My first TWW!

AF will not show, Alicia! FX! You had a nice dark test, so I wouldn't worry :)

I was SO nervous about AF. I guess that's the downside to testing early, lol. Today is CD 31 though and my longest recorded cycle is 29 days with a normal of 27. For some reason I still worry that AF will show late. Lol!
I totally understand LiLi! I don't think I'll feel like I'm really out of the woods til 8 weeks, even then I'll still be a little nervous until 12 weeks.

As far as AF, if I am 3 days late I'll officially breathe a sigh of relief cuz I've never been more than 2 days late with regular cycles.

As far as symptoms go,
-Still only mild bb tenderness
-A little fatigue, I used to be an insomniac/night owl. Nowadays I'm asleep within 10 min no problem! I've never been like that!
-I have a sweet tooth but there's nothing really unusual about that.
-My skin has been breaking out (like it usually does before AF!! NOooo!)

I've had the opposite problem with my fatigue... I'm jealous. I usually fall asleep no problem and don't wake up much. Now, I have serious insomnia! But I need a nap every day come 1-2pm. Good thing my OH is my business partner and tells me to go home and rest!

- sore bbs
- exhaustion
- stuffy nose off and on
- very mild pulling sensations in my uterus
- bloating and gas (fun lol)
- lots of thin, white CM. I keep thinking AF is starting but it's just CM lol
So I found a good article from a legit source. Granted it's from 2008 but even if you increase the odds they give it's very hopeful, makes me confident that after my first prenatal visit (for me will be at 7w+5d) it'll be safe to announce it!

"The risk fell rapidly with advancing gestation; 9.4% at 6 (completed) weeks of gestation, 4.2% at 7 weeks, 1.5% at 8 weeks, 0.5% at 9 weeks and 0.7% at 10 weeks"

The above are stats for ASYMPTOMATIC pregnancies (no bleeding/cramping/abnormal symptoms)

There's also a lot of research-based statistics on miscarriage here:

I love all the information I can get!
I've had the opposite problem with my fatigue... I'm jealous. I usually fall asleep no problem and don't wake up much. Now, I have serious insomnia! But I need a nap every day come 1-2pm. Good thing my OH is my business partner and tells me to go home and rest!

I definitely have been hitting a wall around 1-3pm and very much start craving a nap but I'm usually at work so I gotta power through. Naps, for me anyway, I always avoid because although they feel amazing at the time, they keep me from sleeping well at night!

I might change my tune on that when real exhaustion sets in. Just a thought though if you're not getting good sleep at night.

I really miss my coffee. Especially my afternoon coffee that would give me that final boost around 2-3pm to get me through the day!

LiLi have you been drinking coffee? I know the reserach says that up to 200mg a day is considered safe but I'm just leery of it all...

My husband found a published medical study article on the issue, here's an excerpt from it:

--Maternal caffeine metabolism declines significantly during pregnancy. Caffeine and its metabolites readily cross the placenta and can be found in substantial quantities in the amniotic fluid and fetal blood. Higher maternal plasma caffeine levels appear to be associated with a longer duration of fetal arousal, increased fetal heart rate variability, lower basal fetal heart rate, increased fetal breathing activity, and inconsistent effects on fetal and placental blood flow.
--The consistency and quality of available data regarding the effects of caffeine on fertility and pregnancy outcomes have generally been poor. Most studies have methodological shortcomings.
--At typical levels of caffeine intake, there does not appear to be an association between caffeine consumption and fecundability or adverse reproductive events, including congenital anomalies, spontaneous abortion, fetal growth restriction, and preterm birth.
--Preconceptional moderate coffee intake appears to protect against development of gestational diabetes mellitus.
--Given the limitations and inconsistencies of available data, we suggest women who are attempting to conceive or who are pregnant or breastfeeding limit caffeine consumption to less than 200 to 300 mg per day

Ok, no more research article posting for me. I'm putting my nerd away for the day.
That is interesting data. I am so nervous for my appt on Monday. I keep imagining the doctor being like "I don't see anything. You're not pregnant." I know that's silly, but I can't help all of my irrational fears!

I have not been drinking any caffeine. I love coffee, but recently I've had an aversion to the smell of it! Probably good, I don't want to drink caffeine while pregnant anyway.
Sorry to hear that TTC :( don't let it discourage you! On to the next cycle!

No sign of the :witch: for me! Thank goodness. 30 days until we announce/get our hopes up!

I POAS again just for the hell of it, ha, didn't notice anything different. Not particularly dark, did show up quicker than my early ones of course.

