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Need a buddy!

Hey ladies! Day before yesterday I took an OPK and it was kind of dark, so I took another later that same day and the line was super light (?). So yesterday I had been feeling quite crampy all day and on my drive home from work I got this pinch feeling in my right side, so when I got home I took another OPK and the line was as dark as the dark line I had gotten the day before. I took another one about 6 hours later before bed and it was positive!! :happydance: So DH and I BD last night and I didn't get up for the whole night so all the 'stuff' stayed in me until 5:30 this AM. I hope I get my July baby this cycle!! If I don't get a BFP this cycle I don't even know what I'm going to do. We BD this cycle spot on to when I O'd so there should be no reason why I don't get a BFP! I've read that you can O up to 36 hours after you get your last + OPK so that worries me, because I have to work third shift tonight so I know we won't get any BD'ing in until Friday night again. BUT I also read that it's best to BD one or two days before you get you actually O? Sheesh...I think I need to lay off the google!!!
Grr trying to upload a pic from my phone of my OPKs to make sure you a think they are + too but I can't. Amanda - can you upload it for me?
So bd'd tonight. Oh hurt hisback a few days ago and after we were done he said im sorry we arent goun to be able to do it for a while it hurts too much.:( i feel bad for him i really do but dang it dang it. Sso im hoping that tonight will be the one but not sure we havent bd'd in 5 days. Crossing fingers

Everything happens for a reason and happens when it is suppose to just keep that in mind dont let it get you down... Just know in the end when it does happen you will have so much look back at and what it took for you to get that little bundle :) Fx this month is your time...

they need to have a like button on here like facebook! because you are absolutely right!!!!!!!! I guess I'm just anxious and nervous bc I got my first opk dr tells me I have unexplained infertility and I dont produce enough CM so when I got the positive OPK I got excited and hopeful. you know what I mean
Chelsea's OPK's! Let's see if this link will work.

https://m1293.photobucket.com/album...le Uploads/IMG957685_zpsdca621b1.jpg.html?o=0
I am so excited, I really think this is my month!! But I know if I get another BFN it's going to just be that more disappointing :( hoping for the best though.

GL to everyone this cycle! :dust:
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.

Well my period started on the 6th and was supposed to last 5 days but it ended after only 2 days then I started taking bbt and now I'm really confused because it dropped yesterday and then went back up today so I have no idea what that means
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.

Well my period started on the 6th and was supposed to last 5 days but it ended after only 2 days then I started taking bbt and now I'm really confused because it dropped yesterday and then went back up today so I have no idea what that means

yeah I really dont know bc I dont temp sorry I couldn't help ya
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.

Well my period started on the 6th and was supposed to last 5 days but it ended after only 2 days then I started taking bbt and now I'm really confused because it dropped yesterday and then went back up today so I have no idea what that means

yeah I really dont know bc I dont temp sorry I couldn't help ya

During your cycle it with go up and down mine is declining and willvrise right before ovulation to rise agian.... once u temp for a couple of cycles u will see it..
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.

Yeah it is getting very quiet i hope this isnt one of those threads that goes dead :'(
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.

Well my period started on the 6th and was supposed to last 5 days but it ended after only 2 days then I started taking bbt and now I'm really confused because it dropped yesterday and then went back up today so I have no idea what that means

Did it drop below the cover line? Really anything can affect your temp, were you using a different blanket, was your ac set lower than normal? Could be anything. Your cycle does have me confused though lol
I know I haven't been on much, I just started my new job so I've been busy this week!
I'm on CD16 and still have no freaking clue if I've ovulated bc my temps have been really...stupid. but time will tell! Until then I'm just going to attempt to BD every day!
Hey girls sorry have been busy my brother is getting married this weekend will check again soon! Congrats to everyone oing!!!! I'm still on period ugh! Started temping so hopefully I can figure that out! Lol have a good weekend y'all!
good morning girls!!!! its really quiet now in here. Just want to see how everyones doing and what are the plans for the weekend.

Hey! Busy weekend over here. Tonight we had our last home game for the varsity football team and my oldest plays flag football so they got to play during halftime. It was so cute! Af the end all the littke ones ran through the vrsity players and varsity gave them all high foves and everything. Tomorrow he has an away game, then Sunday is my nephews birthday party. Then back to work all week!

So with my OPKs: today is CD16 for me. I got my first aaaaalmost or possibly +OPK on CD14 and we BD that night. I layed in bed all night with the "stuff" in me. Then all day on CD15 i had blaring +OPKs. CD16 (Today) my opk was negative this morning but the line was still pretty dark. I just took anogher Opk and its super negative. So what do yall tjink my chances are? I figure i timed things perfect, right?? I must have O'd yesterday bc my opks are negative nnow? I read that the absolute best tims to convieve is bd'ing 1 day prior to ovulation. Sorry i'm rambling but im just super excited abot this cycle, i want a summer baby!! (Well i just want a BFP regardless of the time of year, lol!)
Good morning, everyone! :coffee:

So here are my OPKs as of this morning (i'm assuming i'm 2DPO today? The TWW aka LIMBO begins!)


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