Mother of all conception months Graduates

I have a big tummy too hon....always have and got bigger after DS :dohh: although bizarely I def think it has gotten bigger :rofl: maybe its in my head....I feel pregnant :wacko:
If I sort of press just below my belly button near my muffin top from DS :rofl: I am sure I can feel my uterus already hard and starting to rise does anyone understand what I mean or am I just plain olde :loopy:
If I sort of press just below my belly button near my muffin top from DS :rofl: I am sure I can feel my uterus already hard and starting to rise does anyone understand what I mean or am I just plain olde :loopy:

im glad you have said that, because i was gona mention this, and wondered if it was in my head. ive noticed the area below my muffin top starting to feel a bit on the hard side, and maybe slightly more swollen out, i dont know if its always been like it(as i had no reason to check before) but it made me wonder.

And i too cant tell if my tummy is any bigger either, it feels like it is,im sat with my jeans unbuttoned as we speak but i might still be the same size!
:thumbup: thats exactly how I feel madcat and I def know my tummy wasnt as hard before either so I guess our bellys are gearing up for baby bumps :) and I def didnt feel it this early with DS either!

Gosh I have heartburn again....reckon my baby will have oodles of hair just like DS :rofl:
its just the bit below my muffin that feels hard, my main tummy feels the same as always(although maybe bigger,maybe not, perhaps just bloat).
Ive googled it and they say that the uterus/baby should be behind the pelvic bone at this stage, i dont think ours is!!:blush:

i think im starting to go a bit peaky again!..

im wondering if my due date is going to be a few days out too, but not sure. I only had one true AF (withdrawl bleed to natrual AF), that was 31 days, ive no idea if the length of another AF would have been any different?. the date i have is what the doc gave me, guess i'll have to wait until the scan. the calculators on here say April 23 and that im 6 weeks if i use a cycle length of 31days. I'll leave off the tickers until i know(scan in a weeks time!)
Sounds like a plan hon :thumbup:

I feel mine is pretty accurate now bit who really knows :shrug:

I just purchased my self 3 pairs of maternity jeans (2 blue, 1black) a pair of linen maternity pants black (for work) and a maternity top :) Might not keep them all will see what I think when they arrive! I love online shopping so much easier than trailing the shops plus free returns bonus!
evening girls your dates will go from the first day of ur last period,thats how many weeks you will be now
Sounds like a plan hon :thumbup:

I feel mine is pretty accurate now bit who really knows :shrug:

I just purchased my self 3 pairs of maternity jeans (2 blue, 1black) a pair of linen maternity pants black (for work) and a maternity top :) Might not keep them all will see what I think when they arrive! I love online shopping so much easier than trailing the shops plus free returns bonus!

i dont mind clothes shopping, but what i cannot stand is clothes shopping with anyone else trailing around with me, i like to take my time, try things on.,see if i can find similar for cheaper else where, and maybe go back to the 1st shop if not. Yet i cant do any of that if someones with me, if thats the case i end up buying nothing and not even making an effort to look!
evening girls your dates will go from the first day of ur last period,thats how many weeks you will be now

:wave: Mamadonna by my LMP date that would makes me 7wks 5days but by OV date 7wks exactly today :thumbup: I remember loosing a week or so when I was scanned with DS from LMP to OV :shrug: and I have longer cycles too (33days) so it throws things out somewhat :thumbup: I know my MW will go by my LMP date though!
I agree madcat I like to take my time too and I often find if I go on my own or with someone who doesnt like to hurry I often find what I am looking for quicker....maybe b/c I feel more relaxed theres nothing worse than being rushed along!
Morning all. I felt rough rough rough this morning. In the end of only eating crisps managed to get me through it! What is wrong with me?! Buttered and yeast-exed water biscuits made me gag, anything else I couldn't even stomach the thought of but a bag of frazzles and I was up to going downstairs for some proper breakfast!

