Need a Clomid buddy!

Drjo- there is definite hope. When I got pregnant with my first I hadn't had a period in 8 months. If clomid doesn't work, they will find something that will. I don't know if you have heard of inositol but if I were you I would look up PCOS and inositol- the results are very promising. I have been taking that for a month now.
BAB- I didn't get a choice to talk to a nurse just the receptionist. She did say that my doctor is in the office today so hopefully I will get a call back from one of her nurses at least.
drjo- My bloods at cd 21 (when they told me to come in) but I was only 3 dpo and progesterone was 15.78... I found this out on Wednesday when i went to get my hcg and progesterone draw after getting the faint bfp

I think that's a good progesterone level for 3dpo. At 6 weeks pregnant our ob's like it to be above 20, so chances are you're good!
Results are in!
I am pg! They said that progesterone looked good and hcg was still low but it was because I'm, in their words, "a minute pregnant" lol
They are going to have me come in either Monday or Tuesday to check for progression!
I am really excited for you guys having a BFP! That's awesome. It gives me some hope! I'm CD9 today, so I'll start using opk's and BD every other day.

Last night I had some weird visual problems and I heard this is like a really bad side effect of Clomid. It didn't last long and my eyes seem to have returned to normal.... But I got up to go pee at midnight or so and its like everything I looked at was ripples in a pond.... Everything was wavy. And it looked like my light in the bathroom was flashing like a strobe light. Any of you experienced anything like this ?
1nce- the visual is only a bad side effect if it last for extended periods of times or if they happen frequently. I got them from this round of clomid but they weren't too bad since they went away fast.

This round I had dtd every day from 3 days up to O and 5 days after O! So every other day for now i fine, but when it gets closer do it every day! :3
BAB- CONGRATS! I'm so excited for you.
My doctor called me personally, I go in for blood work today and Monday and she will call me on Monday afternoon with the results. I didn't think of it but she didn't ask how many DPO I was or anything like that. I'm just glad they got back to me!

1nce-I've read about those side effects but I never witnessed them personally. I'm glad it went away fairly fast because it would be awful if it stuck around!
Here is my cd9 OPK. It's already darker and thicker than any of my tests from last cycle. I also have A LOT more Cm so far and it's only cd 9 so hopefully this is a good sign!


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1nce-Looks like a good sign that is about what my OPK looked like the first day I took one. I'm hoping this is the cycle for you!!
1nce we're almost cycle buddies! I'm CD 7/8 today. I'm taking femara now instead of clomid...I hope you ladies don't mind me sticking around anyway...I like this group. :)
klabro- Yaaaay!!! Sucks that you have to wait until after Monday to find out though. As you can tell i would be going insane!!! lmao
But I am glad that you doctor is being very proactive!

1nce- looking good so far! All my cycles I would start with slightly dark lines that would get lighter right before O! So if that happens do NOT dispair!
I can't wait to see your bfp cycle!!

drjo- the same goes for you!!! I have a good feeling for everyone :)
This is our year! And OUR MONTH!!
BAB-trust me I am going to be going crazy until I get that call. She just is checking levels today and then going to make sure they are going up :) she said she would call me
Monday afternoon so if we start getting past 4 on Monday I will start calling!
Thanks guys! Of course we don't mind!! I more than like hearing your updates!! And I hope all you ladies that got your BFP, continue to update as well!
Well I took a clear blue digital today with the week count so that makes me feel better until I wait to get my results on Monday. It says Pregnant 1-2 weeks past ovulation.
Yay klabro!

I got really fertile cm today! That's exciting because I did not get anything that was stringy last month, this was realllly stringy!
Yay klabro!

I got really fertile cm today! That's exciting because I did not get anything that was stringy last month, this was realllly stringy!

Listen to your body, go with the cm! When I conceived we were traveling, and I had taken an ovulation kit with me, but missed the instruction that said I was suppose to start testing for ovulation on the 3rd day of my period, or some such nonsense. So basically, we were in a foreign country, only spoke a little bit of the language, and I had no way of telling if I was ovulating.
I compulsively checked my cm and when it was at its eggiest whitiest we did the dance. BAM! 17 dpo got my super faint positive line. It was my 3rd round of clomid, 2nd on 100 mg.
Your body tells all. ;)
klabro- YAY for the digi+!!!! :D

1nce- it sounds like you are VERY VERY close to ovulating!!! I am sooo excited for you!!
pansorie- I agree with this mostly, though I RARELY produce fertile cm :'( but I did just enough this last round to conceive :3
We will see. I am trying not to symptom spot ovulation too much because every twinge and cramp or whatever last cycle I was sure was a sign. Ugh. Hope my body does what it's suppose to this time!
100 mg WILL make you ovulate :)
If 50 mg made your body respond to the provera then 100 mg is sure to make you ovulate! I am sending positive vibes and prayers your way!
1nce-That is great news!! I'm sending tons of positive vibes your way for this cycle. I feel like this has to be a good month for you. It sounds like your body is reacting well to the clomid. Keep us updated!

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