Still umming and ahhing over a new veil lol! Been looking at veils all day now and am sick to death of them

So, search over for tonight, because I've gone veil-blind.. they're all starting to look the same now!
Been working out a new timings schedule for the wedding day, seeing as it's later than orginally planned
2.30pm - My friend comes over to pick me and my girls up... 20 minutes taking piccies and generally faffing around
2.50pm - Leave for the hotel

3pm - Ceremony and I become Mrs C
3.15pm - Photos - We're not having a professional photographer but 2 of our friends have professional cameras so they'll be taking plenty of pics, posed and unposed

3.45pm - Drinks reception
4.30pm - 3 course meal
6.45pm - The room gets readjusted ready for the reception
7pm - Reception starts!