Need a Clomid buddy!

1nce- I know some light bleeding or spotting was expected for 48 hours. It's been longer than that now, but its also stretchy. It's like fertile mucus but bloody (sorry). And my cervix is now soft and open, much different from yesterday.
DRJO-sorry to hear about the bleeding, hope you start getting some more answers soon. Bummer that they are making you wait until Monday.

Dojenstein-I think it is completely normal to feel like that. It is a big step and (at least for me) it is scary not to know what is going to come of it. Just try to relax as much as you can. Fingers crossed that this is your cycle!

1nce-Sorry about the negatives. I am ready for you to get your good news! I never used CB digitals only the cheapies and usually had pretty good results with them. I'm glad to hear that your dog is doing better though!

BAB-how are you doing? I've been thinking of you. HUGS. I hope that you are getting some rest.

AFM: I'm doing good. I still don't have any symptoms so I'm just kind of on cruise control until January 30th when I have a scan. They didn't do further blood work or anything so I won't be getting any sort of news until that day.
Hi all. I was given the day off without having to ask. Sweet! There was literally NOTHING to do at the office today so I got lucky.
I am wiped out. Still bleeding pretty heavy which sucks but at least i know everything is getting out.
I left a message with my doctor today saying that I need them to call me back and let them know why.
They haven't called back yet. Probably won't.
I'm strongly considering looking for a new one.

1nce- glad to hear your dog is doing good! I'm sorry that you haven't O'd yet :(
Ask your doctor if you can get some progesterone supplements to help you out?
I am going be to demanding my doctor prescribe me some.

drjo- it sounds like you may be ovulating! Get busy and good luck!

dojen- The symptoms really aren't too terrible as far as clomid goes. Idk about iui but I think things will work out pretty well for you!

klabro- Can you request or demand further blood work??
I am sure everything is fine though I would be wanting them to monitor it at least until the scan lol
I am okay. Just exhausted. I want this to hurry and be over with so that I can move on and start working out. haha
BAB-I wish I could! They told me going in the only reason they would do additional blood work was if my first results were on the low side. With my first I didn't even have blood work to confirm!! It was just a big waiting game until the 7 week scan with no symptoms. My tests have progressed to be as dark as the control line so I guess for now I just have to rely on that.

I'm glad you got a day off to get some rest. I bet you are exhausted, it has been a long week. Fingers crossed that you are feeling 100% soon. I was working out before this round of clomid and it felt so awesome! I have been crap at it since the holidays but I hope to get back into it soon.
Question for all of you!

Do you know your blood type and do any of you have rh negative blood?
example: O negative vs O positive, or A negative vs A positive.

I hadn't known that having a rh negative blood type could be a bad thing!! :(
My doctor called me back earlier today to check and she hadn't done a blood type at all before pregnancy, which she really should have because is I am rh negative then I would need to get a shot within 72 hours of a miscarriage to prevent my body from building antibodies against rh positive blood which would lead to pretty bad complications if I get pregnant again.
I went straight in and had my blood checked because I know that i am type O but I couldn't remember if it was positive or negative! But I have always thought it was negative when asked.
She told me she would call me back tonight with results and whether or not I should go to the hospital by the clinic tomorrow for a shot.

I am pretty on edge because it is almost 8 pm and I still haven't heard back from her :(
Oh and what puts me even more on edge is that prior to all of this today i was thinking about how this reminded me of a cycle in I think September of last year. I had sore boobs, nausea, anxiety etc.. but all the dollar tree tests I took were negative. That ended up being a 36 day cycle with a mighty heavy period.
Soooo needless to say I am worried that I may have already had an unknown miscarriage before since this entire time I was pregnant all my dollar tree tests showed negative. I had one that showed a shadow of a line but it was extremely hard to tell.
BAB-I am o positive. Hoping you have heard from your doc by now. Keep us updated. Interesting info. I did know about the problem with the negative blood type because I have a friend who had to have special shots for that reason either while pregnant or right after delivery I can't remember which. My doctor also tested my blood type right away the first time I was pregnant.
I have A negative blood and have to have the anti-d injections when pregnant. Whilst pregnant with my DS2 I had a heavy bleed at 28 weeks. I had to go in the same day for the injection.
As long as they know your blood group, you will always get the injections you need to stop your body building the antibodies. It has never caused me a problem.
I hope you get the call soon honey to tell you whether you need to go in. Xx
Bab-- I am O negative. That is definitely something to consider and I had never thought of that. Hopefully they can get you in and take care of you ASAP!! I really hope you feel better doll cause you deserve so much better than this! You need to really pamper yourself this weekend !

Klabro-- that's so frustrating they won't do anymore blood work! Obviously as people having somewhat difficulty conceiving we are going to be concerned and want to know for a fact where our levels are at! Grrr. I hope you are feeling well, only a couple more weeks until that 7 week scan! Everything's going to be great.

As for me-- my OPKs are still negative. Today is cd 17 so technically I should have ovulated by now.... I guess it's not meant to be. I'll still test probably until cd 21. I'll call my doctor on Tuesday, as they are closed on Monday.

The darkest my OPKs got were at the very beginning of testing (cd 9-11) ... I'll post a pic to show later. I mean, I did not take testing those days very seriously and didn't use cb digitals either on those days cause I thought I couldn't ovulwte that early... It's possible I could have missed my surge or something ?
Bab- if you're rh negative you'll get rhogam. As pp said, when pregnant you would get it around 28 weeks and then maybe after delivery depending on baby's bloodtype. You would also get it if you had a major bleeding episode or if you fell and hit your belly, had a car accident, etc.