Needless to say I was so late getting ready so I'm working from home this morning. I've a lunchtime meeting so that's work and will balance out my hours against travelling in the day.
Mmmm frazzles!! YUM!!.

i seem to be feeling yukky the other way around, not sure if thats normal, i feel ill either half way thru my evening meal, or afterwards, and it seems to last all evening!, i think ive got evening sickness!!.
I go to london next week for a holiday and im hoping i dont ruin evening meals out for myself!
Hi Ladies,

I felt rough this morning too :sick: as soon as I got out of bed.....must have been the thought of doing some cleaning :rofl:

DS is at a friends for the day and so I have had the day to myself since he left at 7.30am and DH left for work at 7.45am. I got up just before DS left and after half hour of coming round I have been cleaning and tidying the house! I have cleaned the kitchen and living room and done some washing and ironing and have been clearing out my filing units where we store all our household paperwork. I have created a huge bag of shredding to do :dohh: I have been sorting out DS 1st school uniform and labelling everything with iron on name tags in the hope someone doesnt steal his belongings, I live in hope! I have just a few more bits of ironing to do and then I think I will have a lovely relaxing bath and just chill out until DH finishes work! We will then have to go collect DS and I am popping to the wholesalers tonight to get some ballon stock for my little side hobby (I am a professional balloon decorator) and I am doing christening balloons for my niece for her christening on sunday! I am decorating the venue with huge pink balloon dummies :)

Hope everyone is having a nice day!
Hi Ladies,

I felt rough this morning too :sick: as soon as I got out of bed.....must have been the thought of doing some cleaning :rofl:

DS is at a friends for the day and so I have had the day to myself since he left at 7.30am and DH left for work at 7.45am. I got up just before DS left and after half hour of coming round I have been cleaning and tidying the house! I have cleaned the kitchen and living room and done some washing and ironing and have been clearing out my filing units where we store all our household paperwork. I have created a huge bag of shredding to do :dohh: I have been sorting out DS 1st school uniform and labelling everything with iron on name tags in the hope someone doesnt steal his belongings, I live in hope! I have just a few more bits of ironing to do and then I think I will have a lovely relaxing bath and just chill out until DH finishes work! We will then have to go collect DS and I am popping to the wholesalers tonight to get some ballon stock for my little side hobby (I am a professional balloon decorator) and I am doing christening balloons for my niece for her christening on sunday! I am decorating the venue with huge pink balloon dummies :)

Hope everyone is having a nice day!

i didnt know you were in the "Balloon business", thats different, how come you choose this line of work?, do you get to do weddings etcs as well.

Your house work day sounds like my day yesterday, ive been to town today to spend and early birthday gift voucher, got a new jumper in NEXT (but for how long it will fit is anyones guess). Its boiling out today!

Loving your tickers by the way!!! ha ha..
Well here's my reading from jennyrenny!
Your reading reveals that your current pregnancy is with a baby girl. Her EDD is referenced the month of April 2011 and her birth is shown by c/section on the 1st of May 2011. Born around 2pm she is delivered by male doctor and she weighs in at 9lbs 5ozs.

Will be interesting to see what happens,I wonder how accurate she's been with other people.I know every pregnancy is different but I only went over 5 days with my 1st and 4 days with my 2nd,She has me at 9 days over.
Not liking the c section part either,as I've had both my sons naturally and was hoping I'd never need a section,anyway I won't dwell on it as its probably a load of cr*p!
Like the girl part though,have 2 boys so a girl would be nice,but would be very happy with another boy too!!
Heres her website address hon

and heres my pregnancy prediction

Your reading reveals that your current pregnancy is with a baby girl. Her EDD is referenced in the reading around the 15th of April 2011 - however come October there seems to be discussion around a c-section for delivery. Reasons for this are unclear in the reading unless you had a c-section with your previous baby and your doctor is pushing for it again this time around. Things will be more clear on this issue the end of January 2011. It also looks like you switch doctor's care during this pregnancy to a woman - maybe even a midwife - but then it looks like your get switched to another OBGYN (also female) because of issues with the pregnancy. It may be pregnancy induced diabetes or preclampsia. A c-section is shown for a delivery - and they joke about it being set for the 1st but you are determined "no child of mine is going to be born on April Fool's Day - so the date is set for the 2nd instead.
She is born around 5pm weighing in at 8lbs 10ozs.

