Still to Do/Get
Flower Girl's shoes and frillly socks
Busy Bags
Gifts for the wedding party (Photo Frames for parents, best man gift etc)
My wedding makeup
Wedding Undies/lingerie
Still to Pay
£1020 for the venue (This is covered by savings up until the day)
£390 for the Registrar (This is also covered by money we have in the bank already)
£250 for bits and bobs left to get (This is covered by the sale of various stuff)
Still To Do
Lose some more weight - Another half a stone or so should do it
Choose additional vows and personalised touches (reading chosen)
Groom's Speech
Table Plan - Have a rough one so far but need to get an "official" one sorted
Place cards written (Have typed them out, just need to get the paper and print them)
In Progress 

(These are both out of my control as my future MIL and SIL are sorting these out!)
Wedding Schedule (not an official one, but one for my wedding party so we know what we're doing!)
Groom's Speech