I've been SO tired all day! LiLi I think all our talk about napping got me wanting one so I took one from about 3-4pm and woke up of course still feeling tired!

DH and I have been eating right before bed, and been eating pretty unhealthy lately (I had ice cream for dinner last night... :blush:)

Gotta turn it around! Taking prenatal vitamins but I know I need to really care for myself. I don't want to put on an insane amount of weight and be one of those preggos that's eating an unhealthy amount of food under the premise of "I'm eating for two!!" haha
I wanna be a cute preggo :) With a cute little bump that's not actually just all the fat I've accumulated. :)

Aaaannyway, just wanted to post and see how everyone's doing!
How are all the TWWers doing?! I guess most of you are waiting to ovulate about now.

Alright I"m gonna try to squeeze some productiveness into the last couple hours of the day before I go to bed (again).
Hugs TTC. Do stick around and chat this cycle! FX that this is your month!

Hooray for no witch, Alicia!! :happydance:

I tried so hard not to nap today, but ended up falling asleep for 30 or so mins. Going to bed now and hoping I get a good night's rest. 3 days until our doc appointment! I've been achy today in my pelvic area... Not crampy just a dull off and on ache. Kind of odd... Hope it's normal. My bbs are still so sore and barely fit in my bra anymore. I will take all the unpleasant symptoms in the world if it means a healthy baby.

Re: eating healthy - I've been trying to eat a fruit, a veggie, a lean protein, a whole grain, and a dairy each day. Unfortunately, my dairy has been ice cream for about 3 days now. Lol! I've already got a bloat bump so I need to cut it out. Starting weight is 117 lbs. Going to try not to get above 120 for the first trimester. I would almost welcome morning sickness if it will keep me from eating everything in the house!

I might try a digi again tomorrow since it's been a week since the one that said 1-2 weeks. Praying for a 2-3 tomorrow!!
I hope I am doing this right! I read through this thread, and I love all the positivity! Anyways, I just started temping on the 6th, and I'm still unsure of what my actual O day was. On the 9th and 10th I had a bbt drop of .4, but then bbt went back up the .4 the 11th. Still up today, but no higher. Today I had a slight brownish pinkish discharge that was only for an hour or so. There was also a tiny (size of a pinpoint) speck of blood. My lower back has been hurting today, but only on the left side? Maybe I'm reading too much into it! So, AF isn't due until the 18th, and I'm on a very regular 25 day cycle. I'm hoping that was an implantation dip and that this is my month!! Any thoughts? By the way congrats LiLi2 and AliciaE323!!! So exciting!!
Hugs TTC. Do stick around and chat this cycle! FX that this is your month!

Hooray for no witch, Alicia!! :happydance:

I tried so hard not to nap today, but ended up falling asleep for 30 or so mins. Going to bed now and hoping I get a good night's rest. 3 days until our doc appointment! I've been achy today in my pelvic area... Not crampy just a dull off and on ache. Kind of odd... Hope it's normal. My bbs are still so sore and barely fit in my bra anymore. I will take all the unpleasant symptoms in the world if it means a healthy baby.

Re: eating healthy - I've been trying to eat a fruit, a veggie, a lean protein, a whole grain, and a dairy each day. Unfortunately, my dairy has been ice cream for about 3 days now. Lol! I've already got a bloat bump so I need to cut it out. Starting weight is 117 lbs. Going to try not to get above 120 for the first trimester. I would almost welcome morning sickness if it will keep me from eating everything in the house!

I might try a digi again tomorrow since it's been a week since the one that said 1-2 weeks. Praying for a 2-3 tomorrow!!

Thanks! I def will. I want to hear everyone's updates!
I hope I am doing this right! I read through this thread, and I love all the positivity! Anyways, I just started temping on the 6th, and I'm still unsure of what my actual O day was. On the 9th and 10th I had a bbt drop of .4, but then bbt went back up the .4 the 11th. Still up today, but no higher. Today I had a slight brownish pinkish discharge that was only for an hour or so. There was also a tiny (size of a pinpoint) speck of blood. My lower back has been hurting today, but only on the left side? Maybe I'm reading too much into it! So, AF isn't due until the 18th, and I'm on a very regular 25 day cycle. I'm hoping that was an implantation dip and that this is my month!! Any thoughts? By the way congrats LiLi2 and AliciaE323!!! So exciting!!

Could be IB since you still have 6 days till AF.
Hi Devans, hopefully you're right and it is your month!