Here.mine is way shorter than yours!!not fair!
Did you have a c section with your 1st baby?and did you have any probs with diabetes or pre-eclampsia?
Love you reading hon....No I didnt have a c sec with DS but nearly did :( He was 10lb 5oz at birth and b/c he had such high sugar levels upon delivery they think I was diabetic in pregnancy. My MW kept getting conflicting sugar results during my pregnancy but I was never referred for further tests to the hospital! DS looked more like an 8lber and I was told it is a typical trate of a baby born of a diabetic mother that they weight big but dont fill the expectations of a big baby iykwim....he wasnt this great big chubby baby that you would expect a 10lber to be! I was told after having him by the consultant that I will need to be monitored more in further pregnancies for diabetes but not only that next (or this!) time my baby could be bigger and b/c I struggled with DS that is not a good thing for me. I was told if baby is big next (this!) time then I may have to be delivered early or by c sec! So I guess Jenny Rennymay have my prediction spot on!
Hi Ladies,

I felt rough this morning too :sick: as soon as I got out of bed.....must have been the thought of doing some cleaning :rofl:

DS is at a friends for the day and so I have had the day to myself since he left at 7.30am and DH left for work at 7.45am. I got up just before DS left and after half hour of coming round I have been cleaning and tidying the house! I have cleaned the kitchen and living room and done some washing and ironing and have been clearing out my filing units where we store all our household paperwork. I have created a huge bag of shredding to do :dohh: I have been sorting out DS 1st school uniform and labelling everything with iron on name tags in the hope someone doesnt steal his belongings, I live in hope! I have just a few more bits of ironing to do and then I think I will have a lovely relaxing bath and just chill out until DH finishes work! We will then have to go collect DS and I am popping to the wholesalers tonight to get some ballon stock for my little side hobby (I am a professional balloon decorator) and I am doing christening balloons for my niece for her christening on sunday! I am decorating the venue with huge pink balloon dummies :)

Hope everyone is having a nice day!

i didnt know you were in the "Balloon business", thats different, how come you choose this line of work?, do you get to do weddings etcs as well.

Your house work day sounds like my day yesterday, ive been to town today to spend and early birthday gift voucher, got a new jumper in NEXT (but for how long it will fit is anyones guess). Its boiling out today!

Loving your tickers by the way!!! ha ha..

Sounds like you had a lovely day hon :kiss: and yes the weather is absolutely gorgeous here in Leeds too!

My balloon work is more of an hobby than an actual business I just wouldnt have the time....but I love doing it and have a natural flair for been artistic! I am looking forward to the balloons all the way :)

I got my maternity jeans from Next today....and I just love them :rofl: I cant wait to have a proper baby bump to fill them properly!
Love you reading hon....No I didnt have a c sec with DS but nearly did :( He was 10lb 5oz at birth and b/c he had such high sugar levels upon delivery they think I was diabetic in pregnancy. My MW kept getting conflicting sugar results during my pregnancy but I was never referred for further tests to the hospital! DS looked more like an 8lber and I was told it is a typical trate of a baby born of a diabetic mother that they weight big but dont fill the expectations of a big baby iykwim....he wasnt this great big chubby baby that you would expect a 10lber to be! I was told after having him by the consultant that I will need to be monitored more in further pregnancies for diabetes but not only that next (or this!) time my baby could be bigger and b/c I struggled with DS that is not a good thing for me. I was told if baby is big next (this!) time then I may have to be delivered early or by c sec! So I guess Jenny Rennymay have my prediction spot on!

Oh my god!sounds like yours could be spot on.Oh christ,hope mine isn't!!!
Love you reading hon....No I didnt have a c sec with DS but nearly did :( He was 10lb 5oz at birth and b/c he had such high sugar levels upon delivery they think I was diabetic in pregnancy. My MW kept getting conflicting sugar results during my pregnancy but I was never referred for further tests to the hospital! DS looked more like an 8lber and I was told it is a typical trate of a baby born of a diabetic mother that they weight big but dont fill the expectations of a big baby iykwim....he wasnt this great big chubby baby that you would expect a 10lber to be! I was told after having him by the consultant that I will need to be monitored more in further pregnancies for diabetes but not only that next (or this!) time my baby could be bigger and b/c I struggled with DS that is not a good thing for me. I was told if baby is big next (this!) time then I may have to be delivered early or by c sec! So I guess Jenny Rennymay have my prediction spot on!

And god love you getting a 10lb5 baby out the natural way!Mine were 8lb 1,and 8lb 9,and god knows that was hard enough.
Glad they'll be monitoring you properly this time,and hopefully induce you early if your lil bean is growing that big!!

So according to her,even though we're due at the same time you'll be havin your bub a full month before me!!!

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