Hi ladies! Gonna try to catch up now. Yesterday was nuts. Sorry in advance for being all over the place. Just replying to stuff as I read it.
I agree BFing is so rewarding. It is a lot of work those first few weeks, but after a while it does get sooo much easier. I did it while working FT, so the pumping part was not so fun. But still worth it.
Hee hee two under 2 will be a little nuts, but you can do it! I have a good friend with about the same age gap with her girls. I originally wanted mine two years apart, and my angel's due date was one day after my daughter's 2nd birthday. But alas. Now mine will be about 3 years, 8.5 mos apart. Which is okay. I think it just depends on the kids. My brother and I were 2 mos short of being 5 years apart, and we always got along great. Now it's different because he's kind of an idiot.

But we love each other. The only time it was really hard was when I was getting older enough to not be into kid stuff, and he didn't understand why I didn't want to do kid stuff with him anymore. There are probably pluses and minuses to every age gap. I wanted my kids close, but it will be easier perhaps having them farther apart. And now DD can share in the excitement. And she's already eager to be a helper.
Starry I hope the next 7 weeks fly by.

Even me being 9 weeks (whoa, just realized EDD is 7 mos from today!), I feel in a sense like it's forever away. Then in another sense it already seems like there's an impossible amount of stuff to do between now and then.
As for the bleeding with me, yeah I strangely have a sense of peace that things are going to be fine. Which is completely contrary to my worrywart nature.

But it's still stressful and unnerving.
Starry seems reasonable to give yourself a year to make any permanent decisions. Understand being weary of the TTC.
We used to say definitely 2 with an optional 3rd. But I think deep down I really started to want that third. Now, though, I just don't know. I'm for sure never doing hormonal BC again, and I don't like the idea of an IUD for a few reasons. And I have physical problems with condoms and most lubes, so I don't dare do spermicidal things. And hubby is VERY RELUCTANT to join the v-club (I think after his BF tells him it's NBD he might not be AS averse, but idk). I think we're going to be extremely cautious for a year after delivery, then we're going to NTNP indefinitely. It'd be funny if I got pregnant easily as it has happened before. But if nothing changes from before this pregnancy, we may still end up with just our two.

I'm just SOOOO looking forward to no stress of conceiving, no stress of having to DTD at certain times, no concern about using this lube or that. It takes its toll on a marriage. DH and I are still great and everything, but our sex life has always had SOME kind of strain, and the ttc/infertility is just the most recent one. But the other issues are seemingly resolved. If we have any semblance of peace that our family could be complete, maybe we can finally have a healthy and happy sex life. WHOA I just took this on a tmi tangent lol.
Yes, the "fill the pad in under an hour" thing is NUTS. The only person I've known (before you) to ever do that was literally on death's door.
So far the spotting has let up again. I just wish I could know when it's not coming back. I don't even feel all that relieved this time because I know it could just turn up again.

But yes, having an explanation for it helps a ton.
I can. not. WAIT!!!! to feel movement again! I have missed that feeling so much. Last time I first felt it at 17+2, so hopefully being my 2nd pregnancy I'll feel something at least by then. 7-8 weeks to wait I guess. Feels like forever away.
I haven't taken any pictures of my bump/bloat yet this pregnancy. There's not much to see yet, but there's a little something. Maybe I can find some old photos later.
Unexpected your little man is ADORABLE!!!!
Tricia, what a handsome little tiny.
Starry I don't blame you for being cautious and not posting pics of your little guy.