1nce- have you ever seen a positive opk? They don't work for some people, so I guess you can't be sure you haven't ovulated, but based on your tests i would say no. Did you have any ewcm?
hey look! I hope it gets a little darker. This is a new brand for me and I don't know whether to count it as positive or not. In the past, mine only barely get as dark as the control, and only half the line gets dark.
2015-01-17 15.35.17.jpg
I've never had a positive cheapie... I had a positive digital on cd 20 last cycle, but i don't know whether to believe that one or not. I had lots of cm cd 9-14, I marked I would say a couple of days around there i had the most cm I've ever had.

Yours looks so good! Fx your ovulating! That would be awesome!

My aunt passed away this morning after a very short battle with an illness. But my pup is doing so well! I am trying to keep him quiet lol but he's been so happy he wants to run around (normally he's quite a lazy dog).... So you win some Ya lose some ...
drjo- looks like you will be ovulating within a day!

1nce- you could have missed your surge if you were only testing twice per day. Sometimes it can only last a few hours and others can last a few days.
I am so sorry to hear about your aunt! I hope that you and your family can all heal from this soon.
teeny- Thankfully I have O positive blood type so I didn't have to go in! I ended up having to call the on-call nurses and doctors to find this out and I still haven't heard from my doctor. Definitely getting a new one.

klabro- we have the same blood type lol
glad that you all knew about this. I didn't and freaked out pretty bad especially since my doctor doesn't seem to care about keeping her word and calling me back.

afm- Well today just sucked. Having to stress for half the day about whether or not I needed the shot, had some work drama arise because of a confused client who decided to call me on my cell phone (wish i never had called her on it) and then my friend who I had told about the pregnancy texted and I finally had to tell her. She was pretty excited about the pregnancy and it took her over an hour to respond to my text. And now it sounds like she is doubting I was ever pregnant in the first place. So that sucks.
Can I reset this year?
Hello girls struggling to find a space in any chat threads just now. I'm trying to have number 2 number 1 dd is 11 months and was conceived on clomid (100mg).

Waiting for AF so I can start clomid again but she's messing about again. Currently on cd33 :(
My opk is lighter today so I called the clinic and they had me come in for an ultrasound. My right ovary has a 14mm follicle, and my left ovary (which wasn't doing anything on Wednesday) has a 13.5mm and a 12mm follicle! She said they are considered mature at 16mm but they prefer them to be 18mm, and they should grow 1-2mm a day. So if I don't see a surge by Wednesday, I should call back for another ultrasound.
BAB-- That's terrible that you are having such a crappy start to the New Year. I feel the same way...but there's always hope right? It seems that people who aren't TTC the way we are, do not understand the struggles that we go through, and perhaps she does not realize how sensitive a time this is for you. You need lots of love and rest. *hugs*

DRJO-- It sounds like you should be ovulating in a few days! I think its kind of great that you can just check up on your follies like that. Does not leave any doubts on what is happening in there!

Starr- Hi! Welcome to the thread. I know what it is like to wait around for AF (she never comes unless I am medicated somehow)....does your doctor give you Provera or anything to jump start the process? Or does she show on her own? Good luck! FX she shows soon so you can start the Clomid process.

AFM, today I've been dealing with an eczema flare up...I was expecting it since this past week was very stressful...and when stress shows, so does my eczema. I don't believe I've ovulated this cycle...and if I have missed my surge...I don't really have any symptoms or anything. I'm going to call my doctors on Tuesday (they are closed on Monday for the holiday)...and see what's doing.

if I can't get into see the RE (if shes going to refer me out to one) for a while I may try vitex. We will see.
Thanks 1nce. I have norethisterone which is like proverb but I'd rather start this cycle naturally as last time it made my period really awful!

Sorry about your except flare up that sucks. I'm just getting over a psoriasis one so feel your pain.

Jfyi I ovulated much later on clomid each cycle I did. With dd I ovd on cd 20 based one when we bd as I had two possible points according to FF. Possible o is just a little late?

Drjo - fx for some nice ripe follies!
Hi ladies. Been stalking this thread and thought I would jump in and say hi finally.

I just got AF today so I will start my first round of Clomid (100mg) on Tuesday. I'm not really that set on what the process is because I have a short cycle (only 23 days). So I'll call the doc's office and find out when I have to come in. I'm also doing trigger shot and IUI. So much stuff to plan and remember.

I'm really hoping I tolerate the Clomid ok. I'm not looking forward to some of the side affects. I heard it gets worse around O time. I really don't want to be an emotional mess. This process is hard enough already.

Anyway, GL to everyone!
BAB-I am so sorry you are having to go through this. You definitely should not have to be getting questioned from a friend in an already hard time. Hugs to you. I'm hoping things turn around for you soon.

DRJO-That is good news! Sounds like you should be ovulating soon! That is great that they check you like that. All of the doctors I have had have just been all too happy to not monitor and never give me any REAL answers. Very frustrating.

1nce-Very sorry to hear about your aunt. I'm glad your pup is doing well. Hopefully if you can get a doctors appt. you will get some answers and know what the next step is if you are indeed not ovulating on the clomid. I'm hoping for some answers and good news for you.

Star-Welcome to the forum! Hoping AF shows soon so you can get started :)

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