TCC, I agree, on to the next cycle!

Alicia and LiLi, I love reading all of your updates, it's so exciting and makes me more impatient to be joining you!

My AF has been really annoying, thought I'd stopped yesterday as nothing from wednesday night to about 11am thursday, but then has some more light bleeding. I'm now worrying that I'm just going to bleed on and off and I'll have some problem there...even though it's only been 5 actual days which is totally normal. I just to odd conclusions to facilitate my need to worry constantly :wacko: Really looking forward to my weekend with my visiting friend, and keep thinking how at least I can have wine and I should enjoy it while it lasts!!
Devans, I don't know much about temping, but that sounds promising! Keep us updated :)

SadakoS, you will have a fab weekend and everything with AF will be fine. I have started/stopped bleeding before during my period. Normal!

Well... I had to pee in the middle of the night and......


:happydance: I know this doesn't really mean much, but at least my HCG is rising? Lol
Devans- I never did the temping myself but from what I understand about it yours sounds promising! FX!!! :)

SadakoS- My cycles are very regular and I'm rarely late by a day or so and I've been tracking them for years. That being said I also start&stop a lot.
I always start with the brownish stuff, day two is heavy, then for some reason sometimes (but not always) I stop all together on day 3, day 4-6 are light spotting. So don't worry about it or think your cycles are messed up! Just mark the day you START and the other days will vary. Its sometimes annoying cuz I"ll think I'm done with AF and then she'll reappear!
Oh, and yes definitely partake in lots of wine (and caffeine if it's your thing too!)!!! I miss them both already!!

LiLi- Heck yeah! That's awesome!!! Your HCG is definitely rising!! It's good to have that reassurance! Makes me want to go out and buy a ClearBlue to get some reassurance in a few days too! Those stupid fancy ones are so $expensive$ tho!
I wouldn't worry about any aching you have in your belly.. I'd say that's normal with all that's going on down there. I'd be more worried if nothing felt different!

Sooo ladies hubby and I DTD last night for the first time since finding out. I read as much as I could on the matter and most studies say it's fine, although there's a lot of stories from people on threads that say they mc'd afterwards... but maybe that was just coincidental.
Anywho, when we first, um, started, I suddenly got a sharp pain in my left lower abdomen. It quickly went away and the rest of the time was fine but it scared me! Hope all is well in there. Wonder if I had a cyst or something I didn't know about that burst?? Weird. Anyway, hubby and I slept much better last night and I actually feel rested this morning!

I'm now going to research decaf coffee and teas that are safe in pregnancy, I'm telling yall I'm struggling with this! I've started my mornings for the last 15 years or so sipping on something hot! Whether its tea or coffee doesn't matter, I just gotta find something! It's not even the caffeine I want it's breaking the habit of sipping on something warm in the morning that I miss most!

FX that the evil witch doesn't show up for me today! Especially after that weird sharp pain I got when we started DTD :\

I just love this thread :) Love you ladies! Happy Friday!
Alicia, I wouldn't worry about the pain. Had it stuck around I might, but since it went away it was likely nothing to worry about. I've had random sharp pains not related to sex, but they worry me every time. Lol

I plan on researching safe coffee/tea alternatives as well. I miss my morning coffee!

I bought a 3-pack of CB digitals last week so I still have 1 left. I plan on taking it a week from today for fun :winkwink:

I'm late to work today. I was so tired, I couldn't get up this morning. But I finally got a couple hours of sleep. Yay!

I love this thread, too. You guys are all so great :)
Just for fun: the test on the right is my + OPK from CD 14 this cycle and the left is an OPK from just now. So thats what a true +OPK looks like! :haha: Goes to show that you can indeed ovulate without a blaring positive.

omg I think the mood swings are starting to set in

I just went from a peaceful calm to throwing my keys across the room after getting pissed off carrying groceries upstairs, then proceeding to break down in tears over how angry I was.

I think its a combination of severe withdrawal from hot beverages, the insanely ridiculous traffic in the stupid city I live in and that I have to face any time I go ANYWHERE, and if I have to struggle carrying groceries up stairs, elevators, through multiple doors just to get HOME one more time i'm gonna screamm!!!!!! I feel fat and bloaty, I blame it on the lack of caffeine that usually acts as an appetite suppressant for me and keeps my belly feeling warm and full.
And theres NO SAFE TEAS TO DRINK. Even the pregnancy ones they say not to drink until the second trimester.

Everything is annoying to me right now.

promise to be happier when I return.
Thanks for letting me vent :(

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