Muffin, Charm, BB & Spunky (lol)


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Haven't really been on properly since Wednesday ~

Hope you are all doing ok? Seen your fab news Muffin though.

Thoughts hugs & you better have those feet up :trouble:

hehehe....yeap im taking it very easy, felt crap this morning so went back to bed,only just got up but feel better for it.going out for a walk down by the beach, blow some cobwebs away!!!

how you doing wobbs?? hope those flowers are looking good!!!
Blow some cobwebs? :shock: :lol:

Glad you feel better after sloping back to bed best plan I'd say anyway :twisted:

I have a house to tidy today. Flowers are really nice I posted some pics in the chatty area :p
thanks wobble, i have been having some bad thoughts so have stayed off the board...i was really looking forward to scan, but the closer it gets the more nervous i am getting...and its not even until a week on thursday...
i have been on reading, just not posting much....dont want to be a sour puss...bxox
ps glad you are doing ok too honey...xoxoxoxoxox
Aww BB you be fine I feel it & if anything I really have everything crossed for you & the other girl's.

I can't wait for your post after your scan make sure you get a beanie pic up so we can cooooo over :hugs:

Glad everyrone's doing ok, thanks for asking wobbles I'm fine too.

I don't seem to have any symptoms other than slight cramps every few days and wind :oops: and I'm so tired all the time.

I haven't been on much either, I'm at the scarey stage so I don't really know what to say. My first M/C was 9 weeks but it stopped growing at 6 and my second was at 8 weeks but it stopped growing at 6.
And I'm currently on 7 weeks with hardly any symptoms.
I'm trying to keep positive, no news is good news and all that. And I can ring the EPU this week to arrange a scan [-o<

Sorry, I sound so negative, I'm not honestly, I'm still upbeat just a little nervous I guess 8-[

Charm X
muffin said:
hehehe....yeap im taking it very easy, felt crap this morning so went back to bed,only just got up but feel better for it.going out for a walk down by the beach, blow some cobwebs away!!!

how you doing wobbs?? hope those flowers are looking good!!!

Hope you enjoyed your walk babe, glad to see yuo are taking it easy....take care babe :hugs: xx
beatlesbaby66 said:
thanks wobble, i have been having some bad thoughts so have stayed off the board...i was really looking forward to scan, but the closer it gets the more nervous i am getting...and its not even until a week on thursday...
i have been on reading, just not posting much....dont want to be a sour puss...bxox
ps glad you are doing ok too honey...xoxoxoxoxox

Awwwwwww BABE!!!! I am so sorry you are feeling so worried, but please don't stop posting on here, we are all here for you and to support you!!! You can have a good rant, moan or just air your concerns you may even have a laugh along the way..........please don't go it alone babe, we are all here for you, no matter what mood you are in or how down you are, hopefully we might be able to make you feel a bit better and even put a smile on your face.......

I really have everything crossed for you babe, and hope you come back to talk to us. HUGE :hugs: xx
MrsE said:
Glad everyrone's doing ok, thanks for asking wobbles I'm fine too.

I don't seem to have any symptoms other than slight cramps every few days and wind :oops: and I'm so tired all the time.

I haven't been on much either, I'm at the scarey stage so I don't really know what to say. My first M/C was 9 weeks but it stopped growing at 6 and my second was at 8 weeks but it stopped growing at 6.
And I'm currently on 7 weeks with hardly any symptoms.
I'm trying to keep positive, no news is good news and all that. And I can ring the EPU this week to arrange a scan [-o<

Sorry, I sound so negative, I'm not honestly, I'm still upbeat just a little nervous I guess 8-[

Charm X

Hi BABE!!!

As I just said to BB, don't go it alone babe, we are all here for you and understand for all 3 of you that you are all so worried........we don't care how negative you are, hopefully we will be able to lift some fears or just take your mind off things and put a smile on your face for a while.....

I hope it is some concelation, but I didn't have hardly any symptoms either until about 9 or 10 weeks I think it was, although I was very tired, and instead of wind :lol: mine was hiccups, which I still have!

You stay as positive as you can babe, and we are all sending ALL 3 OF YOU positive Vibes!!!!!

Keep posting, even if you are rambling........just don't go thru it alone!!

HUGE :hugs: xx
och tam, im crying now....your so lovely the pair of you, you really are, what a pair....
been having more feelings around tummy area today. really hard to describe, like something scratching your tummy button and like the bubbles on the side of a glass of coke, but going around bumpy bit (still got my bloated bump)....
got my appointment through for my booking in at queen mums...28th november which will be 12 weeks exactly by dates....roll on next thursday for my first scan.....thanks again babes, your so lovely....bxox :friends:
Ohhhhhh excellent news........Good luck with your scan & your booking in appointment babe, things will all start happening for you from there on it :wink: :hugs: xx
hi girls i havent been on here for ages havent been 100% with sickness and feeling really lousy but thanks for the girls who set this thread good luck all i have my scan on friday to confirm dates so hopefully there will be a baby there as we could only see a sac there last time so im excited good luck girls spunky xxxxxxx
Ooh Good Luck friday [-o<

It's scarey but exciting at the same time.

Charm X
Aww let us know how you are Friday Spunky - Good luck


i will girls bit scared but cant wait i hope the baby measures bigger so it would be nice to find out for xmas what sex the baby is id be so chuffed but doubt it xxx
had my scan last friday 27th and all is well saw my baby so plain i had a big smile on my chops when i seen baby could see it little herat beating im soo happy now that the baby is fine the sonographer said i was in between 8-9 weeks but on the screen it said 8w3d so i take it that im 9 weeks and 1 day today midwife is coming out next wednesday so looking forward to seeing her again and to get everything rolling at the moment i know there is a baby inside me but still hasnt sunk in that im pregnant so i think im due june 6th not sure dont even know if i will have a 12 week scan so see what happens and what the midwife says cant wait to find out what this baby is ive heared that a few people i have spoke to have said they have carried different with thier son to their daughter so i know im different to carrying morgan so i hope its a girl but if not i will still be pleased as i really want this baby anyway i will keep you posted

spunky xxx
:yipee: all good

Good luck with the midwife appointment - Things are well on a roll huh x
yeah hun everything seems to be ok so far sickness is doing my head in but then again i know everything is ok xxx
It will all be over soon - I hope :rofl:

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