Need a Clomid buddy!

starr- it's totally possible. I only got one positive OPK last cycle, which was on cd20. but since i had my labs done at the doctors cd21 if i did wouldn't have showed on the results.
So far I'm quite pleased with this fertility clinic. They are thorough and give the answers I want. I'm a little type a about ttc so I'm glad to know what's going on in there.
Dojenstein-Welcome and good luck to you this cycle. You will probably fare just fine with the clomid symptoms. I found they weren't too terrible. I was definitely emotional/moody but it wasn't that bad. I know it affects us all differently so fingers crossed that it isn't bad for you.
drjo-- it sounds like they are doing a good job...very attentive!

I think I am convinced that I'm going to try vitex at the end of this cycle. I already have it...why not? I might take provera again just to make sure I get AF.. cause I know she wont show naturally... I'm only CD 19...but I am pretty much convinced I am out for this cycle.

So disappointing.
Well, my prolactin went up from 34 to 61. It should be below 25. So I have to start medication for that and have it rechecked in 2 weeks. Have to keep taking it til I'm pregnant. Just one more pill to add...I already take a lot of supplements on advice from my midwives, including a prenatal, extra folic acid, calcium, magnesium (for restless leg syndrome), and vitamin d (I'm very deficient). Plus I take vitamin c, inositol (supposed to help with pcos and insulin resistance) and choline to help with inositol absorption. Whew!
1nce-I am sorry. Hugs your way. I know it isn't over yet, but the wait is just awful either way and I'm sorry you're going through it.

Drjo- How long have you been on the inositol? I have been taking it for going on 2 months now. There isn't a ton of research on taking it during pregnancy but after doing the research that I could I chose to cut back the dose but continue taking it. I took metformin with my first pregnancy through week 12 and never got back on it again after that. When I went to the Dr. here about TTC she didn't want to prescribe the metformin so I started inositol on my own after I heard about some of the wonderful effects it has. I don't necessarily have insulin resistance (normal BMI etc.) But I have noticed that the inositol majorly decreased my sugar cravings and upped my energy levels.
Klabro- I just started the inositol last Wednesday. I decided on my own to start it after reading a lot of research studies. A main issue with pcos is insulin resistance (even with a normal bmi) and inositol helps normalize cycles in pcos women. I've read that it's generally accepted as safe during pregnancy and may help protect against gestational diabetes, which can be more of a problem for pcos-ers.
Drjo-- that stinks that your number went up, but hopefully they can take care of it with some medicine!

How's everyone else doing?

Afm, I feel terrible today. I'm exhausted, I have a migraine, and dizzy. I feel like this stuff is Clomid related but Im not sure.
Hi all can I join? I've had 5 mc and am now starting clomid tonight for cd5-9. I take a lot of meds and baby aspirin and steroids. I go in on Tuesday for my scan to check follicle growth. I'm kind of nervous but hoping it works
florida-- of course you can join! Good luck on your journey, and I am so sorry to hear about your losses. FX Clomid brings you a sticky bean <3
Thank you. By a lot of meds I mean supplements lol. I take prenatal, baby aspirin, vit d, frolic acid, b 12, omega 3, prednisone and now clomid as well. I've not felt any symptoms on the steroids yet. Took my first clomid 30 minutes ago so hopefully everything goes good! I get my scan Tuesday to check for follicle growth but I think I ovulate day 14 or so asy cycle isn't exactly 28 days. Hopefully this doesn't mess anything up they gave us the okay to BD up until the date of the scan and possibly after so hopefully will catch the little egg either way.
2015-01-20 23.34.04.jpg pretty sure this is my positive opk! Although I was kinda looking forward to having another ultrasound tomorrow to see follicle size.
Hey ladies, i hope i can join you guys! I've read through this whole thread and it seems like an amazing support group for clomid users. Definitely planning to follow this thread to see how it goes for everyone.

