Mother of all conception months Graduates

Dr. said she doesn't know WHY we had such a great night. Or why she's sleeping so much today. She looks fantastic- gained 9 oz since last wed when we were there- her temp was great- and no thrush! Just regular milk coating on tongue. She still is sleeping a lot. ate a few times. But the dr. is not concerned. Unless she doesn't have any alert time today- so if any other problems to call her. So im hoping she wakes up a bit later- because she's still sleeping. But you ladies were right on- she was perfectly fine. Mommy, is just insane.
no you are right to check, we get told you must wake them for a feed by x person and y person for x and y reason you would still be worrying about it now had you not called it in

you never know for every baby who is fine sleeping and dropping a feed nice and early there may be another who is not, dont ever feel like you are being silly or worrying too much, you can never worry to much but you can worry too little thats what i always say!

still going strong, i am now finding that they are every 8 mins again but much stronger standing up now wohoo
Got to say the only time I was told to wake a baby to feed was Byron when he was jaundiced otherwise I just leave them to it. I don't believe for a second a normal baby won't wake when hungry at any age, it's the fundamental thing they know. Only in very first days when drugs or jaundice might make them too sleepy.

I was going to say milk coating Dare. Sounds like your paediatrician is good anyway! Vomiting is normal too. They often sleep more/less with growth spurts too.

Nomore, stop counting and just let it do its thing! :hugs:
i know i have to time things it makes me feel in control of a situation i have zero control in. i am however switching everything off in a bit ad getting some sleep, they are getting stronger and longer but now about 20mins apart except if i stand up . . . i have been yawning my head off the last 30mins i am thinking my body is telling me something . . so hey ho, i am going to listen

nite ladies, fingers crossed that i will have thrown away my need to constantly know everything about my contractions and will not be updating until we have our final grad baby lol xxkxx
Oh how exciting,I hope the reason nomore hasn't been on is coz she's busy giving birth,or is already holding her lo!!

Glad ava is ok dare,its hard with your 1st baby,you feel a bit lost sometimes.Glad she's ok.I've never woken a sleeping baby either,but haven't been lucky enough to have a baby sleep through so young!It could just be a once off though.x

Well day 3 and shay is still being peeled off me and screaming when i leave him:cry:Iwaited a minute outside and peeked in the window and he'd stopped screaming but had the arms folded like he was in a proper strop,and was having none of the teachers attempt to cheer him up!!

teagan slept through last night for the 1st time in ages.I was so surprised coz she's in the worst of form,has big rosy cheeks and is shoving her hand into her mouth as she's screaming.I did give her calpol last night so maybe that helped.

I'm feeling in slightly better form today,had a pretty shit day yesterday,felt horrible.Hate the way it takes these meds 2 wks to kick in properly:cry:

Anyway if anyone gets an update from nomore be sure to let us all know!!
no more- thanks, yeah, it's hard. Everyone tells me something different. I asked her a few questions- that lactation had told me this this and this and she shook her head and said basically- no, that's not correct. :wacko: I hope you have your baby soon!!!!! September 1st baby maybe?!

peanut- thanks so much. That's what i thought too- that no baby wouldn't wake up when they're hungry! it's a basic instinct. survival instinct. Of course she'd wake. But it's so hard when they tell you you MUST wake them up every 3 hours - and when she slept for like 10- omg, i was going out of my mind. And yeah my ped. is very good- i used to work for her husband- for 4 & 1/2 years, and i adored him. And i knew her personally through like parties and functions like that- and she was very sweet, and i knew she seemed very much like him so figured her style of medicine was probably like his (he's a vet and very compassionate and excellent at what he does) and it does seem to be. All the girls i worked with used her as a pediatrician, and when i went to the new job, THEY were using her too! So that was nice. She's super hard to get in with- they actually told me i couldn't see her because she had too many clients- it was only because i knew her that she let me in! And she books like months and months in advance! they had to book all the way up to my 6 month- at my 2 week visit just to make sure i could get in at 2, 4 and 6 months. it's crazy!

vbaby- thanks- i'm glad everyone seems to agree not to wake her. Makes me feel a lot better. And yeah, i have no idea what i'm doing so i was super panicky. Lord, wait til she really IS sick. I'll be a mess! I do think that Shay is going to be ok- the fact that he stopped crying when you left is a good sign. I think that he thinks if he works on it hard enough he'll break you and you'll cave and take him home! Some kids are crafty! sounds like a bright lad. :) But it's so good for him there- he will get the socialization he needs- and i think it's really, really great. If i were you, i'd probably be crying in the car the whole way home. And probably at home too. I used to be strong! not since i had baby. I'm a weak mush pot now.

