bfp: on those ones then that's confirmation enough! Could be wrong tho and it could just be the area I live in, or the GP surgery. They differ so much from each other in how they go about these things! :hugs:
:hugs: Oh, how exciting that you're past the 5 week point now! I don't like this waiting game-until the first trimester is over I feel like I am going to be holding my breath!

So, does anyone have a preference as far as boy/girl? Will you find out or be on team yellow?
DH and I will probably find out, if just for the convenience of knowing what colors to buy and how to decorate. I don't really have a preference, except that the baby be healthy. Although one of my friends who has "visions" and such, has told me she thinks I'm having twins-a boy and a girl :rofl: Don't I wish...hehehe

i was on team yellow with amber, id happily enough do the same again, but im letting OH pick this time, he said so far going to find out.
i want a boy, as ive got a girl but having another girl but be alot easily due to room sharing and still having girl clothes.

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