I have been ttc since October 2014. Got pregnant right away and it was a chemical pregnancy. After that i tried right away. 2 months passed and it didn't happen. I can not ttc now as DH is away for work and we get to try only once every 4 months. It's even more stressful now. So for me that's in April.

Since I don't have many chances to try, I'm in no mood to go the natural route. I would have never thought of doing clomid in month 4 of ttc but I need to up my chances for that one month. I will talk to my doctor about 50mg clomid soon with ovidrel shot. My ovulation is typically on CD20-21 which bothers me. Is anyone here regular and taking clomid? I have a feeling my doctor will give me clomid but not the ovidrel trigger shot. Anyone know of any long term side effects of using the two?

I have a question for those who were monitored and got scans to detect follicles. What kind of ultrasound scan do you get? Is it the typical vaginal scan or something else that my Ob Gyn wouldn't have? I want to be monitored but with my OB GYN and not with a Specialist as they probably won't even see me at 4 months ttc.

I'm in more of a rush to get Preg now since I cannot forget those 2 amazing weeks of being pregnant. I was so sick and tired but it was so worth it. And second is that I don't understand how it didn't happen since we are more fertile after a chemical pregnancy.

Soooo sorry for the long essay. But really need your advise. Definitely following this thread to see the experiences and success stories.
I am very regular. I typically ovulate day 12-16? Not sure but getting pregnant isn't my issue, staying pregnant is. You may want to try natural again. One MC does not necessarily mean you have a problem with having a baby they could've just been a miscarriage they usually don't like to do any of these meds and things unless you had more than three MC's or if you've been trying for longer than a year without any results
drjo- that def looks positive to me, get to BDing!! Maybe they will be able to tell if you've already ovulated by your scan...that will be awesome!

Taima- Welcome to the thread! I got prescribed Clomid for a couple reasons....I never get a natural period (went five years without one before TTC)...Provera would not induce my period (which it seems it will do now that I was taking Clomid)...and I was not ovulating. I had a very long history, so by the time I got TTC...there was really no other why to try. However, if you are already ovulating/getting a period and have not really established with a doctor, they might be less willing to prescribe you that right away. The side effects from Clomid do wear off and I read a lot of women don't get any side effects. For me, I feel like I got a lot of side effects...but all were manageable. I get fatigued, headaches, blurry vision, etc...I didn't really get hot flashes though and that was the most common side effect. I would advise you to talk to your doctor about what is best for your situation.

BAB--how you doing hun?

Klabro- How have you been feeling?

AFM-- My body is starting to feel like I might get my period (maybe Clomid will give me my period without Provera? FX.) I'm really bloated and my boobs are sore. Still about a week till AF is technically due I guess. If i don't get it by day 30 I will begin Provera. I think then the plan is to go a more natural route and do Vitex and maybe some other supplements. Clomid does not seem to be working for me on the ovulation side of things & it makes me feel, not really quite sure what next cycle is going to look like yet...
Taima- clomid is only taken on certain days of your cycle if you're already having one. So even if your doc were to prescribe it to you, it may not line up ovulation with when your DH is around. Follicle size is checked with a vaginal ultrasound, but it is unlikely your regular ob would even do a monitored cycle. They typically just do a 21 day progesterone draw. A fertility clinic would have to be treating you to get the monitoring and especially a trigger shot, which most likely wouldn't happen in your first cycle on meds. Sorry to be a downer, just want you to know what to expect.

1nce- I won't be having an ultrasound at all. The were only going to give me another if I hadn't seen a surge by today. I just wish I knew what was happening in there. My opk yesterday at 2pm was negative. Then last night at 1130pm was positive. Then today at 2pm was negative again. I hope those eggs are releasing!
Also 1nce, maybe ask about femara since clomid isn't working for you?
Drjo-- I never tested that late at night. I would totally miss my surge if that happen to me! I will ask about it but I think my doctor is going to refer me to a specialist.

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