afm- baby woke up in the evening last night and more than made up for missed feedings during the night and day. then she had her normal sleep last night- except she went to bed at 1 instead of 12, and got up at 5 instead of 4. Guess everything was pushed back. Then, up again at 730, and 830. I've already been up- had breakfast and showered. She laid in her sleeper looking around all happy for a while. Now she's napping again. I gave her some gripe water this am- because i can't seem to get her to burp during the night? I have her swaddled because it's the only thing that seems to get her to sleep there at night- but lordy make sure her arms are out because she gets right furious if you swaddle those!!! I wonder if the swaddling makes it harder for me to burp as there is such padding in the front? she just WONT burp. doesn't matter what position i put her in, patting her back, rubbing her back, nothing. She is stubborn. refuses. just sleeps. SO i wonder if the two vomits the passed days are because of not being able to burp her all night. It's also the first two nights i think i couldn't get her to burp at all. At 730 she seemed quite happy during changing time, farting up a little storm, hoping that helps that air problem! and then at 830 gave her the gripe water. Any suggestions to night burping? A better way to do it? tried sitting her upright, and then on the shoulder- maybe i should try the on the belly on the lap? Always afraid that'll make her puke. I think it would make me puke having a belly full of milk and you turn me over on my belly and pat me down. lol.
I don't burp my babies. It doesn't seem to mKe any difference. t night I pick Indigo up, feed her, lie her back down, all done in under 10 mins. If I burped her it'd just disturb her and she'd be awake hours.

I'm having a shit day. Started off well then went downhill at lunch. Wish I could just sleep and let someone else take care of life.
oh peanut i'm so sorry!!!! (thanks for the advice btw!!) is there anyway you can take a nap or something?
Theoretically yes but I'm all wound up about solicitor/builder/house/money crap.
i understand. i hate that when you can't get your mind to settle. go for a nice walk or something, clear your mind. walking always makes me feel better when i'm wound up. :) hoping your day gets better hun :hugs:
I feel how you feel peanut,and there's no way i can take a nap.I want the world to stop and let me off for a little while.
Hope you're feeling better soon.x

Nomore would have been on today normally wouldn't she?
Wonder whats happening!!!
I take it back about a nap being theoretically possible. Indigo's not stopped screaming since. She's just started alternating between trying to sleep and screaming now she's sure it's too late for me too sleep before I go for Byron.

What a cock and balls day. And it started out so promising too. I've done nothing nice all day since the early dogwalk and had endless crap and worrying news.
I have to burp Alex or he throws up a lot. I just had to feed him and he kept spitting up and then feeding and spitting up and finally fed and slept, lol.
Hey ladies

Wahoo another baby can't believe how fat she came out lol! Well done Kate!!!

Dare glad Ava is ok and it's a mums job to worry...I too am a worrier j just try and hide it otherwise I'd go insane lol!

Pb sorry for a crap day I hope tomorrow is better for you!!

Well Caleb is no better,he seems to take some feeds fine then others not so great,we gav him some carrot and he ate it all but only had 2nd of his bottle (we gave him his bottle first) then afterwards he had anothr ounce! So for his next feed I gave it an hour early and he drank all the 5oz so I thought I'll give him some moe before I go to bed and he has had an ounce,I also had to change him because he was so sweaty! I really need to get an under the armpit thermometer as the back off his neck feels cool but under armpit feels warm! I'm not sure how long I need to wait to go back to doctors but he's not been right since Sunday night! He's sleepy as well! He has had a massive poo as well and nappies are wet so I know it's nothing to worry about but like dare can't stop worrying!!

Day one of my OH being off and I knew he was lazy and didn't pick up after himself but my goodness he really is lol! Caden is cleaner than him lol

I honestly think Indigo is having a little teeth action. The way she is consistently grabbing her bottom gums at the front and really biting; so cross and unsettled today; unexplained nappy rash has appeared overnight; she's had some on off slightly flushed cheeks. I gave her a teething powder. Maybe it helped a bit.

I've got a sodding migraine. Just asked DH if I had one last period and he said he thinks so. It came on about an hour ago and apparently my period came exactly at the sane time! The good news is that's a gap of 30 days which used to be my clockwork period before Byron. Hopefully the hormonal headaches will pass. I thunk the horrible indigestion is hormonal too. God it's like puberty all over again!

In better news, I've been mad clothes shopping lady. Just got some sale tops (9-12 and 12-18) from m&s and a bunch of half sale 6-9 from Debenhams. Got Burkn a new winter hat (an owl), sale dressing gown and sea creatures shirt and a hat/scarf/gloves set next size up with Fair Iske skull and crossbones! There were three tees I bought an age ago in sale 3-4 so I'm giving him all these as birthday presents. For me I just got a cool dinosaur tee today and I got a super bargain dress. £23 reduced for £40 at an online shop; found it for £10 on Amazon, my size, one left, from the same vendor! Had a £10 Amazon voucher from doing online surveys so got it for the £3.50 postage and it's pretty good quality too! Got another two tops and a cardi (all dead cheap) hopefully coming tomorrow. Total spendaholic but DH made me get clothes for me, Byron's were all bargains and Indigo's a mix but all necessary.
I have to burp Alex or he throws up a lot. I just had to feed him and he kept spitting up and then feeding and spitting up and finally fed and slept, lol.

