Glad you got your bd inI agree with jtink28 about not making it seem like "baby-making" sex, it freaks out my hubby too!
Welcome here ladhisha[/QUO
Yes... welcome ladeshia Good luck to you and congratulation on losing those 20lbs. Welcome to the long hard journey of ttc. Hope you get yoursoon.
Hi ladies
I am Ladeshia I have just spent the last hour reading this thread and you girls seem very nice and open so I figured id just jump in. I am diagnosed with pcos and insulin resistance so in a nutshell I'm irregular as hell. I am overweight so my gyn has told me to lose weight before he starts any meds which is good. I'm down almost 20lbs so I have finally got a period and now I'm testing for ovulation. I am using the clearblue opks but was using the first urine of the morning but I was told that I should use the afternoon urine but I'm always drinking water so holding urine for 2hrs and not drinking water is so hard.I don't bbt cause it confused the hell outta me. Now idk when to test or what
helppppppp lol