Yeah if i don't, in the mornings she will do a big vomit. I learned that the hard way. But i just can't get her to burp at night!

Hey ladies

Wahoo another baby can't believe how fat she came out lol! Well done Kate!!!

Dare glad Ava is ok and it's a mums job to worry...I too am a worrier j just try and hide it otherwise I'd go insane lol!

Well Caleb is no better,he seems to take some feeds fine then others not so great,we gav him some carrot and he ate it all but only had 2nd of his bottle (we gave him his bottle first) then afterwards he had anothr ounce! So for his next feed I gave it an hour early and he drank all the 5oz so I thought I'll give him some moe before I go to bed and he has had an ounce,I also had to change him because he was so sweaty! I really need to get an under the armpit thermometer as the back off his neck feels cool but under armpit feels warm! I'm not sure how long I need to wait to go back to doctors but he's not been right since Sunday night! He's sleepy as well! He has had a massive poo as well and nappies are wet so I know it's nothing to worry about but like dare can't stop worrying!!

Day one of my OH being off and I knew he was lazy and didn't pick up after himself but my goodness he really is lol! Caden is cleaner than him lol


Thanks hun- i don't even mind people knowing i'm that worried. i'm ok with being insane. Maybe it'll make people not mess with me when i tell them 'no you can't hold her!' I'm fine with them knowing i have issues! And she's young enough that i can't embarrass her yet - so i'll just tone it down when she's older- and i've established myself with you know, the in-laws. I have to lay down the rules! So they get it. They tend to be pushy so they have to know that ain't happening with my baby.

I'm sorry about Caleb not being right- it's horrible because if you are like me, you keep thinking about getting the new thermometer until you take the temp- and even then you'll be unsettled because then- is it taking it right? Our pediatricians office took ava's temp yesterday at 97.6 rectally. Mine came out at 98.7 just 2 hours before. I was freaking out later thinking omg is her temp dropping?! i took it again when i got home from the dr- and it was still 98.7! She sweats like a beast - and her temp never goes up. So maybe, if caleb is like her- maybe he just has some warm parts?! lol Anyway hun i hope that everything is ok and that it's no big deal and you're just crazy like me. :)

I honestly think Indigo is having a little teeth action. The way she is consistently grabbing her bottom gums at the front and really biting; so cross and unsettled today; unexplained nappy rash has appeared overnight; she's had some on off slightly flushed cheeks. I gave her a teething powder. Maybe it helped a bit.

I've got a sodding migraine. Just asked DH if I had one last period and he said he thinks so. It came on about an hour ago and apparently my period came exactly at the sane time! The good news is that's a gap of 30 days which used to be my clockwork period before Byron. Hopefully the hormonal headaches will pass. I thunk the horrible indigestion is hormonal too. God it's like puberty all over again!

In better news, I've been mad clothes shopping lady. Just got some sale tops (9-12 and 12-18) from m&s and a bunch of half sale 6-9 from Debenhams. Got Burkn a new winter hat (an owl), sale dressing gown and sea creatures shirt and a hat/scarf/gloves set next size up with Fair Iske skull and crossbones! There were three tees I bought an age ago in sale 3-4 so I'm giving him all these as birthday presents. For me I just got a cool dinosaur tee today and I got a super bargain dress. £23 reduced for £40 at an online shop; found it for £10 on Amazon, my size, one left, from the same vendor! Had a £10 Amazon voucher from doing online surveys so got it for the £3.50 postage and it's pretty good quality too! Got another two tops and a cardi (all dead cheap) hopefully coming tomorrow. Total spendaholic but DH made me get clothes for me, Byron's were all bargains and Indigo's a mix but all necessary.

I am sorry about poor indigo. i am NOT looking forward to teething. OR having my period back again. ugh. I used to be miserable with it. And i'm glad you got to have a nice shopping session! i hope that made the day bearable at least!!!!
Ohhhh PB hormone migraine i would say easier to handle as it has a corse and you know it will bugger off without to many meds.

yay for Racheal

Dare you daft sod glad she healthy and just loving her sleep and worrying you lol

Tas go with your gut and leave the gadgets at the door.

Ohhh burping I rub abbys tummy now as with the constipation it seems to work well she doean't always burps but seems to like it and i don't burp at night just sit her up and see what happens she'll scream if its trapped.

Manky dog still here, we only have one laptop and Abby is now sleeping 10 pm - 10 am with one feed of what i think was 2 oz
Hi all,
Congrats again nomore,fantastic news,was thinking about you yesterday.So glad Rachael is here!!!!
Peanut,a bit of retail therapy always does the trick,hope the shopping cheered you up.I might go on e bay myself now and spend some money I don't have to cheer up!
Teagan is cranky as sin too,flushed cheeks,and really chomping down on her fingers.
She had me up at 2.30 for a feed and then was back up at 6am.Really isn't what I needed while I'm in the process of waiting on my meds to start working.Side effects are shit,so some sleep would be nice.At least its the wk end,dh can look after me.

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